Write an essay on why weak institutions are a problem for development. Relate them to problems of Corruption, shadow economy, Low economic freedom, political rights and Poor governance.

Trade and development course

Write an essay on why weak institutions are a problem for development. Relate them to problems of Corruption, shadow economy, Low economic freedom, political rights and Poor governance.

Write an essay including a four-to-five sentence annotation (single-spaced) explaining what the source is, what it demonstrates, argues, or represents, and why you are considering using it for your essay.

Annotated bibliography

This annotated bibliography is for the following class: Sexuality – Power and Pleasure.

Choose ONE topic in the list (if you want to pick another topic, it has to do with sexuality, power, or pleasure)
a) the social construction of sex and sexuality
b) the social construction of heterosexuality
c) sex, power, and social regulation
d) sex and pleasure
e) sex and sexual identities
f) racialized sexualities
g) mediated sexuality and pornography
h) sex and religion
i) “prostitution” and sex work
j) the politics of sex education
k) male or female gaze – a focus on the media

An approximately two-page annotated bibliography (single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, APA style for citations and references). Name, student number, course code, section
number, Instructor’s name, and assignment title required on a cover page.

This assignment is designed to lead into and prepare you for your final essay.

Your topic choice is up to you, but it must fall within the confines of this course. In short, choose a topic related to sexuality, power, and pleasure and research your choice.

Your bibliography should list five (or more) properly referenced academic sources (APA style) a maximum of two of which can be course readings. At least one source must be a course reading.

At least three must be researched outside the course readings (PURELY ACADEMIC SOURCES).

Additional sources can be academic or not but must still be properly formatted in APA style. You are encouraged to choose sources from different disciplines so as ensure a diversity of perspectives in your research.

Each source must include a four-to-five sentence annotation (single-spaced) explaining what the source is, what it demonstrates, argues, or represents, and why you are considering using it for your essay.

If the source is not an academic source, your annotation needs to make that clear.

If choosing a specific media product as an object of study (i.e. a film, TV show, video game, social media platform, etc.) it must also be referenced in APA style and annotated.

Use of the Conceptual Model from the journal articles is essential for demonstrating mastery of the relevant concepts. Presenter quality will leave the most impactful impression of your work.


The purpose of the proposal is that, once you have selected a project case, you should provide some basic background of the case, explain why you believe it is important, and what was learned from it. When selecting a project case, first be sure that the case you are selecting actually is a project. Do not select operational failures or program failures. For example:
 The Space Shuttle Program is not a project. The Challenger and Columbia disasters could be considered individual projects in the Program.
 Three Mile Island is an operational failure. The recovery from the incident could be considered a project.
 The September 11th terrorist attacks are not projects. The reconstruction of the World Trade Center is a project.
 The Ford Pinto could be considered a project as it is the design and development of one model of car.
 The Tylenol Scare is not a project. The recovery from it was.

If you have any concerns that your project case may not qualify as a project, refer to your notes from Chapter 1 on “What is Project Management?” If it is still not clear, ask for guidance.

Your presentation should be a PowerPoint presentation with an audio track (or something similar), and be of professional quality. Fourth year and graduate students should demonstrate solid presentation and communication skills as part of a professional development effort. Further, presentations should capture the interest of the audience with leading to distraction, and consistency with the proposal is critical. Use of the Conceptual Model from the journal articles is essential for demonstrating mastery of the relevant concepts. Ask yourself, “How would the model reflect the conditions of the outcome of this case?” Finally, presenter quality will leave the most impactful impression of your work. Presenters should avoid slang terms, conversational or rhetorical questions (i.e. “Do you know what I mean?”, “Wouldn’t you agree?”). The rubric below outlines how presentations will be evaluated. If there are any questions, ask for guidance.

Calculate how much total spending as a percentage of GDP has increased since the 1960s. In the 1960s (due largely to spending for the war in Vietnam) defense spending was the single largest component of total outlays. What has been the largest component since then? What types of outlays does the table suggest are responsible for growth in total spending since the 1960s? If the growth rate of output averaged roughly 4 percent a year and the growth rate of the national debt averaged 5 percent, what would happen to the ratio of debt to GDP over time? Why?


Show how the U.S. government’s spending has changed over the last several decades.

a. Calculate how much total spending as a percentage of GDP has increased since the 1960s.

b. In the 1960s (due largely to spending for the war in Vietnam) defense spending was the single largest component of total outlays. What has been the largest component since then?

c. What types of outlays does the table suggest are responsible for growth in total spending since the 1960s?

2. If the growth rate of output averaged roughly 4 percent a year and the growth rate of the national debt averaged 5 percent, what would happen to the ratio of debt to GDP over time? Why?


a. Go to http://treastirydirect.govhzovt/reports/pd/histdebt/histdebt.hun and retrieve data for the U.S. debt from 1950-2015.

b. Go to http://fred.stlotiMettor. and click on “Categories,” under “National Income & Product Accounts” select “GDP/GNP.” Find and download data for annual GDP.

c, Calculate the debt-to-GDP ratio (you will need to convert U.S. debt units into billions of dollars).

d. Calculate the percent change in the debt-to-GDP ratio directly using the formula %ADEBT, = (DEW; DEBT,_,)IDEBT,_

e. Now calculate the percent change in the debt-to-GDP ratio using equation (3).

F. What is the average difference in the %ADEBT calculated through these two methods? Do they seem equivalent?

2. In this problem we compare debt and the debt-to-GDP ratio.

a. Using the data from the previous question, graph debt (in billions of dollars) and GDP over the period 1950-2012.

b. Now create a separate graph showing the debt-to-GDP ratio over this same period.

c. Comment on the differences between these two graphs. Why is it advantageous to look at debt as a ratio rather than in levels?

What advantages does nuclear fusion technology have over nuclear fission? Why specifically is it harder to produce? How has nuclear fusion technology been improving?

Nuclear Fusion

What advantages does nuclear fusion technology have over nuclear fission? Why specifically is it harder to produce? How has nuclear fusion technology been improving?

Write about your experience looking for the two articles. What database did you end up using? What were some of search terms? What were some of the frustrations while looking for the two articles?


For discussion 3, write about your experience looking for the two articles. This discussion may include your process for finding the two articles. For example, what database did you end up using? What were some of search terms? What were some of the frustrations while looking for the two articles? The initial post should be at least 200 words.

What is the degree and the type of hearing loss (if any) for each ear? What is the configuration of the hearing loss (flat, sloping, rising, precipitously sloping, cookie-bite)? Was masking necessary? If no, why not? If yes, explain.

Audiogram Interpretation Assignment

1. Place the thresholds for the right and left ears using the appropriate air and bone conduction symbols on the audiogram. The abbreviation for air conduction—AC, and for bone conduction—BC. ACM and BCM indicate that masked symbols should be used.
2. What is the degree and the type of hearing loss (if any) for each ear?
3. What is the configuration of the hearing loss (flat, sloping, rising, precipitously sloping, cookie-bite)?
4. Was masking necessary? If no, why not? If yes, explain (was it needed for air or bone conduction, what frequencies and ear(s) needed to be masked?).
5. Did any inter-octave frequencies need to be tested?
6. What are the PTAs in each ear?
7. What would the starting dB level for SRT testing be in each ear?
8. Assuming that your SRTs are the same as PTAs, what would the presentation dB level be for SRS testing in each ear?
9. Based on the pure tone findings, what do you expect the tympanometry to show (normal or abnormal) and why?
10. Based on the pure tone findings, what do you expect the Acoustic Reflex Threshold testing to show (present, absent, elevated) and why?

Write an Executive Summary. Complete your required readings, and then analyze a required case study with a directed focus using one component of the NCO common core competencies.

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Write an Executive Summary. Complete your required readings, and then analyze a required case study with a directed focus using one component of the NCO common core competencies. You will then summarize the case study.

In your opinion, does the court’s decision seem warranted? Why or why not? Under the doctrine of informed consent, should a physician be responsible for informing patients of all treatment options, even if some of the treatments are illegal or not yet proven effective? Explain your answer.

A woman in her mid-thirties suffered from a rare malignancy in her brain and around her spinal cord. She had surgery, and most of the tumor mass was removed, but residual tumor remained in the brain and around the spinal cord. The doctors informed her that chemotherapy and radiation were possible treatment options but could cause serious problems such as sepsis, a permanent loss of IQ and stature, and even death. She wished to proceed with the therapy.

After undergoing aggressive chemotherapy and radiation, she did independent research and read of several drugs being administered for cancer in other states that were unapproved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and were illegal in their home state but were touted by physicians using them as “miracle cures.” The woman is considering suing her physician for failure to disclose alternative treatments, thus depriving her of informed consent.

A court awarded summary judgment to the physician.

Respond to the following questions about this case:

In your opinion, does the court’s decision seem warranted? Why or why not?

Under the doctrine of informed consent, should a physician be responsible for informing patients of all treatment options, even if some of the treatments are illegal or not yet proven effective? Explain your answer.

Describe the added value of exploring your research topic using qualitative research methods based on the specific categories/topics below; that is, how can adding a qualitative research approach to your topic enhance your abilty to answer your research question?

What motivates people to help others?

Describe the added value of exploring your research topic using qualitative research methods based on the specific categories/topics below; that is, how can adding a qualitative research approach to your topic enhance your abilty to answer your research question?

 Provide your answers on the Benefits and Challenges of Qualitative Research Worksheet Template and submit it when complete.
 Use information from this week’s Learn section; cite your source per APA standards.
 Include the page number in the citation.
 Include an APA-formatted reference page at the end of this document.
 Include 3 to 5 sentences for each answer.
 Be clear and concise.