Introduce yourself in the first paragraph. Tell your legislator that you are a Registered Nurse and graduate nursing student. Share how long you have lived in their district. Use this introduction to find common ground with your representative. Did you grow up with any similarities? Do you have mutual interests? Can you acknowledge their support of a similar cause in the past? Can you relate this bill to their profession as a teacher, business person, or even as a parent?

Assignment 8.1: Legislative Letter

To effectively lobby for or against an issue of concern, professional nurse-leaders must be informed, professional, and politically aware. This assignment will give you the opportunity to use all of the skills you have learned to write an introductory letter to your legislator

Instructions for this assignment


Review the issue you selected for your stakeholder analysis—as well as the analysis itself—in preparation for writing a letter to your legislator advocating a particular action on that issue.

Here is the issue that I have already picked for you here the bill number:

S.3828 — 117th Congress (2021-2022): Student Loan Forgiveness for Frontline Health Workers Act

above is the link where you can find complete information on that bill, you need to write a letter to Texas Governor in such a way that this bill was introduced in congress but have not been passed yet, and you are in favor of the bill and want it to be discussed in senate.

STEP 2: ASSEMBLE – Form of Address

The Governor

The Honorable (full name)
Governor, State of Texas

Dear Governor (last name)

 General Guidelines

The letter should be approximately one page long, single-spaced. (FOLLOW THE GUIDELINE)


Shown below is a suggested structure for your letter.




Introduce yourself in the first paragraph. Tell your legislator that you are a Registered Nurse and graduate nursing student (but do not indicate that you are writing the letter as a Baylor course assignment). Share how long you have lived in their district. Use this introduction to find common ground with your representative. Did you grow up with any similarities? Do you have mutual interests? Can you acknowledge their support of a similar cause in the past? Can you relate this bill to their profession as a teacher, business person, or even as a parent? Use a sentence or two to show you’ve done your homework and you know their background and their work.

Use the second paragraph to select one or two talking points to make your point regarding nursing practice. Explain the role of the Nurse Leader and/or how this particular issue pertains to your practice. Then identify ways in which this affects your community.

In the final paragraph, conclude with a question such as “Are you willing to commit the state’s financial resources for (state) nurses?” or “Are you willing to advocate for allocation of federal funds to support nurses in (state?” or “Can your constituents count on you to support (bill number)? I look forward to your response to this question and am willing to serve as an expert resource in the future.” The question format will open the door for continued communication. Give an invitation to contact you in the future. Try to reference legislation currently proposed or recently supported or opposed by the legislator.

Sign your name and include your credentials and address!


Discuss the potential causal factors that are revealed in the analysis. How do these causal factors compare to the causal factors found in the CSB’s investigation report? Do you think more analysis is needed?

Events and Casual Factors Chart Project

Read the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) investigation report of the 2007 propane explosion at the Little General Store in Ghent, WV.
The final report can be read/downloaded at the following link:

Additional information on the incident, including a video summary, can be found at the following link:

Complete the assignment as detailed below.

Part  I: From the information in the report, create a chart listing events and causal factors for the incident in Microsoft Word, Open Office, or a similar word processing software. If you choose to use a program other than Microsoft Word, be sure to save and submit the document as a Microsoft Word document (i.e., .doc, .docx). The objective of this project is to provide you with an opportunity to use this important and very practical analytical tool. The chart does not have to be infinitely detailed, but the key sequence of events should be charted as should the key conditions surrounding the events. causal factors.

Use the charting procedures on pages 72–76 of your textbook to help you with this assignment. (attached file)

In addition, refer to the example events and causal factors (ECF) chart in the Unit IV Lesson for an example of this type of chart. (attached file)

Part II: On a separate page, discuss the potential causal factors that are revealed in the analysis. How do these causal factors compare to the causal factors found in the CSB’s investigation report? Do you think more analysis is needed?

This part of the assignment should be a minimum of one page in length.
For Part II of the assignment, you should use academic sources to support your thoughts. Any outside sources used, including the sources mentioned in the assignment, must be cited using APA format and must be included on a references page.

Useful hints: In Microsoft Word, you can use parentheses for events (events), square brackets for conditions [conditions], and brackets for the accident {accident}; you may also use a similar convention, such as color-coded text or the shapes that are available within Microsoft Word. Whatever convention you use, be sure you provide some kind of key

Describe your post-MBA goals, both short and long-term. Be as specific as possible which might include target roles, industries or companies and why you are interested in these areas. Explain why SMU Cox will be a great partner in assisting you to achieve your professional development and career goals.

Post-MBA goals

Describe your post-MBA goals, both short and long-term. Be as specific as possible which might include target roles, industries or companies and why you are interested in these areas. Explain why SMU Cox will be a great partner in assisting you to achieve your professional development and career goals.

State the article or event you selected. Identify the microeconomic concept(s). Describe your findings. Analyze the relevance to real-life applications. Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference.

Special-Interest Groups

One of our main areas of focus in this session is special-interest groups. This is a topic that we could explore for weeks! It’s now time to have a discussion with your colleagues on this subject. Choose a special-interest group from a U.S. industry and examine their role in politics. Discuss how that interest group aligns with public choice theory.

Locate a recent article or event (published within the last year) that highlights your relevant microeconomics topic. Use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to discuss how your topic aligns with microeconomics. Include the following in your discussion:

State the article or event you selected.
Identify the microeconomic concept(s).
Describe your findings.
Analyze the relevance to real-life applications.

Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.

In what ways do economists and policymakers—those who believe that market-based reforms are the key to improving the health care system—criticize the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)?

Principles of econmics

In what ways do economists and policymakers—those who believe that market-based reforms are the key to improving the health care system—criticize the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)?

What type of homicide do you want to focus on? Which foreign country will you use as your comparison country? Identify ways to convert texts to images. Try to convert as much of your data and text into visual imagery by using charts, graphics, diagrams, maps, flow charts, and other elements. Determine the desired look you are trying to achieve for your infographic.

Infographic study

Infographic Assessment Instructions

Students will create an infographic to illustrate the differences between homicide rates in Australia and another country of your choice. The purpose is to visually represent the data to help others to clearly understand the information that you would like to present. Infographics aim to allow the reader to draw conclusions about information in a short period of time.
Audience: Your audience is the general public. Think about your infographic as a way to share information that you are learning with friends and family.

1. Become a Content Expert on your chosen homicide/country. Do complete research on your topic. Consult a librarian if you need help! Attend your tutorials sessions to get support throughout the process. You get to choose the information you collect and the message you want to give to the reader.

Some reminders:
a. Explore the data sources in the class material and on the internet (look at Tutorial #2 for more detail) to identify two things:

i. What type of homicide do you want to focus on?

ii. Which foreign country will you use as your comparison country?

b. Choose the information that you wish to present. You should focus on:
i. Type of homicide (define, describe, etc.)

ii. Appropriate data (rates are preferable to raw numbers)

2. Explore online to see the various different infographic options available.
Become familiar with what infographics are and what they look like.

a. A good basic overview of the history and use of information graphics is available on Wikipedia: You can also check out:
b. Check out examples of what is considered to be good and bad infographics.

c. More advice about how to make an infographic:

3. Think VISUAL
a. Identify ways to convert texts to images. Try to convert as much of your data and text into visual imagery by using charts, graphics, diagrams, maps, flow charts, and other elements.

b. Determine the desired look you are trying to achieve for your infographic. The visual approach you want helps you determine the color scheme, font types, and structure. Keep things simple with only 23 fonts, sizes, and colors.

4. Plan the “Story” your Infographic will tell. Draw a rough sketch of the infographic. The infographic must have a beginning, middle, and end. Consider developing a concept map, flow diagram, or wireframe (shown below) to depict your infographic plan. Your infographic should fit about an A4 sheet of paper. It should only be one page.

What will you do (think alternative treatment)? Support your treatment choice with a research journal.

Discussion 10.1

Your anemic, geriatric patient presents for her routine weekly vitamin B12 shot. Her B12 levels were critically low and she has been receiving weekly B12 shots for the past five weeks. She refuses the shot today because of the common side effects she has experienced. What will you do (think alternative treatment)? Support your treatment choice with a research journal.

Address the additional subjective information you would like to ask the patient. Objective signs you will be looking for. The differential diagnoses that you will be looking at for this patient.

A caucasian female case study

Read the following case study and answer all the questions that follow.

A 62-year-old Caucasian female presents for a return visit for monitoring of arthritic pain in her knees. She has informed the medical assistant taking her vital signs that she wants to make sure that the nurse practitioner also checks out her arms and chest because she has noticed blood-like spots under the skin on her body that she has not had before. She notes having bruising in her past not related to injury that she attributes to taking quinine for leg cramps; when she discontinued the quinine, the bruising went away. She states that her knee pain has gotten better now that she is taking her prescribed naproxen twice a day. Just this morning, she noticed some dried blood on her pillow, and she thinks she may have had a nosebleed. Past medical history includes osteoarthritis and no previous surgeries.

She has two adult children who are away at college, and she is divorced.

Social History: She drinks two to three glasses of wine each night because she does not like being in the house alone, now that she is an empty-nester. She prefers to drink rather than taking sleeping pills. She was a two-pack-a-day smoker for 20 years until the age of 50.

Vitals Signs: Temperature 98.5°F, Pulse 88, Respirations 20, Blood pressure 128/80, BMI 24

Chief Complaint: I noticed small red blood spots on my arms and chest for a few weeks. I noticed blood on my pillow in the morning; I think I had a nosebleed.

Address the following:

Additional subjective information you would like to ask the patient.

Objective signs you will be looking for.

The differential diagnoses that you will be looking at for this patient.

Your plan of care for the patient—include the information that should be provided to the patient.

Can Human beings gain control of the demographic trends concerning population and achieve a sustainable equilibrium? Should we? What is mortality rate? What is fertility rate? How do demographers calculate human population? What is demographic shift? What trends influence populations imbalances? What problems exist if the fertility rate is low and mortality rate is low? What problems exist if the fertily rate is high and infant mortality rate is low? How do demographic trends effect economies? What policies can low fertility rate countries adopt to address their population imbalance?

Can Human beings gain control of the demographic trends concerning population and achieve a sustainable equilibrium? Should we?

The topic of the paper is the question in large bold. The paper topic is designed to pull together the reading and videos in the module under a question which would apply that material.
The numbered questions are questions which need to be answered to adequately address the paper topic. For the most part these questions have their origin in the questions contained in the notes assignments. Some of the questions concern terms which are in the paper topic. Obviously to address the paper topic you need to define and explain the concepts in the question. Or to put it another way, in order to answer a question you first have to be clear what the question is asking you. All these definitional terms are in the notes assignments. These notes assignments tell you what reading/video the definition is in; and so, as you are working on the notes assignments you are building the material for your paper.This means that you should have already found the information when you were working on your notes.

Format : essay form
Citations : whatever system you have learned, MLA,etc.
You should have a clearly stated thesis concerning the paper topic, and then use the numbered questions to guide your analysis that supports that thesis.
Use the sources provided.
Length: If you adequately explain the material you should end up with 3-5 pages.

Below is the third paper topic.
Can Human beings gain control of the demographic trends concerning population and achieve a sustainable equilibrium? Should we?
What is mortality rate?
What is fertility rate?
How do demographers calculate human population?
What is demographic shift?
What trends influence populations imbalances?
What problems exist if the fertility rate is low and mortality rate is low?
What problems exist if the fertily rate is high and infant mortality rate is low?
How do demographic trends effect economies?
What policies can low fertility rate countries adopt to address their population imbalance?

Talk about how we contributed to the literature review and discuss our findings to relate it back to theories, talk about limitations, and talk about directions for future literature.

Police perceptions and law enforcement

Talk about how we contributed to the literature review and discuss our findings to relate it back to theories, talk about limitations, and talk about directions for future literature. Can you add on to what you all ready started.