List the approach, techniques, and methods you will use to drive your instruction and engage your students to reach the learning objectives. Provide a rationale supporting your selected teaching strategies, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. How you plan to adapt your teaching to meet individual learning needs of various students. Explain how individuals with different learning styles will be supported by your teaching strategies and activities.

Teaching Plan

Your teaching plan should serve as a road map of what you think students need to learn as well as how you will effectively deliver your instruction and evaluate what the students learned during the class period.

The subject or topic that you plan to teach: Your topic should be selected from one of the class periods listed in your syllabus that you developed for an undergraduate nursing course.

Level of instruction: The placement of the course in the nursing program curriculum (i.e., freshman, junior, sophomore, senior; beginning, mid-program, or end-of-program level)
Method/mode of delivering your teaching presentation: Form of audio-visual delivery, PowerPoint presentation, or similar method

Learning objectives: Include 4–5 outcome statements that define what you expect the students to learn or accomplish by the end of the class period. Your learning objectives should be clear and measurable, and appropriate to the information you are teaching, and the level of instruction.

Content outline: Develop an outline of the central points and/or skills you plan to cover. Your content should be logically structured.

Teaching strategies and learning activities: List the approach, techniques, and methods you will use to drive your instruction and engage your students to reach the learning objectives (e.g., lecture, active learning, discussions). Provide a rationale supporting your selected teaching strategies, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Plans for individual learning differences: How you plan to adapt your teaching to meet individual learning needs of various students. Explain how individuals with different learning styles will be supported by your teaching strategies and activities.

Evaluation process: List the methods you plan to use to assess student learning and evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching strategies (how you will determine if students met the outcome objectives).

Provides a summary of the report. In less than two pages, it summarizes the Project, including the issue or problem examined the method of inquiry and your conclusions and recommendations. Provides the organization of the report. Lists the major section and sub-section headings of your report and the pages on which these subjects can be found. Describes what you did and how you did it. The methods section describes all the steps and processes by which you determined the resolution to the issue or problem.

Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) impact on health and life expectancy

This is a CAPSTONE PAPER for a Masters in Public Administration. This research is to determine the impact of LIHTC housing on health outcomes of its residents and whether its led to increase life expectancy. Its important not to change the paper title or the direction of this paper! Please read below directions carefully.

Research will focus on the impact that LIHTC housing has on health outcomes of its residents. By gathering qualitative, quantitative research along with any additional studies I hope to determine the following:
1. If the documented researched areas in the U.S. with social patterns that predict chronic health disease have improved when LIHTC housing was developed.
2. If residents in LIHTC have improved life expectancy

The Final paper must be in American Psychological Association (APA) format, using the following standard guidelines:

1. Title Page: Provides the title, author’s name, date of submission, and fulfillment statement.

2. Abstract/Executive Summary: Provides a summary of the report. In less than two pages, it summarizes the Project, including the issue or problem examined the method of inquiry and your conclusions and recommendations.

3. Table of Contents: Provides the organization of the report. Lists the major section and sub-section headings of your report and the pages on which these subjects can be found.

4. Introduction/Issue or Problem Statement: States the issue or problem, the context in which the issue or problem lays and why it is important.

5. Literature Review: Uses research techniques to locate the issue or problem you are addressing with similar issues/problems and resolutions. It connects your research/internal organizational work to a larger body of experience and grounds your work in the current knowledge of the field. Include the Scholar assignment in this section

6. Methodology: Describes what you did and how you did it. The methods section describes all the steps and processes by which you determined the resolution to the issue or problem.

7. Findings: Report what you found. This section methodically lists the information you found to be true or un-true in an organized format, which allows the reader to consider the outcomes of your research.

8. Discussion, Recommendations, and Conclusions: The final section is your interpretation of the data where you make recommendations based upon your interpretation of the findings. In this section you draw conclusions make recommendations and reflect on the process of your investigation. You would also state the limitations of your data and conclusions in this section. Include the Mission assignment in this section.

9. References: In APA style.

10. Appendix: Research data, tools, explanatory notes and lists are organized as appendices, and do not count toward the 25-page minimum.

Note – Here are some additional resoures to use:
Life expectancy Census track.

Is the Mexican immigration experience markedly different from that of other immigrant groups? In what way did the U.S. government contribute to the problem of illegal immigration from Mexico? Provide a specific, detailed explanation using specific terms from this module’s reading and/or content.

Immigration experience

Is the Mexican immigration experience markedly different from that of other immigrant groups? Answer the question and provide details/evidence to support your answer

In what way did the U.S. government contribute to the problem of illegal immigration from Mexico? Provide a specific, detailed explanation using specific terms from this module’s reading and/or content.

State the article or event you selected. Identify the microeconomic concept(s). Describe your findings. Analyze the relevance to real-life applications. Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference.

Special-Interest Groups

One of our main areas of focus in this session is special-interest groups. This is a topic that we could explore for weeks! It’s now time to have a discussion with your colleagues on this subject. Choose a special-interest group from a U.S. industry and examine their role in politics. Discuss how that interest group aligns with public choice theory.

Locate a recent article or event (published within the last year) that highlights your relevant microeconomics topic. Use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to discuss how your topic aligns with microeconomics. Include the following in your discussion:

State the article or event you selected.
Identify the microeconomic concept(s).
Describe your findings.
Analyze the relevance to real-life applications.

Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.

Describe how the information systems will benefit your company. Provide details and examples of applications and solutions offered by retail vendors. Describe the framework for each solution that the internal staff of your company might develop and implement.

Research Project Submission 2 (PLG2)

Some suggestions on the types of data that
you might include to build your paper are as follows:
Describe how the information systems
will benefit your company.
Provide details and examples of
applications and solutions offered by retail vendors.
Describe the framework for each
solution that the internal staff of your company might develop and implement.
Present an account of the strengths,
weaknesses, and cost considerations for those solutions.
Identify and describe how a solution can
provide a competitive advantage,
In this module, you will add to the research paper document you started in Module 3.

Summary of Steps
. Research your first two IS-related solutions that you listed in your document during Module 3.
. Edit your research paper document based on the feedback you received in Module 3.
. Using the same document, follow the instructions below to write the introduction to your paper, the first two IS-related solutions, and your references for those sections.
. Submit your document for grading.
Detailed instructions for this assignment are below and
in the Detailed Instructions and Research Project Requirements sections, which describes the complete project.

In your role as an employee at a medium-to-large
aviation-related business, it’s time to drill down to the specifics for two of the Management Information Systems you selected. As you perform research and compose your data, remember that you are in a mid-to-upper level management position and have significant decision-making influence with your company. Your document submission is due by the posted due date. Your instructor will use the 5.3 Research Project: Submission 2 Rubric for evaluating and grading your submission.

Overview Detailed Instructions Research Project Requirements

Assignment (

State the article or event you selected. Identify the microeconomic concept(s). Describe your findings. Analyze the relevance to real-life applications. Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference.

Factor & Product Markets

What a great session on resource and market structures we are having! Now, you get the opportunity to talk about the difference between the two types of structures with your colleagues. Locate a firm in the U.S. or in the country where you reside and distinguish the difference between factor markets and product markets. Examine how households influence factor markets and discuss.

Locate a recent article or event (published within the last year) that highlights your relevant microeconomics topic. Use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to discuss how your topic aligns with microeconomics. Include the following in your discussion:

State the article or event you selected.
Identify the microeconomic concept(s).
Describe your findings.
Analyze the relevance to real-life applications.
Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.

Search for two different cases that both pertain to Title IX. In regards to criteria, the cases need to be (a) sport- or leisure-related, (b) decided (not still in progress, not settled out of court, and/or not summary judgement), and (c) post-1980 (i.e., after the year 1980)

Case Analysis Outline

Search for two different cases that both pertain to Title IX. In regards to criteria, the cases need to be (a) sport- or leisure-related, (b) decided (not still in progress, not settled out of court, and/or not summary judgement), and (c) post-1980 (i.e., after the year 1980). This is in place for you to learn how the court system actually rules on a given case with given circumstances. If you fail to abide by the criteria, writer will be requested to find a replacement case. With the exception of the Issue(s) section and Decision(s)—which should be a matter of one to two sentences each—everything should be written in your own words (that includes no direct quotations).

Discuss three past contributions women made to the U.S. labor movement then discuss three contributions women are making today to the U.S. labor movement.

Research assignment

After completing each unit’s textbook reading assignment, doing some outside research, and taking a look at the Unit Lecture, use the unit discussion thread to post your response to your randomly assigned question.

Your Instructor will randomly assign one initial question to each student. Question selection is by Randomizer at this website (Links to an external site.). Random selection will ensure no student is assigned the harder or easier question throughout the course. The goal is to address all questions.


Respond to the assigned question.
Responding to the instructor is creditable.
Late postings are not allowed without the instructor’s permission.
Refer to the Assignments and Grading Module for the Discussion grading rubric and general discussion requirements.
Post the entire initial question at the beginning of your response.
Include in your initial question response the required textbook and web-based references.

Apply APA formatting. Discuss three past contributions women made to the U.S. labor movement then discuss three contributions women are making today to the U.S. labor movement. Refer to this website on women’s rights from The University of Maryland (Links to an external site.). (ULO 2)

Assuming that the first three requirements are established, how would you argue on behalf of the employer that Garcia would have been discharged even if he had not engaged in his protected activity? If you were a member of the NLRB, how would you rule? What is the remedy?

MG420 Unit 2 Assignment

Reference: Course Textbook, Chapter 4, Labor Law Discussion Case 2: Fired for Poor Driving or Talking with a Union Organizer?

You are to answer the three following questions after reading the case. (ULO 4)

How would you argue the first three requirements on behalf of the discharged employee? (1) Garcia was engaged in protected activity, (2) the employer was aware of the activity, and (3) the activity was a substantial or motivating reason for Garcia’s discharge.

Assuming that the first three requirements are established, how would you argue on behalf of the employer that Garcia would have been discharged even if he had not engaged in his protected activity?

If you were a member of the NLRB, how would you rule? What is the remedy?

Locate and read 4 peer-reviewed/scholarly articles that relate to the use of one or more of the theories presented in Chapter 4 of your text in a group setting. Write an annotated bibliography in APA format with these 4 articles. What does peer-reviewed mean?

GROUP – Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Locate and read 4 peer-reviewed/scholarly articles that relate to the use of one or more of the theories presented in Chapter 4 of your text in a group setting. All four articles must be within the past 5 years (2017-2021)

● Write an annotated bibliography in APA format with these 4 articles. Each annotation should be at least 3-5 sentences per article minimum.

○ An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to scholarly books, articles, and documents researched based on the assignment. Each source listed is followed by a brief descriptive paragraph.
Visit the following sites for more information on what a peer-reviewed article is and how to create an annotated bibliography.

● What does peer-reviewed mean?

● APA formatted annotated bibliography: