What does success mean to you? Why are you going to college? Where do you see yourself in five years? What will you do to stay motivated?

Motivational Success Video in Adobe Spark

Project Overview: This is your final project in this course: Your Motivational Success Video (10% of your grade).

First slide/clip:
Add a motivational title
For example: My Success & Motivational Video; My Journey to Success, etc.
Add your name
3. Add slides/clips:
slides/clips: Answer the following question (please don’t include the question)
What does success mean to you? (you developed your definition in Lesson 1)
Insert a few pictures of your choice about success.

slides/clips: Why are you going to college? Insert a few pictures.

slides/clips: Your academic goal (SMART GOAL) from lesson 3. Insert a few pictures.
slides/clips: Your next term goals – What is next after this term? (your short-term goals)
3 specific success strategies to succeed next term

slides/clips: Add a slide/clip about how you will use the information from your MAP to succeed

slides/clips: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Envision your graduation day
Add pictures/audio/videos picturing and expressing your feelings on that day

slides/clips: Your 3 most powerful motivational strategies (one strategy per slide/clip). Insert a few pictures.
What will you do to stay motivated?
Feel free to include inspiration from Dr. Padrón’s motivational story
slides/clips: Your 3 most powerful Time Management success strategies (one strategy per slide/clip). Insert a few pictures.

slides/clips: Your 3 most powerful health and stress reduction strategies (one strategy per slide/clip). Insert a few pictures.
Note: You will be able to include this information when you complete week 8 lesson.

slides/clips: Your 3 most powerful money management strategies (one strategy per slide/clip). Insert a few pictures.
Note: You will be able to include this information when you complete week 8 lesson.

Insert background music.

Watch the timing for your video. You don’t want it to run too rapidly.

EXAMPLE – Example 2: https://spark.adobe.com/video/kD6PALrRFTpsp (Daniela Perez)
My information – Name Maria Rodriguez – Major Business Administration – Graduation on 2022 I will have my own certificate Associate in Arts, with GPA of 3.5. I plan to finish my major in FIU

Select a relevant microeconomics industry and explain how consumer demand affects the production levels of the industry you choose. Discuss determinants that affect supply and demand. Consider whether this will shift the supply and demand curve to the left or the right and why.

Product Demand

In this summit session, we are exploring the concept of product demand! Now, you and your colleagues have the opportunity to explore this concept in detail. Select a relevant microeconomics industry and explain how consumer demand affects the production levels of the industry you choose. Discuss determinants that affect supply and demand. Consider whether this will shift the supply and demand curve to the left or the right and why.

Locate a recent article or event (published within the last year) that highlights your relevant microeconomics topic. Use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to discuss how your topic aligns with microeconomics. Include the following in your discussion:

State the article or event you selected.
Identify the microeconomic concept(s).
Describe your findings.
Analyze the relevance to real-life applications.
Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.

What would create a solid foundation in creating trust in government and within government? What would create and promote strong moral values and ethical behavior in public administration? What is the significance of ethics and transparency in government?

The Significance of an Ethical Foundation in Public Administration

The present proposal for the MPA698S requirement aims to identify the elements of effective ethics and ethics programs in public sector organizations and human resource practices for successful program implementation. What would create a solid foundation in creating trust in government and within government? What would create and promote strong moral values and ethical behavior in public administration? What is the significance of ethics and transparency in government?

Create an educational flyer on a single current human rights issue. Choose a human rights issue that interests you from UN Human Rights list.

Human Rights Educational Flyer

For this assignment, you will create an educational flyer on a single current human rights issue. You are free to choose a human rights issue that interests you from UN Human Rights list HERE. Gun rights pro/con and abortion pro/con cannot be used. The flyer topic also needs to be based on a current issue, not a historical event.

The flyer will be created in Microsoft Word. The first page of your Word document will be the flyer; the flyer is to be one page in length only. The second page of your Word document will contain your 7 sentences (see below) and MLA formatted works cited page including your researched information and image sources. While you will include researched support, the majority (80%) of the flyer’s text content must be in your own original words. Researched support must be specific (not general) such as specific examples, data, and so on.

Create your own original PSA. A public service announcement (PSA) informs us about something important, and the purpose of a PSA is to benefit the public by raising awareness about an issue or topic. What issue are you especially passionate about and would love to see change? What issue would you be willing to devote your life to out of great depths of love?

Love PSA

For this assignment, you will create your own original PSA. A public service announcement (PSA) informs us about something important, and the purpose of a PSA is to benefit the public by raising awareness about an issue or topic.

This unit has been about love, so this assignment will involve the same. What issue are you especially passionate about and would love to see change? What issue would you be willing to devote your life to out of great depths of love?

First, choose your topic.

Second, research your topic.

Third, create your PSA slide. This slide needs comprehensive depth and detail! This slide should provide a full stand-alone message.

Fourth, compose the paragraph. This slide contains additional specific detail related to the PSA on slide 1.

Fifth, create the works cited slide for all sources used including image(s).

If you need to use your 2nd attempt, please try NOT to create a brand new message, but rather fix the content from the 1st attempt.

The use, overuse, and abuse of antibiotics are accredited with creating antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. Explain how this relates to natural selection. Are there things that you can personally do to reduce your risk or even to reduce the spread of these dangerous microbes?

Unit 4 Instructions for main post Discussion Board

200 words minimum

For many years, antibiotics have been effectively used to treat bacterial disease.

A growing concern for treating bacterial diseases is the evolution of antibiotic resistance by bacterial populations. Resistance means that a particular antibiotic is no longer effective in treating a disease. This resistance can be viewed as evolution of a new trait at the population level, which is resistance to an antibiotic.

Focus your discussion on 1 of the following topics:

  • The use, overuse, and abuse of antibiotics are accredited with creating antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. Explain how this relates to natural selection.
  • Using a credible source, describe at least 2 of the things that people do (you can include individuals, doctors, health care professionals, hospitals, farmers, and so on) that contribute to this problem. Explain.
  • Are there things that you can personally do to reduce your risk or even to reduce the spread of these dangerous microbes?

You can review the following sources to increase your understanding of natural selection and antibiotic resistance:


What is the topic of your survey? Why is the topic important? How might the results of the study be used in your personal or professional life? What are the potential variables to be included in data gathering?

Initial Survey Design Template

Your Name


Instructions: Record your responses on the template below each question and upload this document as your assessment submission. Do not change any of the items on the template except to add or delete space.

  1. What is the topic of your survey?


  1. Why is the topic important? How might the results of the study be used in your personal or professional life?


  1. What are the potential variables to be included in data gathering? You must include at least three variables that might be a part of your study. Write a minimum of one paragraph describing your potential variables.


  1. Define the population to be studied. Write 1–3 sentences describing your target population. Include specific characteristics including age range, gender, location, and any other identifiers that are unique and relevant to your population.


  1. Explain why this is the best population for your study. Write at least one paragraph analyzing why you have chosen this population for your study.


To what extent did the Ancient Greeks, Mesopotamians, and Ancient Egyptians share similar concepts of gods? How were they different? Compare and contrast either 2 or all 3 of the below primary sources and support your observations with the textbook.

God(s)’s affect on Western Civilization

Instructions: Write and submit a 3-5 FULL page essay in 12 point, Times New Roman (or Ariel) font, double-spaced, based on the below prompt. All claims that are not your own MUST be cited. The essay must be organized with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion with clear topic sentences at the beginnings of paragraphs. Be sure to utilize both the primary source book and the textbook for citations. For more information, visit the Primary Source Analysis Info and FAQ page.

NOTE: When you submit your assignment, it will be filtered through Turnitin.com’s plagiarism filter, so use your own words and cite extensively.

Prompt: Throughout the first 2,000 years of Western Civilization, cultures had varying views on religion. Specifically, these civilizations had differing views on how gods interacted with humans and how they played a role in their lives. To what extent did the Ancient Greeks, Mesopotamians, and Ancient Egyptians share similar concepts of gods? How were they different? Compare and contrast either 2 or all 3 of the below primary sources and support your observations with the textbook.

To what extent did Americans support the Vietnam War? In a 5 paragraph essay compare and contrast this support with other conflicts such as World War I.

Vietnam War

To what extent did Americans support the Vietnam War? In a 5 paragraph essay compare and contrast this support with other conflicts such as World War I.

Create a comprehensive outline of your paper in Microsoft Word, including an annotated bibliography (in current APA format) of at least 8 scholarly references.

Project Management – Business Administration

Each student will choose one of the five Project Management Process Groups as a topic for their Research Paper: (6 – 7 pages)

These instructions strictly cover the Project Management Research Paper: Comprehensive
Outline Assignment only.
The purpose of the outline and annotated bibliography is get you started on the research for your paper, develop your theme(s), and to organize your thoughts on how you want address your thesis. This outline is comprehensive in nature and should get you well on the way to completing your paper.
One or two word subjects and line items will not meet the requirements of this assignment.

You will create a comprehensive outline of your paper in Microsoft Word, including an annotated bibliography (in current APA format) of at least 8 scholarly references. Must contain summary sentences for each reference. A cover sheet is required, also in current APA format. A comprehensive outline contains quotes, citations, and full sentences. It should be approximately 70-80% of your paper. The outline format will be as follows:
1. item 1
1.1. sub-item
1.1.1. sub-item
2. item 2
3. etc.