Provide a brief description of the session or sessions to provide context and background. How was the experience for both you and your client – how did you feel, think, behave? What did you learn about yourself and your coaching from this experience?

Reflective Learning Log for a Coaching session

Provide a brief description of the session or sessions to provide context and background ( you need to create an image of the situation in the mind of the marker)
How was the experience for both you and your client – how did you feel, think, behave? [ you need to analyse the process of the coaching activity and tell us not only about the behaviour experienced or observed but the impact of that behaviour]


What did you learn about yourself and your coaching from this experience? [it’s important that you provide a depth to your reflections here – if you felt or acted in a particular way please talk about why you think you felt or acted in this way. This is about demonstrating insight and significant increase in your self-awareness as a result of your ability to reflect

How will your experience in the coaching session(s) and your subsequent reflections influence you and your coaching going forward? [This is about demonstrating your ability to use the reflection and enhanced self-awareness in BOX 3 as a driver for your continuous development]



Identify two types of staffing models that could apply to your chosen scenario and determine which model would be best suited for efficiency, productivity, and possible future growth. Examine the significant effect of each identified staffing model on processes that may be occurring within the organization.


You are a former certified education administrator who departed your former position to become the owner of a small, in-home day care consisting of you and a part-time assistant where you care for children from ages 3–10. Over the course of time, your demographic population has increased due to significant business growth that has resulted in many families relocating to your area. With more businesses projected to move to the area and the building of new housing developments, it is projected that this growth could be long term.

Identify two types of staffing models that could apply to your chosen scenario and determine which model would be best suited for efficiency, productivity, and possible future growth. Examine the significant effect of each identified staffing model on processes that may be occurring within the organization (e.g., outsourcing, contingent workers, consulting firms, etc.).

Predict the major potential legal issues that you may encounter when establishing equal employment opportunities and diversity within the workplace while still aiming to acquire employees with the needed certifications and credentials. Next, explain the method of achieving transparency within your staffing model. Justify your response.

Specify three tasks that you need to perform to identify, analyze, and develop job requirements and task statements that you will include in formalized job descriptions. Next, predict the frequency with which you would need to review and adjust these job descriptions as your company progresses. Provide a rationale for your response.

Describe three methods to deal with high employee turnover and the availability of employees with required knowledge, skills, or abilities. Next, describe the primary manner in which the described succession-planning methods would be beneficial to your company. Justify your response.

Compare and contrast their CSR approach with the CSR approach of TOMS Shoes. What actions of organizations fall under the umbrella of “corporate social responsibility”? Give three examples of CSR activities beyond what you have learned from TOMS and the organization you discussed in this assignment.

The subject is Business Ethics

Read Case: TOMS Shoes describes a unique business model combining for-profit and nonprofit philosophies into a corporate social responsibility model.

Naeini, A.; Dutt, A.; Angus, J. (June 7, 2015). A shoe for a shoe, and a smile. Business Today. Retrieved from

Address the following in a 3- to 4-page academic essay that demonstrates your critical-thinking skills. It should be written for an audience of business owners. As an ethics expert working for a national ethics association, you have been asked to address the following:

Research another organization that is also high on corporate social responsibility. Compare and contrast their CSR approach with the CSR approach of TOMS Shoes.
What actions of organizations fall under the umbrella of “corporate social responsibility”? Give three examples of CSR activities beyond what you have learned from TOMS and the organization you discussed in this assignment.
Is it expected that successful organizations also have a CSR component in its values? Discuss by giving two additional employer examples.
This assignment should include third-person voice, in-text citations, and a references list. It should be evident that you followed some of the basics of APA formatting. Write a well-integrated paper with a strong introduction and conclusion, and use a few section headings (e.g., do not simply follow a Q & A format).

What are the schooling options for children with hearing loss? List 3 and briefly explain each. Do you have any experience or insight on any of these?

Question of the Week #5

What are the schooling options for children with hearing loss? List 3 and briefly explain each.

Do you have any experience or insight on any of these?


What is the pathological view on deafness: what’s ‘wrong’ with being deaf? How do you feel about this definition?

Question of the Week #4

What is the pathological view on deafness: what’s ‘wrong’ with being deaf?

How do you feel about this definition?


What ideas originally came to mind when you first read through the article? Did your initial response to the article change after reading it for a second time? How does paying attention to the way you respond to a source help you formulate your stance on a topic?

Sophia Pathways for College Credit English Composition II

Reflection Questions:
1. What ideas originally came to mind when you first read through the article? Did your initial response to the article change after reading it for a second time?

2. How does paying attention to the way you respond to a source help you formulate your stance on a topic?

Write a 150 word introduction. Explain why the topic is interesting or important. Start to write about what we already know about this topic and what still needs to be known. State your purpose specifically at the end of this section. What specifically are you going to study?

Introduce Us to Your Final Project Topic and the Literature

This will also serve as a rough draft for the abstract, introduction, and literature review portions of your final project that will help you get started with your writing. You will start to make a step-by-step approach to finishing your final project. Remember to check APA Style guidelines before writing (click here on this APA Style example paper-this paper combines the introduction and literature review into one section): (Links to an external site.)


1. Write a 150 word abstract (an overview of your project. Revise in Week 5 to include your results.)

2. Find six research studies related to your topic from scholarly research journals from the OSU Library (example Journal of Personality and Social Psychology or Journal of Personality Assessment)

3. Write a 150 word introduction. Explain why the topic is interesting or important. Start to write about what we already know about this topic and what still needs to be known. State your purpose specifically at the end of this section. What specifically are you going to study?

4. For your literature review, write a very short 30 to 50 word summary of each of your 6 articles. Who was in the study, how was the study done, and what was found?

Remember this is a rough draft. This does not need to be perfect. Just write without critiquing too much at this point.

Enjoy your reading and writing!

Compare and contrast the leadership and communication techniques of former al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden with those of one other terrorist leader.

Terrorist groups influence on leadership roles

We have been focusing upon how those at the top of terrorist groups perform leadership roles and influence various audiences (both within their organizations and to the world at large). For this research paper compare and contrast the leadership and communication techniques of former al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden with those of one other terrorist leader. Select one other terrorist leader from al Qaeda or affiliated groups such as Zawahiri, Baghdadi or Awlaki to compare and contrast with bin Laden’s leadership and communication approaches. Include and state this topic in your paper.

Do Anne or Ellen exhibit evidence of major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder? If so, should those disorders also be diagnosed? What risks should we consider if recommending treatment for depressive symptoms with tricyclic antidepressants?

Meeting the trend

Using the DSM-5, review criterion B for both manic and hypomanic episodes. Where do you see evidence of those symptoms in the cases of Anne (Wealthy Widow) and Ellen (Still a Student)? Do Anne and Ellen meet the criteria for a manic episode or hypomanic episode (at least 3 of the symptoms in the B criterion)? Do they meet duration requirements for these episodes? What is the impact of their mood episode and how does that dictate their diagnosis (bipolar I or bipolar II)?

Do Anne or Ellen exhibit evidence of major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder? If so, should those disorders also be diagnosed? What risks should we consider if recommending treatment for depressive symptoms with tricyclic antidepressants?

Write a brief conclusion regarding your initial question: Does receiving information regarding the top performers of an unbalanced group lead to discrimination of minority groups or are people able to correctly adjust for base rates (i.e. correctly account for sample imbalance)?

Quantitative Methods (2022)—Course Assignment

The take-home assignment you will analyze and interpret the results of a 2×2 experiment.
Send me your assignment as a PDF-document via email to Zhihao Hu. The PDF should include (if applicable) the STATA-commands, STATA output and your interpretations.
The assignment is due on June 1st.

Exercise A: Analyzing a 2×2 Experiment
When employers make hiring decisions, they have to predict applicants’ performance on the basis of various characteristics. Typical characteristics include the applicants’ level of education or their grades. However, previous literature shows that hiring decisions are also affected by demographic characteristics such as race and gender (Bertrand & Duflo, 2016; Bertrand & Mullainathan, 2004). One possible explanation for such discrimination is that recruiters falsely believe there would be performance differences by demographic characteristics and take hiring decisions that are in line with these false beliefs.

In this exercise you want to explore where such false beliefs could stem from. You suspect that there might be a (hitherto unexamined) cognitive mechanism at work. Specifically, you had the following idea: Recruiters often lack information regarding average performance differences between different demographic groups such as between men and women (i.e., they do not know if there are performance differences between men and women and if so, who is better performing). Thus, to form beliefs about possible performance differences they use an easily observable heuristic: information about the composition of top performers (e.g., the gender composition of top executives, of top researchers at ESCP, or of top chess players).

However, many professions are unbalanced across demographic characteristics. For instance, in the U.S. 85% of all civil engineers are male, whereas 90% of all nurses are female. In such unbalanced samples, there will be more people of the majority group represented at each point of the performance distribution. Imagine for instance workers in a certain profession are composed of 80% men and 20% women. If performance for both, men and women, is normally distributed there would thus be four times as many men at each point of the distribution as shown in the following graph:

As such, there will also be more men at the salient top end of the distribution (where the magnifying glass is). In absence of performance differences, we would for instance expect to see on average 1 woman and 4 men in the top 5. When people now base their judgement on information regarding the composition of top performers in an unbalanced sample they may forget to take the base rate (how many men and women are in the full sample) into account and falsely belief that the minority group (women in the example above) are performing worse even in the absence of such true differences. You want to test whether this bias may be the reason for the discrimination explained above, thus influencing employers’ hiring decisions. You formulate the following moderation/interaction hypothesis:

Receiving information about the top performers decreases the likelihood of hiring a minority candidate more for unbalanced than for balanced samples. In fact, (in the absence of performance differences) you do not expect any effect of information for a balanced sample. But because the reaction to information in the balanced sample might depend on
people’s beliefs before receiving any type of information, you don’t formulate an explicit hypothesis in this regard, but want to focus on testing the moderation.

To test your hypothesis you set up two separate experiments:

1. In the first (online) experiment you simply let 400 participants do a real effort (string reversal) task to collect their performance data matched to demographic characteristics. You find that there is no performance difference by gender. These participants form the “candidate pool” of the second experiment.

2. In the second (online) experiment, you hire a new set of 2929 new participants. After an introduction, you show these participants one randomly drawn pair of candidates that is composed of one man and one woman. For each candidate participants receive information regarding four characteristics: gender, age, education, and ethnicity. Participants then have to decide whom to “hire” and are paid according to the real past performance of the hired candidate. Each participant is in one out of four experimental conditions. In particular, before they take the hiring decision, you experimentally manipulate two factors (following a 2×2 design):

a) You allocate participants a sub-pool of 100 candidates that is either gender balanced (50 men: 50 women) or gender imbalanced (80 men : 20 women).
b) For their respective sub-pool, participants either receive information on the composition of top performers (number of women among the top 5) or not.

The dependent variable is the participants’ binary hiring decision (1 = hire a woman, 0 = hire a man). In this assignment your main task is to empirically assess whether your hypothesis holds such that providing people with information on the top performers reduces their likelihood to hire a woman more
for the unbalanced that for the balanced sample.
You will find the respective (true) data file “hiring data” in your assignment folder. The variables are coded as follows:

Variable name Meaning Coding hire_wom

Did the participant decide to hire a woman or man candidate?
1 = participant hired a woman
0 = Participant hired a man
info (1st manipulation)

Did the participant receive information regarding the gender composition of the top 5 performers or not?
1 = yes, the participant received info
0 = no, the participant received no info
unbalanced (2nd manipulation)

Did the participant hire a candidate from a balanced or unbalanced subject pool?
1 = the participant hired from an unbalanced pool,
0 = the participant hired from a balanced pool
age participant age in years
female participant gender 1 = female, 0 = male
ethnicity categorical variable representing
different ethnicities
“White” = White ethnicity
“Black” = Black ethnicity
“Asian” = Asian ethnicity
“Other” = Other ethnicity
(e.g., Hawaiian or Native Indian)

1. You see that one of your independent variables ethnicity is a string rather than a numeric variable. Transform it into four 0-1 dummy variables.

2. To get a first feeling for the data, provide the descriptive statistics for the variables hire_wom, unbalanced, info, age, female, and the four different ethnicities. How many of the variables are dummy variables? What is the range of the continuous variable(s)

3. Next, display the correlation matrix of the same 9 variables, including significance levels and marking each significant correlation at the 5%-level with an asterisk. State whether there was a significant correlation between age and hiring a woman—and if so in what way.

4. Provide a histogram with 20 bins and assess—by looking at it, no need for statistical tests—whether the variable age was normally distributed amongst participants. (Tipp: use the drop-down menu for graphics as we did in class for the pie chart.)

5. To check whether randomization of participants to experimental conditions (unbalanced and info) worked, please do a test of balance on the demographic variables age and female. You can use either way we have learned: (1) Doing one set of t-tests for each of the two manipulations OR (2) doing two sets of regression, one for each demographic variable. What do the results suggest when taking the 5 vs. 10% significance level?

6. Now, to examine possible main effects of your experimental conditions run an OLS-regression1 with robust standard errors in which you use only unbalanced and info to predict the probability to hire a woman (for this and the following parts you do not need to add control variables2). Carefully interpret the results, specifically:
a) How should the coefficients of your two explanatory variables be interpreted (i.e. what type of group comparisons do they measure)? In your opinion, do these coefficients reflect meaningful information in the present context?
b) Are your two explanatory variables significant and if yes, in what way?
c) How high is the R-squared? What does this number mean?

7. Next, you want to get to the core of your research question and examine whether there is an interaction (moderation) effect of your two explanatory variables unbalanced and info. To this end:
a) Provide the regression output of the same model as in (6.), but now including the interaction term.
b) What are now the coefficients of unbalanced and info? How does the interpretation of each coefficient change from the regression without the interaction term?
c) Is the interaction term significant? What is its’ interpretation?

8. Next, you are interested in assessing whether participants who were in the condition with both, an unbalance sample & information, were significantly less likely to hire a woman than participants who received neither of the two treatments. Run the relevant analysis via OLS regression. Display the regression results and interpret them.

1 If you wonder why you can use OLS for a binary dependent variable, you may want to consider this recent methodological article: Gomila, R. (2020). Logistic or linear? Estimating causal effects of experimental treatments on binary outcomes using regression analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1-27.

2 In a paper you would add a robustness check including controls –especially if participant characteristics are not balanced across experimental groups. For the present dataset note that adding controls does not significantly change the results (you can try out if you wish). To make the exercise a bit easier you may thus omit them.

9. Can the coefficients of info, unbalanced, and the interaction term in the previous exercises be interpreted causally or are they merely reflecting correlations? Explain your answer.

10. Write a brief conclusion regarding your initial question: Does receiving information regarding the top performers of an unbalanced group lead to discrimination of minority groups or are people able to correctly adjust for base rates (i.e. correctly account for sample imbalance)?