Choose one that you care about that requires people and government to strike a balance between individual rights and societal or community interests. Briefly describe the key arguments for each. What is the origin of the individual rights with regard to the issue? Who decided to limit those rights? Are the limits reasonable and justified? Why or why not? Defend your position. Provide background articles on each topic.

Individual Rights

  • Choose an issue from this list:
  • Right to bear arms
  • Drug use
  • Abortion
  • Private schools

Choose one that you care about that requires people and government to strike a balance between individual rights and societal or community interests. Briefly describe the key arguments for each (individual and community). What is the origin of the individual rights with regard to the issue? Who decided to limit those rights? Are the limits reasonable and justified? Why or why not? Defend your position. Provide background articles on each topic.


For this assignment, you will be required to write and submit a five paragraph essay (2-3 pages). Format: 12-point professional font such as Times; double-spaced, 1-inch margins, no space before or after paragraph; at least 2 full pages, but all 100% papers have been nearly 3 full pages; citations in the style of your choice (MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian); Works Cited page.

The paragraphs in your paper should follow this format:

Paragraph 1: Introductions (MUST include a thesis sentence and an outline of your position).

Paragraph 2: Thesis/argument point number one.

Paragraph 3: Thesis/argument point number two.

Paragraph 4: Thesis/argument point number three.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion (restatement of thesis summarizing evidence to support it)

Based on your learning related to this course, how would you diagnose what is really going on in the organization selected? How well do the organizational leaders/members understand what the issues really are? How ready is the organization to change in terms of awareness, motivation, flexibility, and skill?


Assessing the success or failure of a major change initiative is a necessary skill for any budding change agent or change manager. For this assignment you will research a major transformational effort of a target organization you select. The target organization may be a private, government, or non-profit organization with which you are familiar. Remember that you will need to select an organization for which you are able to collect considerable information in order to create a comprehensive case.

Types of change might include mergers, acquisitions, downsizing, new strategic direction, globalization, public image failures (BP, Toyota, Facebook, Goldman Sachs), macro-economic change, political/legal shifts, or some other type of organizational change.

The following information must be included:
1) A title page;
2) The name and a description of the target organization (industry, location, income/budget, number of employees, etc.);
3) A description of the change process you will explore (150–250 words); and
4) An initial list of at least 5 peer-reviewed sources you expect to use on a separate reference page in current APA format. (You may use more; this is just an initial list.)

Each student will prepare 1 document to submit through TurnitIn. The project is an organizational change report that will total no more than 15 pages (not counting title or reference pages; no abstract is required). The paper must follow current APA format guidelines and will contain 2 main parts. Part 1 must be 1250–1750 words, and Part 2 must be 1500–2000 words. A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed sources must be used within the paper.

Part 1 (a maximum of 1750 words) must be written as a case and must describe vs. analyze/recommend. Part 1 must be modeled after the cases read during the course, containing similar format and content. Part 1 must contain a case description of a large organizational change (one about which you are able to obtain significant information). Types of change might include mergers, acquisitions, downsizing, new strategic direction, globalization, public image failures (BP, Toyota, Facebook, Goldman Sachs), macro-economic change, political/legal shifts, or some other type of organizational change.

The target organization may be a private, government, or non-profit organization with which you are familiar. Remember that you will need to select an organization for which you are able to collect considerable information in order to create a comprehensive case.

Part 2 (a maximum of 2000 words) must be a thorough analysis, with suggestions for change and recommendations for management interventions in the case from Part 1. This part of your Project must be modeled after your 2 Consulting Proposal assignments, each of which includes an analysis section and a recommendations section. In the analysis, apply course concepts to the case. In your recommendations, provide strategic, practical, and insightful actions for management.

Consider the following questions in Part 2:
• Based on your learning related to this course, how would you diagnose what is really going on in the organization selected?
• How well do the organizational leaders/members understand what the issues really are?
• How ready is the organization to change in terms of awareness, motivation, flexibility, and skill?
• Given the context of the change (social, political, economic, customer need, etc.), how big a change is required to move the organization to a productive and effective mode of existence?
• Analyze the company’s particular approach to change. Why did the organization take one particular approach to change (e.g., downsize) rather than other possible ones (e.g., creating a learning organization)? How effectively was the particular change attempt carried out?
• How did resistance to change manifest itself? How effectively was the resistance addressed?
• What were the objectives of the change effort? How successful was the change effort given its objectives?
• How might the organization have used some of the materials and learnings from this course to increase the success of the change effort?
• What consulting strategy would you use in working with the organization?
• What recommendations would you make to the organization on how to be more effective in implementing and/or sustaining changes going forward?

How was Disney Europe organized before Hightower? What steps would you take to assess the current condition of the various European units? What approach would you use to bring about the changes to the European operation? What issues do you anticipate in the process and how would you mitigate them?

Dennis Hightower and Disney Europe

The student will post one thread of at least 400 words responding to each prompt and demonstrating course-related knowledge. students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations from peer-reviewed journals, 1 citation from the text, and one biblical integration all in current APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years.

Dennis Hightower is given three months to develop a strategy that would unite Disney heads in Europe, demonstrate innovation, and produce growth throughout Disney Europe. Hightower is expected to knit together a federation of independent country operations and create an effective center linking local subsidiaries to the center. The process would be complex and place immense demands on Hightower, including intensive management of relationships, appropriate positioning of people, careful delegation of responsibility, and active nurturing of a healthy work environment. As you reflect on the overall change in company culture, respond to the following prompts as you prepare your discussion thread.

How prepared and qualified do you think Hightower was to take on this challenge? Give specifics.
How was Disney Europe organized before Hightower?
What steps would you take to assess the current condition of the various European units?
What approach would you use to bring about the changes to the European operation?
What issues do you anticipate in the process and how would you mitigate them?
How would you inspire critical thinking among the unit managers?

What are the key characteristics of government organizations, like the Housing Development Board of Singapore, and not-for-profits which help explain the content for this case? What is the change challenge for HDB and for Tan as she returns to her former employer?


The management of change in an organization is often led by an internal or external change consultant who leads change from a project perspective with a phased approach that includes the project definition, a diagnosis of the situation, recommendations for a solution, a plan for implementing the recommendations, and the actual implementation of the plan.

You will prepare a consulting proposals based on the cases (Consulting Proposal 2) and Modules/Weeks 4–6 The proposal must be 1000–1500 words and include at least the following 5 sections:

1. Definition of project
2. Diagnosis of current situation
3. Recommendations
4. Implementation plan
5. Summary

A sample/template for the proposals is provided in the Assignment Instructions folder. Each proposal must include a title and reference page formatted according to current APA requirements. You must use a minimum of 4 scholarly peer-reviewed sources plus the text. Write the proposal as if you are addressing the CEO or organizational leadership as identified in the selected case study. The overall narrative in the proposal must include significant emphasis on diagnosing the problems in the business with recommendations for relevant change. These recommendations must be supported with specific examples or sources.

For example:

• If the organization needs to change its recruitment strategy or perhaps offer new products, what specific types of change are involved?
• Will the employees be affected? If so, what type of employees?
• How should the recommended changes be implemented?
• Are there drivers of the change that will determine the success of the change initiative? If so, what are they?

Keep in mind that the proposal is an overview of the current situation, needed changes, and recommendations; therefore, it is important to refrain from providing too much detail. However, the proposal must contain enough information for the CEO to select a course of action. Because the person receiving your proposal is the CEO, there is no need to re-state information in the case study as he/she should already be aware of the current situation.

You are encouraged to integrate information from any of the Reading & Study materials or your own experience. These prompts are provided to support your analysis and critical thinking as you read the cases and to give you some structure if you select one of these for your proposal assignments.

Consulting Proposal Questions for Consideration:

Use the following case for Consulting Proposal..

Case Change Agent in Waiting:

– What are the key characteristics of government organizations, like the Housing Development Board of Singapore, and not-for-profits which help explain the content for this case?
– What is the change challenge for HDB and for Tan as she returns to her former employer?
– How do you evaluate her action plan? What are its strengths? What are your concerns?
– What would you suggest to improve her plan?
– What does it take to drive change from a lower to middle management position and in a government context?

What was the problem McDonnell Douglas was having with the C-17? What was the thinking that allowed the issue to persist? Describe the three main priorities of Koz, the new plant manager. How did the employees of MD originally view his priorities? How was this reflected in terms of production?


The management of change in an organization is often led by an internal or external change consultant who leads change from a project perspective with a phased approach that includes the project definition, a diagnosis of the situation, recommendations for a solution, a plan for implementing the recommendations, and the actual implementation of the plan.

You will prepare a consulting proposals based on the cases from the textbook assigned in Modules/Weeks 1–3 (Consulting Proposal 1) The proposal must be 1000–1500 words and include at least the following 5 sections:

1. Definition of project
2. Diagnosis of current situation
3. Recommendations
4. Implementation plan
5. Summary

A sample/template for the proposals is provided in the Assignment Instructions folder. Each proposal must include a title and reference page formatted according to current APA requirements. You must use a minimum of 4 scholarly peer-reviewed sources plus the text. Write the proposal as if you are addressing the CEO or organizational leadership as identified in the selected case study. The overall narrative in the proposal must include significant emphasis on diagnosing the problems in the business with recommendations for relevant change. These recommendations must be supported with specific examples or sources.

For example:
• If the organization needs to change its recruitment strategy or perhaps offer new products, what specific types of change are involved?
• Will the employees be affected? If so, what type of employees?
• How should the recommended changes be implemented?
• Are there drivers of the change that will determine the success of the change initiative? If so, what are they?

Keep in mind that the proposal is an overview of the current situation, needed changes, and recommendations; therefore, it is important to refrain from providing too much detail. However, the proposal must contain enough information for the CEO to select a course of action. Because the person receiving your proposal is the CEO, there is no need to re-state information in the case study as he/she should already be aware of the current situation.

You are encouraged to integrate information from any of the Reading & Study materials or your own experience. These prompts are provided to support your analysis and critical thinking as you read the cases and to give you some structure if you select one of these for your proposal assignments.

Consulting Proposal 1 Questions for Consideration:

Use the following case for Consulting Proposal 1.

Case The Plane Will Not Move!

– What was the problem McDonnell Douglas was having with the C-17?
– What was the thinking that allowed the issue to persist?
– Describe the three main priorities of Koz, the new plant manager.
– How did the employees of MD originally view his priorities? How was this reflected in terms of production?
– What did Koz do to illustrate and amplify his vision for his priorities?
– What was the eventual result of Koz’s “nutty idea?”
– What factors do you believe led to a successful transformation?
– Is the approach of Koz sustainable at that plant, transferable across the company, and is the change management of Koz reproducible in other leaders. If so, explain why and how to move forward with it. If not, explain why and suggest a different approach going forward.

Identify your own strengths and personality by taking the DiSC assessment. Understand how your strengths and personality can change how you work with others or the career you pursue.

Assignment 2: DiSC Assessment Reflection

Part of Coach Gibb’s success as a leader is his ability to recognize people’s unique strengths and utilize them. This week you will identify your own strengths and personality by taking the DiSC assessment. Once you have your results, you will better understand how your strengths and personality can change how you work with others or the career you pursue.

Step 1: Use the Everything DiSC Management Profile access code that you purchased from the bookstore to complete the assessment.

Step 2: Check your Strayer email account. Your DiSC Assessment results will be sent there. Download your DiSC results report and save it to your computer.

Step 3: Download the
DiSC Assessment Reflection Worksheet and save it to your computer.
Step 4: Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete the assignment.

Step 5: Save your document as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR100_ A2.

Step 6: Submit your assignment using the Week 5 assignment link in Blackboard.

What is a “board interlock” among firms? Suppose you have a bipartite network structure with 5 firms and 20 managers. Draw a network that does NOT give way to a board interlock and briefly explain how it works.


1. This task has two parts with equal weights.

a. Using Google Patents database ( ) find a patent that has been filed with the European Patent Office (EPO) after 2000. Show the first page (also known as the cover page) where inventor, assignee, classification etc. information are displayed. (You must add your patent’s cover page as PDF or as screenshot to your coursework, and it MUST be clearly visible and READABLE). Based on the information you see on the cover page, answer the following: How many researchers were involved in the development of this patent? What are their affiliations (which institute or university or firm etc.)? In which countries exactly is this patent protected? What is this patent about (tell me this based on classification codes, not based on what you understand of it).

Extra Credit: Is your patent an environment-related (also called green) patent? Very briefly (in just one sentence) explain how to spot an environment-related patent. (NOTE: There are millions of patents in the EPO register post 2000, so the probability that any two of you picking the same patent by chance is almost zero. You should do your best to avoid picking the same patent as your classmates!).

b. Read the “Reading Material for CW2” that can be found under “Assessments and Support Materials” on this module’s Moodle page. On what grounds was Ed Sheeran taken to the court exactly? Explain this in relation to what we covered about different types of intellectual property rights (IPRs). What is the type of the IPR protection that enables such an action? What does the decision of the court for Ed Sheeran make you think about the implementation of IPRs?

Related to this discussion, there are many other cases that are brought to court within the frame of IPRs. In light of this, why is it, you think, that Seth Wheeler (or his descendants) are not suing major toilet roll companies such as Andrex?

(Hint: Think of the context we learnt about Mr. Seth Wheeler)

2. This task has two parts with equal weights.

a. What is a “board interlock” among firms? Suppose you have a bipartite network structure with 5 firms and 20 managers. Draw a network that does NOT give way to a board interlock and briefly explain how it works.

b. In social media, users with a lot of followers are labeled as influencers and many firms or interest groups aim to collaborate with these individuals to influence large groups of people (this may be simple advertisement or pushing some specific political or social agenda). Thinking of different ways to measure the network centrality, carefully and critically explain why the number of followers may be a misleading guide to identify influencers. Propose a centrality measure (one of those we covered) and briefly -but carefully- explain why this particular centrality measure will be a better one to identify influencers.

3. Mergers can be horizontal or vertical (also called vertical integration) or a mix of both.

Search for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) that can be classified as “vertical integration” or a mix of horizontal merger and vertical integration and took place after 2015. Your task is to briefly present the details of ONE such M&A referring to specific news or reports: Which firms were involved? Explain whether this M&A can be categorized as a vertical or mixed integration. What markets or sectors were targeted by participating firms? Which firm and sector is downstream, which is upstream? Be sure to refer to reliable news sources (e.g., FT, the Economist) or online sources (firms’ websites or research reports) throughout your discussion so that the case that you present can be checked and verified.

Describe how it current affects your practice as an SPN and will eventually affect your practice as a LPN.

Rhadonda vaught

Describe how it current affects your practice as an SPN and will eventually affect your practice as a LPN.

Find a current debate in the news or social media that involves one or several marketing ethics issues and dimensions, as discussed during the course. Support your discussion with an analysis, using the research of others.

Flat Tummy Lollipops

Your task is to find a current debate in the news or social media that involves one or several marketing ethics issues and dimensions, as discussed during the course. For instance, you might examine problems with planned obsolescence (e.g. related to the case in French courts against printer producers), ownership of consumer information (on social media platforms), remuneration of consumer input, targeting specific consumer groups, commodification of essential products (such as water), extensive industry lobbying towards governments and supra-governmental institutions (e.g. in the EU) or how actions of activist groups challenge toward certain forms of corporate activities in the market place.

You can use a wide range of media, such as discussion boards or Facebook pages, as sources for the case of your paper, but you need connect with philosophical, theoretical, and / or academic sources for your argumentation. Use theories and authors from class and add external sources (tip: take a look at the reference lists of the assigned articles, the library’s databases and so on). Thus, you cannot use your opinions only, but you need to support your discussion with an analysis, using the research of others.

The report needs to be written with a 12-point Times New Roman font with 1.5 or 2.0 linespacing and 2.54 cm margins, and page numbering throughout. Please use accurate

referencing in Harvard-style (tip: see the student handbook for further information).

The report should be structured as follows

1. Introduction: background information regarding the case (company, industry, common business practice)

2. The ethical issue / issues at stake: why is this recognised as an ethical issue, from which point of view, what is the relevance to marketing practice more broadly, etc.

3. The ethical implications: who are the key stakeholders, how can you evaluate consequences and ethical principles, etc.

4. Potential business, regulatory and consumer / citizen responses: what are the potential courses of action, are there any or should there be any relevant rules/regulations, what is the role of consumers, etc.

5. Discussion and conclusion: what can be learned from this case, what are the implications

6. References

Choose a topic from the list below and write a 1500-word paper investigating a human system which contributes to global climate change, and ways to reduce its impact on the earth. Discuss potential strategies for these industries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions – what are the possible ways for an industry to change to a circular economy?

Paper 2:

Mitigating Climate Change

In class we discussed the linear economy as a system which depends on infinite resources and creates infinite waste. The result of many human systems operating under a linear economy has sent Earth into global climate change.

Choose a topic from the list below and write a 1500-word paper investigating a human system which contributes to global climate change, and ways to reduce its impact on the earth. Begin by understanding the industry, and the ways which it contributes to climate change – what is the industry taking, making, and wasting that is causing climate change? Then discuss potential strategies for these industries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions – what are the possible ways for an industry to change to a circular economy?

The goal is to use course themes (scale, cost of waste, making waste go away, waste as an indicator of societal priority, waste as a resource) to analyze strategies for creating circular economies to mitigate global climate change. Choose from the following list:

1) Electricity and Heat

2) Transportation

3) Manufacturing and Construction

4) Industrial Processes

5) Agriculture

6) Land-Use Change and Forestry (deforestation)

7) Waste (landfills, wastewater treatment, human sewage)