Describe why an imaging department uses FTE’s and RVU’s as the standard for budgeting. Discuss what resources you might use to help find the problem in the case. What do you think the problem and solution are?

Managing a department


You are the senior supervisor at “Money is Important Hospital”. One of your primary responsibilities is to review the bi-weekly budget for the Computed Tomography (CT) Department.

For the recent billing cycle budget report, you notice a drastic change (increase) in your Relative Value Units (RVUs). As you know RVU’s are a measurement of productivity for a hospital. You also know that the RVU is the best way to associate the time a technologist or department spends on a particular exam. For example, you know that a CT of the chest is 1.0 RVU’s or approximately 1 hour of billable time. Therefore, if you make 1 RVU, you know you can spend 1 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) hour (an FTE equals 40hrs a week) in labor (the techs, admin staff, etc) on that exam. If in a day, you make 20 RVU’s but spend 25 FTE Hrs you are over budget. If you make 20RVU’s but spend 19FTE Hrs you are within budget and so on.

For “Money is Important Hospital”, Your RVU’s are based on a variety of things but mostly what the Chief Finance Officer of the organization sets a particular exam based on reimbursement rates. Rates are typically attached to a Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code (procedures) and the associated International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes (diagnosis).

Your Investigation:

In researching the RVU increase for the CT department, you notice the number of exams mostly stayed the same with the annual exam averages report. You also notice that as your average, the majority of exams on the scanner are Head CTs and subsequently Abdomen/Pelvis exams.

Using your trusty reporting tools from the radiology information system (RIS), to data-mine the billing information, you find that the increase of RVU’s can be attributed to the abdomen/pelvis exams on the scanner. For some reason, your scanner is sending a message to the RIS to bill twice as much as the CPT standards allow. You have been over-billing your patients.

Some Technical Information:

Your CT scanner contains a list of exams that the technologist can select. These exams each have a CPT code attached to them that gets sent to the RIS for billing. The technologist can select the appropriate exam based on the order but the CPT code is in the background information and is not visible to the technologist on the screen.
There are three (to keep our case study simple, we won’t do with/without contrast) types of exams in the Abdomen/Pelvis on your billing reference list.
-Abdomen/Pelvis 74176 – RVU 1.5
-Abdomen 74150 – RVU 1.0
-Pelvis 72192 – RVU 1.0


Using the information provided:

Describe why an imaging department uses FTE’s and RVU’s as the standard for budgeting.
Discuss what resources you might use to help find the problem in the case.
What do you think the problem and solution are?

In defense of the right to assisted suicide, shouldn’t those who are terminally ill have a right to die with dignity?

Physician Assisted Suicide

Research Paper

Step 1: Topic
In defense of the right to assisted suicide, shouldn’t those who are terminally ill have a right to die with dignity?

Step 2: Thesis
Patients who are forced to deal with the fact of a terminal illness is taking over them deserve a platform to showcase a debate about whether they have a right to die with dignity and not have to wait for the illness to kill them slowly.

Step 3: Propose a justification for the thesis
Patients should not have to wait for the illness to kill them slowly and painfully. The right to autonomy is a fundamental human right and we all deserve to feel valued and respected.

Step 4: Identify 2-3 sources

  • Math, Suresh Bada, and Santosh K Chaturvedi. “Euthanasia: right to life vs right to

die.” The Indian journal of medical research vol. 136,6 (2012): 899-902.

  • David Velleman’s “Against the Right to Die” The Velleman paper is interesting because he argues AGAINST physician assisted suicide on autonomy grounds. I think it will make your paper stronger if you consider some of his arguments and try to offer responses to them.


How will each of these segments be impacted operationally and financially? Why? Comparatively, how will share prices in these segments respond? Which segment responds the most, the least, and why, etc? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the MLP structure. Explain why it has come into question. How have companies responded with their MLP structures?

Oil/Gas Take Home Final Exam

Responses must be typewritten and double-spaced, approximately 5 paragraphs or 1 ½ page long. The exam is open note, open book, 0pen source – just identify outside sources you use. Your answers should be well thought out, direct, and well written. Must answer all 3 parts.

1. Fast Forward to May 2024. The price of oil has crashed again to $35 per barrel. The price of natural gas has also crashed to around $2.50 per mmbtu. We have studied four industry segments – oilfield service, exploration and production, midstream, and refining. How will each of these segments be impacted operationally and financially? Why? Comparatively, how will share prices in these segments respond? Which segment responds the most, the least, and why, etc? Use some real companies as potential examples.

(Hint: Betas for the segments will be helpful)

2. What are the key steps in refining oil. The refinery industry generally deploys capital to increase yield. Provide some examples of the types of investments it makes to increase yield and explain

3. The Master Limited Partnership (MLP) structure was long viewed as an attractive investment vehicle and a very efficient way to raise capital for the midstream segment of the industry. Since the downturn, that narrative has come under question. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the MLP structure. Additionally, explain why it has come into question. How have companies responded with their MLP structures? Provide examples.

Critically discuss ways in which social institutions can undermine achievement of this aim. Discuss with reference to at least two ‘marginalised groups.

Global development goals

The sustainable development framework calls for ‘no-one to be left behind’ in the achievement of these global development goals. Critically discuss ways in which social institutions can undermine achievement of this aim. Discuss with reference to at least two ‘marginalised groups.

Submit the list of with whom you negotiated, and the basics of those negotiations. Explain what your strategy was going into those negotiations, including the “personality” of each athlete and company.

Unit 3 Assignment – Endoresements

My companies are T-Mobile and Burger King and I negotiated endorsement deals with Tom Brady, Harry Kane, Serena Williams, Alex Ovechkin.

This assignment is the report on your in-class endorsement project.

First, go to: BUS 401 Endorsements project – Spring D 2022.pdf Download BUS 401 Endorsements project – Spring D 2022.pdf

Similarly to your salary cap assignment, be sure to take careful notes throughout your negotiations — when you met, with whom you met, what was discussed.

For this assignment submission:

1) Submit the list of with whom you negotiated (even if it did not result in an agreement), and the basics of those negotiations.

2) Explain what your strategy was going into those negotiations, including the “personality” of each athlete and company.

3) Give DETAILED descriptions of your negotiations

4) Explain the final results of your efforts, including your four deals. Be sure to give SPECIFIC detail about each deal, following the instructions in the Endorsement Project document linked above. If you could not reach a deal with another side, explain why you failed to do so.

What are your strongest qualities that qualify you for this particular scholarship/occupation? What are your weakest qualities that may affect your scholastic/job performance? What unique characteristics/qualities/experiences would you bring to this educational/occupational institution?

Job Portfolio

-What are your strongest qualities that qualify you for this particular scholarship/occupation?

-What are your weakest qualities that may affect your scholastic/job performance?

-What unique characteristics/qualities/experiences would you bring to this educational/occupational institution?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a purely voluntary approach to critical infrastructure security and resilience? Provide scholarly supported sources to reinforce your perspective.

Assignment 4 Mid-term

Addressing the following question:

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a purely voluntary approach to critical infrastructure security and resilience?

Include the following in your essay:

-A brief introduction including a well-constructed thesis.
-Provide scholarly supported sources to reinforce your perspective.
-Reasonable conclusion tying your thoughts together.

Develop the full potential of every girl by fostering an educational environment that encourages critical thinking, inspires student confidence, and nurtures both the intellectual and social development necessary to graduate college and become successful leaders in the global community.


Using data from steps 1 and 2 create an action plan that includes two parts: 1) a narrative, and 2) a planning template to outline the following:

Action plan alignment with the root cause analysis and goals

  • Systems to track progress towards implementation of action plan and goals
  • Structures and schedules to support implementation of action plan
  • Key supporters and allies to invest in action plan
  • Allocation human and material resources based on action plan
  • Collect and analyze benchmark data, tracking progress towards goals
  • Communication strategies with various stakeholders
  • Support your plan with research and course content

Section I – Introduction

Campus Mission Statement: To develop the full potential of every girl by fostering an educational environment that encourages critical thinking, inspires student confidence, and nurtures both the intellectual and social development necessary to graduate college and become successful leaders in the global community.

Section 2 – Comprehensive Needs Assessment: (synthesize into a chart – do not cut and paste TAPR data)

  1. Where We Have Been: (Student Assessment Scores for Previous Two Years)
  • Student Scores from 2 years ago by sub population and subject (your campus data)
  • Student Scores from 1 year ago by sub population and subject (your campus data)


  1. Where We Are Now: (Student Assessment Score for most current year data available – your campus data)
  • Student Scores most recent year by sub population and subject

 Section 3 – Overview of Goals and Objectives

  • New Goals
  • Brief Explanation of Sequence for Implementation (Provide Brief Rationale)

Apply kinematic data collection techniques and data analysis. Write up of the kinematic data collection and analysis as a Laboratory Report.


This assignment is a Laboratory Report of a kinematic analysis of a sporting movement, or movements. This assignment will apply kinematic data collection techniques and data analysis. The assignment focuses on the practical application of biomechanical principles by assessing students’ ability to measure kinematics and analyse and interpret the results of their kinematic analysis. Engaging in this unit, and the assignment, will enhance students’ ability to conduct biomechanical assessment of performers; a fundamental skill for sport and exercise practitioners across many roles and disciplines.

The assignment will be a write up of the kinematic data collection and analysis as a Laboratory Report. The style of this assessment (Laboratory Report) builds upon skills gained in previous Laboratory Reports (e.g. Physiology and the formative task on this unit) and develops students’ ability to write in an appropriate scientific style. This assessment style also prepares the students to conduct their own independent studies (e.g. Level 6 Biomechanics and Dissertation), enabling the development of the necessary skills through a group learning approach.

Choose a logistics topic using material from the text and two other sources and write a 8 page paper about the topic demonstrating the ability to apply course material.

Contemporary Logistics

Each student is to choose a logistics topic using material from the text and two other sources and write a 8 page paper about the topic demonstrating the ability to apply course material. Papers are to be in APA style and double-spaced with a 12 point font. Papers must be submitted via Blackboard. Late papers received within one week after the due date will be penalized one letter grade (10%). No papers will be accepted after one week.

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(1) That you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy

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