What does evidence-based research say about the development of sexual orientation in young and middle adulthood?

Empirical Research and Developmental Theory

What does evidence-based research say about the development of sexual orientation in young and middle adulthood? Though the body of literature addressing sexual orientation, including heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, is far from complete, the literature continues to grow. Your awareness of this literature helps inform your social work practice as you address the needs of clients with a variety of sexual orientations.

Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Obstacles encounter

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Choose an image from the Powerpoint in which something is missing, any time period, it can be a complete image but one where there seems to be something missing, in other words, you use your imagination to think about what you don’t see in the picture. Write about how the things that are missing make the subject more valuable

Poem Archaic Torso of Apollo

In the Manner of the poem Archaic Torso of Apollo,

Write a 14-line poem (a sonnet) with at least 10 syllables per line, it does NOT have to rhyme

Choose an image from the Powerpoint  in which something is missing, any time period, it can be a complete image but one where there seems to be something missing, in other words, you use your imagination to think about what you don’t see in the picture.

Write about how the things that are missing make the subject more valuable

Do some research:

You could make reference to an invocation of the gods, Apollo or Zeus, what might you need to sacrifice to them, what would be an appropriate sacrifice gain the favor of the Furies?

Mention at least one god or figure from Greek mythology.

Remember, there is an irony here: that what is missing or lost is what actually makes the things that are left over have meaning

Create a powerful lead-in that draws the reader’s attention and relates to the essay topic. Establish a strong thesis statement that explains the writer’s argument and the point of this essay without producing an essay map.



Be specific. Take your belief out of the ether and ground it in events that have shaped your core values. Consider moments when belief was formed or tested or changed. Think of your own experience, work, and family, and tell of the things you know that no one else does. Your EXAMPLES don’t have to be heart-warming or gut-wrenching. They can even be funny, BUT it should be real. Make sure your EXAMPLES tie to the essence of your daily life philosophy and the shaping of your beliefs. Name your belief: If you can’t name it in a sentence or two, your essay might not be about belief. Focus on one core belief. (For example, my sample essay on the content page is about my belief that reading is beneficial with three examples of those benefits.) Be positive: Write about what you do believe, not what you don’t believe. Avoid statements of religious dogma. Be personal: Make your essay about you; speak in the first person. Avoid using “you” because “you” is referring to the reader.


Write at least a 500-word essay, which will count 10% of overall grade, and will focus on the following:

a. Creating a powerful lead-in that draws the reader’s attention and relates to the essay topic.

b. Establishing a strong thesis statement that explains the writer’s argument and the point of this essay without producing an essay map.

c. Developing at least three body paragraphs (each establishing one idea about the thesis) and displaying at least ten sentences of support, including facts, concrete examples, action verbs, descriptive adjectives and adverbs, and specific details.

d. Providing an essay free of all red-flag errors: fragments, comma splices, run-on sentences, use of 2nd person “you,” subject/verb agreement errors, and spelling errors.

e. Proving to the reader what you believe and why

Provide your analysis on why Amazon does not want unions in its workplace. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of organized labor on the unorganized sector of the US economy.

Amazon and Unions


View the video on Amazon and Unions. Provide your analysis on why Amazon does not want unions in its workplace. Your analysis should demonstrate an understanding of the impact of organized labor on the unorganized sector of the US economy. Use the content of video and chapter 2 to assist your analysis. 100 word in paragraph form

Who wrote (created) it? What is the meaning of central importance? What is their opinion or is it factual based only? What kind of language do they use? What do they hope to accomplish through this?

Climate shapes

How ‘climate’ becomes constructed – scientifically. Narrow scope to rising temperatures in Greenland and Canadian Arctic (Baffin Island)

See Hulme’s “telling a different tale” for context (link below)

The Scientific story: weather, climatology, meteorological (measurements and statistics), historical
Who wrote (created) it?
What is the meaning of central importance – the “rising temperatures in the Arctic“ against which the story of climate change unfolds and from which it draws much of its mood.
What is their opinion or is it factual based only?
What kind of language do they use? – ie. mood and symbolism, metaphorically, physical time and place
What do they hope to accomplish through this?

Discuss the various reasons system implementation fails. Compare and contrast various change models. Provide details of how you will use the change model, and justify why you selected one model over the other models. Explain the various steps that should be included to ensure the change model is effective.

System Development Life Cycle: Phases IV & V – Implementation and Maintenance

With the justification of an HRIS solidified, you need to show your client how you will implement the HRIS using one of the change models discussed in our text. You will also need to explain and justify cost associated with implementation via a cost benefit analysis. You want to ensure the system is properly maintained and evaluated for continuous improvement. Therefore, you will include a maintenance and evaluation plan in your proposal.

Write a 4 page proposal, in which you do the following:

Change Management
Discuss the various reasons system implementation fails. Compare and contrast various change models. Then select a change model to use during system implementation. Provide details of how you will use the change model, and justify why you selected one model over the other models. Explain the various steps that should be included to ensure the change model is effective.

HRIS Implementation
Discuss the activities that are necessary prior to the system going live, and provide a timeline for these activities. Specify which change management team member will be responsible for each activity, and explain their role.

Cost Benefit Analysis
Create a cost benefit analysis matrix for the HRIS vendor you chose during Phase III: Design. Analyze the cost justification strategies that you will use to justify the cost of the HRIS, including data that identify each benefit and cost component examined, estimates of the dollar amount for each, estimates on when the organization will incur each cost and receive each benefit, and documentation justifying each decision you made in listing these benefits.

Discuss how you will ensure the system is properly maintained and evaluated for continuous improvement.

Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Evaluates results in the context of the hypothesis. Identify data issues such as possible anomalies or outliers and their potential impact on the analysis. Identify experimental issues that might explain outliers, including the most likely sources of error and any potentially confounding variables.

Evaluating  the comparative ploidy values of different samples

INTRO: A little background context is expected. Be sure to include a clear hypothesis statement, supported by a rationale, and ending with a prediction statement that connects the idea of the hypothesis to the basic concept of the planned testing.

METHODS: Boil it down to the basics that might affect results. The idea is to allow someone to replicate the experiment so that they will be able to compare their data to ours.

RESULTS: A results statement includes a very short summary of key findings and a graph. Work with the compiled class results to create a bar and whisker graph that compares the means and ranges for the extracted (spooled) mass of DNA from strawberries, peas, and bananas. The graph can be computer-generated, hand drawn, or a hybrid. In results, include an n=___ statement in your narrative summary.

CONCLUSION: Evaluates results in the context of the hypothesis.

DISCUSSION: Identify data issues such as possible anomalies or outliers and their potential impact on the analysis. Identify experimental issues that might explain outliers, including the most likely sources of error and any potentially confounding variables.

How long does it take for typical members of the community to learn relevant task? How long does it take to perform relevant benchmarks?

Design sketches

Design sketches. Using pen and paper, sketch out two different ideas of preliminary designs for your user interface. Consider the particular needs of your target user population. Describe and explain each set of sketches.

Storyboard designs. Arrange the sketches in the order that they will be used in your scenario and describe each step in detail.

Write the user documentation (help guide) – a brief (one page or screen max) new user’s guide to getting started. Or, design your interface so it needs no user documentation. If you don’t need user documentation, indicate this in your write-up.

Task-command analysis. Analyze How long does it take for typical members of the community to learn relevant task?he command sequence needed to carry out each of several tasks, including the keystroke count of user actions for each of the tasks. Count these categories of actions: button press, hand movement across device or screen, hand movements between the screen and other parts of the device.

Describe the ways in which your design considers the 5 measures of usability:

Time to learn: How long does it take for typical members of the community to learn relevant task?

Speed of performance: How long does it take to perform relevant benchmarks?

Rate of errors by users: How many and what kinds of errors are made during benchmark tasks?

Retention over time: Frequency of use and ease of learning help make for better user retention

Subjective satisfaction: Allow for user feedback via interviews, free-form comments and satisfaction scales

Analyze several of the Critical Challenges Facing an Urban Planner What are they? How do they affect the planning process? Why do they affect the planning process? What are second-order consequences? Analyze the Solutions to each Planning and Development Challenge selected.

Planning and Development Challenges


This case study assignment is designed to test your ability to conduct effective research, gain a nuanced understanding of complex concepts, synthesize the ideas reflected in your research with those reflected in your required readings, and to evaluate and apply these ideas to an issue of urban planning.

For this assignment, you will write an analysis critique of a case study in a traditional research paper format. Specifically, you must:

1) Analyze several of the Critical Challenges Facing an Urban Planner What are they? How do they affect the planning process? Why do they affect the planning process? What are second-order consequences?
Some Challenges (pressures that exert a decisive influence on a planning organization’s likelihood of future success.)

• Disruptive innovations
• Financing Difficulties
• Fragmented and overlapping governments, authorities, and special districts
• Untangling organizational purpose and organizational strategy
• Social conflicts, and rapid population growth
• The spread of scattered new development
• Outdated planning and zoning techniques
• Incorporating “what people think” (reputation and the social definition of value) in strategic planning

2) Analyze the Solutions to each Planning and Development Challenge selected (What are they How will they work? What are the impacts and second order consequences?)

3) Analyze the Partnerships That Can Mitigate, or Address each Planning and Development Challenges selected using a biblical worldview (What parties are involved in the comprehensive planning process? What do they contribute? What purpose do they serve? What are the impacts and second order consequences of their involvement?)