Discuss sustainable construction materials and how they may be used effectively. How can personnel behavior be modified to increase productivity?

Direct relationship to productivity

As part of your work for this course, you will be required to write a 10 page term paper. The writeup should be minimum 12pt type, double spaced, although single spaced is acceptable. It should be neat with proper grammar and spelling. Drawings, photos and references should be included in the 10 pages. Drawings and photos should be neat and titled on 8 1/2 x 11 paper.

Some presentation topics could include:

Select a global productivity issue and elaborate
Discuss sustainable construction materials and how they may be used effectively
How can personnel behavior be modified to increase productivity?
Address the issue of cost comparisons before a task is performed, end with why a method was selected and what are the cost advantages for that particular method.
Discuss the gathering of information (data) and what kind of analysis would normally be performed.
What are the best ways for improving the evaluation of data for choosing a proper method or approach?

What Can be learned from the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave to improve FEMA and local emergency management responses?


What Can be learned from the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave to improve FEMA and local emergency management responses?

How did Lincoln utilize Leadership Language (Chapter 3) to mobilize support in favor of the 13th amendment’s ratification? Specifically analyze Lincoln’s tone and style—was he able to create a positive ethos? In what ways did Lincoln make his communication especially memorable and persuasive?

Film Paper 2

Introduction: Lincoln portrays the great president’s struggle to ratify the 13th amendment—which, if passed, would ban slavery in the United States everywhere and for all time. The film also depicts the diversity of perspectives among the members of Lincoln’s cabinet, whom he had chosen precisely for that reason and masterfully illustrates Lincoln’s skills as a diplomat, leader, and communicator. It is based upon a section of Doris Goodwin’s Pulitzer Prize-winning historical work Team of Rivals.

Instructions: Assess the overall leadership of Abraham Lincoln as depicted in the film based upon what you have learned about leadership ethics so far from our course textbook and upon what you may have learned about the subject from other sources. Some questions to consider:

• How did Lincoln utilize Leadership Language (Chapter 3) to mobilize support in favor of the 13th amendment’s ratification? Specifically analyze Lincoln’s tone and style—was he able to create a positive ethos? In what ways did Lincoln make his communication especially memorable and persuasive?

• In what specific ways did Lincoln demonstrate emotional intelligence? How did his interpersonal skills make him an effective leader? (Chapter 8). What about his nonverbal communication skills…were there points in the film in which Lincoln’s nonverbals improved his communication effectiveness?

• What types of conflict existed between Lincoln, his cabinet officials, members of Congress, etc.? How did Lincoln manage these conflicts to keep them from spiraling out of control? (Chapter 10)

For additional context and possible writing ideas, check out these web sites:




Compare the music you listened to when you were younger to the music you listen to now. What do the two types of music tell about you and how you have changed? Write a comparison and contrast essay in which you discuss your conclusions.

Comparison and Contrast Essay

Assignment: Write a five paragraph, 500 to 700-word comparison and/or contrast essay on one of the topics listed below.

Guidelines: Keep the following in mind when writing this essay.

Compare the music you listened to when you were younger to the music you listen to now. What do the two types of music tell about you and how you have changed? Write a comparison and contrast essay in which you discuss your conclusions. One source should be “Songs of Summer” by Juan Williams. The second source is your choice. It may be an academic article found in the library resources or it may be lyrics from songs that are meaningful to you. You must have your second source approved by your professor. This paper should be written in first person.

Select and explain your pharmacological treatment approach including the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug(s) you choose. Describe how your treatment approach will alter brain chemistry and influence behavior.

Pharmacological treatment interventions for a specific mental health disorder

On this week’s Assignment you will write a 10-11 page essay discussing pharmacological treatment interventions for a specific mental health disorder. Use the readings from previous units and at least three academic sources from the Library. Use the format of diagnosing found in Diagnosing Mental Health Disorders. Your paper should synthesize the readings you have completed so far that apply to the topic and should reflect how this synthesis will help you apply what you are learning to your own work in the profession.

Read the following case study:

Lourdes is a 34-year-old, married, mother of two, who was brought into the emergency room due to an overdose from oxycontin. Lourdes was found unconscious in her cubicle at work and rushed to the hospital via ambulance. Lourdes works in an insurance company as a claim’s processor. 3 years ago, shortly after the birth of her second child, she suffered post-partum hemorrhaging due to uterine rupture at birth. This resulted in an emergency hysterectomy and spending several days in the hospital. She was prescribed oxycodone for 2 weeks post-surgery. Since that time, Lourdes has complained of pain and has visited several doctors to assess the cause of her pain. She has had several tests including a laparoscopic procedure and the doctors have found no cause for continued discomfort.

6 months ago, her current doctor stopped prescribing Lourdes oxycodone and referred her to a local rehab center out of concern that she had developed a “dependency” on her pain killers. Lourdes denied a problem but continued to complain of pain. She has found that she can purchase her medications online and has been treating herself.

At the hospital, Lourdes’ husband explained that they were no longer sleeping together. At home, Lourdes does not play with the kids, and she has not spoken to her parents in months. She is withdrawn, irritable and tends to fall asleep on the couch every night. On more than one occasion, Lourdes had mentioned that her family would be better off if she were dead. The attending physician noted that Lourdes is underweight and has sluggish bowel sounds. He is concerned that the over-use of opiates has slowed her digestion and she may have created narcotic bowel syndrome which could account for some of her pain.

Your essay should include the following:

Diagnose the mental health issue(s) in the case study.
Select and explain your pharmacological treatment approach including the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug(s) you choose.
Include any possible short and long-term side effects of the treatment(s) as well as the necessary referrals.
Describe how your treatment approach will alter brain chemistry and influence behavior.
Provide a detailed plan of how the integrated treatment team will address the needs of the client and justify the model of intervention.

Explore the idea of change and identity, mainly through the wolf imagery set in the Saga as well as potentially others.

Volsunga Saga

Topic concerns with the Volsunga Saga, was interested in exploring idea of change and identity, mainly through the wolf imagery set in the Saga as well as potentially others. Style is Chicago. Will upload paper description as well as my original proposal and some sources, though you may choose other sources and rewrite the abstract if you choose. Minimum of 3 scholarly articles

Study whether fMRI intrinsic activity represents behaviorally relevant information, such as high level visual objects, motor actions, memories, and eye movements. emphasizing the importance of the low dimensionality of activity and behavior. Methods: fMRI, hd-EEG, multivariate analysis, resting state.

The representation function of spontaneous brain activity and the low dimensionality of brain activity and behavior

Study whether fMRI intrinsic activity represents behaviorally relevant information, such as high level visual objects, motor actions, memories, and eye movements. emphasizing the importance of the low dimensionality of activity and behavior. Methods: fMRI, hd-EEG, multivariate analysis, resting state.

Based upon the various definitions and conceptualizations of terrorism, freedom fighters, nationalists, etc., do you think Eric Rudolph was correctly labeled as a homegrown terrorist by the author? Should he have been labeled as a domestic terrorist? Or simply a criminal for his illegal acts? Or should he be considered a “rebel” fighting for a worthwhile cause?

Explain the differences between homegrown and domestic terrorists.

Many people dismay over aspects of their lives; especially if they resent, disagree with, or view their government as the blame. Most people cope just fine. Others picket, strike, stage rallies, or some other form of displayed outrage or ire. However, there are those that feel it is their duty to rage against what they consider to be unfair, illegal, or unethical treatment of themselves or others. And, in doing so, engage in illegal, violent, and disastrous activities to accomplish their goals or make a point.

Based upon the various definitions and conceptualizations of terrorism, freedom fighters, nationalists, etc., do you think Eric Rudolph was correctly labeled as a homegrown terrorist by the author? Should he have been labeled as a domestic terrorist? Or simply a criminal for his illegal acts? Or should he be considered a “rebel” fighting for a worthwhile cause? Support you answer and position with citations and literature.

Identify collective bargaining agreement by parties and unit. Describe all that must be done to properly prepare to negotiate, negotiate and ratify a collective bargaining agreement. List at least five (5) provisions you wish to negotiate to change in order of your priorities.


  1. Identify collective bargaining agreement by parties and unit. (It is attached)


  1. Describe all that must be done to properly prepare to negotiate, negotiate and ratify a collective bargaining agreement, such as Form a Committee, Make Ground Rules, Do Examples.


  1. List at least five (5) provisions you wish to negotiate to change in order of your priorities.


Example:         1.  Article 13, Section 4a, Comp Time

  1. Article   6, Section 3, Vacation


  1. On a provision by provision basis,


  1. Write the language of the existing collective bargaining agreement and then the language as you would have it changed in mark-up form.


  1. State the reason you want the change.


  1. State the interpretation of the language as amended.


  1. State the best rationalizable proposal or proposals you might make in order to achieve your goal in negotiations.


Example:  If you want to reduce Comp Time Carryover from 200 hours a year to 150 hours a year, you first might propose to reduce it to 100 and then later to 125.


  1. State the arguments/rationale you would raise with the opposite party in support of your position.


  1. State anything you would offer and at what stage, in order to get agreement to your proposal.


Example:  Would offer 180 hours of carryover, but only after Fact-Finding.


  1. State to what point you would go to achieve your goal, negotiations, fact-finding, strike (if non-safety forces) or conciliation (for safety forces).

Analyze the credibility of the author of the source or of the publication, if no author is present. Analyze the relevance of the source to your chosen research topic. Write each annotation in your own words, without the excessive use of direct quotation or extensive paraphrasing, for the 8–10 sources from part B. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Minimum Wage

A. Compose an appropriate, arguable thesis statement that previews two to four main points and that you plan to use in your research paper.

B. Create an annotated bibliography of eight to ten appropriate, credible sources that you plan to use in your research paper.

Note: You may use the attached “Annotated Bibliography Template” to complete your annotated bibliography, but use of the attached template is not required.

1. Provide a full, APA-formatted reference citation for the 8–10 sources.

2. Provide an annotation (suggested length of 150 words) for each of the 8–10 sources by doing the following:

a. Summarize the information presented in the source.

b. Analyze the credibility of the author of the source or of the publication (e.g. journal, publisher, or website), if no author is present.

c. Analyze the relevance of the source to your chosen research topic.

3. Write each annotation in your own words, without the excessive use of direct quotation or extensive paraphrasing, for the 8–10 sources from part B.

C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission