What is the appropriate test? What is the null and what is the alternative hypothesis? What are the assumptions for this test? Run the appropriate test in R or SAS. What is the p-value? What is your verdict?

Assignment 08

To complete the following questions, you need the dataset Video Questions.csv, which you can find on Lab 10 on Moodle. This dataset contains the number of correct answers of 241 to two questionnaires which the participants completed after watching 2 educational videos. It also contains their gender and age.

  1. Deciding on a T-Test: The researcher wants to compare the responses of the individuals to the first video by genders, should they use a pooled or independent T-test?
  2. Try to answer the question above with a hypothesis test. What is your null and what is your alternative?
  3. Use the appropriate test to answer (a). What is your p-value? What is the verdict?


  1. Executing the T-Test: The researcher then wants to find if there is a difference in the number of correct answers for video 1 for the two genders, using a T-test comparison.
  2. What is your null and alternative hypothesis?
  3. Create some summary statistics, for the variable Vid1, by the two genders.
  4. What are some assumptions that need to be checked for the process to work?
  5. Test if the variable Vid1 is normally distributed for the two genders respectively.
  6. Use SAS or R to run the appropriate T-test, present your T score and the p-value.
  7. What is your verdict?


  1. Paired T-Test: Continuing question 1, the research wants now to find if the two videos produce statistically similar results.


  1. What is the appropriate test? What is the null and what is the alternative hypothesis?
  2. What are the assumptions for this test?
  3. Run the appropriate test in R or SAS. What is the p-value?
  4. What is your verdict?


  1. Proportions test: The researcher now wants to find if the ratio of kids is the same among the two genders.


  1. Create a table with the variables Gender and Char, to find the proportion of Kids vs Not Kids for both genders.
  2. Set up a hypothesis test. What is your null and what is your alternative hypothesis?
  3. What are the assumptions for this test? Check the ones you can check and mention the ones you cannot.
  4. Compute the corresponding statistic and the p-value. What is your verdict?


Based on the data collected, do you think that debt is a problem faced by economically advanced countries, undeveloped countries, or both? Explain the concept of “crowding out”. Based on the data collected, which of these countries likely has the most extensive “crowding out”? Explain.



Before addressing the following questions, you will first need to collect some data! Use online websites (such as Wikipedia) to find economic data for Japan, USA, India, Italy, Iraq, and Mexico. Specifically, find recent data for per capita GDP and government debt-to-GDP ratio.

Based on the data collected, do you think that debt is a problem faced by economically advanced countries, undeveloped countries, or both? Justify your answer.

The United States government has a 100% repayment rate—it has always repaid its debt. Given what we know about risk and return, do you think the USA is generally charged high or low interest rates on borrowing money? Similarly, do you think Iraq (a poor and economically unstable country) is likely to pay high or low interest rates on loans?

Explain the concept of “crowding out”. Based on the data collected, which of these countries likely has the most extensive “crowding out”? Explain.

Explain 2–3 methods that are effective for group therapy in the community mental health center. Research 2–3 theories that support your selected methods. Include at least 3 reasons why this type of therapy benefits the clients.

Foundations of Group Counseling

Assignment Description
You are working in a community mental health center with a high number of clients with substance abuse disorders. The director is going to a conference and would like you to put together information describing the group therapy that is available at the center, including information and support from resources acknowledged as credible in the industry to support the type of groups that you support.

Your director asks you to do the following:
• Explain 2–3 methods that are effective for group therapy in the community mental health center.
• Research 2–3 theories that support your selected methods.
• Include at least 3 reasons why this type of therapy benefits the clients.
• Include an overview of the skills the clients learn to help them decrease their incidence of self-harm.
• Cite your sources using APA style and include a reference slide at the end.

Choose a topic of interest in the area of dress practices and the body. Topics must relate to notions of identity in some way, either individual, or communal.

The Fashioned Body


Choose a topic of interest in the area of dress practices and the body. Topics must relate to notions of identity in some way, either individual, or communal. Your topic can be historical, and/or contemporary in focus. Your paper should include a clear thesis, evidence of critical thinking, visual analysis of a chosen image or set of images, and a clearly articulated argument or perspective. You should consult and refer to academic research to support your argument.

Provide an introduction of the topic or issue, and identify how and reason for its selection. Evaluate the business context in which the matter arises. Assess the organizational levels as well as various internal and external stakeholders impacted, as well as the importance of the topic or issue’s resolution to strategic objectives.

The Effects of Behavior from Stress In the Workplace

Power Point Instructions
Our issue we selected- The Effects of Behavior from Stress in Workplace
We selected the topic to be on the company Apple
Using the topic/issue approved by the instructor in unit 1, students will develop a 10-minute presentation of at least 10-15 PowerPoint slides of content. In their deliverable students should:

• Provide an introduction of the topic or issue, and identify how and reason for its selection.
• Evaluate the business context in which the matter arises.
• Assess the organizational levels as well as various internal and external stakeholders impacted, as well as the importance of the topic or issue’s resolution to strategic objectives.
• Evaluate opportunities and challenges relative to the topic or issue.
• Scrutinize applicable models for implementing organizational change, critical thinking, and decision-making that impact the behaviors of leaders and employees
• Appraise behavior in organizations relative to best practices for leaders/leadership that lead to predictable outcomes
• Offer support from the text as well as other appropriate business sources via a reference slide (not counted as part of the 10-15 slides of content)

Identify positive effects of organizational politics as articulated by academic and business sources. Evaluate best practices for managers and leaders to minimize negative employees’ perceptions of organizational politics.

Examine The Evidence

Part 1
Read carefully “Examining the Evidence- Political Behavior: A Viable Coping Strategy for Organizational Politics?” found in Chapter 13 of the Neck et al. textbook. For the discussion by:
• 1. Identify positive effects of organizational politics as articulated by academic and business sources (not just the Neck et al. textbook)

• 2. Assessing best practices for mangers and leaders to leverage effectively organizational politics (make sure to base your assessment on scholarly and practitioner literature, not just your opinion)

• 3. Evaluate best practices for managers and leaders to minimize negative employees’ perceptions of organizational politics.

Expand on an entry in a discussion section. Discuss how a particular discussion, module or textbook reading made you think of something in a new way or reminded you of a contemporary issue or literary work.

Reaction essay

Turn in Reaction Essay #1

Reaction essays are just that: a student’s expanded reaction to a discussion session, downloaded material, textbook reading or multimedia presentation. There is no research component required for this paper. (Although, if you choose, there can be.) It is not a formal piece. Still, it should be thoughtful and well-planned. That reaction can take many forms.

These can include:

1.) Expand on an entry in a discussion section. (If you take this option, cut and past your initial post at the start of your reaction essay.)


2.) Taking a particular position on a class discuss where there was a divergence of opinion.


3.) Discussing how a particular discussion, module or textbook reading made you think of something in a new way or reminded you of a contemporary issue or literary work.


4.) Write about the way an issue from the discussions, modules or readings connected you to some other aspect of your life.


Give summary statistics for the trip duration along with your interpretation of the results. Plot the distribution of the trip duration. Plot how many trips start at each of the 10 most popular stations for trips to start at. Make a table showing the 10 most popular origin-destination pairs and the number of trips between them.

Analyse data from Edinburgh’s JustEat bicycle hire scheme from January 2021


The assignment requires you to analyse data from Edinburgh’s JustEat bicycle hire scheme from January 2021. The data include trips with a duration of at least one minute, made during Just Eat Cycles’ regular opening times. This excludes cancelled trips and bikes moved by the JustEat team.

Variable definitions are given below:

Variables Format Description

started_at Timestamp Timestamp of when the trip started

ended_at Timestamp Timestamp of when the trip ended

duration Integer Duration of trip in seconds

start_station_id String Unique ID for start station

start_station_name String Name of start station

start_station_description String Description of where start station is located

start_station_latitude Decimal degrees in WGS84 Latitude of start station

start_station_longitude Decimal degrees in WGS84 Longitude of start station

end_station_id String Unique ID for end station

end_station_name String Name of end station

end_station_description String Description of where end station is located

end_station_latitude Decimal degrees in WGS84 Latitude of end station

end_station_longitude Decimal degrees in WGS84 Longitude of end station

The assignment requires you to carry out a series of tasks. All of the code used to answer the questions must be included with your assignment. You should also comment on the results you generate and explain to the reader what they show.

The assignment must be produced using R Markdown. You must submit both the .Rmd file and the knitted html file (a knitted Word of pdf file will also be acceptable). Note that the knitted output must contain the output of the code. Credit will not be given for code which does not produce anything. Outputs will not be produced by the marking team from your code. It is your responsibility to ensure that any plots, tables or other output displays correctly in the knitted output. Check which files you have submitted. Changes made to submissions after the deadline will be counted as late and will be subject to late penalties. You cannot claim at a later date you intended to submit something else. Whatever you submit will be marked and that will be the final grade.

You should spend time to make the output of your work presentable. For example, charts and tables should be properly labelled i.e., no raw variable names, labels which clash and so on. You should not go beyond 1,000 words in writing up your results. Code is not included in the word count.


Give summary statistics for the trip duration along with your interpretation of the results.

Plot the distribution of the trip duration.

Plot how many trips start at each of the 10 most popular stations for trips to start at.

Make a table showing the 10 most popular origin-destination pairs and the number of trips between them.

Plot the distribution of trip duration for each of the 10 most popular stations for trips to start at.

Explain the role of the early years practitioner during each of the key personal needs of the child, you must include the importance of individual care plans for children in relation to the above aspects in liaison with parents/carers and other professionals, benefits of working in partnership with parents/carers in relation to individual care plans.

Understand the physical care needs of children

Task 3.1

Produce a comprehensive leaflet/guide for parents describing the physical needs of children. This must include ages from 0-7years covering the importance and value of the following:

  • Rest and sleep
  • Fresh air
  • Food and water
  • Protection from injury/illness

A section on the rights of the child with regard to the United Nations Convention Human Rights.

Task 3.2

Explain the role of the early years practitioner during each of the key personal needs of the child, you must include the importance of individual care plans for children in relation to the above aspects in  liaison with parents/carers and other professionals, benefits of working in partnership with parents/carers in relation to individual care plans.

  • Nappy changing
  • Toilet training
  •  Washing and bath time
  • Care of skin, teeth and hair
  • Meal times

Task 3.3, 3.4

Explain the rest and sleep needs of children at all the ages below, include the importance of routine, working in partnership. Current safety precautions that can minimise the risk of sudden death syndrome.

  • A baby aged 6 weeks
  • A baby aged 7 months
  • A toddler aged 15 months
  • A child aged 2 and a half years
  • A child aged 4–5 years
  • A child aged 6–7 years

Task 4: Understand the impact of the early years environment on the health and well-being of children.

Task 4.1, 4.2

Describe factors within the early years setting which may impact on the health and well-being of children. To include the following:

  • Valuing the individual child, parents and carers and providing a nurturing environment.
  • The impact of providing a positive environment for individual children, parents/carers, and EYE practitioners
  • The impact of an environment that does NOT value individual children, parents/carers and EYE practitioners.
  • How to encourage family involvement in EYE settings, the benefits of involving the family in the child’s learning and development.
  • How to empower the child. Develop confidence, self-esteem, and positive self-image. Encourage resilience, value, and self-worth. Respect and acknowledge differences and child’s preferences, interests.
  • Review this against a local and national initiatives in EYE to promote children’s health and well-being, emotional well-being, physical care, nutrition and exercise. How these initiatives can ensure maintaining the EYE practitioner maintains a healthy environment for children.

Task 4.3

Analyse the role of the early years practitioner in maintaining a healthy environment for children including the following:

  • Partnership working with parents/carers
  • Meeting individual physical care needs of children
  • Promoting emotional well-being
  • Promoting healthy eating
  • Promoting exercise
  • Inclusive practice

Task 4.4

Evaluate benefits of working in partnership with parents/carers in relation to children’s health and well-being include the following:

  • The contributions that can be made to a child’s health and well-being by working in partnership with parents/carers
  • What information early years practitioners need to know about from parents/carers
  • Implications of not working in partnership with parents/carers.

Identify the parties and the moral issue(s) at stake, keeping an eye out for similarities that it shares with the other cases. Concentrate on identifying the rights that are at stake. Are they liberty rights? Claim rights? If claim rights, against whom are the claims addressed? any duties of natural law that you think are relevant.

Natural Law Theory

Assignment-Identify the parties and the moral issue(s) at stake. Concentrate on identifying the rights that are at stake. Are they liberty rights? Claim rights? If claim rights, against whom are the claims addressed? see if there are any duties of natural law that you think are relevant.

Part I
Identify the parties and the moral issue(s) at stake, keeping an eye out for similarities that it shares with the other cases. Concentrate on identifying the rights that are at stake. Are they liberty rights? Claim rights? If claim rights, against whom are the claims addressed? any duties of natural law that you think are relevant.

Coursework-A large grocery chain orders its personnel department to screen out all grocery clerk’s applicants who have a prison record, a history of alcohol/drug abuse or mental illness or a problem with obesity.

Part II
The notion of liberty rights evolved out of medieval scholars’ reinterpretation of Roman law on the various forms of relation one can bear to property. The notion of a right that was developed was one that asserted an area of control over one’s life and was likened to the strongest form of property ownership recognized in Roman law. Do you believe you are related to yourself as to property? What are the implications of this view?

Do you think that you can use natural law to argue against the legitimacy of slavery? Why or why not?’ Provide your answer to that question here.