Write a personal statement for me to apply to the LSE for MSC human resources and organisations.

Personal statement

Write a personal statement for me to apply to the LSE for MSC human resources and organisations. Website: https://www.lse.ac.uk/study-at-lse/Graduate/degree-programmes-2022/MSc-Human-Resources-and-Organisations

What does the proliferation of these Native American-related team names and mascots say about Americans’ perceptions of Native Americans? Are there certain parts of the country where these Native American team names and mascots are more prevalent than others? Why or why not?

Massacre at Mystic

The assignment is in 2 parts:

Part 1: (Learning Outcome #4)

After viewing the video (Massacre at Mystic) answer the following questions:

What was the justification given for the Massacre of the Pequot Natives by the British?
How did this massacre change the way the war was conducted with Native Americans by Europeans from this point forward?

Part 2: Discovery Activity (Learning Outcome #4)

One of the legacies of the many tribes that first inhabited the Americas is the long list of Native American words and place names still in use today. Have students conduct simple internet research to discover Native American:

  • State Names
  • Native American Words
  • Native American Cities and Rivers, etc.
  • Native American College and Professional Sports Team Names and Mascots:

What does the proliferation of these Native American-related team names and mascots say about Americans’ perceptions of Native Americans? Are there certain parts of the country where these Native American team names and mascots are more prevalent than others? Why or why not?

Choose a short story that we have not read this semester and write an essay in which you argue whether it is an escapist or interpretive story and why you would categorize it that way.

The Yellow Wallpaper

Choose a short story that we have not read this semester and write an essay in which you argue whether it is an escapist or interpretive story and why you would categorize it that way.

Briefly explain the advantages and limitations of the three major categories of environmental policy tools as presented by the authors of the Office of Technology Assessment. What is an example of an environmental problem that would be best addressed by a “market-based” policy tool?


1. Briefly explain the advantages and limitations of the three major categories of environmental policy tools (single-source; multi-source; and tools that don’t directly limit pollution, or “market-based” tools) as presented by the authors of the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) report in Table 1 (page 3).

2. What is an example of an environmental problem that would be best addressed by a “market-based” policy tool?

Explain the three important points that comprise the research topic . Describe the evidence and support for each point.


Compose a 1- to 2-page outline that captures the main points and types of evidence in support of your research topic.


Use the classic outline alphanumeric system (i.e., I. , II., III., IV., V.)

Thesis statement at the top

I. An Introduction that explains your research topic

II. – IV. At least three (3) Body sections that explain the three important points that comprise the research topic (question or problem). Also, describe the evidence and support for each point.

V. Conclusion – Rephrase the thesis, list state possible solutions to the community problem.

Identify the main Procurement/Purchasing issues in the case, summarize them, and then, using material from your text or other sources, present recommendations for solutions to the issues/problems you have identified.

Hansen Equipment

Read and review the case study attached and write a one-page single-spaced narrative providing a response to the issues presented in this case. You must identify the main Procurement/Purchasing issues in the case, summarize them, and then, using material from your text or other sources, present recommendations for solutions to the issues/problems you have identified. Use the attached documents

Between 1910 and 1930, Mexicans were recruited, deported, recruited, and then deported. How do the sources reveal this process of change? In what ways did they experience recruitment? In what ways did they experience deportation? Why is it important to remember this cycle?

Writing Assignment #3

In this task, write an essay that uses the following sources. the presentations on Socialism, Labor Organizing, and Deportation; and Chapter 6 Vargas reading.

socialism and labor organizing video: https://youtu.be/KPIdC_TYKAg

deportation video:

You are asked to be reflective on this writing. Racism and formation and control of labor forces guides the Mexican native and immigrant experience. Think about how the federal government created policy that reflects cycles of change where recruitment and deportation become part of the Mexican experience. Write an essay that includes the cycle of change in immigration policy, addressing the prompts that follow:

“whenever there are economic labor necessities in the United States, the remedy becomes Mexican migration, which stimulates a movement of people to the U.S.; when the labor needs are satisfied, there oftentimes occurs an economic downturn which results in immigration restriction and deportation.”

Between 1910 and 1930, Mexicans were recruited, deported, recruited, and then deported. How do the sources reveal this process of change? In what ways did they experience recruitment? In what ways did they experience deportation? Why is it important to remember this cycle?

What is the role of external actors in democracy promotion? Discuss the main mechanisms and instruments of external democratization used in 1989 and its aftermath and illustrate your answer with examples.

Democracy promotion

What is the role of external actors in democracy promotion? Discuss the main mechanisms and instruments of external democratization used in 1989 and its aftermath and illustrate your answer with examples.

Review the Learn section and submit a Resume: Rough Draft Submission Assignment of your professional resume. After you have received feedback from your instructor and made any necessary edits, you will submit the Resume: Final Submission Assignment.

 Resume Assignment Instructions


For this Resume Assignment, you will create an up-to-date resume that highlights your skills and accomplishments in a manner that is eye-catching and appropriately memorable.


This Resume Assignment will be submitted in two parts:

  1. Review the Learn section and submit a Resume: Rough Draft Submission Assignment of your professional resume.
  2. After you have received feedback from your instructor and made any necessary edits, you will submit the Resume: Final Submission Assignment.

The content of your resume should be complete, relevant, and in appropriate sections. You should use action phrases to highlight your accomplishments. Your resume should be visually appealing and free of grammatical errors.


Demonstrate knowledge of a diverse, underrepresented group in a heterogeneous Spanish-speaking country. Explore the cultural aspects of the group that you choose; research and discuss its cultural contributions, experiences, values, histories and power struggles as a diverse group.

Spanish class

Write a brief paragraph describing what topic you have chosen, why you chose it, and if it is inspiring to you. You must also include the specific discriminatory topics you are focusing on (ex. education, gender-related discrimination, religion, language, land, etc.). It is important that you research a social issue that you are passionate about. It is ok if after reviewing this together, you decide that you would like to change your topic OR we discover that your chosen topic does not meet the criteria.

Write a three-page academic research paper on a diverse, underrepresented group of people in a Spanish-speaking country.

Within heterogeneous societies, some diverse groups end up being underrepresented and thus marginalized. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to demonstrate knowledge of a
diverse, underrepresented group in a heterogeneous Spanish-speaking country. Explore the cultural aspects of the group that you choose; research and discuss its cultural contributions, experiences, values, histories and power struggles as a diverse group.

First, select a Spanish-speaking country that you would like to research. This can include Spanish-speaking populations in the United States. Then, research an underrepresented
group in that country that has distinct cultural aspects that make them diverse, and result in experiences of marginalization. A group of people can be underrepresented due to a variety of factors such as their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sex, sexual orientation, disability, language, or class. A few examples (but not limited to) of such groups are:

  •  the Quechua people in Peru
  •  the Jews in Argentina
  •  women in Mexico
  •  Basque speakers in Spain.

Next, write an academic research paper describing the experiences of this diverse group living in a plural society. You should focus on the values and traditions of the group you
have selected with a particular emphasis on any one of the following:

  •  Political system
  •  Government
  •  Technological achievements
  •  Philosophy
  •  Religion
  •  Language (if this group is a language minority in the country you have chosen)
  •  Literature
  •  Other cultural contributions

In your paper, as you discuss the experiences of your group, be sure also to discuss what it means to be diverse in relation to power, privilege and inequality in a society in which one is a member of an underrepresented group