State the principle function of insulin. Define terminology associated with diabetes mellitus. Explain what happens in diabetes mellitus. Differentiate between type 1 and type 2.

Diabetes Mellitus

Purpose: In the health field, we use the patient’s history, signs, symptoms, and clinical testing to identify diseases and disorders. To best treat the disease/disorder it becomes important to understand how clinical diseases/disorders affects the body.


State the principle function of insulin. (c11ob12)
Define terminology associated with diabetes mellitus. (c11ob13)
Explain what happens in diabetes mellitus. Differentiate between type 1 and type 2. (c11ob14)
Recall the functions of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. (c02ob13)
Recall the functions of organelles in skeletal muscles. (c03ob06), (c07ob05)

Read the Perspectives on Health “Diabetes Mellitus” in your textbook. You may need to review the chemistry and muscle chapters for the last two questions.

If budget is an issue, how will the item pay for itself, or save the company money in some other area?

Analysis: Part 1 The Proposal

For our final project of the semester, you will be responsible for proposing a major expenditure at the company you outlined in your company memo. You are going to propose that the company buy a big ticket item. You need to make a convincing case as to why making the purchase will help your company solve a problem that the company needs solving. Specifically, your memo will need to have the following parts:

1. The greeting, which tells the reader why they are receiving the memo, what the problem is, and what the solution is, up front.

2. A detailed explanation of the problem, and why your company needs to address it.

3. A detailed explanation of the solution, and why your company needs to consider it.

4. Items addressed which might make the solution difficult: for example, budget. These items should be mitigated, not ignored. For example, if budget is an issue, how will the item pay for itself, or save the company money in some other area?

5. The overall advantages of adopting your proposal.

6. An assurance that if your proposal is accepted, an analysis of three different possible items will be forthcoming.

7. A courtesy close, telling the reader how to get in touch with you if there are questions of any sort.

The proposal assignment will be worth 100 points. It will be due on April 8th, which will give us time to discuss its feasibility, and make any refinements before the purchase analysis begins.

Research three potential purchase items regarding your big ticket purchase. Analyze these items by the same three criteria.

Rough Draft Purchase Analysis

This paper will be the follow up memo to your proposal, the purchase analysis. In order to complete this assignment, you will research three potential purchase items regarding your big ticket purchase. You will analyze these items by the same three criteria. The report will consist of the following parts:

1. The greeting, which reorients the reader to the issue. You will put your conclusion in a brief statement in this opening paragraph.

2. A summary of the proposal memo, reminding your reader you have already identified the problem, and this is our potential solution.

3. An outline of the 3 criteria you have chosen to analyze these items by, and why you’ve chosen these three as relates to your work place.

4. EITHER an analysis of each item via the three criteria OR an analysis of each criteria via the three items.

5. A measured way to crunch all the data into a conclusion of which item to buy first, second, and third.

6. A courtesy close.

An important item to remember is to make this report easy to read with headings and subheadings. Remember to follow the guidelines for good visual planning and be consistent with sections. Remember that this report is your graduation piece, so make it follow the rhetorical standards of good business writing as much as you can.

Write a one page review of “denial of service” attacks that exist in the cyber field of attacks.

Denial of Service

Write a one page review of “denial of service” attacks that exist in the cyber field of attacks.

Use this as a reference, APA format.

Create a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an event supplier.

Create a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an event supplier

You have recently been hired as the Director of Meetings for the National Association for Law Placement, Inc. (NALP). Your first order of business is to find a location for the 2026 Annual Education Conference. You have decided to locate the event in a single hotel rather than use a convention center and a hotel.

Visit the web site for NALP to learn more about this organization and its event history:

When creating your RFP, assume that 750 people will attend the conference. Many of them will be sharing rooms but not all of them. Pay particular attention to the dates/times of the various functions at NALP and the types/size of spaces you will need.

There are many resources available in Module 1 to help you with this assignment, particularly the Jubilee RFP. While you may want to use the Jubilee RFP and Cvent RFP as a starting point, there are significant differences between this event and the Cvent & Jubilee events that you need to consider.  For example, at the NALP event, there is no function that warrants staging and rehearsals.

The program for 2026 follows and clearly details the schedule and functions held throughout the conference.

Write an essay examine the racial disparity in sentencing in the State of Mississippi.

Racial Disparity in Sentencing

Write an essay examine the racial disparity in sentencing in the State of Mississippi.

How can doctrine, industry, economy of the country, moral and other components contribute to these types of operations.

The role and importance of Airpower in peacekeeping operations

1. The role and importance of the Airpower in peacekeeping operations. Airpower, from military doctrines, with emphasis on the components of Airpower – meaning Airpower is not only airforce-military assets, but also aerospace industry and comercial aviation, operational component, scientific and technological component, morale and professionalism of the fighters.  How can doctrine, industry, economy of the country, moral and other components contribute to these types of operations.

2. A case study or a operational analysis about the role and importance of the Airpower in one or some peacekeeping operations – it can be anything: Haiti, Western Sahara, Central African Republic, Mali, Congo, Darfur, Golan, Cyprus, Lebanon…..

Explain in more detail why the meeting went awry. What would you have done to better prepare for the meeting? Why? What tips would you offer to colleagues in a similar situation?

Analysis of Manager’s Hot Seat

Explain in more detail why the meeting went awry. What would you have done to better prepare for the meeting? Why? What tips would you offer to colleagues in a similar situation?

In order to conduct the quantitative methods study for your research project, you will design and administer a short survey that will help you collect data to measure your variables.

Customer organization

First part,You will submit a 1-2 page overview of your customer organization, including a brief history, the purpose of the organization, and any other relevant information that sets the stage for your analysis. The overview should also include your research question and the main variables of interest. The second part will be your survey design. This assignment will help you develop your survey design skills. In order to conduct the quantitative methods study for your research project, you will design and administer a short survey that will help you collect data to measure your variables. The survey should follow best practices of survey design covered in Module 6. The survey must include a short cover letter, outlining the purpose of your survey, addressing anonymity/confidentiality concerns, and an explanation of how the data will be used. The survey should include at least 8 questions (to measure your main variables of interest and demographic questions). You may use Qualtrics to administer your survey.

What stereotypes might you already have when you consider this audience? It’s okay to be honest here. Once you acknowledge what you believe or have heard/read/been taught, you can better focus on the reality. How would allowing these stereotypes to influence your speech hinder your presentation?

Audience Analysis

We discussed how important audience analysis, particularly demographical information, can be to your speech presentation. Knowing the makeup of your audience allows you to tailor your speech. The topic you choose, your word choice, and your examples should all factor in the specific audience you will address.

This assignment will ask you to complete an analysis of a particular audience. The guidelines are outlined below.


Imagine that you’ve been asked to give a short speech to a group of International students visiting Florida State College at Jacksonville from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Before you do so, surely you’d want to research Dubai in order to relate to your audience. Feel free to research as much as you’d like in order to discuss the following questions. There is a fact sheet with this assignment that you may wish to use as well. Then answer the following discussion questions providing details, examples of your own insight, and analysis. Cite your sources. APA format.

Remember, demographics typically cover gender/gender roles, political affiliations, religious affiliations, age, ethnic background, income level, educational level, etc.

  1. What stereotypes might you already have when you consider this audience? It’s okay to be honest here. Once you acknowledge what you believe or have heard/read/been taught, you can better focus on the reality. How would allowing these stereotypes to influence your speech hinder your presentation?
  2. List 3 demographics that you feel would differ for these students vs. students originating from the United States. Which of these 3 demographics would you consider most important to keep in mind as you speak to these students? Why?
  3. What might you include in this presentation that you would normally not consider relevant or necessary to address for U.S. students? Why? What should you consider as you choose your examples and details? What about the use of slang, idioms, and jargon?