Has there been any specific piece of technology in your life that helped transform the way you think about something in the world? How do you use technology in your everyday life? Your creative life? Your work life?

Interview & Field Report

In this stage, you will select a person from a different generation than you to interview about how they have used technology throughout their lives. Be sure to consider both digital and non-digital technologies. You can choose someone older or younger than you, and you can talk with a relative or friend or find someone outside of your immediate circles to interview. If you are choosing someone younger, be sure to choose someone old enough or mature enough to reflect thoughtfully on the impact of technology on themselves. After your interview, you will write a report highlighting three things you learned.

Your interview can be formal or informal. A formal interview has an established set of questions you have prepared ahead of time and do not deviate much from during the interview. An informal interview involves talking with someone about the topic in a more general way and asking specific questions as topics arise.

Some suggested question you can consider working into a formal or informal interview include:

Do you associate any form of technology with a significant event or time in your life? Tell me more about that event or time.

What kinds of non-digital technology do you frequently use, or have you frequently used throughout your life?

Has there been any specific piece of technology in your life that helped transform the way you think about something in the world?

How do you use technology in your everyday life? Your creative life? Your work life?

Is there any specific digital or non-digital technology you would have a hard time living without? Why?

How has technology changed throughout your life?

Is there any technology you wish had not changed? Why?

Has there been a specific form of technology that contributed to who you are today? Tell me more.

How are you a different, better, worse, enhanced, safer, etc., person when you use a specific form of technology than when you don’t?

How has your self- worth or self-conception been affected by technology?

You can modify these questions or ask other questions that are appropriate for your interview situation. The above list contains suggested starting points. The idea here is to find connections between your interviewee’s life experiences, self-identity and technology.

After you conduct your interview, write a 750–1000-word field report in which you do the following:

Write an introduction in which you briefly describe the person you interviewed. Include some general relevant about their demographic background (year of birth, gender, where they live, etc.)

Indicate the date when the interview took place. This should be during the current semester.

Identify and describe three things you learned from your interview about the impact of specific artifacts or kinds of technology on this person. Do not relay a transcript from your interview. Choose the three things you think are most relevant to the theme of technology and human experience and that you think had the greatest personal significance to your interviewee.

Write a 5-7 sentence conclusion that reflects on your interviewee’s relationship with technology in general. You can consider some of the same kinds of things you did in part one for yourself. Would they be the same person they are today without a specific piece of technology? Did any of the technological artifacts they talk about change them during a specific time of their life? How is technology in general a part of who they are?

Describe how you advanced in school and in life during this challenging pandemic year?

Describe how you advanced in school and in life during this challenging pandemic year? You can share your challenges and successes, how Carver staff and/or your Carver peers, and caring adults helped you navigate your journey.

What are the user’s overall tasks or goals when using this product? What parts of the overall task does the system perform? What parts does the user perform?

System goals

Create three scenarios: using the system goals you defined in the Analysis phase, construct detailed scenarios. While task descriptions are abstract, the scenario should be concrete, using imaginary details and imaginary users. Follow the user through the steps they take to achieve the goal. An example of a scenario is: “Robert is a 65-year-old with diabetes. He needs to monitor his blood sugar level regularly, and take his insulin shots. Sometimes he forgets..”

Conduct a task analysis: What are the user’s overall tasks or goals when using this product? What parts of the overall task does the system perform? What parts does the user perform? Present in tabular format using the template below.

Specify the conceptual design: Describe the conceptual model in terms of objects, relations between objects, actions on objects, and attributes of objects. Present using the template below.

Create a semantic, syntactic, and lexical design specification for each scenario: The semantic level design describes each function including its parameters, feedback, and potential error conditions. The syntactic level design describes the syntax of the system, using one or more state diagrams. Select a subset of your interface that covers its key aspects. You can also use sub-diagrams (like diagram subroutines) to keep the state diagrams from becoming cluttered. The lexical level design gives the definitions of the tokens.

Describe how communication techniques to include staffing assignment challenges, delegation, supervision, and prioritization impact the improvement of quality as a nurse leader within the context of a multi and interdisciplinary team.

Professional Identity

-Evaluate leadership and management attributes that support critical decisions for nursing practice.
-Explain the complexity of organizational systems and their impact on healthcare delivery.
-Apply quality improvement processes utilizing data from outcome measures in the clinical microsystem.
-Analyze leadership and management principles that guide supervision of nursing care.
-Apply principles of professional identity and professionalism.
-Integrate creative leadership and management strategies to facilitate change.

Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

You were recently promoted to a new leadership position and the organization wants to interview for an article to introduce you to the team. They have provided you with some focus areas to prepare for inclusion in the article.

In a Word document, prepare the following responses for the article:

1. Insights into how your core values influence your professional identity.

2. Discuss your leadership attributes that you would like to develop addressing both leadership and management responsibilities.

3. Organizational structure diagram that reflects the roles and responsibilities of professional nurse leaders in the micro, meso and macro levels of operation that begins with a mission, vision, and philosophy statement directed at improving client health outcomes.

4. Techniques and strategies needed to identify and quantify quality issues that impact outcomes in the clinical microsystem.

5. Apply standards to favorably impact a quality improvement initiative.

6. Describe how communication techniques to include staffing assignment challenges, delegation, supervision, and prioritization impact the improvement of quality as a nurse leader within the context of a multi and interdisciplinary team.

7. Incorporate how change theory is influenced by environmental and cultural dynamics

Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.

Drawing on relevant theory and secondary sources, identify, analyse, and evaluate one or more current issues/challenges within the delivery of Mega events (nationally and or internationally) using relevant case studies and industry

Mega and Major Events coursework 2

Drawing on relevant theory and secondary sources, identify, analyse, and evaluate one or more current issues/challenges within the delivery of Mega events (nationally and or internationally) using relevant case studies and industry examples your report should also provide recommendations on best practice going forward in relation to resolving these challenges.

Where can you find local statistics on the people you are interested in? In other words, which authorities/sources possess the data that you need? What type of data do you wish to collect, and why? How will that data help you identify problems?

Idea Building Discussion (IBD) #2

This week’s IBD focuses on the aspects of design-thinking and their role for entrepreneurs. After reading previous week’s content (Chapter 4) on the topic of design-thinking, you are required to think about conducting a needs assessment to identify what people in your community need (please note that this is a hypothetical assessment – you are not required to actually go out and collect data). You can start by identifying key demographics and choosing one group. For example, you may choose “parents of school-age children”, “dog owners”, “people in certain age groups” (e.g., senior citizens), “people for whom English is a second language”, etc. Then, answer the below mentioned questions.

Note that for each of the four questions, your response must be detailed and supported by evidence/links/citations:

  1. Where can you find local statistics on the people you are interested in? In other words, which authorities/sources possess the data that you need?
  2. What type of data do you wish to collect, and why? How will that data help you identify problems?
  3. How will you assess the needs of your chosen group/market/customer-segment? What measures will you take to ensure that the information you collect is reliable?
  4. What seem to be the current needs of this group/market/customer-segment based on the information available publicly (i.e., internet search, articles, news media outlets)? Please provide clear examples backed by evidence/statistics/citations.

Next, develop an empathy based interview protocol to capture the experience and needs of a potential customer (please use Chapter 4 notes to understand what an “empathy map” is and what is meant by “interview protocols”). In other words, if you were interviewing a potential customer about a product/service idea that you may have, what questions would you ask and why? Please make sure to develop an introductory script and a set of questions that would help you design an empathy map.

Your responses will be graded based on the following criteria:

  • The amount of information provided and the quality of the content.
  • The accuracy and relevance of the content.
  • Supplementary evidence (links, statistics, citations) and supporting examples.
  • Clarity of explanation and logical reasoning.
  • Quality of language, articulation of thoughts, and correctness of grammar, format, etc.

Know that in order to earn a full score on this assignment, your response must go “above and beyond” the basic requirements. A student displaying “minimal” effort by providing a “bare minimum” response to a question cannot expect to receive full points on it.


What are some of the reasons a ruler would be motivated to do this and what benefit would he see while he is ruling? How might the complex promote his legacy after he has passed?

Arch assignment 2

The goal of this assignment is for you to investigate the types of buildings found in the külliye (complex) associated with the Mosque of Süleyman the Magnificent in Istanbul and how they inform us about the role of the mosque and royal patronage in Ottoman society.

Reading required for this essay:

Buildings Across Time, pp. 165-166, figures 7.25, 7.26. (I will attached the pictuce of the textbook below, total of 7 pictures)

“Süleymaniye Complex.” Grove Art Online.

Goodwin, Godfrey. “KülliyeLinks to an external site..” Grove Art Online.

Instructions for writing your paper:

All answers must be in your own words. Quotations may be used but must be less that 10% of your content. If you use a quotation or paraphrase, you must include a citation in the text and a complete reference at the end of the essay. See sections on citations and plagiarism at end of these instructions. Spelling and grammar will be graded.

Part One: The Buildings of the külliye

List five different types of buildings in the Külliye of Süleyman the Magnificent in Istanbul

Explain their purposes.

This part can be presented in a written paragraph, for example: “The buildings found in the complex include a mosque that served as a place for congregational prayer…” Or you can present it as a bullet point list: Mosque (Place for congregational prayer)

Part Two: The Purpose of the Külliye (Two paragraphs – 20 points)

Pick two of the buildings/purposes identified in part one of your paper, and explain what each one contributes to the people, the community, and the practice of the Islamic faith. This part should be written as two separate paragraphs.

Part Three: Reflection on Imperial Patronage in the Ottoman Empire (One paragraph – 10 points)

While the külliye with a mosque is found in many parts of the Islamic world, including Persia (modern Iran) and Egypt, the Ottoman rulers included buildings and facilities that provide resources and charity to the surrounding community. In you reflection you should consider the following points:

What are some of the reasons a ruler would be motivated to do this and what benefit would he see while he is ruling?

How might the complex promote his legacy after he has passed?

Citations: It is important to acknowledge the sources that provide factual information, opinions, or interpretations when writing your paper. Evans Library has a useful guide to understanding citations ( (Links to an external site.)) as well as links to various citation formats and styles.

Select an appropriate approach (philosophy and methodology) to meet specific research aims and objectives at doctoral level. Develop a proposal for an original research project in line with the requirements of the University for doctoral study including full consideration of research integrity and ethics.

The role of charity funds in solving social problems and integrating their operations with banks

Purpose of the Assessment
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you can formulate academically rigorous and practically feasible research proposal, setting out the detailed parameters for the proposed independent research project.

Assessment Criteria
Your proposal should address the contents of the headings sections described above and these should fit together in a coherent way. You may wish to change the heading titles slightly, or merge some headings together, nevertheless, the proposal should provide the contents expected under such headings. Make sure that you use academic and authoritative sources of up-to-date literature and that you can show that you are familiar with different views and arguments in the literature about your topic. The methodology should be feasible as well as theoretically justified. Your proposal should show that it can be carried out to completion in realistic time frame. The specified word count excludes the reference list and appendices (if applicable).

Ensure that you know how to use Harvard referencing. Use the submission site to check the originality of your work; you will be able to overwrite the first submission by the due date.Also ensure that your proposal is not a copy from previous assignments. Please also note that pre-submission feedback will be provided by your critical friend.

This assignment will be marked in accordance with level 8 criteria.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

a) Understand what scoping an area of research means.

b) Select an appropriate approach (philosophy and methodology) to meet specific research aims and objectives at doctoral level.

c) Develop a proposal for an original research project in line with the requirements of the University for doctoral study including full consideration of research integrity and ethics.

d) The ability to work independently.

e) Critical thinking and writing skills in presenting an academic case.

What do you think the next pandemic will look like? Do you think we will respond faster because of this experience with COVID-19? Why or why not?

Future Pandemics

Fully answer questions using an APA 4page discussion post narrative style and DO NOT simply provide a list of comments. Please format by using logical paragraphs (not one long paragraph and avoid long lists).
Make sure to cite AT LEAST 3 scholarly or highquality sources. Wikipedia or sensational or
personal websites DO NOT qualify.

Now that we have studied an outbreak (measles) and a pandemic (COVID19), consider the following:
What do you think the next pandemic will look like? Do you think we will respond faster because
of this experience with COVID19? Why or why not?

What type of pathogen do you think it will be? Select a potential pandemic pathogen that is not
measles or COVID19. Which do you think is a potential agent for the next pandemic? (Hint: take
a look at CDC Category A agents too)

How will it be different than COVID19 or the same?

What surveillance, prevention, and control measures would be appropriate for your chosen

What is currently being done in the “real world” about this pathogen?

Choose a data collection method that best fits the research question, purpose of the research, and research design method selected.

Data Collection

Choose a data collection method that best fits the research question, purpose of the research, and research design method selected.
Outline a study’s methodology through the principles of data collection.


You have already selected a specific research design for your chosen research question in the previous assignment. In this assignment, you will select the data collection method that will be employed in order to collect data that will address the research question with which you will be working for this course’s project.