What is the WHO recommended age for measles vaccination in developing countries? Why is the recommended age for vaccination different in the United States?

Measles- Preventive Therapies for an Infectious Agent (Part 6)

Part VI
In previously vaccinated children aged 1-9 years in Bowie County, the measles attack rate in this outbreak was 4.2 per
1000; the comparable rate in unvaccinated children was 96.9 per 1000. From these data, a vaccine efficacy of 95.7
percent was calculated. This is a minimum figure since it has been assumed that all 27 children were correctly vaccinated
and that all of the cases therefore represent vaccine failure.
In actuality some of these patients did not receive vaccine under ideal conditions. Eight of the 27 previously vaccinated
patients had been vaccinated by nurses from the Texarkana/Bowie County Health Unit at a day nursery. The vaccine for
these eight children had been carried back and forth to the nursery from the Health Unit in a cooler in a car on three
separate days in June and July 1970. Although a lapse in technique which allowed warming of the vaccine cannot be
documented here, it is a possible explanation.
An additional seven patients had been vaccinated under the age of 1 year. These children were vaccinated in the years
1963-67 when it was recommended that measles vaccine be given at age 9 months. It has since been learned that a
vaccine failure rate as high as 15% may accompany vaccination at 9 months in the United States.

Measles is the theme of this Case Study. Please answer the questions listed for part 6 (below) using APA citation and
formatting in a 3-page paper after reading the material and using the resources provided. Use references as appropriate
to answer the questions fully. Remember to cite all sources. Use professional references (not common websites),
cite the reference where used in the narrative, and use correct reference formatting.

Answer the following questions with responses:
• Question 15: What is the WHO recommended age for measles vaccination in developing countries? Why is the
recommended age for vaccination different in the United States?
• Question 16: What are the different types of vaccines that are available today? How are they different, and how
are they the same? Find and describe an example of at least two types of vaccines and comment on their
advantages and disadvantages, including the need for boosters.

What are the best ways to counter-act a potential public panic when sharing emerging information? Who would be the best people to allay fear in this situation? What would be the most important messages that you can convey to the public?

Risk Communications

Fully answer questions using an APA 4-page discussion post narrative style and DO NOT simply provide a list of comments. Please format by using logical paragraphs (not one long paragraph and avoid long lists).
Make sure to cite AT LEAST 3 scholarly or high-quality sources. Wikipedia or sensational or personal websites DO NOT qualify.

As we have seen, time and time again, the 24-hr news cycle has a tendency to focus and hyperbolize public health emergencies and emerging outbreaks. For COVID-19:
• What are the best ways to counter-act a potential public panic when sharing emerging information?
• Who would be the best people to allay fear in this situation?
• What would be the most important messages that you can convey to the public?
• How would your COVID-19 investigation be different if it was not an infectious agent (for instance, the outbreak of sudden illness from vape pens)?
• How about if it were an environmental hazard or emergency?
• Would you use forensic epidemiology as part of your investigation?
• What do you think would be the best way to disseminate your findings? Would you use social media? Public Health and medicine websites? Flyers in doctors’ offices or hospitals? Public Service Announcement (PSA) on television or radio?
• What are the benefits and downfalls of the media type that you have chosen? Any other novel or cutting-edge ways that heath information may be shared?

How are bacteria and yeast enhancing our abilities to understand the cytochrome enzymes?

Medical Toxicology

How are bacteria and yeast enhancing our abilities to understand the cytochrome enzymes?

Explain soluble carrier and ATP- binding cassette transporters and how they can have toxicological effects in mammals.

Medical Toxicology

Explain soluble carrier and ATP- binding cassette transporters and how they can have toxicological effects in mammals.

What is meant by narrow-sense heritability? What is the change in body mass across generations, per generation? Calculate the average actual change in body mass within one generation caused by selection.

Genes, Development & Inheritance

Question 1

The recessive disease cystic fibrosis (CF) occurs among newborn babies in the UK at a frequency of 1 in 2,500. Given this information and assuming that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium:
a) What is the frequency of the recessive CF allele in the general population?
b) What is the frequency of heterozygotes in the general population?

These estimates can be useful in calculating the risk that a child will have the disease. What is the probability that an affected child will be born in each of the following situations?:
c) One parent is affected (has CF) and the other parent has no family history of the disease.
d) The parents are unrelated and neither has a family history of the disease.
e) One parent is heterozygous for a CF allele; the other parent has no known family history of cystic fibrosis.

Question 2

Researchers discovered that a polymorphism in the human PRNP gene confers resistance to an acquired neurodegenerative disease called kuru. There are two alleles, one coding for the amino acid methionine (M), and one coding for valine (V).

The researchers genotyped women from the Fore population in Papua New Guinea, which has a high rate of kuru. The women’s genotypes were:

Genotype Observed numbers
MM 16
MV 86
VV 23

a) Test if this polymorphism is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE).

To do this, use the HWE equation to work out genotype frequencies, and then use these frequencies to estimate the numbers of individuals of each genotype. Compare how well the observed and estimated match using the chi-square test.

Genotype observed
numbers estimated
numbers deviation d=o-e d2 d2/e

b) If the polymorphism is not in HWE, why is this? What is this type of selection called?

Q 2, continued:

A group of Fore men were also genotyped, and their genotypes were:

Genotype Observed numbers
MM 34
MV 111
VV 60

c) Is this polymorphism in HWE in the men?

An anthropologist tells you that kuru is transmitted by consuming the brains of kuru-infected individuals, and the Fore routinely ate their deceased relatives at mortuary feasts. The men had the first choice of tissues, and they left the less attractive brain for the women to eat.

d) Explain your results from part a) and c) in the light of this new information.

e) The people genotyped in this study were all born before a major kuru epidemic in the 1950s and 1960s. The Fore have now stopped mortuary feasts and kuru is now very rare. Would you expect genotypes from a sample of younger Fore individuals to be in HWE, or not? Explain your answer.

Question 3
A population of red deer was trapped on the island of Jersey (off the coast of France) in the last inter-glacial period, about 6000 years ago. From the fossil record, we can see that the deer rapidly adapted to their new conditions, perhaps by selection for shorter reproduction times in the absence of predators on the island. They evolved from a mean body mass of 200 kg 6000 years ago, to a current mean body mass of 36 kg.

Assume the average generation time is 5 years, and the narrow-sense heritability has been estimated from current red deer populations to be 0.5.

a) What is meant by narrow-sense heritability?
b) What is the change in body mass across generations, per generation?
c) Calculate the average actual change in body mass within one generation caused by selection (this is known as the selection differential, S). You will want to use the equation R=h2S, where h2 is the narrow-sense heritability and R is the response to selection, in this case the change in body mass across generations.
d) What major assumption about h2 did you make in your answer to (c). Is it likely to be correct?

Question 4
The giant polytene chromosomes of Drosophila arise when the DNA in a cell is replicated many times but there is no cell division. Up to 1024 copies of a chromosome can be present in a single nucleus. During this replication process the copies of a chromosome fail to separate into distinct chromatids, the result being a bundle of aligned chromosome copies. These polytene chromosomes have banding patterns that can be used to identify changes in chromosome structure.

Six bands in a salivary gland polytene chromosome of Drosophila are shown above, along with the extent of five deletions (Del1 to Del5):

Recessive lethal alleles, a, b, c, d, e, and f are known to be in the region, but their order is unknown. When heterozygous flies are produced, combining a deletion and one of the mutant alleles, the following results are obtained:

a b c d e f
Del1 – – – + + +
Del2 – + – + + +
Del3 – + – + – +
Del4 + + – – – +
Del5 + + + – – –

In this table, “-” means that the combination is lethal and that the deletion is therefore missing the corresponding wild-type allele (the deletion uncovers the recessive allele). A “+” means that flies of that genotype are viable. Use these data to infer in which polytene chromosome band each gene is located.

Question 5
Triploidy is the most common polyploidy in humans and is usually lethal in utero, accounting for 17% of spontaneous abortions. Most triploids result from dispermy (two sperm fertilizing the same egg). Explaining your reasoning, give the relative probabilities of the resulting karyotypes:

69,XXX; 69,XXY; 69,XYY.

Write your report, following the format described below. Consider both quantitative and qualitative factors. Include any appropriate tables of numbers; attach longer tables to the end of your report.

Case study


1. According to the High Performance Tire, Prepare a case report analyzing the issues and making appropriate recommendations. Assume you are Jenny Chen, a consultant advising
Jane Wallace.

2. Write your report, following the format described below. Consider both quantitative and qualitative factors. Include any appropriate tables of numbers; attach longer tables to the end of your report.

Identify at least one technique that you employed in your literature review that produced sources relevant to your topic. Identify at least one source that may prove useful to your colleagues.

Human Trafficking

As you conduct your literature review you will identify techniques, sources, and datasets that may prove useful to your classmates. Address the following three items in your post.

1. Identify at least one technique that you employed in your literature review that produced sources relevant to your topic (i.e. advanced search strategies)

2. Identify at least one source that may prove useful to your colleagues (i.e. website, journal article)

3. Identify at least one source of data that you will use in your thesis (data set, government statistics, graphs, charts, archive of presidential speeches, U.N. publications)

Compare your TEST results or other aspects of your post with your colleague’s responses. Provide suggestions for how your colleague could connect their theoretical orientation to future courses, in the discipline, and/or in practice.

WK 11 discussion to peers Reflection

Answer the following question to peers post.

Compare your TEST results or other aspects of your post with your colleague’s responses.

Provide suggestions for how your colleague could connect their theoretical orientation to future courses, in the discipline, and/or in practice.

Share an insight you learned from another colleague in this Discussion or from earlier in the course.

Describe each commercial and the intent. Explain the message and the language used then analyze how each of the elements in the commercial – images, music, and most importantly language – affects an audience.

Language and Listening Assignment

Watch three commercials on TV. If you do not watch TV, you can use YouTube. You may do this assignment with others (friends, family, significant others, etc.) to discuss the techniques each advertiser is using to shape your thinking. However, you may not collaborate with another classmate and have the same info and answers. Each student will submit a separate assignment.

Here is what you will do:

1. Describe each commercial and the intent. Explain the message and the language used then analyze how each of the elements in the commercial – images, music, and most importantly language – affects an audience.

2. Pay particular attention, and listen closely, to the symbolic associations of various images and words (what do they symbolize/what is the meaning), and identify the powerful emotions that these associations elicit. What emotion is used? Think of what is said. If there is no speaking, are there words on the screen? Did they fit with the commercial and create the tone? Was the language use effective?

3. Are the commercials effective and what makes them effective? What influential roles do these commercials play in our culture as a whole (what do they do)?

For instance, think about how the impact of Nike commercials extends far beyond merely selling athletic shoes and sportswear to creating idealized images that people strive to emulate (Chaffee, 2004). Such as in the 1990’s with “I want to be like Mike!” and “Just do it!”. Today: “I’m lovin’ it!” with McDonald’s and “Like a good neighbor” with Jake from State Farm.

Explain why you fall into them and explain what happens to the understanding of the language and communication used.

Disscusion 2

1. Which of the seven faulty listening behaviors do you tend to fall into more often (you could have more than one, and that’s ok!)?

2. Explain why you fall into them and explain what happens to the understanding of the language and communication used (meaning: do you understand the message being sent to you? Have you created conflict in that relationship? Has this ever impacted you at work? If you are not working, especially dual enrolled students, what about a time when you were volunteering, or a time at school in an organization such as ROTC, band, cheer, SGA or a sport, or even class.).

3. Then explain how you can become a better listener.