Write a journal reflecting on the intersection of the material covered in that unit (the readings /videos) and your personal life or view of the world.
Ah-Ha Journal 5
Each module you will write journal reflecting on the intersection of the material covered in that unit (the readings /videos) and your personal life or view of the world. Be as creative or as basic as you want with these – you can add graphics etc These are meant to be personal and address how the readings relate to your life.
course name :Dying/human life
reading assignments
Bernard Williams, “The Makropulos Case: Reflections on the Tedium of Immortality”
Connie Rosati, “The Makropulos Case Revisited”
Ernest Morgan, “Death Ceremonies,” and “Simple Burial and Cremation” from Dealing Creatively with Death, pp. 77-88, 47-69, 125-145, 109-112