Write a journal reflecting on the intersection of the material covered in that unit (the readings /videos) and your personal life or view of the world.

Ah-Ha Journal 5

Each module you will write journal reflecting on the intersection of the material covered in that unit (the readings /videos) and your personal life or view of the world. Be as creative or as basic as you want with these – you can add graphics etc These are meant to be personal and address how the readings relate to your life.

course name :Dying/human life
reading assignments
Bernard Williams, “The Makropulos Case: Reflections on the Tedium of Immortality”
Connie Rosati, “The Makropulos Case Revisited”
Ernest Morgan, “Death Ceremonies,” and “Simple Burial and Cremation” from Dealing Creatively with Death, pp. 77-88, 47-69, 125-145, 109-112

Explore the author’s overall purpose or argument in the article. Include at least one quote from the article that is no more than 2 typed lines. Analyze the intended audience and the author’s tone and methods of persuasion. Include at least one quote from the article that is no more than 2 typed lines.

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

For this assignment, you will develop a two-page Rhetorical Analysis of a published article that explores its rhetorical situation. Remember that the rhetorical situation of an article has to do with its purpose, intended audience, and context. In your analysis, you’ll discuss these and other elements. The first step is to find an article that interests you. It is important to choose an article that makes a substantial argument for you to analyze. My suggestion is to visit the websites of journals that specialize in longer persuasive essays such as Slate (Links to an external site.), The American Scholar (Links to an external site.), The Atlantic (Links to an external site.), or The New Yorker (Links to an external site.).

Carefully read the article and assess the author’s overall argument and main points. See the requirements and steps below.

Essay Requirements
2 pages (5 paragraph essay)
MLA formatted
1 source
Include Works Cited page (cite the article you chose)
How to Format a Works Cited page (Links to an external site.)

How to Cite an Online Article (Links to an external site.)

Sample Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Sample Rhetorical Analysis Essay.docx


The Rhetorical Analysis should have three parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Introduction: In the introduction, introduce the article you will be analyzing. Give the name of the article and the author. Also, state where the article was published. Write a three-point thesis statement that clearly states the three points of your analysis (at the end of your Introduction). Your three points should spell out the purpose, intended audience, and context of the article.

Sample Thesis: Jerry Useem’s article, “Power Causes Brain Damage,” argues that unchecked power can damage one’s brain (purpose), harm workers (audience), and create a toxic culture at major American corporations (context). Please see the Sample Thesis Statements at the bottom of this page.

Important: You need at least 3 quotes to support your points in this essay (one in each body paragraph). Quotes should never exceed two (2) typed lines. In addition, make sure that each paragraph is at least 6-7 typed lines.

Body: Divide the main body of the analysis into three paragraphs. Each paragraph should be devoted to the different rhetorical dynamics used in the article. In addition, cite examples from the article as evidence for your analysis in each body paragraph.

Explore the author’s overall purpose or argument in the article. Include at least one quote from the article that is no more than 2 typed lines. (Paragraph 1)
Examine the situational/historical context of the argument. Include at least one quote from the article that is no more than 2 typed lines. (Paragraph 2)
Analyze the intended audience and the author’s tone and methods of persuasion. Include at least one quote from the article that is no more than 2 typed lines. (Paragraph 3)

Conclusion: Write a one-paragraph conclusion that contains a “thesis restatement” and summarizes the central points of your analysis and why they are significant.

Identify three specific examples from these articles of personal experiences with technology that particularly struck you. Compose a brief description that includes the technology and how it shaped the person’s experience of the world.

The Inner History of Devices

After reading the assigned chapters from Turkle’s The Inner History of Devices, do the following:

(1)Identify three specific examples from these articles of personal experiences with technology that particularly struck you. For each of your three examples:

(2)Compose a brief description that includes the technology and how it shaped the person’s experience of the world.

(3)Connect the example to any of the other Required Learning Materials we have covered and discussed throughout the course. Be sure to refer to a specific reading.

(4)Describe one of your personal experiences with technology or an experience of someone you know that in some way resembles the examples in these two chapters.

(5)Use two quotes from any of your resources to support or explain your points. Make sure to provide in-text citations for both quotes in MLA format.

Provide references for all sources in MLA format.

What does Ibn Fadlan think of the Vikings? What do we learn about them through his eyes? What are the social, cultural and religious values of the Vikings, according to Ibn Fadlan?

Introduction to Western Civilization

The paper must be typed (double-spaced) and be at least three (3) pages in length. Please do not write from the “I” perspective (“I think that”). Write in the third person instead.

“The Risala is an account written by a sophisticated and educated Muslim, describing his observations of Vikings living in Russia. What does Ibn Fadlan think of the Vikings? What do we learn about them through his eyes? What are the social, cultural and religious values of the Vikings, according to Ibn Fadlan? How can we gauge the accuracy of Ibn Fadlan’s observations: is he a believable source of information, or is he prejudiced against the Vikings because their behavior and belief system are so different from his own?”

Discuss how CSR will contribute in achieving the commitments set out by COP 26.

CSR achievement

Discuss how CSR will contribute in achieving the commitments set out by COP 26.

Demonstrate a clear understanding of various debates, latest trends and sound knowledge in academic theories, as well as current challenges and directions in industry trends.

Human Resource Management

Coursework 2 Brief
This assignment requires students to evaluate the theories and debates of challenges in Total Quality Management (TQM) tools, understanding current and future trends in service quality and in order to deliver a quality service in tourism, hospitality and leisure organisations locally and internationally. In order to complete a good quality piece of work, students have to demonstrate a clear understanding of various debates, latest trends and sound knowledge in academic theories, as well as current challenges and directions in industry trends.

CW2 requires students to examine
Tools and techniques of Total Quality Management (TQM) and its challenges in implementing them to deliver high quality service for the tourism, hospitality, events and entertainment (THEE) industry.

Whats the Impact of delaying and Resolving Criminal Cases in Criminal Justice System’s Functioning.

Delay in Resolving Criminal Cases

Whats the Impact of delaying and Resolving Criminal Cases in Criminal Justice System’s Functioning.

Discuss why you believe they are a great leader and more effective/efficient than other individuals. Discuss at least one leadership trait that you have in common with your selected leader.

Leaders and leadership styles

In society, there are various types of leaders and leadership styles. As adults, we have experienced various leadership styles. Some of these styles are more effective/efficient than others.
Based on your life experiences, select someone you believe is a great leader. Discuss why you believe they are a great leader and more effective/efficient than other individuals. Discuss at least one leadership trait that you have in common with your selected leader.

Explain the techniques and methods used by human resource departments in delivering quality services for the tourism, hospitality, events and entertainment (THEE) industry with an HR-focus.

Human Resource Management

Explain the techniques and methods used by human resource departments in delivering quality services for the tourism, hospitality, events and entertainment (THEE) industry with an HR-focus.

Define recruitment and different types of recruitment and relate it to events

Using either a Buck-Boost or a Fly-back Converter, design a circuit to control the speed of a DC Motor by supplying a voltage in the range from 30V to 60 V to the DC Motor.

Electronic design and analysis skills

This assignment is designed to enhance, and allow you to demonstrate, your power electronic design and analysis skills. Using either a Buck-Boost or a Fly-back Converter, student will be required to design a circuit to control the speed of a DC Motor by supplying a voltage in the range from 30V to 60 V to the DC Motor. The input to the converter is supplied from a 50V DC power supply. The power rating of the Motor is 1.5 kW. Students will need to design the converter, produce the mathematical calculations to justify their design, and then choose commercially available components to meet that design. The code to activate the switching device of the converter is to be written in pseudo code. Students will be required to simulate their design using the PLECS electronic software simulation package.