Describe your participation in extracurricular or community outreach activities?
Activities i participated in
Essay prompt is:
Describe your participation in extracurricular or community outreach activities? (0 of 5000 characters)
Essay prompt is:
Describe your participation in extracurricular or community outreach activities? (0 of 5000 characters)
1. Discuss what you do well. What are your strengths in leading either remote teams or gig workers? What should you KEEP doing?
2. Identify what you should stop doing. What are you doing that’s just getting in your own way? What should you STOP doing?
3. Finally, what needs to be tweaked? What needs to be FIXED? These are things that you’re doing that just need a bit of polish to really move the needle in terms of your leadership.
(Source to use)
A1 Summary
– 250-300 words
– Publication Information (author, where published, date)
– A clear and specific thesis
– Key points that support the thesis and are tied directly back to it (reasons) (2-4)
– Key points that are not weighed down by specific pieces of evidence
– Author tags, paraphrases, and quotes (if necessary)
– 100% objective (no opinions or reactions)
Bullet points
– What is the author’s purpose? (What are they trying to accomplish? Change minds? Change behavior? Etc.)
– Who is the intended audience (be specific)
– How did you figure out who the audience was (what rhetorical elements did you use? Ex. Style, where it was published, how the argument was directed etc)
– Note that this is not the same as the thesis from the summary – that’s reflecting the author’s main argument – this is about how you interacted with the text
– It should tell me what I’m about to read
– Did you pick one or more of the following?
a) How and why the text makes you think differently as you compare it with your own experience
b) How and why the text confirms ideas you’ve already thought about or experienced
c) How and why the text may teach you something you hope to apply in the future
d) How and why the text may make you question preconceived notions about the topic because your own experiences differ
The purpose of this assignment is two-fold. One, it helps students develop a personal statement describing the student’s interest in social work as a profession, and second, help students clarify their values in relation to the social work profession’s values. This assignment is designed to enhance the students’ self-awareness of their personal values and beliefs and assess their compatibility to the social work profession. The social worker’s personal values should be compatible with the values of the social work profession.
Complete this personal statement by adequately addressing each of the items listed below. Criteria that will be considered in evaluating this assignment include its completeness in response to the instructions, the thoughtfulness of your answers, and demonstrated writing skills (grammar, spelling). Proofread it carefully and correct any grammar and/or punctuation errors before submitting your work. The assignment should be 5-7 pages and follow the American Psychological Association (APA) formatting.
1. Explain and discuss your personal values, as well as who and/or what you feel influenced you the most in forming your values. In addition, identify the values that lead you to pursue a career in social work.
2. Discuss how your values fit with social work values, for example, what are the similarities? Are there values that are different than your own? If so, how will you rectify those in a professional manner?
3. Explain how you feel your values and the profession’s values will influence your role as a social worker. Include in your discussion the six core values and principles of social work.
4. Discuss the client(s) that you feel may be problematic or difficult for you to work with and explain why. How do you think your values would affect your work with them? How might you resolve this dilemma?
5. Read the NASW Code of Ethics and discuss it briefly in this section of the essay. Your discussion should first address the Overview section of the Code and the Purpose section (What is the Code and what is its purpose in social work?). Then select one Ethical Principle or Ethical Standard, discuss it briefly and how you would apply it in your professional work as a social worker with clients.
6. Social workers are expected to abide by the NASW Code of Ethics, which governs their relationships with clients. One of the guiding principles of this code is the dignity and worth of each individual. Based upon your understanding of this concept, describe how you would use it in social work practice.
Students are required to write on average one-half to one full page of written reflection (single spaced) to be turned in every week. Journals should focus on personal/professional impact of practicum experience. There are 8 journals for each week and each journal is worth 10 points.
Journal 3 Question: What are 5 key points you learned from the mandated reporting podcast?
Do Americans truly care about the information shared? Prior to the technological explosion with media (social media, internet, 24hr TV news stations), many ‘scandalous’ events occurred, but they were not published or covered. Would society be better if the media only focused on policy and not the more private aspects of politicians’ lives? Why or why not? You must answer the following questions: how can you, as a “regular” person, stop the perpetuation of false information? Do you have a personal and/or social responsibility to try and only give out/share facts?
In a Word document, provide short answers to the statements below. Refer to the “Cultural Considerations Resource” for help in completing this assignment.
Explain cultural considerations that the counselor must account for when working with a client from each of the following groups (100-150 words each):
Immigrants (Documented and Undocumented)
Discuss the cultural issues and trends that specifically apply to each of the following regional population groups of the United States (100-150 words each):
The Hmong in California
Cuban Americans in Florida
Hispanic Americans in the Southwest
Kurdish Americans in Tennessee
What dish from your childhood wavers with you as beans and rice do for Nikesha Williams? How do you view the dish as opposed to others? And what might the chosen dish say about class and racial identity? How is the dish a representation or misrepresentation of your own class and racial identity?
Language Transcript
Answer the following questions. (Your responses to each question should be 1-3 sentences, or a bulleted list)
1. Based on the readings and your knowledge of child language development, what can you infer about this child’s expressive and receptive language abilities (based on this transcript). Consider the child’s syntactic, semantic, pragmatic abilities and describe at least 3 features/skills you notice (e.g., grammatical morphemes, types of responses/questions, communicative intentions, sentence structures).
2. Drawing on the assigned reading about bilingual language acquisition, how would you characterize the child’s language dominance based on this transcript? (English-dominant, Spanish-dominant, balanced-bilingual)
3. (a) Identify and list 3 examples of code-switching by the child.
(b) How would you characterize the child’s code-switching. Did the code switching occur within an utterance (e.g., “I want agua”) or between utterances (e.g., “I’m thirsty. Quiero agua”)?
(c) What purpose do you think the child’s code-switching serves? (Make an educated guess. This is subjective and you don’t have enough information to actually determine the child’s motivation for code switching).
4. (a) Identify and list 3 examples of code-switching by the father.
(b) How would you characterize the father’s code-switching?
(c) what purpose do you think the father’s code-switching serves?
You will develop a working research question that will guide your investigation. YOUR RESEARCH QUESTION SHOULD BE SPECIFIC.
You may choose to write your question in the PICO (Links to an external site.)
format but this is not required as long as your question is specific (e.g., related to a specific aspect of language/dialect, a specific population, specific assessment or intervention approach).
EXAMPLE Research Questions-
For Spanish-English speaking children, what are the best practice guidelines for assessing narrative skills?
For bilingual children with language impairments, does dual-language intervention improve language outcomes compared to monolingual intervention?
How does bilingualism impact the language abilities of adults with aphasia?
1. State your topic AND specific research question.
2. Explain the relevance and importance of the topic you selected. Describe why this topic is interesting and relevant to clinical practice in speech-language pathology/audiology or related fields.
Your proposal should be 1/2 – 1 page (12 point font, double-spaced, 1″ margins) and submitted as a word document.
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