Explain the contractor’s liability in the event of failing to fulfil this obligation, with reference to the conditions in a standard-form contract of your choice.

Obligation of a contractor

A contractor has an obligation to the employer to complete the work on time. Explain the contractor’s liability in the event of failing to fulfil this obligation, with reference to the conditions in a standard-form contract of your choice.

What are two tools or approaches you want to KEEP doing well from a leadership standpoint and how does that involve leading a remote team? What are two tools or approaches you what to STOP doing from a leadership standpoint and how does that involve leading a remote team?

Leadership Plan – managing remote employees

What are two tools or approaches you want to KEEP doing well from a leadership standpoint and how does that involve leading a remote team? i.e. communication style, supervisory technique, software(zoom/teams) etc.

What are two tools or approaches you what to STOP doing from a leadership standpoint and how does that involve leading a remote team? i.e. monopolizing time during team meetings, being over or under emotional with people, weekly vs bi-weekly meetings etc.

What are two tools or approaches you want to FIX from a leadership standpoint and how does that involve leading a remote team? i.e. being too serious and want to be more casual, being distant and be more available etc.

Discussion, justification, and thoughtfulness should be the focus. The stop and fix may be similar but can be different.

Write a paper on Mid size bank performing a GRC platform selection + design and implementation of risk management program into the tool.

GRC Platform Evaluation

Paper on Mid size bank performing a GRC platform selection + design and implementation of risk management program into the tool. (ERM, ORM RCSA, 3 lines of defense).

Write a short reflection paper that describes the major influences in your life and how these influence your personal culture.


Write a short reflection paper that describes the major influences (e.g., people, institutions, beliefs, etc.) in your life and how these influence your personal culture. Maximum of 250 words.

Provide an example of an implicit bias and an explicit bias. Why is it important to understand these biases? How can these biases influence human behavior?

Explicit and Implicit Biases

Prompt: Complete the following short answer questions with a sentence or two per question:

1. Provide an example of an implicit bias and an explicit bias. The examples may be from your own life, from something you have observed, or from the resources reviewed in this module.
2. Why is it important to understand these biases? How can these biases influence human behavior?

What sort of cultural or social forces impact how we think and behave? Describe an example of a behavior that is impacted by socialization and cultural influences. How do things such as media and advertising impact our understanding of how we should act or behave in a culture or group?

Cultural and Social Forces

Prompt: Reflect on the concepts discussed in this module and then answer the following questions in a journal reflection (1 to 2 paragraphs per question):

1. What sort of cultural or social forces impact how we think and behave?
Describe an example of a behavior that is impacted by socialization and cultural influences.
How do things such as media and advertising impact our understanding of how we should act or behave in a culture or group?

Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government.

The American Presidency Project

You must write an essay (1000 words minimum) in which you address the following two questions or topics:
The fundamental values that inform how are democratic government is legitimated and organized are enshrined on the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States.
Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government.

Those ideals and principles are discussed in the first and second chapters of your textbook. You can also visit the following websites to read the original document in which these fundamental values were first stated and how they were later incorporated in the American Constitution:
The Declaration of Independence: http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/

The Constitution of the United States: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript
Identify the most important Supreme Court cases and executive actions and their impact on law and on our society.
The history of the United States has been marked by the progressive expansion of voting rights and the protection of its citizens through legislation and Supreme Court decisions. At the same time, executive orders, particularly in periods of crisis led to the violation of individual rights. Throughout this module these issues are covered. In chapters 3 and 4 you will find the information you need to answer this question. You are also encouraged to visit the following websites for further details.

Supreme Court Landmarks – http://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/supreme-court-landmarks

15 Supreme Court Cases that Changed America – https://www.cnn.com/2012/10/10/justice/landmark-scotus-cases/index.html

Executive Orders – The American Presidency Project
NAACP was instrumental in the landmark case of Brown v Board of Education. Visit the web site to find information on the case that led to desegregation.

discuss the ways in which the material from this semester speaks to issues in your own life or those of someone you know. In your response you may wish to consider how much gender roles have changed over time or how much they’ve remained the same.


Only use the sorces given to write this essay.

In an essay of approximately 750-1,000 words draw connections between three (3) of the readings from this course. The readings MUST be from different course units (Units I-IV). You should consider tracing shared themes, similarities between cultures or events depicted/discussed, and so on. For example, you may wish to focus on marriage and family roles; or you could center your analysis on women’s bodies (birth control and reproduction); or you could discuss women’s economic roles (what kind of work women did in their respective cultures/economies); or you could focus on women’s roles in religion or the spiritual life of the community; and women’s role in the state/governance/politics is always a good topic for discussion. There are so many possibilities! In the end, however, the choice is yours.

In your final paragraph, discuss the ways in which the material from this semester speaks to issues in your own life or those of someone you know. In your response you may wish to consider how much gender roles have changed over time or how much they’ve remained the same.

Overall, keep your focus narrow and precise. Successful essays typically have a logical and coherent structure; paragraphs with strong, controlling topic sentences and relevant supporting evidence; and as few grammatical and compositional errors as possible. No work cited page required but make sure you use parenthetical citations whenever quoting or paraphrasing.

What domestic intelligence collection efforts would be best utilized on the organization you selected? Which members of the IC would be the best collectors of intelligence on this particular organization within the country?

Domestic Intelligence

1. Introduction:

Develop a research paper to address domestic intelligence collection and analysis of your selected terrorist group from your Red Cell Midterm Assignment. Building on the information that you started in your midterm, prepare a new research paper that addresses which intelligence collection disciplines and agencies are essential to effectively collect on and analyze information about the red cell threat you chose in 5-7 full pages of content (not counting title or reference pages).

2. Domestic Intelligence Collection and Analysis:

Specify the most effective intelligence collection and analysis methods against the terrorist organization likely to conduct an attack within the United States that you selected by clearing answering all 3 of the following:

A) What domestic intelligence collection efforts would be best utilized on the organization you selected? (Intelligence Collection disciplines discussed in week 5) Do not focus on overseas intelligence collection programs; this is an HLSS course and we are focused ONLY on collection within the U.S. homeland.

B) Which members of the IC would be the best collectors of intelligence on this particular organization within the country? (the intelligence and law enforcement agencies of the intelligence community we discussed in week 2) You may address agencies that collect overseas and within the homeland as the terrorism nexus overlaps both domains. You may also consider some of the field agencies of DHS (since DHS I&A is just an office and does not collect) as some of the operating components do collect like ICE, CBP, USCG, and the Secret Service (who does focus on terrorism financing). Again, this is a Homeland Security course, so focus on the agencies that can support the homeland (like the FBI), NOT primarily overseas intelligence collection of foreign targets. Clearly focus your paper only on domestic intelligence and law enforcement and remember the CIA does not collect intelligence on Americans domestically, they are a foreign intelligence agency (as are ALL of the military intelligence branches). See the readings from week 5 as well as this link to Executive Order 12333 (2008) https://fas.org/irp/offdocs/eo/eo-12333-2008.pdf. However, the NSA is very different as they can and do collect both foreign and domestic communications (when authorized by a court [like FISA] or under certain conditions by the Attorney General to support the FBI). See https://www.nsa.gov/about/faqs/sigint-faqs.shtml

C) What intelligence analysis strategies would be the most effective and why? (choose only from the analytical strategies discussed in the week 6 lesson and specifically the reading A tradecraft primer: Structured analytic techniques for improving intelligence analysis or found at this link https://www.hsdl.org/?abstract&did=20945). Remember that critical thinking (brainstorming) and situational logic DO NOT in themselves constitute an analytical approach — be specific and pick at least two specific strategies you think will help analyze what can be collected on a clandestine terrorist group attempting to attack the U.S. homeland.

Note: Only focus here in this progress paper on intelligence collection disciplines, the most appropriate IC agencies to play a role, and the most effective analytical techniques to employ in this scenario. As a paper for this HLSS course, these questions are to be answered as it relates to collecting and analyzing intelligence on the terrorist group plans and activities within the U.S. as they prepare to attack. Do not address how to stop this attack, that will be the topic of your recommendations in your final paper due in week 7. That final paper will address what law enforcement and security officials here in the homeland can do to detect, identify, and warn on and potentially stop the hypothetical attack. You should readdress your hypothetical attack from your midterm using only a paragraph or two (unless you were specifically told that you did not address the attack in sufficient detail in your midterm).

Post a discussion of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics related to anxiolytic medications used to treat GAD. In your discussion, utilizing the discussion highlights, compare and contrast different treatment options that can be used.

General Anxiety Disorder Treatment

This is a brief discussion post the instruction as follows: Post a discussion of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics related to anxiolytic medications used to treat GAD. In your discussion, utilizing the discussion highlights, compare and contrast different treatment options that can be used.