Who would be for this? Why? What would their reasons be? Who would be against this? Why? What would their reasons be? Are there any other stakeholders to this issue? How do they factor in?

Should gig workers be treated as employees?

Read the two documents attached and answer:
Define your terms – what does it mean for gig workers to be treated as employees?
Who would be for this? Why? What would their reasons be?
Who would be against this? Why? What would their reasons be?
Are there any other stakeholders to this issue? How do they factor in?

Your recommendation and reasonings?

Evaluate the burden of substance abuse (all illegal substances including alcohol and marijuana) among workers and in the workplace generally in America and specifically in the US.

Assessing substance abuse challenge on workers compensation claims in OH

1. Evaluate the burden of substance abuse (all illegal substances including alcohol and marijuana) among workers and in the workplace generally in America and specifically in the US.

2. Establish through available data the high incidence of substance abuse and the correlation with occupational injuries and fatalities in the workplace, nationally and in Ohio.

3. Purpose is to utilize data to drive the urgency for employers to make the workplace less-tolerant of substance abuse while remaining accommodating of those in recovery from substance abuse.

4. Assess the responsibility of employers to safeguard the workplace from substance abuse and the challenges of associated with creating a workplace that is accommodating of workers recovering from substance abuse.

5. Propose the need for more random drug testing in the workplace.

6. Secondary data will be analyzed to assess the incidence rates and characteristics of claims cases involving substance use in the workplace.

7. Develop a suitable methodology

8. interpret results in the chapter 3

9. Discussions and conclusions

10. Use current research articles and data from 2015 till date

Why Stanford MSx, and why now? Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford MSx experience will help you realize them. Why is this the right time for you to pursue your master’s degree at Stanford GSB?

MBA Application Essay

1.What matters most to you, and why? For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. Once you have identified what matters most to you, help us understand why. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you? What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives?

2.Why Stanford MSx, and why now? Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford MSx experience will help you realize them. Why is this the right time for you to pursue your master’s degree at Stanford GSB?

Both essays above combined may not exceed 1,050 words. We recommend up to 650 words for Essay A and up to 400 words for Essay B. We often find effective essays written in far fewer words.

Analyze exemplars of ethical leadership. Evaluate the shepherd leader motif. Analyze the principles, practices, postures, and personhood necessary for exemplary ethical leadership. Compare and contrast theological principles for leading with best practices in the leadership literature.

Discussion Thread: Principles of Leadership

Choose two principles of biblical leadership covered in this course. Compare them to your current practice as a leader. Identify points of strength where these principles are evidenced well and points of weakness where they need maturing.

Review the Discussion Assignment Instructions Download Discussion Assignment Instructions prior to posting. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.

Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.

– Analyze exemplars of ethical leadership.

– Evaluate the shepherd leader motif.

– Analyze the principles, practices, postures, and personhood necessary for exemplary ethical leadership.

– Compare and contrast theological principles for leading with best practices in the leadership literature.

What are you planning to study? Where is it located? If a digital form, where are its creators located? Why is this technology interesting to you, personally? Why is it an appropriate choice to talk about its impacts, biases or technological politics?

Project 1 video

See the Project 1: Technology in the World – Full Description and Video Sharing & Permissions Tips before you begin.
There are three things you need to do for this stage:

Choose your topic.
Create a short 3-5 minute video and share it through a cloud server in the discussion forum with your classmates.

I. Instructions for your Choosing your Topic
Choose a specific technological artifact (or interconnected set of artifacts) or form of technology whose impacts, biases and political properties you can study by observing first-hand how people in the world use it. Your choice should be a primary source, some form of immediate, first-hand technology that you can observe directly. It should be original and unique, chosen from the categories below, and not be simply something like a smart phone.

Possible topic categories include:
Technological Artifacts in the Built Environment: The built environment includes human-made structures, features, and facilities that encompass the environment where people live and work. Artifacts here would include things like a streetlight, a walkway, a road, a fence or barrier, a sidewalk, a piece of playground equipment, a building entrance, and a building elevator. For example, you could examine the streetlights at a specific busy corner where you live, an EV plug-in parking spot at a local supermarket, elevators in a building near you, an overpass on a specific street, or a specific floating dock at a riverside.

Household Items & Tools: These would include forms of technology used in a home. Included here could be things like a vacuum cleaner, a steam mop, a tool for fixing or building things, an interior or exterior lighting system, appliances, pieces of entertainment systems. Be sure to pick a specific brand and model since all vacuums, for instance, are not designed the same way. They can be items used in your own home by your family or in the home of someone you know. Make sure you have been able to observe their actual use.

Transportation and Infrastructure: These would include technologies people use to get around and systems that deliver specific locale services. Examples would include a specific car, truck, tractor, bus, train, airplane or a water/sewer system, a set of electrical towers, a dam, a sewage plant or system, a snowplow, a UPS truck, etc. This should be something you can see with your own eyes in its actual context where you live.

Technology from another Culture: This would include a technological artifact or form of technology used in a culture other than American culture or another country. Examples would include facial recognition technology in China, high-speed rail systems in Japan, precision farming technology in South Africa, the motorcycle rickshaw in India, and speaker systems on mosques in Pakistan.

Digital technology: This would include specific categories of computer programs, apps, platforms, or video games. Examples would be word-processing software, shopping apps, puzzle apps, Web 2.0 social media platforms, Web 1.0 multi-user platforms (usenet, text-based mmorpgs), first-person shooter video games, building video games, military training programs, MMOs of a particular genre (adventure, first person shooter, building), graphical based MMORPGs, bitmap games.

Workplace technology: This would include artifacts and digital technology found in the workplace. Examples would be things like staplers, copiers, labelers, mail sorters, forensic microscopes, accounting software, medical software, medical and dental tools, learning management systems, customer management soft

II. Instructions for Creating your Video

Video Content
Once you have chosen your topic, create a 3-5 minute video. You can record your video with your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can give us a glimpse of what you will talk about, such as making your video on-site if you plan to talk about a set of streetlights or a playground, or you could edit in a photo of an artifact you plan to discuss. Be creative!
In your video you should describe your artifact, mention why you are interested in examining it further, and include some of your thoughts about why this is an appropriate topic for a class on technology and culture. In your video, please make sure to cover the following questions, and feel free to include additional thoughts as appropriate.
What are you planning to study?
Where is it located? If a digital form, where are its creators located?
Why is this technology interesting to you, personally?
Why is it an appropriate choice to talk about its impacts, biases or technological politics? See the readings and other assignments from week 3 to help you figure out how to talk about this question.

Video Format
Your video should be about 3-5 minutes long and formatted as an MP4, MOV, or WMV. If you cannot create a video for whatever reason, please contact your instructor for an alternative way to fulfill this assignment’s requirements.

Do you wish to provide details about circumstances not reflected in the application? If so, include below.

Baylor admission essay

Do you wish to provide details about circumstances not reflected in the application? If so, include below.

Choose two principles of biblical leadership covered in this course. Compare them to your current practice as a leader. Identify points of strength where these principles are evidenced well and points of weakness where they need maturing.

Discussion Thread: Principles of Leadership

Choose two principles of biblical leadership covered in this course. Compare them to your current practice as a leader. Identify points of strength where these principles are evidenced well and points of weakness where they need maturing.

R eview the Discussion Assignment Instructions Download Discussion Assignment Instructions prior to posting. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.

Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.

– Analyze exemplars of ethical leadership.

– Evaluate the shepherd leader motif.

– Analyze the principles, practices, postures, and personhood necessary for exemplary ethical leadership.

– Compare and contrast theological principles for leading with best practices in the leadership literature.

Imagine if you could build or purchase a facility anywhere, where would it be? Would you be located in a remote area with a large building and large usable outdoor space? Or, would you be located within the city for easy access by families going to and from work?

Role of director of a center-based child care facility.

This graded assignment requires you to again imagine yourself in the role of director of a center-based child care facility. Your submitted assignment will reflect your responses to this hypothetical situation and won’t reflect any real-world early childhood setting at which you may currently work or observe.

One of the many responsibilities you would face as the center’s director is to promote your child care facility to prospective parents and new families. In this assignment, you’ll explain your fictional center’s approach to ensuring and maintaining the health, safety, and nutrition of all children enrolled. In an early part of your essay, you’ll share information about the center’s indoor and outdoor environments and the many ways in which they’re kept sanitary, safe, and secure. In a later portion of your essay, you’ll explain four detailed lessons included in your curriculum that effectively teach children about health, safety, and nutrition. Finally, you’ll explain a planned modification to one of these four lessons to accommodate a child enrolled with a hypothetical special need or disability. As always, your written work will include introductory and concluding paragraphs, and it will be supported by APA formatted in-text citations and references wherever needed.

Include the following components:

Introductory paragraph. Share an opening paragraph that previews for the reader (in this instance, any prospective parent and family considering enrollment at your imagined center) what they’ll be reading and learning about in your essay. In your introductory paragraph, you’ll want to express to your reader the important role your center plays in ensuring their child’s health, safety, and proper nutrition. Your introductory paragraph is the best place to include your thesis statement (the most important statement, summary, point or argument to be made in your assignment). Your introduction is also the best place to identify which one of the three age groups your center enrolls (this is the one age group you’ve selected to write about). Your introductory paragraph will be composed of four to six fully developed sentences.

Second paragraph. In this paragraph, begin by discussing the ideal location of your facility. Imagine if you could build or purchase a facility anywhere, where would it be? Would you be located in a remote area with a large building and large usable outdoor space? Or, would you be located within the city for easy access by families going to and from work? You will also need to discuss your facility’s space and security. When families come to your facility, what do they see? How is the space set up? What equipment and materials are included in the outdoor play space? What does your security look like? For example, is the space fully fenced in? Is only the outdoor play space fenced in? Do you have security cameras? Think about how you’ll keep the children in your care and your belongings safe. In this paragraph, you will also want to explain appropriate facility maintenance and upkeep. Who is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep? What does it look like on a regular basis? The goal is to provide families with a clear understanding of what your facility looks like from the outside, what is included in the outdoor play space, and how your facility is kept safe and healthy. This paragraph will consist of four to six fully developed sentences, and it will include specific examples of the quality of care rather than generalized statements.

Third paragraph. Next, share specific examples to prospective families to demonstrate how your center’s indoor space, security, materials, and maintenance keep children healthy and safe. Share specific information about the indoor environment of the center, including the facility’s classroom areas. Questions to consider: When families enter the facility what will they see? How is the indoor area set up? Are there multiple classrooms or play areas? If it is one large room, how is it arranged in a developmentally appropriate way? What materials and learning centers are available to the children? The answers to these questions will depend on the age group you’ve selected to complete the assignment on and what your vision is for your own facility. Remember to also discuss how the learning area is kept safe and healthy. What do those procedures look like? Who is responsible for carrying them out and when? Again, your goal is to provide a clear explanation and image of what the indoor facility looks like and how it promotes health and safety. This paragraph will consist of four to six fully developed sentences, and it will include specific examples of the quality of care rather than generalized statements.

Fourth and fifth paragraphs. It’s sometimes helpful to describe sample lessons to families in efforts to demonstrate how children are engaged in learning at your center. Select two indoor lessons that are age- and developmentally-appropriate, play-based, hands-on, fun, and engaging while also (and importantly) teaching children about any topic related to health, safety, and/or nutrition. Consider specific lessons that you would teach children only once per school year, such as those on making healthy food choices or dental health; do not write about everyday activities such as washing hands, brushing teeth, or tying shoes. Science experiments are a terrific way to satisfy the requirements of this portion of your assignment. In two separate paragraphs, identify the titles of the two lessons, then share the materials needed, the step-by-step procedures, the physical space, the expectations for behavior, and the measurable objectives involved in each lesson. Each paragraph will consist of four to six fully developed sentences.

Sixth and seventh paragraphs. Next, write about two outdoor lessons that are age- and developmentally-appropriate, play-based, hands-on, fun, and engaging while also (and importantly) teaching children something specific about any topic related to health, safety, and/or nutrition. Again, select specific lessons that you would teach to children only once per school year such as those on fire safety, sun safety, or water safety; do not write about everyday activities such as putting on coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and boots before going outside to work and play. Science experiments are again a terrific way to satisfy the requirements of this portion of your assignment. In two separate paragraphs, identify the titles of the two lessons, then share the materials needed, the step-by-step procedures, the physical space, the expectations for behavior, and the measurable objectives involved in each lesson. Each paragraph will consist of four to six fully developed sentences.

Eighth paragraph. Now that you’ve planned indoor and outdoor lessons that teach children about an important topic related to health, safety, or nutrition, consider the impact enrolling a child with a special need or disability might have on one of these four lessons. Pretend the child of a prospective family reading your essay has an identified disability, special need, medical condition, or allergy. Identify the specific special need or disability and select one of your four lessons. Then, explain the ways in which you would modify that lesson so their child could safely participate and be fully included in the experience. Describe the adaptions you would make to the lesson so all children are equal participants. Remember that you are not creating a new activity or a separate activity for the child to complete. Instead, adjustments need to be made to the existing lesson to allow the child to fully participate in a way that is appropriate for him or her. This paragraph will consist of four to six fully developed sentences.

Ninth paragraph. Share your conclusion in your final paragraph. Remind the reader of your supported thesis statement and reiterate what they’ve learned about your demonstrated commitment to children’s health, safety, and nutrition at your center. This paragraph will also consist of four to six fully developed sentences.

Additional notes:

Access and review the ECE130 course resources available on the Early Childhood Programs and Courses Learning Resource Center for additional guidance on completing this assignment: https://pflibrary.pennfoster.edu/earlychildhoodcenter/college.
Unlike your Menu Project, this assignment is not required to be written in a letter format; you have the option to share this information as a letter and to include a greeting and closing if you wish to do so.
This assignment does not require you to utilize outside sources or conduct research. If you wish to use outside sources, to gather lesson ideas from teachers’ resources that you can adapt to meet your own needs or to support your work with information that isn’t original, you’re welcome to do so; be sure to include in-text citations in APA format and a references page to appropriately credit the external source.
There’s no specified word count for your ECE130 Final Project. Your instructor will consider the quality of your expressed ideas rather than count the number of your words.

Analyze 2 different TED Talks, have visuals for each of them that relate to what you’re arguing, and provide one list of 10 qualities at the end (with specific examples from the TED Talks and reading citations).

TED Talks

You need to analyze 2 different TED Talks, have visuals for each of them that relate to what you’re arguing, and provide one list of 10 qualities at the end (with specific examples from the TED Talks and reading citations). Not one list for each, but one list total.

All of these, the qualities and the analysis, should be clearly connected to course readings, including concepts we didn’t discuss in lecture. Cite your reading throughout when appropriate.

Answer ALL prompts for each talk.

Talk about HOW it was presented. Do not summarize the content or topic of the presentation.

Each one of your responses is an essay. Each prompt should be its own paragraph.
Should be roughly 3-5 pages.

MUST be submitted as a pdf (submit 1 pdf with 2 analyses and top 10 list included). Include your name in the filename and at the top of the paper. Word processing documents will not be accepted. This explains how to save a Word doc as a pdf: https://www.howtogeek.com/352668/how-to-convert-a-microsoft-word-document-to-a-pdf/
This should NOT be submitted as slides. It’s a paper.

Write out a role-play conversation between the partners in which they make use of effective verbal and nonverbal communication strategies (including active listening, “I” statements, and emotional validation) to discuss getting tested for and the possibility of getting treated for STIs. At the end of your role play, produce a brief, 1-paragraph summary of how effective communication was used.

Effective Communication in Intimate Relationships

Imagine a scenario in which two partners are discussing getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In this scenario, the partners demonstrate through discussion their understanding of the symptoms of STIs, the methods used to test for STIs, and the way in which STIs are treated as well as their capacity to engage in effective communication with one another about this sensitive topic.

Write out a role-play conversation between the partners in which they make use of effective verbal and nonverbal communication strategies (including active listening, “I” statements, and emotional validation) to discuss getting tested for and the possibility of getting treated for STIs. At the end of your role play, produce a brief, 1-paragraph summary of how effective communication was used.

Your script must be at least 650 words long. Your script should demonstrate accurate knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases, and how to test for them as well as knowledge of communication strategies. Use at least 2 references to support your work.

If you would like, you may write a script for a couple that differs from your personal experience (culturally or in terms of orientation, for example) or even write a script detailing how you would convince two clients of yours to get tested.