Write a two page paper of views/experiences of /Integrative Health Complementary Approaches to Healing in Social Work before taking this course and if you read the assignments for the first day before you wrote this paper then as you write this reflection paper discuss if your views are changing.

Complementary Approaches to Healing in Social Work Practice

Write a two page paper of views/experiences of /Integrative Health Complementary Approaches to Healing in Social Work before taking this course and if you read the assignments for the first day before you wrote this paper then as you write this reflection paper discuss if your views are changing. (First day readings is from

Analyze technique used to translate automatic process model to process model translation .

Automatic Process Model to Process model translation

Analyze technique used to translate automatic process model to process model translation.


Explain the content and function of the three types of navigation and support slides.


Explain the content and function of the three types of navigation and support slides.

Write and present a transcript that brings together the major points explored in your Weeks 5 & 7 deliverables.

Week 1

For this assignment, you will write and present a transcript that brings together the major points explored in your Weeks 5 & 7 deliverables.

This assignment is intended to explore various theories and influences regarding human development. You will use research skills and communicate and support your ideas using clear and logical writing.

Assignment Details:
Perform the following tasks:

Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lecture before attempting this assignment.

Complete one of the following options:

Option 1: Audio/Video Presentation
Using the project deliverables from weeks 5 and 7, create a script. Take the major points explored from the previous deliverables (origin and interpretation of the “The Saying” and its relevance to lifespan human from Week 5; and how ‘The Saying” applies to the person you researched for Week 7 and a description of the person’s stage of human development) and write the transcript of what you will be presenting. The transcript should be about a page long and should incorporate any feedback your instructor has given you. Include the text of the transcript in the Assignment Worksheet section on page 3.

Create your audio visual presentation by first following the recording instructions to set up an account on YouTube. Once you have the account set up, record your presentation using a webcam. If you do not have a webcam on your computer, you may be able to use one at your campus or borrow from an acquaintance or classmate. If you do not have access to a web cam, proceed with Option 2 below.

You are encouraged to be creative and engaging as you deliver your presentation, however, the information you present must be grounded in accurate application of developmental thinking.
When you have the URL where your presentation can be viewed, submit the link.

Option 2: PowerPoint Presentation
Using the project deliverables from weeks 5 and 7, create a transcript. Take the major points explored from the previous deliverables (origin and interpretation of the “The Saying” and its relevance to lifespan human from Week 5; and how ‘The Saying” applies to the person you researched for Week 7 and a description of the person’s stage of human development) and write the transcript of what you will be presenting. The transcript should be about a page long and should incorporate any feedback your instructor has given. Include the text of the transcript in the Assignment Worksheet section on page 3.

Create a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should be approximately 8-10 slides. The presentation should incorporate any feedback your instructor has given you on weeks 5 & 7.

In your presentation, you are encouraged to be creative and engaging, however, the information you present must be grounded in accurate application of developmental thinking.

Submit both parts of the Week 11 Assignment.

Include the proper file naming convention:
Transcript: PSY278_wk11_assn1_jsmith_mmddyyyy.
PowerPoint: PSY278_wk11_assn2_jsmith_mmddyyyy.

What unique qualities do you bring to a team in terms of your personality characteristics and quirks? What formal role do you normally like to take on in a team? Why? What informal role do you normally like to take on in a team? Why?

WRIT 200 Workplace Writing Skills

Part 1:

1. Watch Emily Eldrige’s TEDx Talk, “Why Collaboration is an Individual Effort”.

2. Write a list of the messages that Emily shares in her talk. Submit thelist along with the Memo (see below).

Part 2:

3. Write an informational Memo to your project team (To: Project Team). The purpose of this memo is to provide your team with information about yourself as a team member. Write the answers in paragraph format.

Your memo should answer the following questions:
1. What unique qualities do you bring to a team in terms of your personality characteristics and quirks?

2. What formal role do you normally like to take on in a team? Why?

3. What informal role do you normally like to take on in a team? Why?

4. What do you most like about working in a team?

5. What do you like least about working in a team?

6. How do you overcome conflict when working in a team?

7. What do you consider the two most important qualities in a fellow team member?

8. What are four guidelines or rules you would like to see implemented in your team contract?

What argument or evidence does the researcher provide to suggest this topic is worth exploring? Is there a review of previous literature on the subject, or reference to government or professional reports that illustrate its importance? Are gaps in the literature or inadequacies with previous methods highlighted?

Research Method/ Quantitative paper

Box 5.1 framework for critiquing quantitative research
You should not expect to get answers to every question in each section, as what
is important will vary from study to study. the questions provided here are to give you some guidance.

1. Focus
In broad terms, what is the theme of the article? what are the key words you
would file this under? Is the title a clue to the focus? how important is this for the profession/practice?

2. Background
hat argument or evidence does the researcher provide to suggest this
topic is worth exploring? Is there a review of previous literature on the subject, or reference to government or professional reports that illustrate its importance? Are gaps in the literature or inadequacies with previous methods highlighted? Are local problems or changes that justify the study presented? Is there a trigger that answers the question, ‘why did they do it then’? Is there a theoretical or conceptual framework that helps us to see how all the elements in the study may be related?

3. Aim
hat is the aim of the research? this will usually start with the word ‘to’, e.g. the
aim of this research was ‘to examine/determine/compare/establish/etc’. If relevant, is there a hypothesis? If there is, what are the dependent and independent variables? Are there concept and operational definitions for the key concepts?

4. Study design
hat is the broad research approach? Is it quantitative or qualitative? Is
the design experimental, descriptive or correlation? Is the study design appropriate to the aim?

5. Data collection method
hich tool of data collection has been used? has a single method been used
or triangulation? has the author addressed the issues of reliability and validity? has a pilot study been conducted or tool used from previous studies? have any limitations of the tool been recognised?

6. Ethical considerations
ere the issues of informed consent, confidentiality, addressed? was any
harm or discomfort to individuals balanced against any benefits? did an ethics committee approve the study?

7. Sample
ho or what makes up the sample? Are there clear inclusion and exclusion
criteria? what method of sampling was used? Are those in the sample typical and representative of the larger group, or are there any obvious elements of bias? on how many people/things/events are the results based?

8. Data presentation
In what form are the results presented: tables, bar graphs, pie charts, raw
figures, or percentages? does the author explain and comment on these? has the author used correlation to establish whether certain variables are associated with each other? have tests of significance been used to establish to what extent any differences between groups/variables could have happened by chance? can you make sense of the way the results have been presented, or could the author have provided more explanation?

Rees, Colin. An Introduction to Research for Midwives, Elsevier Health Sciences, 2011. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from lsbuuk on 2021-10-09 06:42:05.

9. Main findings
hich are the most important results that relate to the aim? (think of this
as putting the results in priority order; which is the most important result followed by the next most important result, etc. there may only be a small number of these.)

10. Conclusion and recommendations
sing the author’s own words, what is the answer to the aim? If relevant,
is the hypothesis accepted or rejected? Are the conclusions based on, and supported by, the results? what recommendations are made for practice? Are these relevant, specific and feasible?

11. Readability
ow readable is it? Is it written in a clear, interesting style, or is it heavy
going? does it assume a lot of technical knowledge about the subject and/or research procedures (i.e. is there much unexplained jargon)?

12. Practice implications
nce you have read it, what is the answer to the question, ‘so what’? was it
worth doing and publishing? how could it be related to practice? who might find it relevant and in what way? what questions does it raise for practice and further study?

How have you grown this semester? Why is the public health of children and youth an important field of study?

Childhood and adolescence

In this course you have studied childhood and adolescence and how their health is impacted by social causes. How have you grown this semester? Why is the public health of children and youth an important field of study? You will be graded on how well you justify your answer using literature, data, and web links provided in this course. Remember to support your answer with details and ‘show what you learned’ using scholarly material and research.

How they implement it, what quality tools were used, what improvements were seen after implementing and et cetera.

Algorithm for implementation of Total productive maintenance method

Articles and case studies on the implementation of total productive maintenance in industries. How they implement it, what quality tools were used, what improvements were seen after implementing and et cetera.

Compose a real-world analogy to illustrate the concept of different process states. Considering the diagram of process state in Figure 3.2 of the textbook, describe what happens in your scenario at each of the five oval nodes as well as the six arrows between the nodes.

Process States

Compose a real-world analogy to illustrate the concept of different process states (new, running, waiting, ready, and terminated). Considering the diagram of process state in Figure 3.2 of the textbook, describe what happens in your scenario at each of the five oval nodes as well as the six arrows between the nodes.


What features of the Industrial Revolution changed the nature of work?

Industrial Revolution

What features of the Industrial Revolution changed the nature of work?