Identify Candidate Technologies. Research Products and Services which implement the technologies. Identify Vendors. Evaluate Products & Services (use existing market research).

Week 8 Research Analysis Briefing

You are approaching the end of your time supporting Sifers-Grayson. Your team leader has asked you to prepare a 2 page research and analysis brief (“briefing paper”) for the company’s executives in which you identify the five most important technologies which the company should adopt in order to improve its security posture.
Provide specific details as to why each technology is required (what is the vulnerability or weakness that the technology will address). Then, make a recommendation for how the company should implement that technology. You must provide specific, actionable information. Your recommendations must also be based upon recognized best practices. Include the following steps in your research and analysis as you select and evaluate technologies, products, and services that will help improve the company’s security posture:

Identify Candidate Technologies.
Research Products and Services which implement the technologies.
Identify Vendors.
Evaluate Products & Services (use existing market research).
Cite the sources of information used in your research and analysis (document where you obtained your information from). Use a professional citation format and provide a reference list at the end of your briefing paper.

Why does Sifers-Grayson need an Enterprise Architecture tool?

Week 7 Discussion- Importance of IT Architecture in Security

Nofsinger Consulting has recommended that Sifers-Grayson invest in an Enterprise Architecture tool to help it document the assets, processes, and network infrastructure that comprise its information enterprise. Based upon past experience with such recommendations, the Nofsinger team knows that it must be prepared for debate amongst the client’s managers and executives as to the relative merits of such tools.
To help your team prepare for the expected debate, you have been asked to write a 3 to 5 paragraph response to the question “Why does Sifers-Grayson need an Enterprise Architecture tool?”
You should focus on the benefits of having a tool that can help guide the creation of an enterprise architecture.
Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting.

What is school readiness and what are the factors critical to a child’s readiness for school? Discuss some of the types of conduct orders that are noticed in middle childhood, along with the origins and treatment of these conduct disorders.

Learning Questions: Lesson 13

Respond to the questions/prompts below. Remember, when you are answering Learning Questions for this class, number your answers to correspond with the questions on this sheet restate the question/prompt with your answer. This process enhances learning! See the Guidelines for Learning Questions document in the Guidelines module for formatting details and expectations, if needed.

Tasks related to Removed: Parts 1 and 2 ~

1. Write a strong paragraph that shares your thoughts after watching this film. Relate what you have seen in this film with other things we have learned in this class, including Dr. Nadine Burke Harris’ TED Talk regarding ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences), and social-emotional development.

Questions related to Chapter 13 in your textbook:

2. Discuss sexism in schools.

3. What is school readiness and what are the factors critical to a child’s readiness for school?

4. Discuss some of the types of conduct orders that are noticed in middle childhood, along with the origins and treatment of these conduct disorders.

5. What are the characteristics of an effective school?


6. In the context of education, discuss the Pygmalion effect.

Write a detailed capture of what you are seeing and hearing. Remember to use clear, descriptive, objective language in your description. You are telling a little story so we can clearly imagine what you were observing.

Field Assignment: Social-Emotional Development Observation

1. Objective Anecdote:

This is exactly like you did in the practice assignment. This section is a detailed capture of what you are seeing and hearing. Remember to use clear, descriptive, objective language in your description. You are telling a little story so we can clearly imagine what you were observing.

2. Skill Building.

This section is highlighting skills that you see evidence of. Include at least two specific skills that the child is learning based what you are observing. Write two complete sentences and identify the domain area, i.e. cognitive development. The excerpted Creative Curriculum chart included below gives many examples of skills you may be observing.

3. Subjective Summary.

In this section, you, the observer, share your professional opinion about what you observed. When you share your opinion, follow it with a statement of something observed to support your opinion. Stay away from words like good or great. Also, stay away from labeling and diagnosing behavior, such as ADHD or autism. Do use your textbook for reference about the milestones you may be observing and as you consider what the child did in the past to build their current skill base.

4. Suggestion for Future Learning.

In this section, you are to make at least one suggestion for the child to expand on what he/she is currently doing that would foster additional learning and development. When making the suggestion, take a look at the child’s current skill base and then make a suggestion to scaffold to a more complex activity. Suggest similar activities that will help the child increase proficiency in the area that s/he is building skills. If the child appears to be at the mastery level of his/her developmental stage of development, then suggest a more complex activity that you believe is still developmentally appropriate for that child. The excerpted Creative Curriculum chart included below gives many examples of skills that may be appropriate to suggest as activities for future learning.

Discuss the causative factors of climate change and the outcomes of the two major international agreements to fight climate change prior to COP26.

Films to consider:

The Planet of Humans , Normal is Over 1.1 Innovative Solutions to Global Decline (2019) , An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.

The case report will address (or cover) all the following questions or concerns:

1. Discuss the causative factors of climate change and the outcomes of the two major international agreements to fight climate change prior to COP26.

2. Elaborate on the contrasting solutions to fight climate change that were described in the three documentaries in the Discussion Board Assignment.
2a. Describe these solutions in a conceptual context like “green energy” or developing a new monetary paradigm.
2b. Make sure explain what how these concepts are going to fight climate change

3. Elaborate on the outcomes of the COP26, i.e., what were the international agreements made as a result of COP26. Why were these agreements important?

4. What do you trust as the “truth” and what don’t you trust as the “truth” about the information presented in the three videos.

5. On a continuum where truth is on one end and deception and lies are on the other end, where do your “truths” lie, in the middle, or closer to one end or the other?

Briefly describe the uses of herbal medicines. What are the potential issues with herbal medicines? What are the branches of botany? Describe the different types of plants. Explain the herbs that are connected to the Bible. Discuss how Chinese herbal medicines are different?

Master Herbalist

Assignment Questions:
Total Marks: 100

(The numbers in the brackets indicate the mark for each question)

Q1. Briefly describe the uses of herbal medicines. What are the potential issues with herbal medicines? (4+6=10)

Q2. What are the branches of botany? Describe the different types of plants. (3+5=8)

Q3. Shortly discuss plant acids. Narrate the characteristics of carbohydrates. (2+6=8)

Q4. Explain the herbs that are connected to the Bible. Discuss how Chinese herbal medicines are different? (5+5=10)

Q5. Briefly discuss the preparation of herbal remedies for internal and external use. (10)

Q6. What are the main focuses of the herbalist approach? Narrate the benefits of some conventional herbal medicines. (4+6=10)

Q7. Mention the five elements of ayurvedic medicines. What are the twenty qualities of ayurvedic medicines? (4+6=10)

Q8. What are the proven benefits of aromatherapy? Discuss the risks regarding essential oils. (5+5=10)

Q9. How do you prepare different types of herbal shampoos at home? (8)

Q10. Briefly discuss some of the herbal skin care preparations. (8)

Q11. Describe the steps to start a medicinal herbs business. (8)

Is the COVID-19 impact positive or negative? In what specific ways has COVID-19 influenced your topic? Is this a global or U.S. specific COVID-19 impact on organizations? What solutions and proposals do you recommend in addressing the COVID-19 impact on your topic area?


Prepare a research paper detailing the impact of COVID-19 on a management and organizational behavior topic that you are very interested in.

There are many topics that managers face in organizations which recently have been impacted by COVID-19. Examples of just some of those topics include absenteeism; productivity; emotions, attitudes, stress; teams; conflicts of interest; discrimination; equity; organizational culture; equal opportunity; employee safety; change; hiring practices; perception; communication; sexual harassment; leadership; motivation; fraud; internet usage; environmental; marketing; sustainability; revenue management; pricing; small business; remote workforce; crisis management and response; operations and supply chain; finance; strategy; brand; and liquidity.

Select a topic that interests you and detail with supportive references how COVID-19 has impacted your OB topic. Questions to consider including in your paper are: Is the COVID-19 impact positive or negative? In what specific ways has COVID-19 influenced your topic? Is this a global or U.S. specific COVID-19 impact on organizations? What solutions and proposals do you recommend in addressing the COVID-19 impact on your topic area? Cite examples in-text regarding your OB topic and the COVID-19 impact. What correlations are there between your OB topic and the COVID-19 influences?

Recommendations: Based on your OB topic and COVID-19 details and correlations, include your feasible recommendations which will address the COVID-19 impact on your OB topic. The viability of the recommendations and justification will be considered in your evaluation.

Is there a preview of the arguments which you will make? Does the paper flow logically, that is, do you make your argument in a logical, well-reasoned manner?

The hate you give

1. Does the essay have a thesis/point which is clearly stated?
2. Is there a preview of the arguments which you will make?
3. Does the paper flow logically, that is, do you make your argument in a logical, well-reasoned manner?
4. Are there transitions between points?
5. Do you explain how the incidents and quotations demonstrate your point? It is not enough to show an incident or to quote someone. You must show/explain how that incident or that quote demonstrates the point you are trying to make.
6. Is there a logical summary of the points you make and a conclusion?
7. Do you use good vocabulary, and is the punctuation, spelling, and usage correct?

Explore and analyze the films from a filmmaking perspective. Film style and film history go hand in hand. Place these films in a creative context.

Military Propaganda in Hollywood Films

You are to write a 6+ page research paper in which you write YOUR OWN brief chapter of 21st century film history, exploring and examining filmmaking from the turn of the century to present, from both a historical and creative perspective. This means:

1. Formulate a thesis. State your intentions and introduce your topic. Single out a specific area of interest to focus on, re: filmmaking for the last 20 years. Your topic is up to you. It could be a director, movement, genre, aesthetic shifts, technological changes, sociological/political/cultural/ideological, etc. Nothing is off limits.

2. Place contemporary cinema – i.e. the topic and films you choose – in a historical context. Contextualize your topic/films within the history of cinema production, draw on what we’ve learned in class to connect the past to the present. Furthermore, you should explore the relationship these films have to the contemporary world.

3. Exploring and analyzing the films from a filmmaking perspective. Film style and film history go hand in hand. Place these films in a creative context.

Use the Excel dataset ‘Product Sales’ to do an exploratory data analysis by converting the data into Pivot tables (on a new worksheet called Analysis) and creating an interactive dashboard with tables and charts (on a new worksheet called Dashboard).

Excel work book pivot tables and dahsboard

Use the Excel dataset ‘Product Sales’ to do an exploratory data analysis by converting the data into Pivot tables (on a new worksheet called Analysis) and creating an interactive dashboard with tables and charts (on a new worksheet called Dashboard).