Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, how will you explore your academic and intellectual interests at the University of Pennsylvania?

Admission essay

Explain your reasons for transferring from your current institution and what you hope to gain by transferring into another institution.
Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, how will you explore your academic and intellectual interests at the University of Pennsylvania? For students applying to the coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer these questions in regard to your single-degree school choice; your interest in the coordinated dual-degree or specialized program may be addressed through the program-specific essay.

*At Penn, learning and growth happen outside of the classrooms, too. How will you explore the community at Penn? Consider how this community will help shape your perspective and identity, and how your identity and perspective will help shape this community.*

What is the gendered/sexual background of the characters and actors who play them? Which characters are central to the narrative plot and how is white gender/sexuality figured to be relevant or irrelevant?

Rhetorical Analysis Paper:

Find an example/text of media (book, show, movie, play, advertisement) and perform an analysis on how gender/sexuality in white supremacy are treated in the text. Consider (not exclusively) these questions: What is the gendered/sexual background of the characters and actors who play them? Which characters are central to the narrative plot and how is white gender/sexuality figured to be relevant or irrelevant? How does gender/sexuality guide decision-making and the values of the colonized/colonial community? In what ways does2
white colonial power structures favor or challenge heteronormativity? How does the status quo of white heteronormativity remain unquestioned? Be sure to cite and relate your analysis to 4 different assigned readings from our class and 1 journal article that also analyzes the text.

Should covid 19 vaccine be a choice or mandatory?

Covid 19 vaccine

Should covid 19 vaccine be a choice or mandatory? with at least six scholarly sources (absolutely no popular sources, Internet sources, encyclopedia entries, or article abstracts). You will need at least ten parenthetical citations from those sources. If possible, narrow your subject to a particular topic on which you can write knowledgeably. Your sources must include at least one book, at least one scholarly journal article, and at least one newspaper/news magazine article.

Explain the history and impact of health insurance on health care reimbursement process and recognize various types of health insurance coverage. Identify the key elements of a managed care contract and identify the role HIPAA plays in the health care industry.


Part 1: For this writing assignment, please explain why the following course objectives are important for medical billers and coder to understand:

Recognize different types of facilities that would employ allied health personnel and discuss options available for certification.
Explain the history and impact of health insurance on health care reimbursement process and recognize various types of health insurance coverage.
Identify the key elements of a managed care contract and identify the role HIPAA plays in the health care industry.

Part 2: Choose either the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) or the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and describe the certification process for at least two certifications within the organization that you choose. Provide information on the following.

When the cells in Melanie’s surface layer should have become specialized, what went wrong? Father’s genes are programmed for growth and determine how big and strong we become. Why do mother’s genes restrict growth?

Learning Questions: Lesson 2

1. As you watch this documentary, create a running bulleted list of things you are learning, things you want to remember, and questions that arise as you view this documentary.
2. The chances of having identical quadruplets: ­­­­__million to one.
3. How does the season a baby in Gambia is born affect its life expectancy?
4. When the cells in Melanie’s surface layer should have become specialized, what went wrong?
5. Father’s genes are programmed for growth and determine how big and strong we become. Why do mother’s genes restrict growth?
6. Why was Nell born larger than a typical baby? What are the health risks of her condition?
7. What is special about Randy Foye? What caused this to occur?
8. What is different about the DeSilva family?

9. Explain your understanding of genetic testing from reading in Chapter 2 of your textbook, then go on to explain why you would or would not want to undergo genetic testing to find out what abnormalities you might develop at a later age, i.e. Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis?
10. Explain your understanding of prenatal testing from reading in Chapter 2 of your textbook, then go on to explain why you would or would not want to undergo extensive prenatal testing to find out about the health of your unborn baby?

Identify the social problem. Discuss why you think the issue would make a good Problem/Solution essay.

Key facts about the abortion debate in America

Visit Pew Research Center’s Social Trends

Identify the social problem.
Discuss why you think the issue would make a good Problem/Solution essay.

Analyze how economic, demographic and land use trends are affecting the growth and pricing of the chosen class of real estate and evaluate what opportunities for successful real estate development or investment exist in that marketplace.

Real Estate Market Analysis

Assignment: To research and write a market report analyzing the long-term prospects for a certain class of real estate within a chosen geographic area. The report should analyze how economic, demographic and land use trends are affecting the growth and pricing of the chosen class of real estate and evaluate what opportunities for successful real estate development or investment exist in that marketplace.

Discuss how do you see the construction equipment will be advanced in the future, is the hybrid or electrical construction equipment the trend or the right direction to go.

Discussion Forum 4

In the next 20 years, it’s possible that all the backhoes, excavators, dozers, graders, and other heavy equipment we use on construction sites will move away from diesel engines to all-electric. For years, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been enacting stricter emissions standards for nonroad diesel engines like those used in construction. Read the following references and discuss the listed questions in your post.

The purpose of this online discussion is for us to get to better understand the future advancement of the construction equipment. Begin by clicking on the button below, labeled "Add a new discussion topic." Please enter your name on the Subject line. To get full credit for this discussion, you have to create at least one discussion topic addressing all questions and reply to at least one of your classmates' discussion topic.


Cummins and Hyundai made an all-electric excavator as heavy machinery goes electric
Electric dreams: Will heavy construction equipment go all-electric?
Are off-highway equipment and heavy-duty trucks going all-electric soon?
Hybrid drives for construction equipment
An Electrifying Week in the Heavy Equipment Markets
Harnessing momentum for electrification in heavy machinery and equipment
Five innovations powering the construction equipment of the future

Discuss how do you see the construction equipment will be advanced in the future, is the hybrid or electrical construction equipment the trend or the right direction to go.
Discuss what will be the opportunities and challenges on the way to electrifying construction heavy equipment.

How have the theories of Carl von Clausewitz or Antoine Henri Jomini influenced warfare since 1815? Use evidence from H100 (the Western Way of War) to support your argument.


Choose ONE (1) of the following two topics for your H107 outline for the H113 essay.

1. How have the theories of Carl von Clausewitz or Antoine Henri Jomini influenced warfare since 1815? Use evidence from H100 (the Western Way of War) to support your argument. In your conclusion, suggest the significance to today’s military professional. Always be specific and use Annex C (sentence outline example)

2. Of Knox and Murray’s four military revolution covered in H100, which one has had the greatest impact on Large-Scale Combat Operations (LSCO)? Use evidence from H100 (the Western Way of War) to support your argument. In your conclusion, suggest the significance to today’s military professional. Always be specific and use Annex C (sentence outline example)

Describe the drivers of Enterprise Risk Management at Hydro One. How is the ERM process integrated in Hydro One’s business strategy? Describe the strengths and weaknesses of Hydro One’s ERM process.

Risk Management – Hydro One

Read Case and answer:
1. Describe the drivers of Enterprise Risk Management at Hydro One.

2. How is the ERM process integrated in Hydro One’s business strategy?

3. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of Hydro One’s ERM process.

4. What changes in the ERM process would you recommend for Hydro One?