Summarize and discuss your own interpretations/reflections. How do you connect to this article personally? Take a position on the issues at hand. Do you agree or disagree? Why do you have that opinion?

Current Art Events Paper

Art 1800: Idea and the Visual Arts

One of the goals of this class is to promote awareness of current events/issues happening in the arts in the world.  The objective of this assignment is to discover and critically evaluate what is currently happening in the art world.

Students will be responsible for finding a current article about a Western (chapters 14, 15, 16 17,21, 22 and 13) visual arts topic at the national or world level. Make sure the topic is relevant to the course. Music, theater and dance should be avoided for this assignment. Find an article at the library or online. Some places to look include, but are not limited to:

  • The New York Times (any day under Arts section), and New York Times Magazine (Sunday only)
  1. ARTnews magazine
  1. Art Forum magazine
  1. Raw Vision (outsider art)
  1. Flash Art magazine

Artnet News



After choosing a visual arts article, read it carefully and take notes. Do not choose an article that only DESCRIBES an art opening or exhibit. Your choice of the article is important.  Write a reaction report to the article.

The paper will be three to four pages in length, double spaced with 1” margins on top, bottom and both sides, following the Sample Paper Format provided. If the paper is not the required length, or does not adhere to this format, the grade will be reduced.

The first section will be an introduction and a brief summary or abstract of the article. What is the article, and this paper, about? Refer to the article, not just the topic. (Use terms from the textbooks if possible.)

The second section is a literature review of the article. What was the article about? In your own words, describe the important points and information discussed in the article. Your goal is to provide foundational knowledge about the topic and to gain an understanding of the issue.

In the Discussion section describe the importance of the article. Explain the social, political, religious or creative issues that the article brings to the forefront. (The article chosen must include some or all of these issues.) Articles that merely describe an exhibit or opening generally will not contain these issues. Highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s point of view. What are the pros and cons? What are some alternative points of view or approaches that another person might take?

Why did the author write the article? What is the author trying to communicate? Does the author take a position?  Can that position be argued from an alternative perspective? Provide examples from the article. When using words directly from the article in your paper, use quotation marks to avoid plagiarism. You must also include a parenthetical reference or footnote to indicate where exactly your quotation comes from.

In the Conclusion of the paper, summarize and discuss your own interpretations/reflections. How do you connect to this article personally? Take a position on the issues at hand. Do you agree or disagree? Why do you have that opinion? Support with details from your research.

Refer to the rubric to make sure all the components necessary have been included for a good paper.

Include a complete reference to the article at the end of the paper.  Use any style manual (APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, Campbell).  Use vocabulary/art terms in the textbooks, including the glossary.  This paper will be submitted in person or via the Current Event Assignment link on Blackboard on the week that it is due.  Please write the paper in a word document and attach the file if it is submitted via Blackboard. A PDF is also acceptable. Study the Current Events Rubric for the greatest success!

Describe the provenance, who were the previous owners before the work arrived at its current location. Describe the type of materials and techniques used to create the work. Explain the style the work is associated with the work and also what previous (works or artists) may have influenced it.

The Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso Date: 1937 Location: Tate Modern in London

Choose an artwork that falls within the timeframe we are covering in class.
Title of work:
Name of artist:
Date created:
Current Location and provenance of work:
Describe the provenance, who were the previous owners before the work arrived at its current location.

I. Techniques and media
Describe the type of materials and techniques used to create the work.

II. Size or dimensions of the work
Length and height in inches and centimeters

III. Style or Movements associated with the work Explain the style the work is associated with the work and also what previous (works or artists) may have influenced it.

IV. Noteworthy Information about the work You can choose what you found through your research to be the most significant aspect of the work.

V. Subject Matter or Content, and Message of the work What is it about? Who? What? Where? When? Does it have a message? Explain the “iconography” or “symbolism”.

VI. Bibliography – Cite all of your sources (remember: you should have 3 scholarly sources). You can use MLA, Chicago, or APA for your citation formatting.

* You must sign off on the Safe Assign agreement before submitting your paper. Make sure you write the entire paper in your own words. Do not use quotes or inline citations!
Total number of words – 1500 – you can go over this amount, however a shorter paper will lower your grade

Who is your artist and/or artifact? What is the date of the artifact? Briefly describe this artist’s context and how this influences the creation of the artwork. Briefly discuss the elements of the artifact and the purpose of this work. Briefly explain why this artist’s work is essential or important. Is your topic a giant of the arts? Is this artifact a masterpiece?

Research Encounter Project

The Research Encounter is an opportunity for students to investigate a specific artist and/or artifact. In this exploration, students will discover the impact of this artist or piece of art on the art world. The student will determine how the belief systems, values, and norms of the society and era this artist created in affected this artist’s output. Finally, the student will relate this information to the present world of art to the class in a PPTX presentation with audio.
Topic – Any artist and painting
Students are asked to provide a slide presentation that will answer the following:
1. Who is your artist and/or artifact? What is the date of the artifact?
2. Briefly describe this artist’s context and how this influences the creation of the artwork. (This should include the birth and death dates of the artist.)
3. Briefly discuss the elements of the artifact and the purpose of this work. Give one interesting fact about the artwork.
4. Briefly explain why this artist’s work is essential or important. Is your topic a giant of the arts? Is this artifact a masterpiece?
5. List your sources.

Each presentation should contain five to seven slides. Each presentation’s audio portion should be between five to ten minutes in length. Use at least three sources beginning with our text. There will be plenty of information on your artist; your job will be to present the essential information on this author.

Find a current cultural offering such as a movie, book, virtual exhibition of art or artifacts, or news article about recent discoveries related to the theme of this unit and write a one to a two-page journal entry about that current cultural offering.

Unit 1 -journal entry

In Unit 1, you have been introduced to the Renaissance period and the art, architecture, literature, and religion of that time. Find a current cultural offering such as a movie, book, virtual exhibition of art or artifacts, or news article about recent discoveries related to the theme of this unit and write a one to a two-page journal entry about that current cultural offering. Informal formatting is allowed, but you must provide the reference and URL of your chosen cultural offering or discovery and any images you use in your entry.

Discuss how those paintings differ from paintings from 1400-1863, and how after 1863-1945 the art had changed.

The Luncheon on the Grass and Olympia (1865)

1863 Manet painted The Luncheon on the Grass and Olympia(shown in 1865). Many believe those paintings changed art history. Discuss how those paintings differ from paintings from 1400-1863, and how after 1863-1945 the art had changed. Use 3 painting examples.

Pick one of these influential artists, discuss their innovations and the influence they had on later artists.

Leonardo Da Vinci had a great influence on the history of art.

The period of time between 1400 and 1525 is full of innovative artists who had an enormous impact on later art. Pick one of these influential artists, discuss their innovations and the influence they had on later artists. Use properly identified artwork as visual evidence of their influence.

Describe and analyze who the subjects of the painting are, the activities they are engaged in, the setting, and the painting’s formal properties. Explain how each painting is characteristic of the artistic style identified.


Prompt: From the 18th century on, for a number of social, political, and economic reasons, new human subjects entered the realm of fine art; no longer did paintings primarily depict the wealthiest members of society. Select four paintings to interpret that depict members of different social classes. Evaluate the quality of life portrayed in each painting. Describe and analyze who the subjects of the painting are, the activities they are engaged in, the setting, and the painting’s formal properties. Furthermore, explain how each painting is characteristic of the artistic style identified. Also indicate when and where the painting was created; address how the context in which the artist was working was influential on his/her work.

Write a paper on your chosen work of art analyzing the elements and principles of art as well as the themes present in the work.

Written Paper – Visual Analysis

Choose one work of art from an exhibition at a museum or gallery in town (this can be done in person or online). Write a paper on your chosen work of art analyzing the elements and principles of art as well as the themes present in the work. You may choose to include a little background on the artist.

Format: 2-4 pages, 12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and a cover sheet.

The emphasis should be on analyzing the formal elements—not interpreting the artwork. Think back to Chapter 1 and how we analyzed each work of art. How the elements and principles of art worked together to help create and convey the artists ideas and themes.

Examine and appraise works of art for formal elements and content, and demonstrate the ability to compare and contrast stylistic elements that distinguish aesthetic and cultural trends.

An analytical discussion of a work of Western art. I chose the piece The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci

Examine and appraise works of art for formal elements and content, and demonstrate the ability to compare and contrast stylistic elements that distinguish aesthetic and cultural trends.

Evaluate works of art in relation to the context and historical background in which they were created.

What does Kaphar suggest when he says “shift your gaze”?

Can Art Amend History? Titus Kaphar

AFTER watching “Can Art Amend History?” answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences each. Number each of your answers in accordance to the question. Answer in your own words and use quotes from the article when necessary. Be specific in your answers, avoid vagueness- which can result in partial credit.

1. Now that you have read both Jaelynn Walls and Holland Cotter’s essays which comment on the role of the black women in Renaissance painting (Walls) and the relocation of the Theodore Roosevelt monument (Cotter), what do you think about Titus Kaphar’s personal experience in learning art history? Is it similar to your own or is this an issue that you never noticed until now?
2. What does he say about the disproportionate research available on black figures in art history? Why is this important?
3. Kaphar says that “painting is a language.” What does he mean by this?
4. What does Kaphar suggest when he says “shift your gaze”?
5. What is the impact of shifting your gaze?
6. How is it important when considering the broader scope of art history?