identify the meaning of each of the phenotypic characteristics given in the slides with the assistance of the file provided and your own research.


Provide diagnosis of one of the types of leukaemia based on the bone marrow morphology and immunophenotyping of the bone marrow, leukaemic cells shown in red colour.

 You need to indicate the lineage and the subtype. Explain the reasons for the diagnosis, (word limit 2,000, interval 1.5, exclusive of any illustrations and of the reference list).

 For this, characterise the level of positivity of each of the markers and its significance, and compare the conclusions to the microscopy data.

 You will need to identify the meaning of each of the phenotypic characteristics given in the slides with the assistance of the file provided (normal bone marrow) and your own research.

Indicative marking scheme:

1. Justified accurate basic diagnosis of the type of leukaemia (lineage) – 50- 59%;

2. Justified accurate diagnosis of the type of leukaemia, with the correct subtype and explanation of the importance of isotype controls,– 60- 69%;

3. All of the above plus differential

diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. > 70%.

What preventive measures would you recommend for those who had a positive TST, but did not have any other sign of disease?

Answer the questions below with and elaborate clearly using the above pages

The purpose of this investigation is to identify any additional cases of TB and individuals who may have been infected by these cases.

What is your “case definition” for transmission in this investigation? A complete case definition should include information on person, place, time, and clinical characteristics.

At this point, who needs to be tested for transmission of TB, through a TST?
All the church goers who were in attendance and others who may have come in contact with infected individuals.

Can you develop a hypothesis regarding this outbreak? Should priority be given to any particular group? (Google epidemiology hypothesis)

What was the response/cooperation rate of the choir members, assuming there were 500 choir members? Why is this important?
This is important so you can create a correct epidemiology hypothesis.

What preventive measures would you recommend for those who had a positive TST, but did not have any other sign of disease?
However, a chest x-ray is a test to clearly see if someone has TB so the correct preventive action can be taken.

Based on the pathogenicity–the ability of an agent to cause disease after infection of TB, do you recommend future TSTs and studies?

Describe the public health issue in your selected scenario and its importance and relevance to the world.

Final Project Milestone One

You will select a case scenario focused on a biologic agent and perform a case analysis. You will analyze the influences on the agent, the impact of the agent on
society, and determine an appropriate strategy to combat the agent.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: In this section you will set the stage for your analysis by describing the public health issue, its development, and its concern to public

A. Describe the public health issue in your selected scenario and its importance and relevance to the world.

B. Outline how the issue has developed, providing specifics around the biological and molecular components.

C. Explain why, based on its biological and molecular components, this pathogen is of concern to public health.

D. Analyze how biology assists public health in planning, implementing, and evaluating local or global public health programs and interventions. In
other words, analyze the relationship between biology and public health’s attempts to mitigate diseases.

‘Describe the cognitive, neuropsychiatric and movement deficits associated with Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson’s disease dementia, and critically discuss how they might be related to neuropathology/neurobiology/brain atrophy?’

Neuropsychological topic related to Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson’s disease dementia.

The paper is to critically discuss.

The question is: ‘Describe the cognitive, neuropsychiatric and movement deficits associated with Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson’s disease dementia, and critically discuss how they might be related to neuropathology/neurobiology/brain atrophy?’

Please divide the paper into the subsections of the question

1) Cognitive deficits of PD AND PDD

2) Neuropsychiatric deficits of PD AND PDD

3) Movements deficits PD AND PDD

then how these relate to

1) Neuropathology

2) Neurobiology

3) Brain atrophy

Contemporary papers (within the past 5 years) are preferable whenever possible to account for the most recent and accurate research.

How does oral health relate to cardiovascular health?

How does oral health relate to cardiovascular health? Inflammation caused by bacteria around the teeth can lead to heart attack and stroke: A Literature Review

Describe at least two most common treatments doctors are using to fight this disease

The purpose of this Infectious Disease paper is for you to utilize the knowledge you gained throughout this course and apply it as you research a specific microbial organism and the disease(s) it can cause.   You will organize your research in a written, comprehensive report.  Try not to exceed 2-3 pages (not including title, images and reference pages).

Choose a microbial disease that interests you from the list provided. If there is an infectious disease not listed that you would like to research, you may request that disease.

Please organize your report according to the guidelines below:

Title Page (1 points)

  • Cover page with name of Infectious Disease, Name of organism using scientific notation, Your name and the Date.

Include the following academic integrity promise on the cover page (your paper will also be checked for plagiarism using TurnItIn) :

Introduction of the disease (15 points)

  • Description of the disease
  • Causative agent/reservoir/vector
  • Mode of transmission
  • History of the disease

Symptoms (10 points)

  • Describe symptoms and signs of the disease
  • Describe any diagnostic tests that are used
  • Describe any differential diagnoses (with what other diseases is it commonly confused with, how can you tell the difference between this disease and others? etc)

Treatments (10 points)

  • Describe at least two most common treatments doctors are using to fight this disease
  • Describe length of time it takes for the treatment and recovery and any side-effects of treatments

New development/future medical research direction (5 points)

  • Explore in depth at least one new discovery involving your disease (last five years).
  • Discuss future research direction/areas, which should be done to help fight this disease.

Overall Writing and Organizational Skills (5 points)

References (4 points)

  • Reference Page using APA guidelines (APA guidelines used for REFERENCES only) (Links to an external site.)

  • When you cite your reference, be sure to include your citation in text, and list the reference in your reference list. See following last page for examples.

Where to get your information:

Your textbook should provide you with some basic information, however, you will need to consult other legitimate sources (NOT Wikipedia) for additional information.  Please cite these sources.

Use internet sources, such as PubMed ( (Links to an external site.)) to find the latest on your disease. For example, recently discovered complications, a new set of treatments, new diagnostics, a new population that has become more susceptible.

You are encouraged to include images in your paper. You must include links for any pictures you download from the web.

For notifiable infectious diseases, refer to the CDC website  (Links to an external site.)for information regarding the number of cases in the US from 2016 and include this number as the US incidence. For worldwide incidence and non-notifiable diseases provide an estimate based on legitimate sources.

If you have trouble uploading your paper before the deadline, you may email it to me directly to ensure it gets submitted. (

Refer to the rubric for details for how you will be graded. YOUR PAPER WILL BE CHECKED FOR PLAGIARISM!  Plagiarized papers will automatically receive a zero!

 Disease Topics to Choose From:



Arboviral encephalitis (West Nile)

Bacterial meningitis



Chagas disease


Chlamydial urethritis



Common Cold






Ebola virus disease

Escherichia coligastroenteritis

Genital herpes



Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis C




Leprosy (Hansen’s disease)


Lyme disease





Pertussis (Whooping Cough)


Pneumococcal pneumonia



Q fever


Rotavirus or Norovirus gastroenteritis






Staphylococcal food poisoning

Streptococcal Pharyngitis (Strep Throat)





Typhoid Fever


Zika virus disease

Explain the abnormal physiologicalprocess

PathophysiologyAssignment2020Objectives:Students will select a disease process from an Assigned Chapter discussed in the coursefrom the textbook and construct a brochurethat can be utilized to teach patients, families or nurses.Be Creative.Each of the Sections below must be incorporated into the assignment. Seven (7)sectionsare required in the Brochure. Separating Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostics into 2 separate sections is allowed. Attacha separate Reference pagedocument using APA format, see information below.Brochure Sections:I.Introduction(10 points)a.Presentation of the Disease ProcessII.Causation(10 points)a.SpecificCauseof the disease. Theoretical basis.III.Risk Factor Identification(10 points)a.Identifyall Risk Factors that may have contributed to the disease process -familial, environmentaland lifestyle factors.IV.Pathophysiology(10 points)a.Explain the abnormal physiologicalprocess.b.Include thebody systems affected by the disease.c.Describeat the Tissue level (enzymes, biochemical features, receptors, etc.)V.ClinicalManifestations and Diagnostics(20 points)a.Describe common Signsand Symptoms.b.Identify the Laboratory andDiagnostic tests needed to diagnose the disease process.c.Explain why these tests are necessary. VI.Complications (10 points)a.IdentifycommonComplicationsVII.Education & Teaching(20 points)a.In this section, tailor it to Prevention or dealing with the chronicity of the disease.•Please make sure you save your Assignment as apdf format, then Upload to the iCollege dropbox.•Enhance the brochure by the use of color, pictures and diagrams.•Appropriate Language and level of understanding of medical terminology is dependent on your audience.•Each of the above SECTIONS must be clearly identified in your brochure.Do not overlap or combine your sections. Points will be deducted as stated above for omissions.TOTAL 90 POINTSReferencePage:•APA format, 7theditionoAmerican Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7thed.). Washington, D.C.•AMinimumof 5 current referenceswithin 5 yearsof publication date withat least 3Journal articlesare required.•All Referencesmust be within 5 yearspublication date.•Only official National websitesallowed for use; i.e., CDC, National Nursing/Medical Organization directly related to the disease process.•Attach the Reference page as a separate Word document and submit in the Dropboxin iCollege.•Reference page is double-spaced, with indents. Refer to APA manual.A 10 point deduction will be given for all Reference pages that significantly deviate from APA requirements. Cut and pasting from websites is unacceptable.

Write a 500-1000 research summary on the pathophysiology and disease process of your chosen topic.

Reasearch paper
APA style
500-1000 words
Have included the research paper requirements
Objective 1. Write a 500-1000 research summary on the pathophysiology and disease process of your chosen topic.
-risk factors
-demographics (age, sex, gender… etc)
Objective 2. Write a 5 question multiple choice quiz, complete with an answer key. The quiz is exclusive of the research summary.
-multiple choice questions must incorporate the topic that you are discussing
-your multiple choice questions must provide a minimum of 4 questions to a maximum of 5 questions. Provide an answer key.
-the questions must challenge the student to discern the correct answer. The incorrect answers need to be feasible and provoke critical thinking. For example if the question of the summary is about the anatomy of the heart, it is not ideal to put the answer regarding the skin, as that is not a feasible answer and does not provoke critical thinking.
The format will be APA style, With 3 academic references

Describe the positive and negative aspects of genetic testing for disease

Papers will be graded out of 100 total points on the following:
● Read the following articles posted in Blackboard as ‘Huntington Disease articles:’ o What is Huntington’s Disease?
o Facing Life with A Lethal Gene
o Fearing Punishment for Bad Genes
● Write a paper in APA format that is 3-4 pages in length. Include the following content areas in your paper:
o Reflect on your feelings towards the articles you read
o Find an update on Katharine Moser from the Facing Life with a Lethal Gene article for her present day status and
reflect on your opinion of her and her decision to have genetic testing for Huntington’s disease ▪ Include the reference in your reference list
o Describe the positive and negative aspects of genetic testing for disease
o Describe why you would or would not want to be tested for this genetic disease if you were in the same position
● APA Format
o Papers must include a title page and reference list (no abstract needed) o Paper formatting must be done in APA format 7th edition
▪ Typespace
▪ Line spacing
▪ Margins
▪ Page numbers
o Papers should include in-text citations (
o You DO need to reference articles you read for the paper as well as where you found your update on Katharine Moser.

What would happen if cells did not have the ability to adapt to stressors?

Answer the following questions in 1-2 paragraphs each (unless otherwise stated). Answers should be written in your own words and consist of well-developed paragraphs. Be sure to cite any references that you use. Utilize your textbook as well as reliable Internet resources.
1. Read and answer the “Stop and Consider” question on page 15 of your textbook. What would happen if cells did not have the ability to adapt to stressors? What are the implications in health and disease?
2. Review slide 15 of the Power Point Lecture for Chapter 2. Note the “Causes of Injury” information presented on the slide. Make a list of several types of injury that would fall into each of the four causes.
3. Prepare a Power Point presentation on the following clinical models (clinical models start on page 20 of your textbook): 1) Cerebral Atrophy, 2) Cardiac Hypertrophy, 3) Acromegaly, and 4) Cervical Metaplasia and Dysplasia. Each slide should contain the name of the clinical model and two to three bullet points on the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment for each.
4. Read and answer the “Stop and Consider” question on page 31 of your textbook. Who is most at risk for illness related to secondhand smoke? What increases vulnerability to disease?
Read Case Study 2.2 on page 31 of your textbook. Answer in detail the questions that follow the case study.
1). Go to
2). Click on My Bookshelf in right hand corner
The book you will using is:
Applied Pathophysiology….Chapter 2