In your opinion, should Washington have intervened earlier in the Syrian Civil War to topple the Assad regime or defeat ISIS? Explain your reasoning. We have spent a considerable amount of time throughout this course discussing the negative effects of the Arab Spring, such as violence, empowered Islamists, and external intervention. With that said, what do you see as the most positive development resulting from the Arab Spring? Explain your reasoning.

Short essay

  1. In your opinion, should Washington have intervened earlier in the Syrian Civil War to topple the Assad regime or defeat ISIS? Explain your reasoning. Cite examples if you can.
  2. We have spent a considerable amount of time throughout this course discussing the negative effects of the Arab Spring, such as violence, empowered Islamists, and external intervention. With that said, what do you see as the most positive development resulting from the Arab Spring? Explain your reasoning. Cite examples if you can.

Create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto Rico. Describe how judges will be chosen for each court and must discuss how judicial and attorney ethical standards will be structured and enforced.

New State Of Puerto Rico

You must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto Rico. You are to work under the assumption that Puerto Rico has just been admitted as the 51st state and build your court system from the bottom up. To be certain you understand how courts are organized in other states, you must research at least three current state court systems, within the United States, and use those systems to create Puerto Rico’s system. Do not use Puerto Rico’s current system as one of your examples. You must describe your proposal for creating Puerto Rico’s municipal courts, major trial courts, appellate courts, and the state’s highest court. Include geographic jurisdictions.

You must also describe how judges will be chosen for each court and must discuss how judicial and attorney ethical standards will be structured and enforced. You should conduct basic research on Puerto Rico (size, geography, population, existing counties or municipios, etc.) to be certain your proposed system will actually work.

Remember to provide citations when you borrow some idea or structure from another state.

What have been the implications of post-colonialism for the postmodern world?

Implications of post-colonialism

What have been the implications of post-colonialism for the postmodern world?

What do we learn about the relationship between government and the economy from this case? Is it possible for women to achieve full equality when they are the only producers of children? Does/should the state have an interest in equality outside of economic production? Why or why not?

Gender politics of inclusion

Group Two: focus on gender

Read the case study from the textbook on Iran. What do we learn about the relationship between government and the economy from this case? Is it possible for women to achieve full equality when they are the only producers of children (the future labor force)? Does/should the state have an interest in equality outside of economic production? Why or why not?

Then, find a current event article focused on gender from a country outside of the United States that is NOT Iran. Share the link with your group. In what ways is the country you are examining using an approach similar or different from the case studies? In what ways is the outcome better or worse according to your standards of what the state should do?

Critical review a blog that summarises, deconstructs and responds to the author’s argument. Write a blog in the style of those published in intellectually rigorous/serious online current affairs platforms such as The Conversation, Open Democracy, etc.

Environmental Politics

This assessment contains two pieces of writing, which should be combined in one Word document, with one bibliography at the end. It should be 2,400 words including bibliography across the two pieces.

i) A critical review of a blog (to be selected from a list) that summarises, deconstructs and responds to the author’s argument.

ii) A blog post that presents and supports your own argument about an environmental political issue/debate that has been discussed in the module (or something closely related). You may write your blog on the same topic you researched for your group presentation. Your task is to write a blog in the style of those published in intellectually rigorous/serious online current affairs platforms such as The Conversation, Open Democracy, etc. You will be reading and discussing a number of different blogs as part of your tutorials, so you should use those as models to follow. While we don’t specify a required length, most blog posts are 800-1000 words in length.

Essential reading for this assessment is A Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston.

Should governments themselves evaluate public policies? Discuss and identify two case studies to reinforce your argument. Define the key terms at the outset. In the introduction summarise main argument(s), succinctly. Explain why this argument is important.

Public Policy

Should governments themselves evaluate public policies?

Examine policy evaluation – formative and summative and the evaluation of public policies, focusing on ‘pilots’, ‘randomised control trials’, and ‘nudge’ behavioural psychology theory.

Discuss and identify two case studies to reinforce your argument.

Define the key terms at the outset. In the introduction summarise main argument(s), succinctly. Explain why this argument is important.

Provide a brief ‘map. Example:
This essay will examine 1)… 2)… 3)… and 4)…. Adhere to this outline clearly, throughout the essay, preferably using subheadings.In the main body develop an argument(s) over the course of 3-4 main sections and apply theoretical ideas and concepts wherever relevant, demonstrating knowledge. Justify arguments and evidence, either through empirical examples, case studies or references to the literature. Be analytical and critical: demonstrate the ability to evaluate the literature, making sure to support opinions with evidence and reasoned argument.

Reference a minimum of 15 sources including wider literature, Utilise a broad array of sources, including government and NGO policy reports, think-tank papers, and articles. (3000 words excl refs)

In what ways do the works of Du Bois and Fanon help make sense of characters and events in the film? In what ways, according to each thinker, has the colonial project in Canada transformed itself? How, according to each thinker, has the colonial project remained constant, despite these changes?

Get out movie

Format: You are required to write two short essays (guideline: you should plan on writing a minimum of 3 double-spaced pages for each question.)
1. Read the questions carefully.
2. Plan both essays before writing them.
3. Write! And put emphasis on substance rather than length of answers.
4. You are required to refer concretely to the texts we read in your answers. This means you will need to cite quotes and passages. The most straightforward way to
do this is in-text like this: (Fanon 234).


1. Watch the film Get Out (dir. Jordan Peele, 2017) and read the W.E.B.
Du Bois and Frantz Fanon texts. Then, write a short essay that answers the following questions:

In what ways do the works of Du Bois and Fanon help make sense of characters and events in the film? In your answer, refer concretely to the film (scenes, dialogue, characters) and to the Du Bois and Fanon readings.

2. Taiaiake Alfred and Glen Sean Coulthard both argue that colonialism in Canada is a continuous project. It is ongoing. At the same time, a shift in colonial power relations has taken place. The face of colonialism in Canada today is different from what it was in the past. In what ways, according to each thinker (both Alfred and Coulthard), has the colonial project in Canada transformed itself? How, according to each thinker, has the colonial project remained constant, despite these changes?

Provide a short summary and critically analyse the selected chapter. Explore whether you agree with the authors’ perspective on the covered issue based on your personal experience.

Islam and Human Rights

In the reflection paper, is required to provide a short summary and critically analyse the selected chapter. In addition, each is required to reflect on the reading by exploring their personal experience with the subject matter. Even if ONE is not directly affected by the experience, they are indirectly affected through media and experience of their peers. Or simply explore whether you agree with the authors’ perspective on the covered issue based on your personal experience.

Develop an outline from the Required Unit Resources. List important information for each topic under subheadings.

Unit II Scholarly Activity



For this assignment, you will develop an outline from the Required Unit Resources. At a minimum, the outline should include:

  • three primary categories of political theory,
  • key thinkers and their political philosophy or theory, and
  • three dominant traditions of social contract theory.

Make sure you list important information for each topic under subheadings. This outline should serve as an excellent way of pulling together the main points and ideas of the unit into one document that can be used as a reference and learning tool.

In addition, you must use at least two scholarly references in your assignment. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary. Use the CSU Online Library and Writing Center for assistance with the research and proper formatting.


The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.

What is the role of Private Military Contractors (PMCs) in US and Russian foreign policies?

Private Military Contractors (PMCs)

What is the role of Private Military Contractors (PMCs) in US and Russian foreign policies?