To what extend is Denmark legitimizing WHO as a significant international policy-setter in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic by following its issued recommendations, hence they are non-binding?

The legitimization of WHO as a global policy-setter: A case-study of Denmark amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research Question
While global governance under the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) has laid the groundwork for dealing with the crisis, at the national level, each country responded to the COVID-19 crisis according to its own self-regulatory patterns. In spite of structural gaps in resource distribution and health care facilities, the COVID-19 scenario showcases national governments’ role in shaping domestic health security policies. Thus, the importance of this study lies in the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the significance of national decision-making, and whether such decision-making is inspired by the WHO’s issued obligations and recommendations. The question that becomes relevant hereof is why Denmark is following the recommendations issued by the WHO regardless them being non-binding, hence there being no consequence of sanctions through either soft or hard power. Thus, the research question is:

To what extend is Denmark legitimizing WHO as a significant international policy-setter in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic by following its issued recommendations, hence they are non-binding?

Basically, the goal of the thesis is to showcase whether Denmark is legitimizing the WHO or not amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and if yes, to what extend they do? This would be done by seeing if they follow the recommendations of the organization, and if this is a sign of them legitimizing/de-legitimizing the WHO.

In what ways could corporate power and influence undermine or promote democratic accountability?

Business-Government Relations- Weekly Memos

1-Businesses in the Political Marketplace: Liberal-Democracy’s Conundrum Hale (Chapter 10)

2-Hussain, Waheed, and Jeffrey Moriarty. 2018. “Accountable to Whom? Rethinking the Role Of Corporations in Political CSR.” Journal of Business Ethics 149 (3): 519–34.

3- Keller, Eileen. 2018. “Noisy Business Politics: Lobbying Strategies and Business Influence After the Financial Crisis.” Journal of European Public Policy 25 (3): 287–306.

Main Discussion Question:  In what ways could corporate power and influence undermine or promote democratic accountability?

How do attitudes about federal government responsibilities differ by age, race, income, and partisanship (Democrats and Republicans)?

Changing Public Opinion

Before beginning this assignment, make certain that you have read Chapter 6 in your text (“Public Opinion and Political Action”), the 2021 Pew Research Center Report titled “Americans See Broad Responsibilities for Government: Little Change Since 2019” (March 17), and the 2020 article by Eli Finkel et al. from Science titled, “Political Sectarianism in America” (October, Vol. 370, Issue 6516). Then write a brief report that contains three separate sections that address all the points in each set of questions.Notice the expected word count for each section (exceeding the word count will not negatively affect your grade, but try to stay within the range).

1. Relying on the Pew Research Center Report, briefly summarize what Americans think about the role of the federal government in addressing various policy issues (indicate specific areas and indicate where support is strongest and where it is weakest). Also, describe general levels of trust of and contentment with the federal government and indicate what changes can be detected over time.

2. How do attitudes about federal government responsibilities differ by age, race, income, and partisanship (Democrats and Republicans)? Be sure to indicate where the differences are the least and where they are the greatest on each of these dimensions (age, race, income, and partisanship).

3. Based on your reading of “Political Sectarianism in America,” (a) summarize the article’s major findings, (b) list and describe the three causes identified for the increase in political sectarianism, and (c) identify and elaborate on a few of the consequences of this trend.

Write a policy paper discussing how one of the below drivers can lead to increased integration in the European Union or exactly the opposite, disintegration in the European Union.

Increased integration in the European Union

Write a policy paper discussing how one of the below drivers can lead to increased integration in the European Union or exactly the opposite, disintegration in the European Union.
Choose to keep this at the European Union level, as well as looking into specific member states.

Drivers include:
Taxation, Digitalization, Climate change, Health care, Decentralized finance, Social inequality, COVID-19, Transparency, Financial markets, Sustainability, Migration, populism

Why do authoritarian governments persist? Does political culture help explain this persistence?

Persistence of authoritarian governments

Why do authoritarian governments persist? Does political culture help explain this persistence?

Do crown corporations still have a legitimate role to play in advanced industrialized economy such as Canada’s, or are they just relics of the past?

Business-Government Relations- Weekly Memos


1-Crown Corporations: Government in the Market
Hale–Available on Vital Source (see below)

2-Bernier, Luc, Eoin Reeves, Patrice Dutil, and Taieb Hafsi. 2018. “Policy Adrift: Canadian
Crown Corporations in the 21St Century.” Annals of Public and Cooperative
Economics, no. 3: 459 – 474.

3- Bird, Malcolm G. 2015. “Canadian State-Owned Enterprises: A Framework for Analyzing the
Evolving Crowns.” Policy Studies 36, no. 2: 133-156.

Main Discussion Question:
Do crown corporations still have a legitimate role to play in advanced industrialized economy such as Canada’s, or are they just relics of the past?

Write an essay discussing on how president obama had the legal authority to order operations geronimo and to execute the long.

Operation geronimo

Write an essay discussing on how president obama had the legal authority to order operations geronimo and to execute the long.

What methods does the federal government use to get states to comply with federal mandates? What are the ways that states can resist federal mandates? Find an example of a policy conflict (such as marijuana legalization, the Affordable Care Act, voting rights, civil rights, immigration, same-sex marriage, etc.) between a state (or states) and the federal government.

Federal Government vs State Government Clashes

The U.S. Constitution creates a federal system of government whereby powers are distributed between a national government and fifty state governments. There are times when the federal government and state governments clash over state laws that may violate federal law or federal mandates. What methods does the federal government use to get states to comply with federal mandates? What are the ways that states can resist federal mandates? Find an example of a policy conflict (such as marijuana legalization, the Affordable Care Act, voting rights, civil rights, immigration, same-sex marriage, etc.) between a state (or states) and the federal government. What were the arguments made by the federal government and states about the issue? How were their differences resolved (if it is an issue that hasn’t been resolved, what steps have been taken by each side to advance their position)

The purpose of the essays is to provide students an opportunity to discuss a key concept or topic in American politics and to show a basic understanding of academic research and reporting skills. Students should offer evidence for their arguments. Thus, submissions that are more comprehensive and detailed will earn a higher point total. Each assignment should be a minimum of 750 words. Submissions MUST include a work cited page (Note: there must be a parenthetical citation at the end of each sentence that contains information from a source). The textbook can be one of the sources included on the works cited page (sources other than the textbook may/should be used as well).

You should use New Courier or Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spacing, and one-inch margins on all four sides of the paper. The assignment is to be formatted according to the Modern Language Association (MLA) style which includes works cited page but does NOT include a title page. Students should research this style in order to properly format the assignment (see the Purdue Online Writing Lab).

All writing assignments will be analyzed using SafeAssign. Essays that contain plagiarized material will receive a significant reduction in points or a zero. Students may receive a failing grade in the course for submitting plagiarized material. Do not cut and paste information from an online source or copy information directly from the textbook without using quotations and citing the information.

Explain how that organisation, agency, or institution’s role in the establishment, proliferation and/or reproduction of international organisation.

International Organisation

Using a UN agency, intergovernmental organisation, or multilateral institution not covered in
detail in Part I of this module, provide

1) Brief overview of that organisation/institution.

2) Explain how that organisation, agency, or institution’s role in the establishment, proliferation and/or reproduction of international organisation.