Are anti-immigration party voters in France influenced by anti-immigration views or is it just ignorant and veiled anti-islamist views?

France’s veiled islamophobia

Instructions: approximately 500 words introducing 1. the topic, 2. Research puzzle or research question that will guide your research on the chosen topic 3. reason why your research question is relevant and worth researching. Find Ideas or inspiration in facts, data, and discussions in class.
No answering your own question (not directly anyway)! Your essay should just involve the significance of the question and the reason behind it? As well as why the readers should care. All should be supported from course readings as well as your own individual research.

Research question: Are anti-immigration party voters in France influenced by anti-immigration views or is it just ignorant and veiled anti-islamist views?
Are voters of anti-immigration parties truly anti-immigrants or is it blatant islamophobia ?

Context, ideas, and outline:
France and French citizens have not had many problems with welcoming non-muslim, non-Arab, and/or white westerners. White-European immigrants are especially welcome with open arms. It only raises radical right-wing ideologies and right wing party voters when muslim or arabs are involved.
2 course readings (uploaded on files down below)
online research on:
1. Percentages of Islamophobic French people in France, percentages of anti-immigration voters, and the voting for people in parliament and right and extreme right parties in France.
2. Islamophobic rules and regulations, the shutting down of how many mosques.
3. Islamophobic online posts, tweets, hashtags, organizations, and movements in France that represent the majority of French voters’ islamaophobia.
4. Voters of anti-immigration parties actively advocating for, specifically, islamophobia.
5. Voters of anti-immigration parties and the parties themselves actively welcoming non-muslims.

Identify the key actors, events and dynamics that you believe each theoretical lens would highlight for each of these historical periods.

International relations and historical overview of world politics

Finding Patterns and Explanations: Next, review chapter 2 in the Mingst text and its historical overview of world politics. Note that it is divided into historical periods: pre-Westphalia; Westphalia; nineteenth-century Europe; Interwar and World War II; The Cold War; the Immediate Post–Cold War Era; The New Millennium. For the first part of the written assignment, identify the key actors, events and dynamics that you believe each theoretical lens would highlight for each of these historical periods. Feel free to copy and paste the grid into your document. Note that the grid below is a template and you should enlarge the boxes to fit a larger amount of text in your submission (2-3 pages)

Identify those concepts associated with attaining food security and food justice within an intergovernmental framework and the different stakeholders involved in food policy including the USDA, FEMA, State and local governments, private industry, NGOs and communities

Reflection Paper: Food Security & Justice

Identify those concepts associated with attaining food security and food justice within an intergovernmental framework and the different stakeholders involved in food policy including the USDA, FEMA, State and local governments, private industry, NGOs and communities
Apply the core concepts of food security and justice in analyzing a specific intergovernmental context.

To-Do List:

Review module objectives.
Complete the assigned readings.
View the Guest Lecture:
Deliver Reflection Paper


Identify necessary terms and concepts of intergovernmental relations as they relate to the pursuit of sustainability at the City level utilizing the case study of the City of Chelsea, Massachusetts.

Reflection Paper: City of Chelsea, Massachusetts

Identify necessary terms and concepts of intergovernmental relations as they relate to the pursuit of sustainability at the City level utilizing the case study of the City of Chelsea, Massachusetts.

Apply the core concepts of international IGR and sustainability in analyzing the case study of the City of Chelsea, Massachusetts.

Follow the links below for reference materials. File for additional links and references.

Identify the main concepts, terms and approaches of environmental and energy environmentalism, energy justice and energy democracy, its impact on IGR accountability and management roles as a foundation of study and how they are utilized to analyze the Post Maria Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Mexico.

Reflection Paper: Climate Change and Energy Transition

1: Review module objectives.:

Identify the main concepts, terms and approaches of environmental and energy environmentalism, energy justice and energy democracy, its impact on IGR accountability and management roles as a foundation of study and how they are utilized to analyze the Post Maria Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Mexico cases according to Dr. Shalanda Baker, Deputy Director for Energy Justice at the Department of Energy.
Apply concepts of energy justice, energy democracy, just sustainable energy transitions and their connection with interjurisdictional cooperation, collaboration, IGR accountability and management roles.

2: Complete the assigned readings.
3: View the assigned videos:
4: Deliver Reflection Paper

Links to videos: 3 videos total

Create a fictional character who lives in the present, recent, past, or a historical period we cover in detail during this course.

Explore international connections

This assignment provides an opportunity to explore international connections through a narrative that incorporates sources from our class and outside reading you may find beneficial. To complete this assignment you will write an essay in the style of an autobiography. You may use your own experiences or create a fictional character who lives in the present, recent, past, or a historical period we cover in detail during this course. You will describe the life of your narrator from a first-person perspective. You may approach the narrator’s entire life, a particular period in their life, or even a single event if it fits the requirements below.

What were the concurring and dissenting opinions? How many judges decided for the defendant and how many justices decided against the defendant? What was the final verdict from the judge or the jury, if it was a jury trial?

Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens – Outline


Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: Chapter 11, 12
Minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

This assignment is comprised of 2 parts, the first of which is due this week. Part II will be due in Week 7.
In Part I this week, choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court. If your state does not have a case that was decided by the United States Supreme Court, choose a civil rights case from another state for which the United States Supreme Court issued a decision.
Here is a brief description of civil rights and civil liberties: Civil rights refers to equal social opportunities under the law. It gives you these freedoms such as the right to vote, the right to public education, or a fair trial, among other things, regardless of your wealth or race. Civil liberties mean freedom of religion, equal treatment and due process under the law, and the right to privacy.
You should be able to go online and look up your state and famous cases decided by the Supreme Court. For example, Brown v Board of Education (1951) started in Topeka, Kansas and ended up in the Supreme Court of the United States. Another example would be Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley v Steve Sisolak, Governor of Nevada (2020) that started in Nevada and ended up the United States Supreme Court. A good source of information about cases decided by the United States Supreme Court is Other sources can be researched online using search terms for “civil rights cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.” Be sure to use a case actually decided by the United States Supreme Court, and not a case decided by your state’s supreme court or a different court. A case that is still pending before the United States Supreme Court should not be used. If you are unsure, please contact your Professor BEFORE you pick your case and submit the assignment as this is a significant part of your overall grade.
Research your court case and write an outline of the case that you will be using to prepare a presentation, which will either be a narrated PowerPoint, a Kaltura Video, or some other format as approved by your instructor. If you are unsure, then verify the presentation format with your instructor before starting work on this assignment.

This week’s assignment should include (a) summary of the case; (b) a case outline; and a summary.

A. Summary of the Case
In one or two paragraphs, provide a general overview of the case that serves as a snapshot of what the case is about and how it ended up in your state high court. A summary is using your words to write a brief history of the case. Do not give your opinion or your interpretation but stick to the facts only.

B: Case Outline
Your court case outline should include:
Title: Name of the case
Facts of the case: Provide key facts involving the case.
History of the case: What legal action was taken based on what your state laws say about this case?
Legal questions: What were the legal issues the court had to decide?
Decision or holdings: Did the court decide for the plaintiff or the defendant? Explain the reason behind the decision?
Verdict and opinion (judgement): What were the concurring and dissenting opinions? How many judges decided for the defendant and how many justices decided against the defendant? What was the final verdict from the judge or the jury, if it was a jury trial?

C. Conclusion
What was the resulting impact of the ruling? How did the citizens of your state benefit from it? Was this a good decision?
Writing Requirements (APA format)
The length of your outline will vary. Usually an outline is anywhere from 1-3 pages long. Make sure to write full sentences to explain your case. It is a concise list to be used as a reference for you during the presentation.

Using the outline, you will be describing the court case in your presentation and the scenario around the court case. The use of Wikipedia as a primary source of information is to be avoided – it is not a reliable source of information.
Search for an example of a case outline in the Internet. Without going into much detail at this state, each of the items listed above has a subject sentence with 3-6 bullet points that can help you expand on the topic.

For Week 7, you will be creating a narrated PowerPoint, or a video as approved by your instructor, from this week’s outline.
This assignment is worth 200 points.
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to textbook if cited)

Why should your audience care about this topic? What future implications resulted from this event? What were the lessons learned from this emergency or disaster?

Boston Marathon bombing

Summarize the event-
Write 2-3 or more sentences for each of the following:
o What happened?
o Who
o What
o Where
o When
o Why.
Significance (no sentences limit).
o Why should your audience care about this topic?
o What future implications resulted from this event?
Conclusion (no sentences limit)
o What were the lessons learned from this emergency or disaster?

How does the political context of the UK as a “multinational/centralized” state shape prospects? How does devolution shape post Brexit political realities?

Brexit Final prompt

To address this prompt, your paper should course readings and lecture material to do the following:

1. Briefly explain why the Brexit referendum was successful (i.e., Which factors contributed to its passage? Who voted for Brexit? Who opposed it?).

2. Identify the institutional attributes of the British state which could promote unraveling in the aftermath of Brexit (i.e., HINT: How does the political context of the UK as a “multinational/centralized” state shape prospects? How does devolution shape post Brexit political realities?)

3. Identify the socio-cultural consequences which could promote “unraveling”?

4. Use the above to make an argument for whether Brexit has made it “more likely” that the United Kingdom will “break up”.