What is the United Nations doing to combat climate change?

Climate change

What is the United Nations doing to combat climate change?

Summarize the changes the COVID-19 Pandemic and Post-COVID had on the U.S.-Mexico border and the impact of COVID-19 on the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.

The U.S.-Mexico Border in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Post-COVID

Summarize the changes the COVID-19 Pandemic and Post-COVID had on the U.S.-Mexico border and the impact of COVID-19 on the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.

The paper should be 2 pages single-spaced.

What incentives do presidents have to act unilaterally or not act at all, and under what circumstances? What are the limits (legal/constitutional/political) to a president’s ability to take unilateral action?

Immigration reform

In the United States presidents not only have informal policy-relevant powers such as agenda-setting and formal policy powers such as the veto, but also powers to make policy unilaterally, such as issuing an executive order. Write a paper in which you analyze the role of the U.S. president in setting public policy with or without the support of Congress. Contemporary debates on immigration reform offer important case studies for examining the limit and power of executive-branch policy action. Choosing immigration reform as your issue focus, assess how presidential leadership and authority have helped or hindered these reforms and how you might advise the president today. In your essay, consider the following questions:

* What incentives do presidents have to act unilaterally or not act at all, and under what circumstances?
* What are the limits (legal/constitutional/political) to a president’s ability to take unilateral action?
* Using clear evidence, can you show which interest groups and what messages are informing the president’s policy action or inaction on your chosen policy issue?

Identify an appropriate study that fits the above criteria, familiarize yourself with the findings or argument, and ultimately summarize that argument in a way that is understandable and compelling for a college-educated reader interested in the subject.

Academic Research Blog Post 2

For this assignment, you are to summarize, and interpret the significance of, an argument or result of a study presented in an academic or scholarly publication (ie. academic book, peer-reviewed journal article, or think-tank report). To do so, you will first need to identify an appropriate study that fits the above criteria, familiarize yourself with the findings or argument, and ultimately summarize that argument in a way that is understandable and compelling for a college-educated reader interested in the subject (but not necessarily for a political science major). Note that this only requires you to read and report on a single study, but most studies will also provide a brief literature review that presents where the research fits within the existing literature and why it is important.

Below are links to two examples to give you an idea of what this would look like. (They are a bit more than I would expect. But aim high!):

A Vox Blog on Polarization and Social Media: (Links to an external site.)

A JSTOR Daily report on a normative argument for Open Borders: (Links to an external site.)

Of which theories of nationalism do these remind you and what do you make of them?


When walking through Leicester (or, if you prefer, your hometown), have you observed (a) a case of nationalism as a ‘lifestyle choice’ and (b) a monument, memorial or symbol evoking national myths and memories? Of which theories of nationalism do these remind you and what do you make of them?

Write three things that surprised you or you learned from the Human Rights Part 1 video. Write three things that surprised you or you learned from the Human Rights Part 2 video

American Foreign Policy (Human Rights)

Watch the Part 1, Part 2 of American Foreign Policy (Human Rights) lecture to answer the following questions:

(Part 1)

(Part 2)


1. Write three things that surprised you or you learned from the Human Rights Part 1 video.

2. Write three things that surprised you or you learned from the Human Rights Part 2 video.

Which one of these do you believe is the greatest threat to the security of the Middle East region and why? What do you think about these organizations? In your opinion what do they think about the legitimacy of these organizations?



Look up and read the about the following: Hezbollah and Al Qaeda.
Some links are provided here, please look up other links also



Compare and contrast these 2 terrorist organizations (as designated by US) by answering the following questions.

1. Discuss the goals and objectives of these organizations

2. What do you believe are the short term and long term prospects for the success or failure of these organizations?

3. Which one of these do you believe is the greatest threat to the security of the Middle East region and why?

4. What do you think about these organizations? In your opinion what do they think about the legitimacy of these organizations?

First describe how they see it differently (and provide evidence from the text for your claims). Then present an argument describing why they might see this event or situation so differently.

Two sides of the same coin

Choose an event or a situation in The Lemon Tree that Dalia and Bashir see very differently (for example: the 1948 war). First describe how they see it differently (and provide evidence from the text for your claims). Then present an argument describing why they might see this event or situation so differently. Once again, provide evidence from all the texts that we used for this course for the claims you make as part of this argument.

Compare, contrast and review two papers, one regarding Economic Nationalism and one regarding Economic Liberalism, each within the context of the Global Political Economy.

Economic Nationalism vs Economic Liberalism Critical Literature Review

Compare, contrast and review two papers, one regarding Economic Nationalism and one regarding Economic Liberalism, each within the context of the Global Political Economy.

The review should include:

– A summary of the key points raised in each article and how they link to the political theory.

– Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of article

– Comparison of the two articles main assumptions

– A valid argument with evidence supporting your claims about the authors’s arguments.

What role did Palestinians have in the 1947 negotiations over the partition of their homeland and the future of their people? How did the decline of the Soviet Union during the 1980s impact those regimes who had depended on them for support?

Short essay – Middle Eastern Politics

Essay should be no shorter than 500 words and no longer than 750 words.

Write your short essay in your own words. (There is no need for direct quotes, references, or a bibliography).

Questions to choose from:

What role did Palestinians have in the 1947 negotiations over the partition of their homeland and the future of their people?

Can a military leader like Gamal Abdel Nasser legitimately claim to be the voice of all Arabs?

Did the Cold War superpowers follow their ideological convictions in their approach to the Middle East? That is, did they promote democracy and socialism in the Middle East? Refer to ONE of the US OR the USSR in your answer.

How did the decline of the Soviet Union during the 1980s impact those regimes who had depended on them for support? Refer to ONE example in your answer.

Does the concentration of oil wealth between, and within, states determine the international relations of the Middle East? Refer to ONE example in your answer.

Main text to use: •Halliday, The Middle East in International Relations