Why are terrorism, globalization, diseases, or climate change multifaceted in terms of how they are defined as policy problems? Specifically, how are they viewed as economic, political, and/or environmental policy problems, and also security ones?
Post-Cold War World
This paper will consider a contrast between the two following major themes. First, the post-Cold War world has been marked by a global context of expanding transnational threats demanding increased cooperation among nation-states. Second, the years since the end of the Cold War are characterized by a diffusion of power and, especially in the past few years, increased rivalry and tension between the United States and competing powers China and Russia. You will essentially evaluate the tension between the cooperation required to deal effectively with transnational challenges and the competition among the great powers that sometimes impedes such cooperation.
More specifically, you are asked to address whether cooperation on the post Cold War transnational challenges threaten national power, interests and sovereignty. This essay will address the central policy conundrum of whether the leading states can cooperate on matters vital to all of humanity at acceptable costs to themselves and everyone else?
Choose two modern transnational challenges (either terrorism, economic globalization, infectious diseases or climate change), and evaluate how national security and global security are interdependent in context of the challenges.
Answer the following two questions relating to your two chosen modern global policy challenges-
1. Why are terrorism, globalization, diseases, or climate change multifaceted in terms of how they are defined as policy problems? Specifically, how are they viewed as economic, political, and/or environmental policy problems, and also security ones? Explain these dimensions for your set of two challenging policy problems.
2. Do you find a clash between the interests of sovereign states and the demands of fully addressing your two policy problems (i.e., terrorism, globalization, diseases, or climate change)? How might these tradeoffs be resolved to find effective global solutions to your policy problems, and what, in your opinion, is the likelihood of effective cooperation on your two policy problems?
Essay should include each of the following attributes-
1.title page
2.Well-developed introductory paragraph explaining the purpose of the essay and briefly referencing some of the main points/contentions offered in the essay
3.The body of the essay should consist of your effort to best answer the questions from the assignment prompt
4. A concise concluding paragraph that briefly restates both the purpose of the essay as well as some of the primary argument offered ***Be sure the concluding paragraph does not introduce new information!***
5.A list of all sources consulted in the preparation of the essay.
1. Please utilize and cite the no less than 10 out of the 23 references I uploaded for you.
2. The 5 files of Module Notes I provided (e.g. MOD2NOTES, MOD4NOTES, Etc.) are for your reference. They do not need to be cited but should definitely be included in the bibliography page. To make it easier I will complete the bibliography entry for these module notes – please just put MODNOTES as an entry on the bibliography.
3. Lastly, please use no less than 5 additional outside sources of your choice that I have not provided to you (must be from peer reviewed scholarly works). If you do not actually cite these 5 additional works within the paper, then please include them in the bibliography.
So to recap:
– 10 or more cited sources (selected from the sources I provided)
– 5 or more outside sources (not from the sources I provided)
– Review/use module notes and include them in the bibliography (or cite them if needed)
***Minimum 15 total cited references***
***Bibliography will have 5 module notes listed plus all of the citations