Prepare a memo – no more than 400 words – in which you consider the issues and recommend a ruling.
Prepare a memo – no more than 400 words – in which you consider the issues and recommend a ruling.
Prepare a memo – no more than 400 words – in which you consider the issues and recommend a ruling.
1. What factors explain the growing tensions between SNCC and SCLC and the increasing criticisms of Martin Luther King, Jr. by SNCC workers?
2. Explain how the Freedom Rides, the Birmingham Campaign, and the Selma-to Montgomery march became a crucial turning points in the civil rights struggles of the 1960s?
3. How successful were Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. in providing ideological and tactical guidance for the mass protests of the 1960s?
4. What was the purpose of the March on Washington? Did it achieve its goals?
5. Explain the emergence of and sudden popularity of the “Black Power” slogan
1) What was the Mexican Porfiriato? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?
2) What particular form did corporatism assume in Mexico? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?
3) What particular form did corporatism assume in Brazil? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?
4) What was the significance of the military dictatorship in Brazil? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?
5) What particular form did corporatism assume in Argentina? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?
6) What particular form did corporatism assume in Chile? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?
7) What was the significance of the military dictatorship in Chile? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?
8) What was the significance of the Cuban Revolution (1956–1959)? What were its causes and consequences (to 1990)?
9) What were the chief characteristics of the military dictatorships in Brazil and Chile, and what were the main consequences of the rise and decline of these regimes for each country, both generally and with special regard to the particular forms of corporatism that each of these regimes had inherited at the beginning of their rules?
10) What were the chief characteristics of the military dictatorships in Argentina and Chile, and what were the main consequences of the rise and decline of these regimes for each country, both generally and with special regard to the particular forms of corporatism that each of these regimes had inherited at the beginning of their rules?
Discuss The geopolitical impact of Nord stream 2 on European gas market.
Discuss Dispute over water in the Nile Basin.
Write about Water resources in the Middle East: Prospects for Conflict and Cooperation.
Write a research paper on Why Labour Lost the 2019 General Election.
Q1 – Why should the president be allowed to use “signing statements” and “executive orders” to expand and define his enforcement authority under a law? Might he use these devices to “veto” a part of a law by delimiting enforcement? Define these terms as the president might do in defending his authority as “Chief of Law Enforcement”
How did TR and Taft debate the reach of executive actions and authority, FDR ,Eisenhower, and GWBush. Which one(s) do you agree with on this subject. Why and which president(s) ?
What is “executive privilege” and why should a president claim a need for this action?
Q2 – If the president is “Chief Diplomat”, how should he use his constitutional powers to make decisions for the US in dealing with foreign nations, international organizations and the US Congress ? Do ethnic/national-origin groups play the role of pressure groups in US domestic politics and elections? Should the US take a leading role in international affairs by trying to lead and fund many organizations? Are there benefits to the US to be in many of these organizations? Consider Trump’s cuts in aid to WHO and US withdrawal from the Paris climate change accord and Biden’s plan to rejoin these groups? Do you have an opinion about the actions of the two presidents?Consider Washington’s ideas , Wilson , Truman (N32), JFK(N36), Nixon and GWB in your response. Will Biden’s decision to bring the troops home from Afghanistan be a wise idea or will this cause a conflict between his roles as a Chief Diplomat?
What are the reasons for internet shutdowns/were there any strong national movements online?
What triggered it (international attention)
What are the ideological parallels to this phenomenon (authoritarianism, realism?)
Discuss Government surveillance threatening privacy rights.
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