Despite their impressive growth, renewables alone cannot solve the climate crisis.’ Discuss.
Despite their impressive growth, renewables alone cannot solve the climate crisis.’ Discuss.
Despite their impressive growth, renewables alone cannot solve the climate crisis.’ Discuss.
Compare two groups in the United States, such as liberals and conservatives or Democrats and Republicans (please note that party id and political ideology are not synonymous), on a specific issue of your choice (i.e., trade, climate change, immigration, health care). Examine why their political behavior towards that specific issue differs. Is it due to objective factors (e.g., economic conditions, public policies, political climate), subjective reasons (e.g., dominant religions, social norms, cultural practices), or both? Please make sure that you answer all parts of the discussion question.
“In what ways does Wollstonecraft rebuke Burke’s arguments? What methods, evidence, or analogies does she use to prove his stance incorrect? If you choose this question you must frame your writing in a way that addresses these issues in argumentation, not just descriptiveThe paper should definitely include the modes of Wollstonecraft’s writing, highlighting her humor, as well as the points she makes in direct contrast to Burke’s philosophy. Please read through all of the notes. No sources should be used other than the two books.
Examine the case of USFP how it dealt with the crisis in vietnam , investigate possible solutions, and propose a solution
The countries chosen in any question must not include: United States or United Kingdom, at least one must be from the non Western world and the institution relevant for the question must be present in all three countries.
Question – Comparatively analyse the impact of social movements on institutional change in three countries
– Define: social movements
– Define: institutional change
– Comparison at one point in time or across time?
Structure for Essay:
– Introduction (300-350)
What is the question, why is it important, what will be done?
– Literature Review (1200-1250)
Define the dependent variable and main independent variables, what does the theory say we should expect to find – keep focus on theory
– Case selection (300-350)
Why the three countries you have chosen, what can we learn from them?
– Analysis (1200-1250)
Present the facts, Do we find what the theory say we should find?
– Conclusion (300-350)
Answer the question presented in the introduction
Please make sure you:
– Answer the question
– Use academic literature mostly – how much literature you ask?
– Support your empirics by sources, again best with academic sources, if you cannot find any, then other material might be needed
– Writing, referencing and bibliography are all correct
To what extent has the UN been able to promote peace and prosperity in world politics?
To what extent has America’s domestic War on Drugs failed?
Thrasymachus makes a bold claim in Plato’s Republic that ‘Justice is what is in the interest of the stronger party’. Scrutinise, examine and explore this quote. You should examine and compare his view to Socrates’ and John Rawl’s view on justice throughout the essay.
And In your conclusion, please add your own thoughts too (for example what is the best type of justice in your opinion?).
‘Remember, less material in depth, is preferable to more material covered superficially.’ – my professor said (based on the ‘what is capitalism?’ essay. (Do not use too many sources, just use as many to create depth instead of breadth) He also said ‘you must include page numbers in your references!’
The EU has been conceptualised as a ‘power’ of various types in the EU studies literature.
Choose ONE type and critically assess its utility in characterising the influence and impact of the EU as an actor in international affairs.
What explains the lack of success of hard Eurosceptic parties across Europe?
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