Does this proposal contribute in a meaningful way to understanding human behavior in a particular context? Does this proposal communicate an awareness of and a respect for a diverse audience and diversity among research participants? Does this proposal illustrate an awareness of personal biases and demonstrate a sense of professionalism and integrity?

Pre-booking diversion v’s incarceration

  • Review this section related to how to write a research proposal and use the template in the section to create your first draft. The paper must be in APA format and include a reference page that includes all the sources directly cited in the paper. If you have identified specific research tools or instruments that you believe you might use for a paper in your PPSY 400 course, include those items in appropriate appendixes. See the Purdue OWL APA Guide for information on including appendixes as needed.
  • As you prepare the draft, be sure that you consider the following:
  1. Does this proposal contribute in a meaningful way to understanding human behavior in a particular context?
  2. Does this proposal communicate an awareness of and a respect for a diverse audience and diversity among research participants?
  3. Does this proposal illustrate an awareness of personal biases and demonstrate a sense of professionalism and integrity?
  4. Does this proposal demonstrate an ability to address a specific, debatable question in a way that respects differences in perspective while simultaneously defending a research-based thesis or hypothesis?
  1. You should spend 10-12 hours creating the draft.

Week 6 Discussion Board


In this section, you will write and post for peer review a draft of a research proposal for a question on a contemporary issue of your choosing. You will need to focus the issue, research it (in light of questions provided below), and prepare it using the template provided. This proposal will be an opportunity for you to build upon your interests in contemporary issues and form your thoughts on how to study a topic in a way that is applicable to the workforce. You will ultimately use the proposal as the basis of your work in the research course later in the program. Thus, you should spend time and energy doing the research proposal with care. This section’s assessment is the first step in your process.

In your peer review, provide feedback to help your peers improve the draft for submission later this week.

Address the following questions for each of your peers:

  1. Does the draft follow the template format provided?
  2. Is the research purpose clear?
  3. Does the literature review include 10 sources? Is each source used in a meaningful way in the review?
  4. Is APA style used appropriately in the draft?
  5. Are there mechanical or spelling issues that should be addressed before submission?
  6. Are their concerns and questions that you have about clarity or content that should be addressed before submission.
  7. What is one thing that you really appreciate about the question, the sources or the draft? (Be specific in identifying a strength in the peer work that your peer can build on.)

Explain how/why you selected these papers (for example, selecting the 5 most recent or those with largest sample sizes). Based on the results, what conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of your chosen intervention for the health condition or illness under review?

About systmatic review

Summary of Introduction and method
Set the context of the Systematic Review by providing a very brief account of the background and the method as a reminder to the reader.

Should include how many papers were identified by the search strategy and how you decided which to include in the review. Explain how/why you selected these papers (for example, selecting the 5 most recent or those with largest sample sizes). Details of papers included in the review should be provided in a table as an appendix and therefore excluded from the word limit (for an example see Table 1 in Michie, S. and Williams, S. (2003) Reducing work related psychological ill health and sickness absence; a systematic literature review. Occup. Environ. Med. 60:3-9 (pdf provided on Succeed). These papers should then be reviewed and critically evaluated using the Critical Appraisal Tool (CAT) provided. This gives each paper a quality rating score. ( for the critical appraisal you can see ‘ Barriers to voluntary participation in sport for children: systematic review’

This section included:

  1.  Selection of studies
  2.  Study characteristic
  3.  Outcome measures
  4.  Methodological strength
  5.  Methodological weakness

Based on the results, what conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of your chosen intervention for the health condition or illness under review?

This section include:

  1.  Discussion
  2.  Future research
  3.  Conclusion

Evaluate the Literature on whether teachers should teach to learning styles and propose a study that would help resolve this debate.

Teaching style with students’ learning style may or may not help students

Topic: Evaluate the Literature on whether teachers should teach to learning styles and propose a study that would help resolve this debate. This paper (uploaded as the_main_article.pdf) should play a prominent role in your paper: Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2008). Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological science in the public interest, 9(3), 105-119.

  • The term paper mainly should include the following parts:
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Methods based on the Literature
  • Discussion based on the Literature
  • Conclusion
  • References (one different ref. for per page)

This paper should take the side that “teaching with students’ learning style may not help students” based on the main article provided (uploaded as the_main_article.pdf): Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence by Harold Pashler, Mark McDaniel, Doug Rohrer, and Robert Bjork.

Was there a decrease or increase in the number of reinforcements used? Did the desired behavior decrease or increase for each of the rats? What does this represent? Why did this happen? Were there any differences between the male and female rats?

The Effect of Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement in Operant Conditioning


1. Summarize the main findings of your experiment

Was there a decrease or increase in the number of reinforcements used? Did the desired behavior decrease or increase for each of the rats? What does this represent? Why did this happen? Were there any differences between the male and female rats?

2. Relate these findings to your initial hypotheses

3. Relate these findings to the literature

4. Discuss the strengths and limitations of your study

Note: It’s usually best to have discuss more strengths than limitations and to have about 3-4 strengths and 2-3 limitations.

5. Provide suggestions for future studies


1. Summarize your lab report with a conclusion

2. Include how your findings might generalize to other populations

What does the cultural prominence of Viagra tell us about contemporary masculinities?

Constructing Gender in society

What does the cultural prominence of Viagra tell us about contemporary masculinities?

What types of exercise do you regularly engage in? Do you typically exercise alone or with other people? How long have you been regularly exercising? How long do you plan to regularly exercise in the future? Why do you exercise?

Physical Fitness for the Elderly in Your Community

A tremendous amount of research that points to the importance of exercise for successful aging is available today. This project allows you to see if this message is getting out to the public. For this project, investigate the physical fitness programs available for elderly people in your community. Call or visit the websites of any senior centers in your area to find out what programs are available. You can also research local gyms to see if any special programs are available for elderly people. Then, interview four people, one in each of the following age groups: twenties, forties, sixties, and over-seventies; then ask them the following questions:

 How often do you exercise?Physical Fitness for the Elderly in Your Community

 What types of exercise do you regularly engage in?

 Do you typically exercise alone or with other people?

 How long have you been regularly exercising?

 How long do you plan to regularly exercise in the future?

 Why do you exercise?

After completing the interviews, compare and contrast the answers given by people in the different age groups. Write a report summarizing your findings and indicating how well the message about the benefits of exercise for successful aging has been received in your community. Finally, make a proposal for your city government about improvements in programs/facilities for the elderly to promote physical fitness. Make sure to conduct a literature review to see what strategies work best.

Post a blog post that includes: An explanation of how you have addressed intervention or how you might address intervention in your field education experience.

Week 5 Blog

Post a blog post that includes:

An explanation of how you have addressed intervention or how you might address intervention in your field education experience.

Describe the aim(s) of the program or intervention based on information publicly available in resources such as brochures or information on websites. Do not approach the staff of such programs for more information. Describe the target population of the program or intervention and describe the techniques and activities used.

Critical Review of a Social Services Program or Intervention for Children, Adolescents and/or Families

The purpose of this critical review is to develop your skills in research, evaluation and presentation of ideas. You are to draw from current peer-reviewed research and other suitable sources (e.g., books, government reports) and present written material in APA 7th edition format.

This assignment has two parts:
1. A 1000-word critical review of the effectiveness of programs of this type (not necessarily your program specifically) and identification of the factors that influence the program’s effectiveness. This is worth 20% of your final mark.
2. A small oral presentation to be pre-recorded and uploaded with your assignment. This is worth 5% of your final mark.

1. The Critical Review
You are required to identify and critically review a social service program or intervention that is psychologically based and directed toward improving the quality of life for children, adolescents and/or families. You may choose a program running in your own local area or a program that operates anywhere in Australia. Examples of programs that have been
evaluated by students in the past are:

  •  Big Brothers/Big Sisters mentoring program
  •  DAYS program for youth at risk of alcohol or drug abuse.
  •  Triple P Stepping Stones for parents with children who have a disability.
  •  Young Parents Program for young teenage mothers.

Here is a proposed structure for the critical review:

Describe the program:
Describe the aim(s) of the program or intervention based on information publicly available in resources such as brochures or information on websites. Do not approach the staff of such programs for more information.
Describe the target population of the program or intervention and describe the techniques and activities used.
Describe the anticipated outcomes of the program.

Select 4-7 relevant references.

Summarise the overall findings of the research and identify the strengths and/or weaknesses of the research.
Describe the main factors/variables that are responsible for change and mechanisms by which they lead to change. Describe what are the outcomes of success and how are these measured. Critically evaluate how past research is relevant to the program or intervention:
Explain if and how past research informs and supports the program or intervention in terms of:

  • o The main factors/variables responsible for change
  • o The mechanisms of change for a successful outcome
  • o The outcomes/indicators of success

If there is insufficient information available, then offer a suggestion for what research should be done.

Conclude whether the program is effective, partially effective, not effective, or unable to be determined.
Comment on the implications for research and practice.

Identify better ways to address and educate both parents and students on the issue of bullying. Why are children with mental or physical differences are being targeted?

Bullying Issues in School K-8

The bullying issues that are happening in our schools. The psychological effects it is having on children. Why children with mental or physical differences are being targeted. School District needs to identify better ways to address and educate both parents and students on the issue of bullying.

What is your research question? What is the independent variable and what is the dependent variable? What are the levels and how many are there? Briefly, how might you design and run the study? You would of course analyze it with Anova, so when you get to explaining your analysis, list your null hypothesis and explain how you would use the Anova F-test results to decide whether or not to reject the null hypothesis.

One Way Anova

Part 1 – One-Way Anova Example

Step 1). Watch parts of The Origins of Pleasure – Paul Bloom.  You don’t need to watch the whole video, but do try to pick out the experimental designs behind some of Dr. Bloom’s examples and see if you could take one of those and pr For example, if you wanted to see if the perception of wine price per bottle influenced people’s judgment of pleasantness, you could use price per bottle as the independent variable, tell people that they are getting either a 5 dollar bottle, a 10 dollar bottle, or a 40 dollar bottle and then measure their pleasure ratings under those conditions. You could have 30 people per group and the three price groups would be the levels of your independent variable “wine price”. You could also use other examples from his talk, so pick whatever interests you and then more formally describe that study design by following the outline below:

Step 2) Explain the following
1. What is your research question?
2. What is the independent variable and what is the dependent variable
3. What are the levels and how many are there? (remember that if you only have 2 levels, you can just use a t-test. However and FYI, any time you use an independent samples or paired t-test, you can also use a One-Way Anova or repeated measures One-Way Anova instead because the statistical significance of the results will be the same. One reason to use the One-Way Anova, even for two group/mean comparisons is that the SPSS dialog box options let you choose more options like charts, effect size, and power estimates whereas the t-test output options are more limited.)
4. What scale of measurement is associated with a) your independent variable, b) your dependent variable
5. Briefly, how might you design and run the study? You would of course analyze it with Anova, so when you get to explaining your analysis, list your null hypothesis and explain how you would use the Anova F-test results to decide whether or not to reject the null hypothesis.

Part 2 – Misinformation Literacy
Being aware of misinformation and learning how to avoid its ill effects (misinformation literacy) is very different topic from Anova, but is increasingly important in today’s world which is full of rapidly spreading, slick looking, and persuasive propaganda, marketing campaigns, partial information, biased argumentation, conspiracy theories, and organizationally funded misinformation campaigns.

To keep the discussion friendly and non-controversial, one interesting study was done years ago about the “Pacific Tree Octopus” and this hoax was used to see if children could tell the difference between fake and real information. The results were horrifyingly bad as it looks like the majority of children can’t tell the difference. These sources explain the hoax 1) , 2, Here is the abstract of a study on the topic click here, 3) Here is the website with fake information, 4) and here is the Library of Congress entry about the Tree Octopus website. Check out those sources to see some of the nature of the problem and start thinking about how you avoid misinformation while seeking truth.

1. For your first answer here, please explain how you search for and verify the truth of or at least credibility of information.
2. For your second answer, list a few methods you could use to mislead people using statistical information.

o You may have heard the phrase, “there are lies, damn lies, and statistics”, so now you get to show some examples of how to lie or mislead with statistics. The purpose is to expose some of the deceptive methods so you can have a better chance of avoiding such lies in the future. If you are stumped for examples, look some up, explain them, and cite the sources.