Investigate the possible relationship between two spirituality variables (religious coping styles and spiritual well-being) and two psychological variables

Assessing spirituality

Prompt: In this quantitative study, the authors attempted to investigate the possible relationship between two spirituality variables (religious coping styles and spiritual well-being) and two psychological variables (anxiety and depression). Also studied were differences between those who self-disclosed a spiritual/religious identity and those who did not. Their data analysis concluded that individuals who reported a high use of religious coping styles also reported high levels of spiritual well-being.

The authors felt a limitation of their study was in defining ‘spirituality.’ State how that can be an obstacle in doing religious counseling.

The authors state, “Spiritual well-being can clearly incorporate God into ones’ life while also incorporating self-reliance.” Is this not a seeming contradiction? Give your thoughts on this.

see attached ”here is the link provided ”

Write a full report based on the Practical 2 study, which explored the effect/influence of being altruistic/generous on romantic desirability/attraction.

Research methods in psychology

Assignment 2: Practical report


In Assignment 2 you will write a full report based on the Practical 2 study, which explored the effect/influence of being altruistic/generous on romantic desirability/attraction (Use one term from each and keep it consistent throughout the report).

Your report should include the following sections as subheadings:

• Title
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Method
o Participants
o Design
o Materials
o Procedure
• Results
• Discussion
• References

The word limit for this report is 1,500 words (+/-10%). The Title, Abstract, and References do not contribute towards your overall word count, but everything else does. This includes any tables of descriptive statistics and in-text citations.

You should write your report in the third person, avoiding first person pronouns such as “I” or “my”.


When uploading your assignment on Canvas, please name it with your student number and then “4PS003 Assignment 2”. For example, 1515002 4PS003 Assignment 2.


a) Title

The Title must be concise and informative, and should not simply list the title of the practical. You should provide enough information to give the reader a good idea of what the study is all about. Have a look at some published articles for examples of titles. APA guidelines suggest a title should be no longer than 12 words.

b) Abstract

The Abstract is essentially a report in miniature, i.e. a self-contained and brief summary of the study. You should describe the rationale for the study as well as the methodology, findings and the main conclusions. It is written in one paragraph and should be approximately 200 words in length. Avoid citations and statistics in the abstract.

c) Introduction

In this section you should review the background material (existing findings and theories) relevant to the study and outline the precise problem under investigation. You should also briefly outline your method and explain why the study was carried out. You should end with a clear statement of the hypotheses/hypothesis.

You only need to provide the alternative/experimental hypothesis.

Your Introduction should be approximately 500 words in length.

A summary of the research in this area can be found on the “Modules” and “Assignment 2 (report) information”. There are a few papers on the topic, but feel free to include papers not included in this review, if they fit the topic area. Note: this review paper was published in 2019. There is 3 years of research still out there on the topic, so do conduct a thorough literature search.

d) Method

The Method section of your report should contain a step-by-step account of how the study was conducted. As a general guide, enough detail needs to be recorded to allow other experimenters to replicate the study.

Your method section should be around 350-400 words in length and must be divided into the following sub-sections:

• Participants
• Design
• Materials
• Procedure

Use the above subheadings in your Method.

For details about what to include in these sub-sections, see the slides from Lecture 10. All the experimental materials are on Canvas.

e) Results

This section provides the reader with a clear, concise summary of the data. This section should be around 200-250 words in length.

How can I access the data?

The Practical 2 data is available in ‘Assignment 2 information’ section in Canvas in Excel format. You will need to transfer this data into SPSS, just as you did for the data from practical 1 in Workshop 6 onwards. In Workshops 11 and 12 you will be able to work on the Results section of your report with support from members of the module team.

What should I include in the Results section?

Provide the following information in your results section:

• The descriptive stats should be presented in the text, a graph OR in a table to show the means and standard deviation for attraction/desirability ratings related to altruistic and non-altruistic targets. A brief description of the trends shown in the table/graph must also be provided. You should only do one.
• After the above, you should report the paired samples t-test comparing desirability towards altruistic and non-altruistic targets. You will need to interpret the p value, and ideally, report the effect size (Cohen’s d) and interpret the effect size (i.e. state what this value means).

Remember to avoid discussing the results in this section – you will do that in the discussion.

f) Discussion

This is the section in which you can interpret the results of the experiment and discuss their meaning. It is important that the Discussion relates the results to the literature described in the Introduction. You may also briefly comment on any weaknesses in the study and outline ideas for future research. Try and end this section with a clear conclusion.

This section should be approximately 400 words.

g) References

The References section should contain each reference cited in the body of your work and should be constructed following APA conventions. Please note that you only need to include a reference for sources that you have explicitly cited. For example, you may use Brace et al.’s (2016) SPSS textbook when analysing the results, but if you have not actually cited Brace et al. (2016), you do not need to mention it in the References.

Compare and contrast two of the major theoretical orientations (ex. behavioral and Humanistic perspectives)

Behavioral and Humanistic perspectives

Compare and contrast two of the major theoretical orientations (ex. behavioral and Humanistic perspectives)

In what way do you think racial/ethnic, cultural, gender factors, and evaluator/examiner expectations influenced your performance outcomes in testing situations or in situations in which you are being evaluated (e.g. work, school, social organizations)? In what way do you think racial/ethnic, cultural, and gender factors might influence the way you evaluate others?

In what way do you think racial/ethnic, cultural, gender factors, and evaluator/examiner expectations influenced your performance outcomes in testing situations or in situations in which you are being evaluated (e.g. work, school, social organizations)? In what way do you think racial/ethnic, cultural, and gender factors might influence the way you evaluate others?

Discuss the internal dynamics and resiliency required in the family system following such an event. Discusshow mindfulness can support the family system through grief.

Consider a scenario where there is a significant loss in a family.

Consider a scenario where there is a significant loss in a family. Discuss:

1. the internal dynamics and resiliency required in the family system following such an event.

2. how mindfulness can support the family system through grief

Critically evaluate the extent to which patients’ beliefs influence their experiences and responses to health care with reference to adherence.

Health care

Critically evaluate the extent to which patients’ beliefs influence their experiences and responses to health care with reference to adherence.

Does this proposal contribute in a meaningful way to understanding human behavior in a particular context? Does this proposal communicate an awareness of and a respect for a diverse audience and diversity among research participants? Does this proposal illustrate an awareness of personal biases and demonstrate a sense of professionalism and integrity?

Pre-booking diversion v’s incarceration

  • Review this section related to how to write a research proposal and use the template in the section to create your first draft. The paper must be in APA format and include a reference page that includes all the sources directly cited in the paper. If you have identified specific research tools or instruments that you believe you might use for a paper in your PPSY 400 course, include those items in appropriate appendixes. See the Purdue OWL APA Guide for information on including appendixes as needed.
  • As you prepare the draft, be sure that you consider the following:
  1. Does this proposal contribute in a meaningful way to understanding human behavior in a particular context?
  2. Does this proposal communicate an awareness of and a respect for a diverse audience and diversity among research participants?
  3. Does this proposal illustrate an awareness of personal biases and demonstrate a sense of professionalism and integrity?
  4. Does this proposal demonstrate an ability to address a specific, debatable question in a way that respects differences in perspective while simultaneously defending a research-based thesis or hypothesis?
  1. You should spend 10-12 hours creating the draft.

Week 6 Discussion Board


In this section, you will write and post for peer review a draft of a research proposal for a question on a contemporary issue of your choosing. You will need to focus the issue, research it (in light of questions provided below), and prepare it using the template provided. This proposal will be an opportunity for you to build upon your interests in contemporary issues and form your thoughts on how to study a topic in a way that is applicable to the workforce. You will ultimately use the proposal as the basis of your work in the research course later in the program. Thus, you should spend time and energy doing the research proposal with care. This section’s assessment is the first step in your process.

In your peer review, provide feedback to help your peers improve the draft for submission later this week.

Address the following questions for each of your peers:

  1. Does the draft follow the template format provided?
  2. Is the research purpose clear?
  3. Does the literature review include 10 sources? Is each source used in a meaningful way in the review?
  4. Is APA style used appropriately in the draft?
  5. Are there mechanical or spelling issues that should be addressed before submission?
  6. Are their concerns and questions that you have about clarity or content that should be addressed before submission.
  7. What is one thing that you really appreciate about the question, the sources or the draft? (Be specific in identifying a strength in the peer work that your peer can build on.)

Critically evaluate evidence that intelligence is biologically determined. How do scientists investigate the neural correlates of consciousness? What key findings have emerged in recent years? Evaluate modern theories which address the question “How did language evolve in the lineage of higher primates?”

Brain, Body, and Mind

Assessment Task Detail and Instructions:

Write a 2000 word critical essay on one of the following questions:

  1. Critically evaluate evidence that intelligence is biologically determined.
  2. How do scientists investigate the neural correlates of consciousness? What key findings have emerged in recent years? Include examples from relevant published studies in your answer
  3. Evaluate modern theories which address the question “How did language evolve in the lineage of higher primates?”

Write half a page long text in which you reflect on the readings, the lecture, the discussions and your own work for the theme.

Reflective journal

Write half a page long text in which you reflect on the readings, the lecture, the discussions and your own work for the theme. The text should be personally reflective, but also analytical (i. e. do not just describe the literature and the lecture but try to discuss what you learned, which concepts you see as being connected, what the discussion led you to reconsider, how the literature made you realize certain things).

Read the article entitled “How to help children and teens manage their stress” (link of the article: and read the pdf document about “Adolescent Health” attached in additional materials. Describe in detail what you learned and found interesting about the article and in the textbook .

How to help children and teens manage their stress

1. Read the article entitled “How to help children and teens manage their stress” (link of the article: and read the pdf document about “Adolescent Health” attached in additional materials.

2. The paper is structured in 3 parts and each part must be thorough:

– Introduction
– Main ideas about the topic: make sure to provide the main ideas in the article and in the pdf document provided
– What you learned and your opinion: Describe in detail what you learned and found interesting about the article and in the textbook (pdf document).

3. APA reference style required:

– You should only have two references. The article and the textbook in the pdf format provided
– Include the link (URL) to your article AND the title of the article.

4. Proper Mechanics Punctuation

– 400 words limit
– Sentence structure
– Double-spacing
– No acronyms, lists, bullet points, or quotations allowed.
– No plagiarism! Originality will be checked!