Was your colleague’s researched article appropriate for the personality measure being considered? Assess the personality instrument(s) suggested by your colleague. Would these measures provide reliable, valid, and culturally conscious results for the given scenario? Use your research to support your assertions. What other measure(s) would you suggest your colleague use in this situation?

Evaluating Mental Health Patients and Human Metrics Jung Typology Test

Read the Cohen, et al. (2013) and Wu, et al. (2007) articles and review the Evaluating Mental Health Patients  and Human Metrics Jung Typology Test websites.

For this discussion, you will be taking on the role of the intake counselor at a mental health facility. In this role, you will facilitate the evaluation of a client based on clinical personality assessments, mental status exam, and observations of the client to make recommendations to the treatment team consisting of the clinical psychologist, counselors, and case manager for the client. Carefully review the PSY615: Week Two Counseling-Based Personality Assessment Scenario (Links to an external site.).

In your initial post, examine the personality assessment instrument used in the scenario and research a peer-reviewed article in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library on this personality assessment. Using the required articles and websites as well as your researched article to support your statements, describe the standard use of this personality assessment. Based on the scenario, evaluate the reliability, validity, and cultural considerations inherent to the personality assessment used and comment on the relevance of these elements within the scenario. Analyze and describe some of the potential ethical issues which might arise from the use of this personality assessment in the given scenario. Provide information from your research regarding the use of the personality measure, and assess the value of other possible instruments that could be added to create a more complete assessment of the client in the scenario.

Guided Response : Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in this discussion.

Was your colleague’s researched article appropriate for the personality measure being considered?
Assess the personality instrument(s) suggested by your colleague. Would these measures provide reliable, valid, and culturally conscious results for the given scenario? Use your research to support your assertions.
What other measure(s) would you suggest your colleague use in this situation?

Select a theory (Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Learning Theory in adolescence aka Social Learning theory). Explain theory in detail for your reader. Assume your reader is a layperson.

Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Learning Theory in adolescence

• 1-inch margins, page numbers
• 12-point double-spaced Times New Roman font,
• APA citations and references

Introduction and Theoretical Framework
• Select a theory (Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Learning Theory in adolescence aka Social Learning theory).
• Explain theory in detail for your reader. Assume your reader is a layperson.
• Use the theory from to describe and provide the relevant background for your reader.

Describe what social and psychological factors influence you to recognize and interpret your symptoms. When do you personally decide to seek medical attention? What role does illness representation and illness schema play in your decision to seek medical attention?

Health Psychology

As a first part to this question, describe what social and psychological factors influence you to recognize and interpret your symptoms. When do you personally decide to seek medical attention? What role does illness representation and illness schema play in your decision to seek medical attention?

What role have these factors played during the Covid-19 pandemic? Do you feel Covid-19 has changed any of these? Why or why not?

Once you’ve reflected and written about these, make sure to view the video Know Your Numbers (Links to an external site.) by using the off-campus access on the library homepage. (Instructions on how to view the videos) and also include the following:

Based on the Know your Numbers video and materials presented for Chapter 8, when should you seek medical attention? What is the nature and consequence of delaying behavior when it comes to seeking treatment for a health issue?

Write a clinical report in which you apply your assessment skills to a case study. Develop a set of questions to be used as the basis for an intake interview designed to explore current functioning in key life areas.

Clinical Report

You are required to write a clinical report in which you apply your assessment skills to a case study. The case study will be based on test administration and interpretation of a volunteer client. This assessment task is designed to expose you to the process involved in administering a brief testing battery to one other person and using test data to draw conclusions on general life functioning. You will be required to engage in the following steps in completing this task:

(a) Develop a set of questions to be used as the basis for an intake interview designed to explore current functioning in key life areas (e.g., general health, work/education, relationships);

(b) Administer four assessment instruments/procedures to measure general life functioning (this is called the brief testing battery). You must undertake a semi-structured interview, administer two tests provided by the lecturer-in-charge, and administer one assessment of your own choice;

(c) Score and analyse the data obtained from the testing instruments/procedures;

(d) Write a clinical report based on the results obtained from administering the brief testing battery.

Explain the sample size, sampling method, and measurement methods you might use to have collected the mock data for your study. Explain the descriptive statistics and charts which you might use to first analyze the data and check the sample for outliers and normality.

Week #8

Mini-Report Instructions

Congratulations!  We have reached the point in the class where you will now be asked to conduct a mock study and write up the results as a mini-paper.  We are going to share these mini-reports with each other as a discussion so everybody will be able to see each others’ examples and therefore have a better idea of how to run statistical tests and write up the results.

This will help accomplish our course themes/goals of 1) asking and answering questions with statistics, 2) telling stories with data, and 3) choosing the correct statistical test.

To complete this assignment, you are asked to generate a scenario that would require the use of a one sample or independent samples t-test, write your research question and matching hypothesis, generate fake/mock data, enter that correctly into SPSS, calculate one of the types of t-test which is appropriate to analyze that scenario, and explain your results.  It would be best to write your replies in MS word, save them, and paste them into this discussion so you don’t lose any work.

The sections of this mini-report are
  1. Title
  2. (2 point) Brief introduction to the scenario (explain what you are comparing, what the variables are and what your null and alternative hypotheses are.
  3. (3 pts) Brief explanation of the methods
    1. Explain the sample size, sampling method, and measurement methods you might use to have collected the mock data for your study.  Use about 20-30 data points.
    2. Explain the descriptive statistics and charts which you might use to first analyze the data and check the sample for outliers and normality.
    3. List your choice of alpha level and explain that choice.  Will you use the standard p<.05 level or a different criterion and why?
    4. List which of the two types of t-test (one-sample or dependent samples) would be used to test your null hypothesis and explain why that is the correct choice.  This should include explaining the “assumptions” for using t-tests.
  4. (3 pts) Results [ Annotated SPSS t-test ouput tables, courtesy of UCLA ]
    1. List the descriptive statistics for your data.  List any charts which accompany them.
    2. Paste in the t-test results table for your data
    3. Report the descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) and the inferential statistics (t-test results) in APA format.  https://www.socscistatistics.com/tutorials/ttest/default.aspx
    4. Explain whether or not you rejected the null hyothesis and why
    5. Calculate Cohen’s d statistic as your measure of effect size and report that value ( https://memory.psych.mun.ca/models/stats/effect_size.shtml and click here for a theoretical tutorial).  Note for this section – be sure to enter the correct values from your SPSS table into the Cohen’s d calculator.
  5. (2 pts) Interpretation
    1. Write a brief description of your results and what it means about your research question.  Was there a difference between the means you looked at and what would that tell you about the primary research question?  Interpret the effect size measures. End with the final take home message about what your study shows and comment about what you learned or what you have questions about based on this assignment.
  6. References (if any)
  7. Also attach your SPSS Viewer file and SPSS Data file with your post using the attachment button (the paperclip) from the discussion editor menu.
  8. Your questions, comments, and replies to classmates are worth the other 5 points in this forum.

Who commits child abuse and why? What are the responsibilities for reporting child abuse in your state? How might this be different according to the role of the individual?

Create a workshop on child abuse

For this task, imagine that you have been asked to present a workshop on child abuse prevention and recognition to child service professionals in your area. Your workshop will focus on and include the following areas:

Definitions and types of child abuse and neglect
Impact of child abuse on various aspects of human development.
Who commits child abuse and why? (Include any known gender or socioeconomic factors.)
What are the responsibilities for reporting child abuse in your state?
How might this be different according to the role of the individual (educator, lawyer, clergy, physician, caseworker, etc.)? Suggestions for prevention or early detection

Create a hypothesis for the group’s study. Consider the hypothesis and how the group will define operationally and measure the variables. Describe how the group will obtain a random sample of participants. Assume the study produces a correlation of .56 between the variables. Analyze three possible causal reasons for the relationship.

Design a correlational study

Design a correlational study, groups will need two variables with at least five sets of data. between these two variables: time spent playing video games and aggression.

1. Create a hypothesis for the group’s study. Consider the hypothesis and how the group will define operationally and measure the variables.

2. Describe how the group will obtain a random sample of participants.

3. Assume the study produces a correlation of .56 between the variables. Analyze three possible causal reasons for the relationship.

4. Submit an SPSS output for the correlational study.

Which of those three types of intelligence do you think you are best at? Briefly explain why you feel that is your strongest type of intelligence.

Sternberg’s three types of intelligence

Read about Sternberg’s three types of intelligence: analytic, practical and creative. Give an example from your own life of a time when you used analytic intelligence. Give an example from your own life where you used practical intelligence. And give an example of a time when you used creative intelligence.

Which of those three types of intelligence do you think you are best at? Briefly explain why you feel that is your strongest type of intelligence.

Identify and discuss the key symptoms experienced by the client. Discuss at least three possible diagnoses. Provide a diagnosis for the client, including the DSM–5 coding. Include a rationale for the diagnosis that you arrived at for the client. Provide a rationale for ruling out at least two additional/possible diagnoses.

Abnormal Psychology Discussion 6

Case Study
Devyn is a 20-year-old female college student in her sophomore year of studies. Devyn has recently been admitted to the psychiatric hospital where you are currently employed. You are completing Devyn’s admissions assessment, taking clinical, medical, and historical information to arrive at an initial diagnostic impression. She reports that over the past 2 weeks she has been hearing someone talking to her when at home. She seems somewhat afraid of telling you this information, reducing her voice to a quiet whisper when telling you about what she calls “his voice.” Devyn states that “his voice” is often angry, calls her vile names, and gets louder and louder the more she tries to stop listening. She shares that today “his voice” told her to hurt herself, which is when Devyn told her mom that she was scared. When going through the medical and historical information, you find out that Devyn has a history of some moderate head injuries. She was a gymnast in high school and had two or three tumbling accidents that resulted in concussions. Also, Devyn tells you that she has been mostly drug free, but has started smoking marijuana over the past 4 months. She says that sometimes smoking marijuana calms her and sometimes it makes her very agitated and angry. During the assessment, Devyn seems to have a flat affect, with the exception of some appearance of anxiety/fear when talking about “his voice.” She is on no medications at this time and has no other medical history.

Respond to the following:

* Identify and discuss the key symptoms experienced by the client.
* Discuss at least three possible diagnoses.
* Provide a diagnosis for the client, including the DSM–5 coding.
* Include a rationale for the diagnosis that you arrived at for the client.
* Provide a rationale for ruling out at least two additional/possible diagnoses.
* What additional (neuroimaging, neurophysiological, or serological) testing would be helpful in conclusively arriving at your diagnosis?

Where do each (psychology and Christianity) get their truth and knowledge? What are the goals of psychology and Christianity? What happens when a psychological study suggests a scientific finding that opposes the Bible? Where does modern psychology fit in the church? Where does the church fit in modern psychology?

Week 1 Discussion: How Do They Fit?

As we begin our class, please think about how you believe modern psychology and Christianity/the Bible fit together. Truly take time to think about what you know about Christianity and the Bible, as well as modern psychology based on empiricism, and reflect on the following questions before posting your response to the question below:

Where do each (psychology and Christianity) get their truth and knowledge?

What are the goals of psychology and Christianity?

What happens when a psychological study suggests a scientific finding that opposes the Bible?

Where does modern psychology fit in the church?

Where does the church fit in modern psychology?

After reflecting on all of the above, answer the following question in this discussion:

How do you believe modern psychology as a science and Christianity fit together (if at all)?

You are encouraged to truly spend time thinking about these two fields and how you believe they fit together, if at all.