Describe or summarize your previous topic. How has your understanding been affected by the social sciences lens? How does the social sciences lens support the lens you previously used?

Discussion: Diversity and Culture

So far in this course, we have explored diversity through the lenses of history, the humanities, and the natural and applied sciences. In this module, you will wrap up your draft of Final Project Part One with Milestone Four, and the social sciences lens is the last piece of the puzzle. Look back over the topics you chose to discuss in previous discussions, select one, and reexamine it now through the social sciences. In your initial post, address the following:
• Describe or summarize your previous topic.

• How has your understanding been affected by the social sciences lens?

• How does the social sciences lens support the lens you previously used?

In responding to your peers, provide feedback on their topic analysis and describe the value of the social sciences lens for understanding diversity.
Make sure you support your response with the readings from this module, and any additional resources if needed.


What aspects of your personality or lived experience inspire the leader in you? As a leader of a team working to achieve a goal in your workplace, group, or community, describe how you would promote communication, collaboration, and motivation.

Discussion: Leadership and Goal Setting

In this module, you explore the importance of goal setting as an essential attribute of leadership. Effective leaders are skilled communicators, negotiators, and strategists who apply authentic approaches to achieve their social impact goals. Through their inspiration and motivation, leaders are social change agents who can allocate and optimize their resources in ways that promote collaboration, teamwork, and goal attainment.

For your initial post, you will define and reflect on the factors that promote leadership and goal setting. Your post should address the following:

In your own words, define leadership and describe its relevance to social change agency.
What aspects of your personality or lived experience inspire the leader in you?
As a leader of a team working to achieve a goal in your workplace, group, or community, describe how you would promote communication, collaboration, and motivation.
Describe which aspect of emotional intelligence you believe best supports your ability to be an effective leader and why.
Describe how leadership and goal setting connect to one of the following:
-programmatic themes:
-Social justice
-Emotional intelligence
-Career connections

Remember to respond to two peers while being respectful of and sensitive to their viewpoints. Consider advancing the discussion in the following ways:
Post an article, video, or visual to reinforce a peer’s idea or challenge them to see their point from a different perspective.
Engage in conversation with your peers around the concept of leadership and goal setting. Consider asking a question or sharing your personal experience.

Describe influences of ethnicity, culture, gender, and sexual orientation on personality development. Explain the major concepts in personality theory. Compare and contrast salient ideas of prominent theorists in personality psychology.

Application Essay: Personality

Show understanding of the inter-relationship of personality theory and developmental psychology

Describe influences of ethnicity, culture, gender, and sexual orientation on personality development.

Explain the major concepts in personality theory.

Compare and contrast salient ideas of prominent theorists in personality psychology.

Identify various schools of psychology and their respective theories of personality.

Compare and contrast various theories of human aging.

Identify independent and dependent variables. What will you do to keep your groups as similar as possible and ruleout confounding variables?

Abnormal Psychology: Homework #1 Research

Develop a research question related to abnormal psychology that could be explored with a research study. This means it should be related to a particular disorder or group disorders, to diagnosis, to assessment, or anything else that is associated with abnormal psychology. The assignment should include the following: The research question you are asking, and why the answer would be valuable. your hypothesis, your variables of interest, and how you will operationalize them and why. The research design (correlational, experimental) and why. If experimental – identify independent and dependent variables. What will you do to keep your groups as similar as possible and ruleout confounding variables?

Critically evaluate Baron-Cohen’s assertion that autism can be explained by a tendency to develop systemising skills over empathising skills.


The assessment for this 15-credit module is split into two parts.  The coursework essay (40% of overall mark) and the end of year examination (60% of overall mark).  These two assessments are covered in depth below.

 Courseworkessay question and deadline

  • 2000-word limit (excluding reference list)
  • Line and a half or double space writing
  • Font size – no smaller than 11 no bigger than 14
  • Font – There is not a specific font requirement but Arial is recommended

Answer one of the following questions (word limit – 2000 words):

  1. Critically evaluate Baron-Cohen’s assertion that autism can be explained by a tendency to develop systemising skills over empathising skills.


  1. Using psychological evidence, critically evaluate the importance of social interaction to children’s development of language.


Analyze an Issue or Event in Diversity Through the Lenses of the Sciences and Social Sciences.

Milestone Four

Analyze an Issue or Event in Diversity Through the Lenses of the Sciences and Social Sciences.

If your news event is overtly related to diversity, how does this event contribute to diversity studies? If your news event does not directly relate to diversity, how could the science behind your event be applied to diversity studies?

Discussion: Science and Diversity

For this module’s discussion, research a recent science news event that’s occurred in the last six nonths. The event should come from a well-known news source, such as ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, 4PR, PBS, BBC, National Geographic, The New York Times, and so on. Post a link to the news story, and in your initial post, identify the following:

• Summarize your news story and its contributions to the science or STEM fields.

• If your news event is overtly related to diversity, how does this event contribute to diversity studies? If your news event does not directly relate to diversity, how could the science behind your event be applied to diversity studies?

In response to your peers, provide feedback about their news story and describe the value of the scientific lens for understanding diversity.

Describe what you believe is the most empowering takeaway from the participant’s perception of why. Describe how changes to your why throughout your life span can impact your attitudes, beliefs, and values.

Module Six Video Reflection

Psychology and Social Change

In Modules One through Seven of this course, you will watch a series of videos from leaders within the SNHU community. The objective of these videos is to share with you some reflections and insights as they pertain to the participants’ identity, advocacy, leadership, and motivation. Watching the videos and reflecting on the content will contribute to the creation of your own social change identity.

Note: As you progress through the video series and the subsequent module reflections, you will synthesize information provided from various concepts discussed within the context of the videos. Pay particular attention to specific conceptual themes that emerge from the videos. You will use the knowledge acquired in all the videos that you’ve viewed so far to complete each module reflection assignment.


For this assignment, you will watch the Module Six Video lSNHU Leadership and answer the following in 2 to 4 sentences per question.

• Describe what you believe is the most empowering takeaway from the participant’s perception of why.

• Describe how changes to your why throughout your life span can impact your attitudes, beliefs, and values.

What three Rights of Patients and Research Participants do you think were most violated in the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study? Support your post with examples from the assigned study. Discuss what ethical standards could have been in place to prevent the violations from occurring.

Discussion: Ethical Issues and Patients’ Rights


In your readings, you learned about the rights that patients have to receive treatment, refuse treatment, and participate in research.  According to the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010), individuals who participate in psychological research have the following rights:

  • to be informed about the purpose of the research study
  • to privacy
  • to be treated with respect and dignity
  • to be protected from physical and mental harm
  • to choose to participate or to refuse to participate without prejudice
  • to anonymity in the reporting of results
  • to the safeguarding of their records

In 1932, The U.S. Public Health Service in partnership with the Tuskeegee Institute, began a study to reord the natural history and progression of syphilis in the hopes of developing treatment programs for African Americans.  The Tuskegee Syphilis Study (U.S. Public Health Service, 1932) involved 625 black males; 425 with syphilis and 200 without, and continued for over 30 years.  All of the participants were poor and semi-literate and throughout the study none of the men were told they had syphilis.  The intent was to observe how the disease progressed, however, 15 years into the study the cure of penicillin was found, but treatment was withheld from the participants.  Read the Tuskegee Timeline (Links to an external site.) about the effects of the study, to assist you in developing your discussion post responses.


In your initial post:

  1. What three Rights of Patients and Research Participants do you think were most violated in the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study? Support your post with examples from the assigned study.
  2. Discuss what ethical standards could have been in place to prevent the violations from occurring.

How does the observation relate to the material learned in class? What have you learned that applies to your life? What Question has the activity raised for you?

Observation Assignment Instructions

The student is asked to observe an age group of their choice. The observation can be an individual, but a group will probably yield better observations. The observation should be from 20-30 minutes. The student will then type a one page (double spaced) summary of and reaction to the observation. Details which must be included: age (an estimate is fine), gender of participants, location, and date/time, and application to material learned in class.

5 points: Submit observation by due date

15 points: Conducting a 20-30 minute observation

15 points: Paragraph 1 will summarize the observation, and provide details concerning the participants.

15 points: Paragraph 2 will include a critical thinking response. (How does the observation relate to the material learned in class? What have you learned that applies to your life? What Question has the activity raised for you?)