After selecting a case study, think about how you could research this scenario. Compose at least one research question for the case study you selected. Explain the goal of the research you are proposing to address for your chosen case study. Define the steps of the research process you would follow.

Ethics & Case Study PDF File


Note: The case study you select in this assignment will be used throughout the course.


Write a 525- to 700-word paper that addresses the following:

After selecting a case study, think about how you could research this scenario.
Compose at least one research question for the case study you selected.
Explain the goal of the research you are proposing to address for your chosen case study.
Define the steps of the research process you would follow.
Evaluate how ethical considerations would affect your research.
Based on the information you read from the “Standard 8: Research and Publication” section of the APA Code of Ethics, determine which ethical principles apply to your case study.
Explain how you will consider cultural diversity in the interpretation of your research findings.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines. This includes the need for an APA formatted reference list and corresponding in-text citations.

Write 1 page of Literature Review on how parenting influence violent extremism on adolescents and young adults.

The Role of Parenting and Violent Extremism

1) Read the attached. Write 1 page of Literature Review on how parenting influence violent extremism on adolescents and young adults. If you want you can also briefly connect the rise of school Mass Shooting in America by teenagers. Most recent case was the case of 15 years old Ethan Crumbley who is now facing charges of terrorism and murder. Evidence shows his parents were repeatedly informed of the teens worrisome violent tendencies but failed to address his behavior/mental health.

2) Make sure to include References.

Below are some articles.

Write a research paper based on what you’ve learned thus far, and do some critical thinking. Compare and contrast each of the learning theories covered in this course so far. Examine each theory for its strengths and weaknesses.

Learning Theories

Write a research paper based on what you’ve learned thus far, and do some critical thinking. This project should be a fun and creative endeavor for you. Compare and contrast each of the learning theories covered in this course so far. Examine each theory for its strengths and weaknesses. Relate each theory to real life, and come up with a learning theory based on your own arguments about what the best learning theory is, including empirical evidence to back up your points. This could be a combination of one or more established learning theories and original ideas, based on scientific research cited via peer-reviewed journal articles. It could also be a fresh take on learning that doesn’t combine any of the theories you’ve learned, as long as it’s backed up by evidence that hasn’t been formed into a theory yet. Feel free to include diagrams, your own terms, various aspects of the theories, and other elements. Include an Abstract, Literature Review comparing the various theories, a discussion section where you propose your own learning theory with compelling arguments, and a conclusion. Place any diagrams in an appendix section. Include reputable sources from textbooks, peer-reviewed journals, or other reputable sources (no encyclopedias, Wikipedia, blogs, or digital magazine articles), and be sure to reference 15–20 sources. Format your paper in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, using APA style.

Topics to choose from:
The Connectivism Theory of Learning which focuses on the use of technology in the learning process.
The various aspects of behavior as it relates to selection by consequences, and applied behavioral analysis
Various principles of imitation, correspondence-relations, verbal behavior, and rule-governed behavior.
The Humanism Theory of Learning which was formed in the 1960s, most notably by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
The Social Learning Theory, developed by Albert Bandura in 1977
The Constructivism Theory of Learning which was largely influenced by the ideas of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky

What is the definition of abnormality and what is the definition of insanity? How are they different? Discuss the differences between major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder.


Answer the questions with the sources given. (Mostly videos)

1) What is the definition of abnormality and what is the definition of insanity? How are they different?
2) Discuss two theories of personality. Choose from psychoanalytic (Freud), psychodynamic (Erikson) or social-cognitive (Bandura or Rotter).
3) Discuss two disorders. Choose from general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobia and obsessive compulsive disorder.
4) Discuss the differences between major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic-depressive disorder).
5) Discuss the differences between dissociative identity disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder) and schizophrenia.

Explain the expected outcome(s) from your program and at least one method you will use to assess the outcome(s). Briefly explain any developmental theory that applies to the utility of this program and the particular group involved. Evaluate the research that supports the success, or lack of success, for this program?


For this interactive assignment, you will create a presentation of up to 7-10 minutes in length. You may use any screen-casting and/or presentation software you choose (Power point, Prezi, Thinglink, etc.). Quick-Start Guides are available for Prezi Download Prezi, Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.), and Thinglink Download Thinglinkfor your convenience.)

For your presentation include the following:

Title Information:
Program title and agency sponsoring the program
Target population and developmental stage
Geographic location
The purpose of the program:
Briefly describe the program and its’ introduction to your community. Include a short analysis of any ethical considerations for the deployment of the program using elements of developmental psychology research and practice to support the suggested implementation.
Describe why your program is necessary and appropriate for the chosen group.
Explain the expected outcome(s) from your program and at least one method you will use to assess the outcome(s).
Briefly explain any developmental theory that applies to the utility of this program and the particular group involved.
Evaluate the research that supports the success, or lack of success, for this program?

Program Modification:
Describe modification you would make to the program to improve its’ suitability for your selected group.
Defend why these modifications would improve the program. Include research to support your claims.
Use a presentation tool of your choice to create a visual presentation that includes the required information as well as compelling imagery related to your program. Each image must be retrieved and cited based on current copyright laws. You may wish to use the PSY605 Where to Get Free (and Legal) Images guide for assistance with accessing freely available public domain images and/or images licensed through Creative Commons. Keep in mind that the goal is to persuade others that this program is both necessary and creative. Regardless of the mode in which you create your presentation, eye-catching visuals can be very powerful. You are encouraged to be creative and choose images you feel help to highlight the positive aspects of your proposed program.

Create a script for your verbal portion of the screencast, in which you walk your audience through the important points of your program. Include APA citations within the body of the script. Utilize a screen casting tool of your choice to record a screencast of up to 7 – 10 minutes displaying your visual presentation as you read your prepared script. It is highly recommended you practice reading through your script while displaying your visual presentation before recording your final product.

Submit both your presentation and the script. If you use an online presentation software such as Prezi, please include a link to the presentation in the comment section of Waypoint when you submit the assignment.

Identify the current outcome in Mila’s life story and propose a rationale for changing this outcome. Apply either Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory or Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory to Mila’s life to create a hypothesis as to how and why these outcomes would likely adjust due to the changes you have made.

PSY605: Mila Singer Life Story

Review the PSY605: Mila Singer Life Story Download PSY605: Mila Singer Life Storydocument. Choose one aspect of Mila’s life to alter. This element can be an event, a personal characteristic, an environmental factor, or an aspect of the timeline. In your initial post, identify the original life story element you intend to change and explain how you intend to change it. Use Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development to explain Mila’s stage of development at the time this change takes place and address how the change affects Mila’s psychological development into adulthood.

After identifying the initial change and describing it, create a list of three additional outcomes in Mila’s development across the lifespan that will likely be affected by this change. For each, identify the current outcome in Mila’s life story and propose a rationale for changing this outcome. Apply either Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory or Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory to Mila’s life to create a hypothesis as to how and why these outcomes would likely adjust due to the changes you have made.

Briefly summarize your personal reaction(s) to making the initial change and how it altered the subsequent outcomes. Explain how differences in life events create differences in human development.

Here is the story.

PSY605: Mila Singer Life Story

Mila was born in 1945 in a hospital in Brooklyn, New York. Her parents, Miriam and Leo Lucas, were both in their early twenties when she was born. Mila was the first person in her Jewish-American family to be born in America. Miriam and Leo had escaped Germany as young children with their own parents just as the persecution of Jews was beginning in Europe in the early 1930s. Miriam was a stay-at-home mother, and Leo worked for his father’s successful construction company. Mila spent her pre-school years playing with the other children in their primarily Jewish neighborhood and helping her mother keep up with housework. Once she was old enough, Mila began attending a primary school in the New York City public school system. Her parents had five more children during
the next nine years. The family was not wealthy; however, they always had enough financial stability to provide Mila with everything she needed, if not everything she wanted. Mila’s parents constantly encouraged Mila and her siblings to value education and use it to their advantage. Because of this, Mila performed very well in school. Mila was tall and had a lean figure, beautiful brown eyes, and long curly brown hair that often attracted the attention of the boys in her
classes. However, her strict religious upbringing caused her to ignore any advances she received. Mila took her religious education very seriously and loved going to Hebrew School to learn the Hebrew language and prepare for her Bat Mitzvah. It was in Hebrew School that she met Oliver Singer, the young man who would later become her husband. Mila and Oliver were married in a traditional Jewish ceremony in 1965 and took up residence in a
neighborhood just minutes away from both their families. Oliver began attending a local college in hope of becoming a pediatrician. Mila went to work as a secretary for her father, who was priming her younger brothers to take over the construction company once they finished school. Mila and Oliver had two sons: Oliver, Jr. (born in 1966), and Elliot (born in 1968). When her mother died of lung cancer in 1968, Mila’s family moved back in with her father and youngest siblings. Mila found that the burden of caring for everyone made it impossible to continue working. Shortly after Elliot was born, Mila left her job and Oliver was forced to leave school so he could begin working and supporting the family financially. Oliver decided to join the family business and worked alongside his brothers-in-law for many years, even after Mila’s father died in 1986. Mila, Oliver, and their children lived a humble life, much as Mila’s parents had. Although the family worked hard and always had what they needed, they never became as prosperous as Oliver had dreamed when he began college. As he got older, Oliver became bitter about how his life had unfolded and turned to drinking to cover his emotions. During this period, Mila pleaded with Oliver to seek help for his addiction, but he refused. Their relationship suffered, and Mila often felt depressed. She, too, neglected to reach out for help for her problem. In 1999, Oliver died from complications of liver disease. He was only 54 years old. Not wanting to be alone, Mila decided at that time to leave Brooklyn and relocate to a small condo in Atlanta, Georgia, to be close to her son, Elliot, and his family. Although she missed her husband, she was admittedly happy to be removed from the unhealthy living situation of their combined troubles. It was a difficult transition at first; having spent her whole life in Brooklyn, Mila never learned to drive, and getting around the Atlanta suburbs without a car was nearly impossible. Over time, however, Mila met other widows and couples her age and began attending local events with her new friends.

PSY605: Mila Singer Life Story
Earlier this year, Mila sold her condo and moved in to a retirement community in the area so she could be closer to her friends and avoid travelling to participate in social functions. A Jewish temple is located near her new residence, so Mila can still enjoy an active religious affiliation and sense of community with her like-minded peers. Elliot and his family come over once a week for a short visit. Oliver, Jr. and his family visit two or three times a year. Overall, Mila is very satisfied with how her life turned out and acknowledges that the “bumps in the road,” as she likes to call them, helped her to appreciate everything she has today. While she is beginning to decline physically, she maintains that she is still “sharp as a whip” and enjoys giving back to the community by passing her knowledge on to the youth who visit the retirement community. Mila looks forward to her sunset years.

Identify the addiction that this client presents with. Does she have a substance addiction like alcohol, prescriptions, or illicit drugs? Does she have a process addiction like gambling, video gaming, or shopping?

2-2 Case Study Milestone One: Short Paper

In this milestone, you will be reading Case Study 3 and writing a short paper based on the following prompt. You will be focusing on the addiction and its effects. Consider the following in your short paper:
Case Study 3 Website

Client information and presenting problem
Identify the client (gender, age, race, profession).
Identify the addiction that this client presents with.
Does she have a substance addiction like alcohol, prescriptions, or illicit drugs?
Does she have a process addiction like gambling, video gaming, or shopping?
Provide the history of the addiction. (Is it a substance or process addiction?)
What is the history of the addiction? Remember, there are many types of addiction, and not all were defined around that time. For example, video game addiction was not officially defined until 1995, while alcohol addiction was defined in 1941.
What is the impact of her addiction on herself, her family, her community, and/or society?
What are the consequences for her, her family, her workplace, and her community due to the addiction?
Has she lost her family, job, friends, community standing, self-esteem, credibility, freedom?

Discuss the results of this case.
Did the client respond positively to the treatment?
Did the client relapse?
Your paper should:

Be composed in MS Word and formatted in APA style
Be at least 3 pages in length, not including the title page and references page
Employ a minimum of two scholarly sources
For additional details, please refer to the Case Study Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric document.

Does media violence cause violent behavior? Is eyewitness testimony reliable in the court of law? Are doctors who overprescribe narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic?

Psychology and Your Life

To successfully complete this course, you must write a research essay based on information found in your textbook, Psychology and Your Life, by Robert S. Feldman, and three outside sources. You’ll choose one of the three topics below and write an essay of six complete paragraphs for or against the question being asked. After presenting both sides of the debate, you’ll make three claims to support your thesis and convince the reader why your opinion is correct.


Media Violence: Does media violence cause violent behavior?

Eyewitness Testimony: Is eyewitness testimony reliable in the court of law?

The Opioid Epidemic: Are doctors who overprescribe narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic?

Note: You’re to select only one topic for your paper.

Critically compare the psychotherapeutic technique of Freud with either that of Jung or that of Ferenczi?

Psychotherapeutic technique of Freud

Critically compare the psychotherapeutic technique of Freud with either that of Jung or that of Ferenczi?

Compare and contrast clinical versus actuarial prediction. Be able to describe what both entail and provide detailed examples of how you would use clinical prediction methods to decide upon who your best friend should date.

Compare and contrast

Follow essay question Be very thorough here if you want to lose fewer points. In particular, the examples I am requesting are not of minor importance or an afterthought. They are an important component to how I will grade you on this essay. They are more important than your definitions or explanations of concepts. Bring these concepts to life!!!! See question below

A. Compare and contrast clinical versus actuarial prediction. Be able to describe what both entail and provide detailed examples of how you would use clinical prediction methods to decide upon who your best friend should date. Then, describe how you might use an actuarial prediction method to describe who your best friend should date. Conclude your essay by noting at least two notable strengths of each methodology for making predictions about people. Then, offer an evidence-based argument, not an opinion-based argument, for which of these two prediction methods are most useful.