Describe your leadership, work experience, service experience, or other significant involvement with racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or educational communities that have traditionally been underrepresented in higher education, and how these experiences would promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence.

Diversity Essay

A Diversity Essay is required for all degree-seeking applicants.
The diversity essay should be 500 words or less responding to the following statement:

Describe your leadership, work experience, service experience, or other significant involvement with racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or educational communities that have traditionally been underrepresented in higher education, and how these experiences would promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence.

Was it something you had never been exposed to previously, was the topic something you had been exposed to but didn’t really have an in depth knowledge of? Was the topic something that you could relate to in your own life or experiences? Did the topic clarify or explain psychological topics that you have learned about in other classes, etc.?

History and Systems of Psychology

For this project, Write a four page paper. First, identify three topics from History and Systems of Psychology that stood out to you in your progress through the course. Then, explain why they stood out to you (e.g. was it something you had never been exposed to previously, was the topic something you had been exposed to but didn’t really have an in depth knowledge of? Was the topic something that you could relate to in your own life or experiences? Did the topic clarify or explain psychological topics that you have learned about in other classes, etc.? Use three pages to explain and then post your references on the fourth page. Papers will be graded on:

Clarity of thought

Accuracy of factual information

Absence of errors in sentence construction and grammar

Absence of typos and errors in punctuation



Darwin and his Influence

Founding of Psychology

Early Scientific Psychology in the U. S.

Sigmund Freud

Gestalt Psychology

B. F. Skinner

History of Clinical Psychology

Women in Psychology

WWI & Intelligence Testing

Cognitive Perspectives

Jean Piaget

Future of Psychology


Create and record a slide presentation with accompanying spoken narration, which comprises a comprehensive synthesis of your research and recommendations concerning ethical and cultural considerations of a case study.

Comprehensive Case Study

Create and record a slide presentation with accompanying spoken narration, which comprises a comprehensive synthesis of your research and recommendations concerning ethical and cultural considerations of a case study. Include a research-based plan to resolve the case

Do social environments dictate our moods? Should clinicians account for social expectations and the recreational use of drugs when they prescribe mood enhancers?

An Ethics Paper

For this assignment, you will choose an Ethics Paper on the chapter of your choice. You will then read the Ethics Paper and provide a concise response to answer the two (2) questions pertaining to the topic. Your response to each question should be between 1 – 2 pages (double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman Font, 1″ margins all around). Points will be assigned based on the quality of the responses provided.

Remember, you only have to choose one of the chapters to read and respond to!

Here are the Questions for Chapter 13:

1. Discuss the issues associated with people who have not been diagnosed with clinical depression yet use antidepressants to enhance their mood.

2. Do social environments dictate our moods? Should clinicians account for social expectations and the recreational use of drugs when they prescribe mood enhancers?

Acquire and discuss a broad overview of both the historical development of counselling theory and its contemporary issues and debates.


This portfolio is comprised of 3 entries
1. A written 350-word enquiry informed by self-directed independent reading: Prepare a well-considered definition of counselling which examines some of the matters that distinguish ethical counselling interactions from other ways of helping.
Reading: First steps in counselling (Sanders) chapter 2 p.13

2. A written 650-word enquiry informed by self-directed independent reading: Provide a well-considered resume of what you understand to be the important social and historical origins of counselling theory, and of its contemporary issues and debates.
Reading: First steps in counselling (Sanders) chapter 4a, p.51

3. A written 1000-word enquiry informed by self-directed independent reading: Reflect on and critically evaluate the skills, qualities and ethical stance which counsellors bring to interactions and relationships.
Reading: First steps in counselling (Sanders) chapter 8, p.183
BACP ethical framework

Assignment guidance: This submission should demonstrate your ability to:

• Acquire and discuss a broad overview of both the historical development of counselling theory and its contemporary issues and debates.

• Understand the importance of the therapeutic relationship, and of the need to clarify the roles, boundaries and contracting issues which support and enhance ethical counselling interactions.

• Reflect on and critically evaluate the skills, qualities and ethical stance which trainee counsellors bring to interactions and relationships.

View an intake session between a client and counselor and identify possible initial intake assessment strategies based on current literature. Also identify a possible theoretical framework that will be appropriate for working with this client.

Week 4 Assignment

For the Week 4 assignment, you will view an intake session between a client and counselor and identify possible initial intake assessment strategies based on current literature. You will also identify a possible theoretical framework that will be appropriate for working with this client.

More specifically, describe the type of initial intake assessment methods you would use for the first two counseling sessions (examples include structured or unstructured interview, behavior observations, and depression/anxiety rating scale). Consider the types of questions you would ask or background information you would want to know about the client portrayed in the video. You can also discuss the type of assessment tool or tools you might use with the client, but this is optional. Make sure you address initial intake “assessment” broadly based on the information from the text as well as the media segment. In addition, identify a theoretical framework and/or evidence-based treatment that is appropriate for working with this client.

After watching the Clinical Case Study of John video provided below, complete the following:

Introduction (1 paragraph).
Brief description of the client (1–2 paragraphs).
Description of a theoretical framework or evidence-based treatment that can be used to work with this client. Be sure to support your conclusions with scholarly sources (2–3 paragraphs).
Overview of an intake assessment process for this client including background information to explore. Include possible initial intake assessment instruments if applicable and detail what additional information you would need to know to continue working with this client. Be sure to support your conclusions with scholarly sources (2–3 paragraphs).
Explanation of the factors to consider when working with a particular population, based on relevant or scholarly sources.
Summary and conclusion (1–2 paragraphs).


John’s Clinical Case Study Transcript

Dr. Carl Shire:

Thank you, John, for coming in today. Let us begin by just sharing with me what is going on in your life right now that encouraged you to seek counseling.


Well… it was really my wife's idea for me to come to counseling… but I know I needed to come. I guess I just did not want to feel even worse about my life by coming to a shrink. I always thought I could work out things on my own, but this one has got the best of me.

Dr. Carl Shire:

It sounds like it was a difficult decision to come in, but you are looking forward to working things out.


Yeah. Like I said, I have always handled my problems before, but I am just having the hardest time with it this time. It just seems like my whole world has been turned upside down and… it is all my fault. I have jeopardized my marriage and my job but I cannot seem to figure out why I keep doing the things that I do, and I seem to have no motivation to stop doing them.

Dr. Carl Shire:

Tell me more about how you feel you are jeopardizing your marriage and your job.


Hmmm… Let me see, where to start. It might me easier to tell you how I have not screwed things up. Even thinking about it gets me so frustrated… Well, it started about two months ago when I decided that I did not want to be in the army anymore, and I just felt down about how the world was going. I had a short tour in Iraq, but not in the dangerous parts. But I would just hear these stories of death and war. It just really got me down. I just started doubting everything. Life… everything. That happens sometimes there though. It seems normal.

Dr. Carl Shire:

So what was it like for you when you got home?


Well, I got home about six months ago, and when I came home I… I was okay for a while. I was glad to be home and was so happy to see my wife and son and just – it just felt good to be home.

Dr. Carl Shire:

It sounds like things in your life took a turn?


Yeah… yeah, you could say that. As I said I… I was okay for a while and then I just started loosing motivation to go to work at the base. I was going in late… which… you just do not do in the army. And I just was not getting any work done. My sergeant kept getting on my back but – it does not seem to matter. I just cannot get motivated. And the worst part is – is my sleeping. I just cannot sleep. Well I say I cannot sleep although I spend a lot of time in the bed trying to… that is why my wife started getting tired of me.

Dr. Carl Shire:

It sounds like your life has really been affected by all of this. Your motivation to go to work is low; your boss is noticing; you also said that you are having a lot of trouble getting quality sleep; and your wife is noticing. What else is going on?


Yes, um… really not only my boss and my wife see it, my parents see it, and a couple of my buddies call me out on it. I know that I need to kick this depression – or whatever it is – but it just seems so hard. I have just lost motivation and do not care about anything… Well… it is not that I do not care. I do, that is why I am here but I cannot seem to make myself do the things I need to do. For me… I have noticed that I have a hard time remembering things, and I just get frustrated. Man, I get angry so easy. Like this weekend, I got frustrated because my son wanted to play baseball and I was too tired. He kept asking me and asking me. Then finally I snapped and I told him to leave me alone… That is my son. He does not deserve that.

Dr. Carl Shire:

It sounds like that situation with your son… really saddened you.


That is what gets me down the most. I am disappointing everyone around me. They all care about me and help me out… my wife, my parents, and my buddies, but I keep disappointing them. And to add to the disappointment they all keep telling me that I need to stop drinking because it is making things worse.

Dr. Carl Shire:

Tell me about the drinking.


Well… there is really not much to tell… but, well, I decided about two years ago that I would not drink much anymore. I was exercising, staying in shape – really so I could keep up with my nine-year-old son. I also began to notice that I only did it when I was not feeling good about my life. Well… actually, I did not figure this out on my own. My wife is good about helping me see things more clearly, you know, so the past two years were good, everything was good. Um, I was only having a beer maybe once a month or so… Well, I have been drinking more, especially in the past few months. And my wife is concerned. I know it does not help anything but – it just makes me forget about how crummy I feel.

Dr. Carl Shire:

So what is the drinking like now?


I think I have a few beers, almost every day. And more on the weekends.

Dr. Carl Shire:

Okay. You have shared a lot of important information about what is going on in your life now. I think I have got a good picture of how this depression is impacting your life, your job, your relationships, and marriage, and even impacting how you cope with things, like by using alcohol. You have given me a good picture of the struggles you experience everyday. I am wondering if you could think about what you would like to achieve as a result of coming to counseling. How do you envision your life changing?


That is a good question… It is one I think about every moment of every day… It definitely makes me frustrated… sad… disappointed at myself for letting things get this way. I just want to be happy, like I was before. I want this depression to go away, and I want to feel good again. And I want my wife to not look at me with that disappointment, and I want to feel like I really want to go play ball with my son. I want all of that.

Dr. Carl Shire:

That is a lot. And I think all of it is possible with your motivation. So, where would you like to start?


Hmmm… I need to get rid of this depression and anger. I think that would help a lot. Then maybe I would feel more motivated to do the other stuff.

Choose one of the five case study scenarios that interests you based on the presenting problem, the counselling model available for that case study, or a combination of the two.

Counselling scenarios

Choose one of the five case study scenarios that interests you based on the presenting problem, the counselling model available for that case study, or a combination of the two. The case study options represent a variety of common counselling scenarios. Each case scenario provides much of the information typically obtained by a counsellor in an initial meeting/interview with a client. The information in each case study is arranged so that the student assumes the identity of the original counsellor interviewer. Based on the information in your chosen case study, you will write a report based on the Case Study Template (you can download this from the course website) that addresses each of the items in the Marking Guidelines table.

What is word production? What is a tip-of-the-tongue state? What is the transmission deficit model of tip-of-the-tongues? What is the blocking hypothesis of tip-of-the-tongues?

Cognitive psychology

Concise summary of study:

What is word production?
What is a tip-of-the-tongue state?
What is the transmission deficit model of tip-of-the-tongues?
What is the blocking hypothesis of tip-of-the-tongues?
What is priming?
What is the hypothesis of the study?

Information on participant cohort.
What design was used (e.g., between- or within-groups)?
What materials were used?

What are the descriptives?
How should you present this data?
What statistical analysis is used?
What are the results of the inferential statistics?

Is the hypothesis confirmed?
Does your study support the transmission deficit model or the blocking hypothesis?
How do your results fit in with other literature in the field?
How do you results differ from other literature in the field?
What are some of the individual differences that might affect the results?
Was the study methodologically sound?
Can you suggest ideas for future study?

Explain the claim (conclusion or argument) you would like to make regarding this topic. Moving forward, what action would you like to take and/or encourage others to take?

Summary Project Instructions and Worksheet

With this quick review in mind, in this assignment, you will write a short paper following the next steps. Include headings in your paper so the reader (your instructor) is clear that you are following each step.

Step 2 – Summary: Use your best organizational and writing skills to summarize all of your work related to the topic beginning with your choice of a potentially controversial topic in Week 1.

Step 3 – Claim: Explain the claim (conclusion or argument) you would like to make regarding this topic. Moving forward, what action would you like to take and/or encourage others to take?

Step 4 – Evidence: Describe the additional evidence you need in order to support your claim.

Step 5 – Gathering Evidence: Explain how you will gather the evidence needed to support your claim.

Step 6 – Supporting your Claim: Describe challenges you may face in supporting your claim and persuading others to do so. Hint: some of the challenges may be thinking errors.

Write a 2500-word case analysis that explores the impact of trauma and identifies relevant evidence-based interventions, with consideration of legal and ethical codes of practice.

Trauma Informed Counselling Case Study

Write a 2500-word case analysis that explores the impact of trauma and identifies relevant evidence-based interventions, with consideration of legal and ethical codes of practice. Reflect on the impact of working with trauma and the importance of self-care, supervision and reflective practice