How does the pattern of your individual data relate to the pattern of results predicted? What does this lab suggest in the role of top-down processing when reading? What does it reveal about a “web of concepts”?

5-1 Module Five Lab Worksheet

Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. All responses to lab questions should be in your own words or paraphrased.

Word Superiority Lab

Lab Questions
How does the pattern of your individual data relate to the pattern of results predicted?

What does this lab tell us about reading as a bottom-up or top-down process? What do you think would happen when learning a new language?

Lexical Decision Lab

Lab Questions
How does the pattern of your individual data relate to the pattern of results predicted?

What does this lab suggest in the role of top-down processing when reading? What does it reveal about a “web of concepts”?

Module Question

These labs are all about recognizing elements of your language quickly and accurately. We tend to think of reading as a passive skill because it’s automatized. What do you think these labs tell us about what needs to happen for artificial intelligence (think Alexa and Siri) to recognize and process language as quickly and efficiently as we do? What do you think we are still better at doing compared to AI when it comes to language?

Describe one personal and one professional struggle that may interfere with someone being a marriage and family therapist. Identify relevant AAMFT codes of ethics in this post. What possible obstacles or concerns might there be regarding implementing and adhering to these specific ethical codes?


1) The Influence of Personal and Professional Struggles on MFT Practice

In your post, describe one personal and one professional struggle that may interfere with someone being a marriage and family therapist. Identify relevant AAMFT codes of ethics in this post. What possible obstacles or concerns might there be regarding implementing and adhering to these specific ethical codes?

2)Assessing Children

You are a family therapist and wish to include youth ages 5 to 18 in your assessment protocol. What are two meaningful ways you could assess young clients in your clinical practice? Explain why these two methods appeal to you.

What are the personality and biopsychosocial factors underlying problems X, Y and Z exhibited by Karen? Would an intervention involving X, Y and Z be suitable for addressing Karen’s issues?

[Revision] Individual difference

Research Questions
As you are preparing an exploratory case study involving a single participant/organisation, the findings will be quite context specific. Therefore, your research questions should ideally name the individual mentioned in the case study. For example, “What are the personality and biopsychosocial factors underlying problems X, Y and Z exhibited by Karen?”

In addition to including a few research questions relating to contributing factors, make sure you include a question that poses the evaluation of a specific intervention. For example, “Would an intervention involving X, Y and Z be suitable for addressing Karen’s issues?”

Per the Assessment Brief, Section 3 of the assignment (i.e., Intervention) is where you will provide details of the methods you are going to apply. Using sub-headings is perfectly acceptable (e.g., Research Questions, Research Design, Intervention Overview, Assessment, etc).
Research Design: Either a quantitative or mixed-methods design is acceptable. Details and a brief justification should be provided.

Intervention Overview: The intervention can be based on a single approach or be multifaceted. Examples of approaches you may want to draw on include psychotherapy (which type – be specific), aptitude training (be specific), social prescribing (e.g., joining group activities aligned with the individual’s interest), leveraging support from networks of family/friends, psychopharmacology (be specific), etc. Also, remember to make use of solutions that might be available via the university/school/organisation. Include timescales and if wished, you can include different intervention phases. As noted in the Assessment Brief, your choice of intervention should be suitably justified and align with the discussion in Section 2 of your report.

How would you involve their parents/caregivers? What protective factors would you promote? At what point do you refer the case to a medical professional?

Children’s Mental Health.

Think back over what you have studied these past few weeks and reflect upon how this can inform your practice or understanding of Children’s Mental Health.

You have had the chance to create small case studies for the discussion with your peers. Using specific references to the Psychiatric Disorders discussed in this course, write about a past client you may have had and how you might handle their situation now that you know more about risk factors and how to recognize them. You can also use one of the disorders we’ve discussed and create a new case study showing how an investigation of the child’s risk factors could influence how you assess the child, recommend further treatment, or begin to sort out preventative measures. How would you involve their parents/caregivers? What protective factors would you promote? At what point do you refer the case to a medical professional?

What, specifically, has led you to these decisions? Be sure to correctly cite any outside sources that have led you to these decisions. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Your paper should be 6 pages in length not including your title page and reference page(s).

Create an annotated outline for your Signature Assignment in this course using relevant studies. You may use all or some of the articles you’ve identified so far, or you may determine that additional articles are needed.

Annotated Outline for your Signature Assignment

Your task this week is to create an annotated outline for your Signature Assignment in this course using relevant studies. You may use all or some of the articles you’ve identified so far, or you may determine (based on your outline) that additional articles are needed.

Begin by identifying the topic area. You will need to include an Introduction, so consider what background and context about this topic you will need to provide.

Next, lay out the details. Do not just list topic headings but instead provide details regarding the peer-reviewed sources under each heading and connections between the findings of the different studies. Do not forget to include citations where necessary.

Be sure to provide enough detail that a reader may discern the overall ideas that your paper will present.
The theoretical framework is a foundational piece of the dissertation writing process. As you complete this assignment, make sure to note the theoretical frameworks used by the researchers in your outline.

Remember to include at least 10 scholarly references in your outline; you also may find that you need to add more references as you craft your outline.

Length: 2 pages, (make sure to add your plus reference page)
References: Include a minimum of 10 scholarly resources.
Your outline should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA 7 standards.

Compare the Three Branches of Behavior Analysis. Explain how the historical perspectives of behaviorism have influenced the study of Applied Behavior Analysis as a natural science.

Historical Perspectives, Philosophical Perspectives, Operant and Respondent Conditioning.

For this assignment, you will provide a long answer essay response to each of the questions below. For each question, you are encouraged to use the peer-reviewed resources provided throughout the units to support your responses. Please do not copy and paste the whole question into the document. Rather, provide the question number (1-4) and a brief heading that correlates with each section. (Example: 1. Historical Perspectives)

1. Compare the Three Branches of Behavior Analysis. Explain how the historical perspectives of behaviorism have influenced the study of Applied Behavior Analysis as a natural science.

1. Explain the Six attitudes/assumptions of Experimental Analysis of Behavior and the Seven Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis and examine how they contribute to the development of a technology that is used to influence socially significant behavior.

Read the transcript and complete the following:

1. Using Behavior Analytic Vocabulary, explain the various characteristics of Respondent Conditioning, identifying specific relationships between stimuli and responses and discussing how the elements of time and environment contribute to an organism’s respondent behavior. Next, explain the process used to reverse an established reflexive stimulus-response relationship. Finally, analyze the scenario and discuss each of the elements of Respondent conditioning that you identify.

1. Using Behavior Analytic Vocabulary, explain how Operant Conditioning differs from Respondent Conditioning. Discuss how a three-term contingency affects an organism’s behavior and explain how different schedules of reinforcement can influence a behavior. Finally, choose an example of a behavior and show how each of the five possible differential reinforcement contingencies would affect that behavior of an organism.


Which cognitive, motivational and emotional components seem to be related to the learning mathematics? Discuss with particular reference to recent scientific literature.

scientific literature.

Which cognitive, motivational and emotional components seem to be related to the learning mathematics? Discuss with particular reference to recent scientific literature.

The following 5 scientific papers must preferably be used:

-Passolunghi, Mammarella, Del Torre (2011)
“Visual and spatial working memory in children with arithmetic and problem-solving learning difficulties”

-Giofré, Mammarella, Ronconi, Cornoldi (2013)
“Visuospatial working memory in intuitive geometry, and in academic achievement in geometry”

-Giofrè, Mammarella, Cornoldi (2014)
“The relationship among geometry, working memory, and intelligence in children”

-Giofré, Borella, Mammarella (2017)
“The relationship between intelligence, working memory, academic self-esteem, and academic achievement ”

-Ritchie, Tucker-Drob (2018)
“How much does education improve intelligence?”

Would it be proper to deny a transgendered person the ability to fight against other people who belong to the newly re-assigned sex? Does it make a difference that the case in the video involves a male to female transgendered person who now competes in rather violent sport of mixed martial Arts?

Transgendered person

Would it be proper to deny a transgendered person the ability to fight against other people who belong to the newly re-assigned sex? Does it make a difference that the case in the video involves a male to female transgendered person who now competes in rather violent sport of mixed martial Arts? Does such a person have an unfair advantage or is there any potential risk involved?

Describe your beliefs toward categories of difference and how the significant social institutions in your life have influenced them.

Self Belief Paper

As we live in an increasingly diverse society, it is important to be aware of our own values, biases, and prejudices. As social workers, it is important to recognize and acknowledge how our beliefs may influence our interactions with clients and others. Our beliefs toward diversity have been shaped in large part by the social institutions in our lives, such as family, religion, education, the media, etc. Our involvement in these institutions has influenced what we hold as “truth” or “fact” about difference, as well as how we think, feel, and react toward those who we perceive as different.

The purpose of this paper is to identify your own values and beliefs toward categories of difference and demonstrate critical thinking in describing how those values and beliefs may impact your ability to function effectively in a diverse social environment. Assignment meets Core Competencies 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.2

GUIDELINES: The paper should be 8-10 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 12-point font. Use the below five categories of difference to structure (i.e., section) the paper.

Describe your beliefs (i.e., what they are) toward categories of difference and how the significant social institutions in your life (ex: family, school, religion, media) have influenced them. Address each category of difference:
Ethnic or racial heritage
Socioeconomic group (income, education)
Sexual orientation
People with disabilities
For each, describe how your beliefs toward these categories of difference have changed over your life course and any significant event, relationship, or person that influenced the change.
For each, identify and discuss any biases you have toward these categories of difference, and how your biases could influence the ways you interact with members of those groups.

How have your own views or opinion of your immediate or extended family changed since taking part in this class? Did anything surprise you about what you learned about your own family while completing any assignments for this course?

Final thoughts on Family Theories Systems discussion

How have your own views or opinion of your immediate or extended family changed since taking part in this class?
Did anything surprise you about what you learned about your own family while completing any assignments for this course?
After taking this course on Family Theories Systems, what is something that you intend to do differently when interacting with members of your immediate or extended family?
Are there any other thoughts, opinions, or general feedback that you would like to conclude with for this final week’s process posting?