Briefly outline a plan for treating Mrs. C., based on your preferred theory. Show some ways in which you are integrating common factors of psychotherapy theory with specific factors from your preferred theory in formulating your treatment plan.

What Happened to Mrs. C

In this 4-to-6-page thought paper, you will revisit the question from your initial discussion forum assignment, “How did Mrs. C. get to be this way?” This time, however, you will draw on your knowledge, gleaned from course readings to date, as well as any supplementary reading you have done from the book you have chosen as your required additional reading. Your analysis should be an application of the theory that you find most appealing from all of those we have studied so far. Tell what you would see as the etiology of Mrs. C’s problems (not her diagnosis), according to this theory. Use and apply as much detail from the theory as possible. Then contrast your theory of the cause/s of her problem with the causes that would be suggested by two other systems that we have studied. Then, briefly outline a plan for treating Mrs. C., based on your preferred theory. Finally, show some ways in which you are integrating common factors of psychotherapy theory with specific factors from your preferred theory in formulating your treatment plan.

Describe what the authors of the paper did, how many studies they ran, what methods they used, and what they found.

Simplify a complex paper into a Simple summary

Your task is to simplify a complex paper into a simple summary. So, imagine that you had to prepare a TED talk on a years-long research project but you only have 10 minutes to present your research and results. Same logic: you only have four pages, and you don’t have to come up with your own research, but only summarize what other researchers did.

In the methods & results sections, do not worry about reporting numbers, graphs or statistics, but describe what the authors of the paper did, how many studies they ran, what methods they used, and what they found. The more it reads like a story, the better.

In the discussion section, do not forget to include yourself, i.e. a few lines related to the limitations you perceived in the paper and possible future directions.

Remember that this is a hard task and you don’t have to do a perfect job to get a perfect score. It is probably your first time doing this, and I am aware of that. Do your best. The purpose of this task is to two-fold: (i) learning how to read a research paper in psychology, and (ii) learning how to synthesize complex information into a simple form.

How do you define happiness for yourself? Do you consider yourself a happy person right now? What do you need in your life in order to be happy now and in the future? Who are the people in your life who affect your happiness?

TED talk by Robert Waldinger

STEP 1: Watch this TED talk by Robert Waldinger, psychiatrist and professor at Harvard Medical School. He discusses some of the results of the Grant study, which has followed groups of men over a 75 year, longitudinal study, and explains some of the factors leading to a happy life.

STEP 2: After viewing this video about lessons from the longest study on happiness, ask yourself and write down your answers the following questions.

How do I define happiness for myself?
Do I consider myself a happy person right now?
What do I need in my life in order to be happy now and in the future?
Who are the people in my life who affect my happiness?
Do you think you will feel the same when you turn 65? Why or why not?

STEP 3: Talk to a grandparent or another relative or person you know who is at least 60 years old and ask them the following questions (include their responses with your final paper).

How do you define happiness for yourself?
Do you consider yourself a happy person right now?
What do you need in your life in order to be happy now and in the future?
Who are the people in your life who affect your happiness?
Did you feel the same way when you were my age?
What is the biggest difference between what you thought would make you happy when you were younger and what did make you happy as you got older?

STEP 4: Write a 4-5 page paper that synthesizes and reflects upon the responses to these questions. As you write the paper, compare and contrast your own answers to the questions and those provided by the older person you interviewed. Were there similarities in your answers? What were some of the differences? Do you think happiness means something vastly different for younger vs. older people? Explain.

Follow APA protocols for writing an interview paper (see below). Reference your sources but do not include the last name of the person you interviewed to assure confidentiality.

How was the therapist portrayal accurate or inaccurate? Discuss any stereotype types that are presented in the movie, and relate it to factual information you have learned in class or in the text.


Write a review, from a psychological perspective, of movie that portray someone with a psychological disorders, include a brief summary of the movie, and a discussion of any psychological issue that you think are relevant. For example, in what way was the disorder( or other Psychological issue) portrayed? How was the therapist portrayal accurate or inaccurate? Discuss any stereotype types that are presented in the movie, and relate it to factual information you have learned in class or in the text. Only use a movie from the approved list See below).
Keep in mind that is not a “movie review,” you will need to dig into the movie from a psychological perspective and this must be reflected in your paper. (Make sure to use correct and accurate terminology from the book and lecture). Not all these movies are GOOD portrayals of mental illness or therapy; you will need to do a critical analysis of the movie.
Choose one movie from listed below to write you paper on;

Movie list:
Silver Linings Playbook,
Shutter Island,
Black Swan,
Mr. Brooks,
Side Effects,
Rain man,
Hide and Seek,
Primal Fear,
Benny and Joon
A Beautiful Mind,
Analyze This,
Analyze That,
Matchstick Men,
As Good as it Gets,
Girl interrupted,
Stranger than Fiction,
Fight Club,
On Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,
Me, Myself, and Irene,
Me, Myself, and Irene,
What about Bob,
Fisher King,
50 First Dates,
Get Out.

Articulate in one to three sentences for each learning outcome, evidence that you have achieved that outcome.

Module 10: Effects of Trauma

You are required to do a short critically reflective write-up about two pages or less—where you
1) Articulate in one to three sentences for each learning outcome, evidence that you have achieved that outcome.
2) In addition, 2) you are required to write two paragraphs in your own words about what was most valuable/interesting to you in studying this module, and in doing so, making reference to at least two of the readings and/or videos.

Use the resources attached as references

What two rules will you have for a group of adolescents? Explain issues around boundaries, for example, is it acceptable for group members to contact each other via social media outside of the group?

Group therapy

As the group leader, one of your roles is to go over the rules of the group, and to do so you must develop most of the group rules with the entire group. What two rules will you have for a group of adolescents? Also, explain issues around boundaries, for example, is it acceptable for group members to contact each other via social media outside of the group? Identify at least three boundary issues that may come forth when providing group therapy to adolescents.

Write two paragraphs in your own words about what was most valuable/interesting to you in studying this module.

Module 9: Financial and Social Stress

You are required to do a short critically reflective write-up about two pages or less—where you
1) articulate in one to three sentences for each learning outcome, evidence that you have achieved that outcome.
2) In addition, 2) you are required to write two paragraphs in your own words about what was most valuable/interesting to you in studying this module, and in doing so, making reference to at least two of the readings and/or videos.

If someone is well-skilled and practices positive psychology and problem-focused, emotion-focused, and appraisal-focused coping, in what ways might these skills help him or her deal with having a psychological disorder?

Module 7

Consider what you’ve been learning about in this course: If someone is well-skilled and practices positive psychology and problem-focused, emotion-focused, and appraisal-focused coping, in what ways might these skills help him or her deal with having a psychological disorder? How might it even prevent him or her from suffering from a psychological disorder? On the other hand, how might having poor coping skills and/or failing to practice them be associated with or contribute to having or even worsening a psychological disorder? What differences might there be between children and adults on these issues?

Elaborate, by writing about the impact of this occurrence/event, and the choices you, or the person you care about, have made in response to the occurrence/event.

Reflective essay

1) Choose a very meaningful occurrence/event that has happened within your life, or within the life of someone you care about;

2) Elaborate, by writing about this occurrence/event (make sure you identify the lifespan associated with the occurrence/event);

3) Elaborate, by writing about the impact of this occurrence/event, and the choices you, or the person you care about, have made in response to the occurrence/event;

4) Elaborate, by writing about how you think the subsequent lifespans, whether for you, or for the person you care about, will most likely be affected due to this occurrence/event.

Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed intervention; how does it work and who is responsible for their implementation.

Designing a Wellbeing Intervention

“Critically present and discuss the design of an intervention to tackle a key well-being issue within the workplace.” Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed intervention; how does it work and who is responsible for their implementation.

Improving the psychological well-being of a workforce brings benefits for both the individual employees and the organisation as a whole. For organisations, the business case for investing in psychological well-being is strong and associates with improved outcomes for organisations, including lower levels of turnover, sickness absence, and improved work performance.

The intervention discussed in your essay should convey the core message that psychological well-being can make a difference to work, individuals’ working lives and the success of organisations. The wellbeing intervention you will propose can be of two main kinds:

1) focused on treatment (i.e. interventions implemented once a health and wellbeing issue has been identified);

2) focused on prevention (i.e. interventions introduced to prevent the likelihood of reduced wellbeing occurring