Briefly outline a plan for treating Mrs. C., based on your preferred theory. Show some ways in which you are integrating common factors of psychotherapy theory with specific factors from your preferred theory in formulating your treatment plan.
What Happened to Mrs. C
In this 4-to-6-page thought paper, you will revisit the question from your initial discussion forum assignment, “How did Mrs. C. get to be this way?” This time, however, you will draw on your knowledge, gleaned from course readings to date, as well as any supplementary reading you have done from the book you have chosen as your required additional reading. Your analysis should be an application of the theory that you find most appealing from all of those we have studied so far. Tell what you would see as the etiology of Mrs. C’s problems (not her diagnosis), according to this theory. Use and apply as much detail from the theory as possible. Then contrast your theory of the cause/s of her problem with the causes that would be suggested by two other systems that we have studied. Then, briefly outline a plan for treating Mrs. C., based on your preferred theory. Finally, show some ways in which you are integrating common factors of psychotherapy theory with specific factors from your preferred theory in formulating your treatment plan.