Critically discuss the biological basis of depression. Support your argument using empirical evidence.
Essay Question:
Critically discuss the biological basis of depression. Support your argument using empirical evidence.
Critically discuss the biological basis of depression. Support your argument using empirical evidence.
The “Psychobiography” is your term paper. For this assignment, you will be applying three (3) personality theories to explain one of your core personality characteristics. The paper will be 5-7 pages in length and in APA format. More specific criteria and a rubric will be provided in Canvas, as well as specific due dates for other short and helpful assignments leading up to the final draft. Nevertheless, here are the general guidelines:
1. Title Page (APA format, you can skip the abstract)
2. Introduction (1/2 page):
a. What personality characteristic will you be evaluating? Why did you choose this personality characteristic?
b. Introduce the 3 theories you will be applying
3. Theory 1 (1-2 pages):
a. Background information on theory/theorist.
i. Brief biography
ii. Main ideas of overall theory
b. Summary of recent personality research related to this theory
i. Article should have been published no earlier than 2010.
ii. Article does not have to be about your personality characteristic
iii. See Canvas for resources on paraphrasing and reading scientific articles.
c. Application of theory to explain your personality
i. How would this theory describe the overall nature of this personality characteristic? The underlying motivational structures? The development of this characteristic?
4. Theory 2 (1-2 pages):
a. Background information on theory/theorist.
i. Brief biography
ii. Main ideas of overall theory
b. Summary of recent personality research related to this theory
i. Article should have been published no earlier than 2010.
ii. Article does not have to be about your personality characteristic
iii. See Canvas for resources on paraphrasing and reading scientific articles.
c. Application of theory to explain your personality
i. How would this theory describe the overall nature of this personality characteristic? The underlying motivational structures? The development of this characteristic?
5. Theory 3 (1-2 pages):
a. Background information on theory/theorist.
i. Brief biography
ii. Main ideas of overall theory
b. Summary of recent personality research related to this theory
i. Article should have been published no earlier than 2010.
ii. Article does not have to be about your personality characteristic
iii. See Canvas for resources on paraphrasing and reading scientific articles.
c. Application of theory to explain your personality
i. How would this theory describe the overall nature of this personality characteristic? The underlying motivational structures? The development of this characteristic?
6. Conclusion (1/2 page):
a. What did you learn from this experience?
b. What more would you like to know about these theories/theorists in the future?
c. Are these theories still relevant in today’s society?
7. References: APA style list of references used in your paper.
NOTE: Information in italics denotes additional, more specific instructions – not criteria for the paper.
Read the attached chapter from the book “The Sum of Us” by Heather Mcghee. Summarize the article in one or two paragraphs. In another two to three paragraphs, indicate what you may have learned or found surprising about the chapter. Can you apply any of the psychological concepts you may have learned from class to the chapter? Feel free to add any additional comments you may have about the reading. The length of this assignment should be 2 pages minimum.
What influence does parent attachment style have on Romantic relationships?
Selection should be one of the programs presented in the efficacy section.
Ethics 1 should be an examination of the actual ethics codes (not principles) that you see as a concern in the selected program.
Narrative intends that you describe how you plan to implement the selected program in your community. Ensure that you have considered the setting, personnel, target population, length of time and capacity of your intervention program in order to improve this effort.
Training – what is required at hire, or what will the program supply to train those in the selected program (considering other factors like CPR training is good, but we want competence in the selected intervention).
Assessment is about the program rather than the participants. How will you prove to the people that fund your program that it is working. The use of a valid and established instrument to collect information on your problem, data collection schedules, and what statistics might be used to examine the data is the goal. Most of your efficacy articles would likely provide ideas or templates for this item.
“Trauma awe PTSO: A ainicall Overview”
One symptom of PTSD is that victims often re-experience the trauma in dreams, flashbacks, etc. Discuss some pros and cons to encouraging a seeker/client to re-experience the trauma emotionally during counseling in order to “face” their trauma.
Is there a difference in daily (high and low) smartphone user’s visual attention control
You have had the opportunity to review all of the theories of behaviorism that were influenced by Skinner’s views of overt and covert behaviors. Critically analyze methodological behaviorism.
In your paper, address the following:
• Within your analysis, include a synthesis of Skinner’s radical approach to behaviorism with methodological behaviorism theory. DO NOT attempt to synthesize radical behaviorism with a process that derives from theory, like operant or respondent conditioning.
• Address the limitations and delimitations of methodological behaviorism, considering how it may or may not align with applied behavior analysis (ABA).
o Limitations are areas of weakness, missing information, or missing considerations.
o Delimitations are variables outside the boundaries of the theory. These aren’t limitations or weaknesses, but rather variables that are specifically not addressed.
• Address the criticisms and possible deficits methodological behaviorism relative to ABA.
• Describe how methodological behaviorism might be realigned or adjusted for use in applied behavior analysis (ABA).
• Evaluate costs and benefits of using methodological behaviorism in application of ABA.
Suggested Structure for Your Paper
Use these headings and sections within your paper to structure the discussion:
• Analysis of methodological behaviorism.
• Limitations and Delimitations of methodological behaviorism Theory.
• Criticisms and Deficits of t methodological behaviorism Theory.
• Realignment to Support Effective ABA Delivery.
• Cost-Benefit Analysis.
• References.
Assignment Requirements
• Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Part 1:
A description of two personal observations or experiences that you have made illustrating or exemplifying one social psychological principle or phenomenon covered in class. In other words, you will identify a principle or a phenomenon that you find interesting and write about two personal observations or experiences that both relate to this one social psychological principle or phenomenon.
Part 2:
An explanation of the theory that comes closest to accounting for your observations or experiences. Although you may use the textbook or lecture as a starting point for identifying theory, you must do some outside research to support this as well. This research will take the form of a literature review of your topic from scholarly (i.e., peer-reviewed) psychology journals. You should not rely on websites (e.g., Wikipedia) or “pop psychology” sources (e.g., Psychology Today). Your paper must cite at least two peer-reviewed journal articles. You should briefly describe the methods and results of these studies as they relate to the explanation of the theory.
Part 3:
An application of the theory you provided in part 2 to the real-world observations you described in part 1. To do this, describe how well the theory applies to or explains your real- world observations or experiences. Does the theory readily explain what you saw or experienced? Or does your experience not quite map onto how the theory is described in class? If there is a discrepancy between the theory and the event, why do you think this? How could we improve the theory to account for your experience? If your theory and observations do fit each other well, describe an instance in which the theory might not explain real world situations.
Your paper should be well-organized, without spelling or grammatical errors. Recommend beginning with a brief introduction to the topic, followed by your descriptions of the events, the theory and supporting research that apply to the events, and concluding with the application of the theory to the events. You may use these headings to help organize your paper, if you like. You should use social psychological theories, concepts, and principles precisely. You must use proper APA style for your references in the text and the References list. The main body of your paper should be 5 double-spaced pages, and you should include a title page and references page, for a total of 7 pages.
Why is poor replicability considered a problem in social psychology? Construct your answer by expanding on Ferguson’s (2016) contention that “academic psychology is at a crossroads between science and pseudoscience.”
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