Identify a portion of the project you propose to do more background work on to present in a Background Technical Report.

Proposal Draft 2

Condition: Identify a portion of the project you propose to do more background work on to present in a Background Technical Report. Some information that would be interesting could be a report about the existing programs. You could describe and categorize parenting programs into a chart and use some of the information you have gathered for your proposal in other sections of the report.

Describe how this takes place the moment the client is referred or comes into the office

Term Paper Kaufman Intelligence Test

History and Development of the Test (include dates)Purpose and Nature of the Test (In-depth description for each of three main areas –administration, scoring and interpretation)

Practical Evaluation (How is it used? For what gps.?) .

The Process of Assessment (Describe how this takes place the moment the client is referred or comes into the office

a)Intake Forms

b)Ethical and Legal Issues

c)Clinical Interview d)Use of Psychological Tests (Why tests are important and how do they help in assessment)

d)The Use of the ________ (name instrument) Review of Major Assessment Area Norms, Validity and Reliability (include correlation coefficients and statistical findings of effectiveness) Cultural Issues and Validation Across Cultures Strengths and Weaknesses of Test References

In a multi-paragraph essay, describe the situation and discuss the factors that influenced you to conform or not conform.

Solomon asch social conformity

Social psychologists like Solomon Asch have studied the conditions that affect how people act in group situations, especially the ways in which people conform to the attitudes and behavior of others. Drawing on your personal experience, think of a situation in which you either did or did not conform to the attitudes and behavior of others in a group.

In a multi-paragraph essay, describe the situation and discuss the factors that influenced you to conform or not conform. Be sure to include information from class materials, readings and research on group conformity to support your discussion.

What are some of the stressors you experience at work? How do these stressors relate to the job stressors discussed in the text and lecture? For example, are the stressors you experience related to role ambiguity or conflict, quantitative or qualitative work overload, etc.?

Stressors you experience at work

In your journal this week you will be discussing your own experiences with job stress. You may also discuss the stress you have experienced from school-related work. Address the following in your entry:

What are some of the stressors you experience at work?
How do these stressors relate to the job stressors discussed in the text and lecture? For example, are the stressors you experience related to role ambiguity or conflict, quantitative or qualitative work overload, etc.?
How did you resolve these stressors? Do you think these stressors caused short-term or long-term strain (tip: look at the five-step model of the job stress process on p. 285)?
What steps could organizations take to prevent the stress process from occurring?
How can employees better deal with strains (e.g., stress management techniques)?

Select one of the Five-Factors and discuss how this factor relates to an open attitude toward diversity as related to Costa and McCrae’s Five-Factor Model of Personality?

Maslow’s Basic Assumptions


Adler Examine Adler’s 3 safeguarding tendencies in the text. Select 1 of the tendencies and compare that tendency with instances of safeguarding that you find in Scripture. Demonstrate how that situation would have been improved if safeguarding tendencies were not used.


Maslow Identify Maslow’s 5 basic assumptions regarding motivation as well as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Discuss each assumption and hierarchy level. Include specific examples from Scripture regarding motivation.


Costa and McCrae: Review the section in Chapter 13 titled “In Search of the Big Five” and the article “Big Five Personality Factors and Facets as Predictors of Openness to Diversity” (Han & Pistole, 2017). Select one of the Five-Factors and discuss how this factor relates to an open attitude toward diversity as related to Costa and McCrae’s Five-Factor Model of Personality? Make sure to incorporate Han and Pistole (2017)’s discussion of openness to diversity in your essay.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

How is it like to encounter discrimination and racism in the school? What messages do you get from your peers concerning your ancestry? Who are the students who say them? What responses do you give whenever your experience discrimination?

Ethnographic Paper

Research Question
How do racism and discrimination affect the school life of one Hispanic college student in the U.S.?
Interview Protocol
1. How is it like to encounter discrimination and racism in the school?
2. What messages do you get from your peers concerning your ancestry? Who are the students who say them?
3. What responses do you give whenever your experience discrimination?
4. How is your stay in the U.S., and have you adjusted to living with social profiling?
5. What does the school say about discrimination?
6. What legal or disciplinary obligations does the school enforce to curb the problem?
7. What evidence does the school seek and examine when conducting investigations or disciplinary obligations?
8. What disciplinary records and policies are students supposed to maintain?
9. How are the social lives of other affected students?
10. How should racism and discrimination be remedied in colleges and universities?

Respond to two or more of your peers’ posts and recommend additional ways you might build from using single-word encouragers to promote open dialogue and a comfortable setting with clients.

4-1 Discussion: Practicing Your Skills in Other Settings

During conversations with friends, colleagues, or family, deliberately use single-word encouragers and brief restatements. Then, in your discussion post, note your perceptions of how this impacted your friends’ participation and interest. You may find that the flow of conversation changes in response to your brief encouragers.

Then, respond to two or more of your peers’ posts and recommend additional ways you might build from using single-word encouragers to promote open dialogue and a comfortable setting with clients.

What does normal development look like?Or what are the developmental challenges? How can we resolve the condition/issue or help someone reintegrate back into some sense of normalcy-or improved health/living condition?

Childhood Development

1. Select one-topic/subject in the field of developmental psychology(i.e lifespan development ranging from prenatal, childhood, adolescence, adult, elderly, etc,.) as it relates the individual.
2. After you have identified your topic of interest, using your textbook and 3-5other sources from the body of literature on the topic research and write a 5-10page paper on the subject (excluding a separate title page and references page) using APA format.
3. Introduce your topic and what you hope to prove (thesis) or what you postulate about the development, changes, challenges, opportunities to health (e.g. emotional, cognitive, physical, social, etc,.)then provide supporting evidence from the literature.Follow the flow of an essay style paper following introduction with a body and conclusion.
4. Address the following in your special topics paper:

a. What does normal development look like?Or what are the developmental challenges?

b. How does it affect one’s life?

c. What are the psychological, social impacts/implications? Stigma?

d. What treatments are available or cure?

e.How can we resolve the condition/issue or help someone reintegrate back into some sense of normalcy-or improved health/living condition? (your reaction and response)

Compare and contrast cognitivism and behaviourism, making reference to 1 or 2 areas of research where these two schools differ with respect to the methods as well as theories.

Cognitivism and Behaviourism

Compare and contrast cognitivism and behaviourism, making reference to 1 or 2 areas of research where these two schools differ with respect to the methods as well as theories:

Submit a two- to five-page personal statement, describing previous training and experience, current interests, future professional goals, and reasons for applying to the program.

What I can contribute to others diagnosed with Mental Illness

Submit a two- to five-page personal statement, describing previous training and experience, current interests, future professional goals, and reasons for applying to the program.