Does it meet the guidelines for a good hypothesis? If not, what is missing or incorrect? How could they improve their hypothesis to make it more clear or specific?

Response to student post

The questions below do NOT have to all but answered just a short summary of attached classmate discussion

1, Does it meet the guidelines for a good hypothesis? If not, what is missing or incorrect? How could they improve their hypothesis to make it more clear or specific?
2, Does your classmate’s post convince you that their hypothesis should be supported? Why or why not?
3, Can you think of an argument that supports a different hypothesis (i.e., a different relationship between the variables)?
4, Alternatively, if you find no holes or flaws in a student’s hypothesis or logic of the rationale, then provide positive comments acknowledging their good work and point out what in particular made their hypothesis very strong

How can Gottmans Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse be avoided. Give specific examples.

Marriage and Family

Essay must be about following topic: How can Gottmans Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse be avoided. Give specific examples. Also reference the following book, Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society Mary Ann Lamanna, Agnes Riedmann, & Susan Stewart, 2018

What distinguishes the person who engages in health enhancing behaviors from those who do not? Who will perform health protective behavior and who will not and who is at risk of engaging in health harming behaviors?

Why Are We Interested In Health Behaviors

As psychologists, we are interested in health behavior for a number of reasons, the main
one being that we believe that behavior patterns are modifiable and thus there is potential to intervene to change behavior and thus modify health outcomes. As such, we are interested in all sorts of health behaviors. What distinguishes the person who engages in
health enhancing behaviors from those who do not? Who will perform health protective
behavior and who will not and who is at risk of engaging in health harming behaviors? Once we have identified the health behaviors we can start to address such questions, but before we can do that we need to identify the factors that influence the engagement in or
avoidance of specific behaviors – these we refer to as the ‘antecedents of behavior’ (this
will be explored in the next unit)

What Is Risk? How do individuals understand risk? How many of you are really confident you understand the probability calculations that lie behind the 0.05 alpha level?

Understanding Of Risk

What Is Risk?

How do individuals understand risk?

This largely depends on the question that is asked. If we ask: ‘what are the risks of
smoking?’ we are equating risk with potential negative consequences, such as developing cancer or heart disease. However, if we ask: ‘what is the risk that a non-smoker will develop heart disease?’ we are equating risk with the probability or likelihood of an outcome. Probability is difficult enough to understand, as a student of statistics: how many of you are really confident you understand the probability calculations that lie behind the 0.05 alpha level? However, when we ask ‘how risky is smoking?’ we are asking about both the negative consequences and the probability of those consequences occurring. Someone may understand the consequences of an action in relation to their health. They may not, however, understand the probability of those consequences occurring in general or on their own individual risk levels.  As such, risk perceptions consist of beliefs about the potential consequences of behaviour, beliefs about the probability of occurrence and beliefs about personal risk in the knowledge of any factors that might modify that risk. These beliefs, as with any other set of beliefs, can be influenced by a multitude of factors – consider the influences on health beliefs we covered during Unit 1.

s this building on previous research? Will it improve the understanding of the experience of illness? Will it help individuals with the condition maintain health behaviors?

Description of Assessment

You are required to submit a 15minute narrated presentation which proposes a research study to satisfy learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3. Your presentation should be written for an academic audience (imagine you are delivering the presentation at the university and both staff and students may attend).
Your presentation must be evidencebased, demonstrate breadth of reading and familiarity with relevant literature and be referenced throughout. You must provide a full narrated presentation i.e. an audio over Powerpoint presentation with narrated slides. The presentation must be no more than 15 minutes long. Your narrated research proposal is intended to identify a research study in the area of
health psychology. Broadly the research proposal must address 1) what you plan to accomplish, 2) why do you want to do it, 3) how are you going to do it.
You will need to choose one longterm condition from Diabetes, Heart Disease, or COPD and you may wish to include the following in your presentation:

A) Title slide

B) Introduce yourself and why you are here

C) Introduce the condition

a. Introduce the longterm condition

b. Detail relevant lifestyle factors that impact the maintenance of health for this condition

c. Consider why further research is important for this condition.

D) Overview of the study design
a. What do you propose to investigate/explore?

This can be quite a broad research aim

b. Who will be your target participants and why?

c. What will the research project involve?

Is this building on previous research?
Will it improve the understanding of the experience of illness?

Will it help individuals with the condition maintain health behaviors?

d. Consider briefly your data collection methods, overview of the proposed materials, and a suggested planned analysis.

E) A summary slide which details the takehome messages of the presentation

F) References

Identify the specific problem that they will attempt to study and begin to formulate their research question.


Identifying a Researchable Problem and Develop a Research Question

A research problem is a statement about a specific issue, difficulty, contradiction, or gap in knowledge that you will aim to address in your research. You might look for practical problems aimed at contributing to change, or theoretical problems aimed at expanding knowledge. Your goal is to find a gap that your research project can fill.

After reading about your topic and looking for under-explored aspects and areas of concern, conflict, or controversy and thoroughly gathering data, students are to develop a two-page paper to identify the specific problem that they will attempt to study and begin to formulate their research question.

The paper should include the following:

Identification of the study problem- the scope of the problem statistics, and the need and relevancy of your research study for policy, and social work practice

Highlight historic developments in the policies- recent research, theory, and debates on your topic

Provide two practice theories that can used to address the study problem.

Develop a Research Question

A research question is a sentence that defines what you will examine and within which population. The research question helps you narrow your research and write a clear, arguable study. A research question focuses the study, determines the methodology, and guides the inquiry, analysis, and reporting. Your research question needs to be concise, arguable, and focused on your topic.

Before writing your research question, narrow down your topic and brainstorm possible questions. Research questions should be focused on a single problem; researchable; able to be answered, specific, and relevant to the social work profession. When you have a clearly defined problem, you need to formulate one or more questions. Think about exactly what you want to know and how it will contribute to resolving the problem. Students are to submit their research question in a word document.

Explains three main theoretical approaches to counseling. You may consider Psycho dynamic, Gestalt, Cognitive-behavioral, and /or Transactional Analysis. Evaluates the different models of person in three different approaches to counseling.

Comparative Theories and Approaches in Counseling

Produce a written assignment (suggested maximum of 2500 words) which clearly:

Explains three main theoretical approaches to counseling. You may consider Psycho dynamic, Gestalt, Cognitive-behavioral, and /or Transactional Analysis.

Evaluates the different models of person in three different approaches to counseling.

Evaluates the model of psychological health and dysfunction in each of the chosen three approaches to counseling.

Analyses the model of psychological change in each of the three chosen approaches.

Compares the strengths & weaknesses of the three theoretical approaches to Counseling. You may consider the appropriateness of the approaches for a range of clients and presenting issues; accessibility; effectiveness; existence of a research base; equality and inequality in the counseling relationship.

Evaluates the implications of the three approaches to counseling for the counselor.

Evaluates the implications of the three approaches to counseling for the client.


For instance, can you critically reflect on EMDR? Can you comment on how consensual the method is? How does the evidence contrast your “first-hand” experience?

Placement report

Regarding Critical reflection of future learned skill and critical reflection of organization practices: A good placement report should always include scientific literature that you have engaged with. For instance, can you critically reflect on EMDR? Can you comment on how consensual the method is? How does the evidence contrast your “first-hand” experience? This is the sort of things that would contribute to demonstrating academic underpinning, and integration of your placement experience with critical evaluation skills acquired during the taught component. More generally this is also one example of your “organisation practices” that you can reflect upon (alongside the other methods: CBT, Problem Solving Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy and Flooding/Desensitization) – are the choice of therapy made by your supervisor led by scientific evidence? How deep and up to date is this process? (approx.. 225-250 words)

* Provide 2 made -up examples of how one therapy was chosen over another based on the scientific evidence (approx. 50-75 words)

*Use this as one of the scientific evidence studies if you think it’s good enough, if not please replace with one you prefer:

Analyze of how individual concerns can influence a person’s understanding of larger scale issues Perspectives that emphasize the need to feel right or safe as we engage in social cognition.

“This American Life” Essay

Listen to this immigration-themed episode of the radio program, This American Life:
#621: Fear and Loathing in Homer and Rockville
(Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)
(This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard, not read. We strongly encourage you to listen to the audio, which includes emotion and emphasis that’s not on the page.)
Episode Home Page
(Links to an external site.)
(in case you have a problem with the audio player)
[Content Note: The second story in this episode is about a conflict over immigration raised after a high school girl reported being raped by two Hispanic classmates living in the U.S. without documentation. Subsequent slurs, threats, foul language, and hatred toward undocumented immigrants and Muslims are reported in the story, including playing voice mail messages. Ann Coulter is interviewed. Details of the rape are not described other than to say the girl reported being forced into the bathroom at the high school. The reasons why the rape charges could not be pursued are reported, including that the girl was “sexting” with the boys and sent them a naked picture of herself. One person in the story uses the term “gang rape.” In the first story, a Muslim man briefly describes being harassed and mistreated by passing motorists.]

For both stories, the journalists do a good job providing a clean narrative that is easy to follow without overlooking the enormous amount of complexity associated with the issues. A big element throughout the stories is the fear that everyone, on all sides, is feeling. The stories are less about what people are thinking, but how and why they are thinking and feeling the way they are. That makes the stories appropriate objects of analysis for social psychology – especially what we’ve learned in this unit about how and why people think the way they do. Your job in this paper is to provide the missing social psychological analysis that can help explain the thoughts and feelings of the people in one of the two stories.

First, listen to simply hear what each story is about and create a “schema” for the story and the style of storytelling. After this first listen, choose which story you will focus on for the paper. (See Content Note above about the second story.)
Second, listen to the story you have chosen for the details: Throughout the story, there are examples of judgments and decisions influenced by the kinds of cognition (including biases and heuristics) you have been learning about in this unit. There are plenty of small examples – a single person’s attitude reflecting a specific heuristic. As you listen, make notes about the concepts from our class discussions and your readings that you hear coming up. I encourage you to pause the recording to take notes about the example and/or simply note the timestamp and the concept, then return to listen later for the details. The examples may be related to things that did happen or were said, or examples may extend to things you think might happen or might be said as a result of the circumstances described.
Third, listen to the story one more time in order to get an idea of how you are going to integrate the concepts you noticed, how you might synthesize all those concepts into a coherent analysis. It is unlikely you will be including every example you identified in #2 in your final paper. (More below.)
Finding the examples of the concepts is challenging and it is the first step you must take before you proceed with the paper. However, the larger challenge for this paper is choosing which examples to highlight and how to synthesize those examples. You need to produce a coherent, overarching analysis. Creating a mere list of examples is not sufficient (and it isn’t an analysis). Instead, aim to provide a coherent paper that talks about “what happened” from the perspective of a social psychologist. The examples you find are evidence for your overall thesis. Your overall thesis should be the most helpful or important way social psychology can explain this story.
Examples of the “bigger picture” kind of perspective your paper should have (feel free to use one):
Analysis of how individual concerns can influence a person’s understanding of larger scale issues Perspectives that emphasize the need to feel right or safe as we engage in social cognition.
Focus on how we make judgments about the credibility of sources when we are invested in an issue
Possible consequences of understanding a person’s situation (e.g., immigration status) as a disposition (e.g., tendency toward crime)

Is there anything that surprised you about the profession? Reflect on the information provided in the exercise and how it might impact how you think about your career.


1) After reading Fentz and Trillingsgaard (2016), Checking Up on Couples: A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Assessment and Feedback on Martial Functioning and individual Mental Health in Couples from this units studies, describe the effects of assessment and feedback on relationship functioning and individual partner health in couples.

What role does assessment play in treatment outcomes at the individual and dyadic levels?


2) After completing the Marriage and Family Therapy Professional Identity – Matching Exercise [DOCX], compare your knowledge with the MFT Professional Identity Matching Exercise Answer Key [DOCX].

In this discussion, answer the following:

Is there anything that surprised you about the profession?
Reflect on the information provided in the exercise and how it might impact how you think about your career.