Clearly and completely, but concisely, summarize your observations of the target behavior during the baseline phase.
To assess your baseline as you begin the experiment, you need to observe your target behavior before you ever treat it.
Thus you will conduct a functional analysis of your target behavior as it naturally occurs. The baseline observation of your target behavior should be done for at least one week.
You will submit the 1–2-page Behavior Modification Project: Baseline Phase Report Assignment, which will consist of a description of the following five parts with Level One headings, and a graph appropriately labeled (see chapter 3 of your textbook).
This writing of the reports for Behavior Modification should be clear, measurable and concise. Write in complete sentences, but do not use “fluff”.
1. Target Behavior: A clear and measurable behavioral definition of your target behavior (use examples if needed to clarify) should be stated. [Description]
2. Observation Period: Show the dates (and times if relevant) of your baseline phase.
3. Experiment Narrative: Clarify the logistics, setting, and process of your experiment’s baseline observation phase (natural or analogue setting, structured or unstructured observation, recording method and instrument, etc.). [Description]
4. Dimension(s): The logical dimension(s) – Frequency – Intensity – Duration – Latency – that were observed and recorded during the baseline are clearly and consistently stated and shown.
5. Target Behavior Observations: Clearly and completely, but concisely, summarize your observations of the target behavior during the baseline phase.