What else could doctors, nurses, counselors or other health practitioners focus on when trying to help people make healthier choices?

Some of the interventions we’ve discussed thus far focus on providing people information to get them to change health behaviors (for example to quit smoking or get more exercise). This podcast seems to suggest that sometimes simply providing information isn’t sufficient. Why?
What else could doctors, nurses, counselors or other health practitioners focus on when trying to help people make healthier choices?

Think of a specific example where negative feedback is possible and consider a way to help people listen to or receive that information. The podcast uses the example of avoiding tests for cancer when the threat is particularly emotional but they don’t really propose a solution. As an example, you could offer a solution to that situation

What type of sampling technique is used?

A researcher is interested in whether students’ learning performance is impacted by the implicit theories of intelligence. She collects data from the students in the school she teaches through the school’s participation pool. What type of sampling technique is used?
A researcher is interested in whether there is a relationship between divergent thinking (measured by the number of novel solutions created to solve a problem) and self-esteem (measured by Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale). What kind of study design was used in this study?

Explain your client’s trauma issues (thoughts, behaviors, internal dynamics) through the theoretical framework of your chosen treatment modality.

Trauma treatment

You are to present a comprehensive brief assessment and in-depth treatment plan of a client that is diagnosed with a trauma disorder (such as PTSD, Complex PTSD, Developmental Trauma Disorder, or is a survivor of inter-generational or relational trauma) as follows:
-First, describe your client briefly and the presenting issue.

-Then, choose a treatment model (examples: CBT,  TF-CBT,  DBT,  Exposure Therapy,  Somatic Experiencing, IFS, Psychodrama, Art Therapy, Play Therapy, a psychoanalytic approach or another model approved by the professor) and give a brief overview of it.

-Explain your client’s trauma issues (thoughts, behaviors, internal dynamics) through the theoretical framework of your chosen treatment modality. (Example: If you chose CBT, it is based on several theories. How would these theories explain your client’s functioning?)

-Choose specific interventions from your chosen treatment model and explain how you would apply them to your client. Be thorough and in depth.

-Explain in-depth why you think these interventions would be successful with your particular client and why they might not be successful.

-Explain what you learned from this paper.


What specific factors, people, and events make your career development different from any other person?

Analyze your career association

The purpose of this assignment is for you to personally analyze your own career socialization. What factors, influences, and events have shaped your own career development? This paper should capture a personal and career analysis of your life form the values, attitudes, and behaviors that you have developed up to this point in your life.

What specific factors, people, and events make your career development different from any other person? For example, how has your career development been differentially affected by

1) your early childhood experiences,

2) your parent of family values,

3) societal influences in school, the media, and overall values of the American culture,

4) your personality,

5) socioeconomic, race, class, ethnic, and religious factors,

7) specific events or transitions in your life,

8) psychosocial, emotional, and psychological barriers/problems.

What are the positives and negatives concerning your students using both MAPP and Onet?

Career Counseling Assessment

Take the ONet and MAPP online. What are the positives and negatives concerning your students using both MAPP and Onet?

What’s Your Career Type? RIASEC Free online self directed search
Naviance (password given by instructor)

After completing the various assessments listed above, provide a concept map that provides a visual understanding of both the experience and your results. The map will need to begin with an overview of your total experience working with the assessments.

Then it must provide a breakdown of the each of assessment as to what type it is, how accurate/applicable it was, and how that assessment could be used in a school setting.

What do these students need to know about the world of work? Students have become accustom to the school setting and the policies and procedures of their current environment?

Careers of future

What is the best career choice for the future? Should you choose something you think you’ll like or would it be better to do an analysis of the job market and see where the most growth is expected to be for certain career choices in the future?

What about the work environment. Some students will be working part-time jobs and some students will have the opportunity to do internships in their fields of interest.

What do these students need to know about the world of work? Students have become accustom to the school setting and the policies and procedures of their current environment?

How do we prepare student for the work environment? look at the research that has addressed these concerns and share your insights.

Do you think that your article is a fair representation of the topic and the world of work today?

Find an article that discusses one of the following topics in relation to the topics of careers: racism, discrimination, sexism, power, privilege, or oppression.

This article does not have to be from a scholarly resource. Review and critique the article.Do you think that your article is a fair representation of the topic and the world of work today?

Identify and explain the speaker’s primary argument related to teens joining gangs.

The New American Hustle by Shadeed Wallace Stepter Ted Talk

Watch the video and address the following:

Identify and explain the speaker’s primary argument related to teens joining gangs.

Identify and explore two arguments the speaker made that you agreed with or not.

Discuss your views and examine at least three things that you find most motivating, based on the theories presented in the module.

Motivation and Emotion

STEP 1: Respond to the following prompt in a post of at least 300 words:

What motivates you to do your schoolwork for this course or for other classes?

Discuss your views and examine at least three things that you find most motivating, based on the theories presented in the module.

What advice would you give him about how to conduct an interview? Use recommendations from your reading to support your answer.

Thinking about Industrial/Organizational Psychology

STEP 1: Respond to the following questions in a post of at least 275 words:

1. After reading this module, what topic or topics in I/O psychology seemed most interesting to you? Why? What other things would you like to know about this topic?

2. One of your friends started a window washing business a few years ago, and his business has slowly grown. He’s now at the point where he needs to hire employees.

What advice would you give him about how to conduct an interview? Use recommendations from your reading to support your answer.