Identify specific sources of data needed to answer your research question, briefly describe how you would access the sources (e.g., recruitment of participants, artifact availability, and access), and briefly discuss potential access issues.

Briefly describe positive social change implications of potential findings.

Identify a specific qualitative research design. Do not use broad terms, such as descriptive design, exploratory design, hermeneutics, lived experience, and so on. Briefly describe how the selected design fits your scenario.

Identify specific sources of data needed to answer your research question, briefly describe how you would access the sources (e.g., recruitment of participants, artifact availability, and access), and briefly discuss potential access issues.

Being as specific as you can, explain how you will analyze the data, and briefly discuss any concerns or issues with your analysis plan.

Explain how you will ensure trustworthiness in your qualitative study.

Discuss the different states of consciousness that you have experienced in the past 24 hours, including any periods when you were asleep, alert, or “daydreaming.


Discuss the different states of consciousness that you have experienced in the past 24 hours, including any periods when you were asleep, alert, or “daydreaming.

Describe both the brain and bodily activity you experienced during each state of consciousness. Include information from class materials, readings, and research on states of consciousness to support your discussion.

How has the growth of cognitive psychology changed the way Tolman’s theories are viewed today?

How has the growth of cognitive psychology changed the way Tolman’s theories are viewed today?

Also will appreciate if you are able to get information for paper from Stephen B. Klein book “Learning” that will be helpful.

 Does media violence cause violent behavior?  Is eyewitness testimony reliable in the court of law?

To successfully complete this course, you must write a research essay based on information found in your textbook, Psychology and Your Life, by Robert S. Feldman, and three outside sources.

You’ll choose one of the three topics below and write an essay of six complete paragraphs for or against the question being asked.

Does media violence cause violent behavior?
Is eyewitness testimony reliable in the court of law?
Are doctors who over prescribe narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic?

What does your study add to the literature that you already reviewed? What unique contribution does it make?

Research strategy
Research design
What does your study add to the literature that you already reviewed? What unique contribution does it make?

The strengths and weaknesses of your methodology (based on what you learned about that methodology in the course)

What kinds of conclusions can be drawn?

Which conclusions cannot be drawn?

Will you be able to show causation, given the design you chose?


What strategies can Mrs. Smith incorporate into her lessons to help Sarah with this disconnect in the future?

The infusion of Multiple Intelligences Theory into the curriculum has been proven to increase learner achievement, including improved engagement and performance on standardized tests. However, even with this research, many educators (from Pre-K through college) focus on delivering content standards instead of permeating their curriculum with pedagogy that engages students and deepens their understanding of higher order thinking skills.

There are two parts that need to be completed for this discussion. When responding, be sure to refer to examples, theory, and research from this week’s readings and other sources to support your conclusions.

How can Mrs. Smith find out what type of learner Sarah is?

How can she use this information to help Sarah excel in the classroom and go beyond just an average student?

Part 1: Mrs. Smith’s class just completed a comprehension test on the story they were reading in class. Sarah received a failing grade on this written test. The test was comprised of open-ended questions, multiple choice, and short answers. This grade surprised Mrs. Smith, as Sarah was able to express her knowledge and understanding of the text through class discussions and through collaborative activities.

Why do you think that Sarah may have received a failing grade on the written assessment?

Why do you think that this does not reflect the knowledge displayed during the discussions and collaborative group assignments?

What strategies can Mrs. Smith incorporate into her lessons to help Sarah with this disconnect in the future?

Part 2: Mrs. Smith reflected upon her teaching and the assessment. She then reflected upon Sarah and the type of learner she tends to be. One thing she decided was that the test format was not appropriate for Sarah’s learning style and that next time she could offer Sarah part of the test orally to see how she does.

What is something else that she may have reflected upon?

How will knowing Sarah’s learning style help Mrs. Smith be a more effective teacher?

How will you as an educator ensure you know all your learners’ learning styles and plan in order to enhance their intelligences?

Demonstrate how that situation would have been improved if safeguarding tendencies were not used.

Examine Alfred Adler’s 3 safeguarding tendencies in the text.

Select 1 of the tendencies and compare that tendency with instances of safeguarding that you find in Scripture.

Demonstrate how that situation would have been improved if safeguarding tendencies were not used.

What were some of the reasons given in this chapter for updating our prevailing model of the human body? What benefits do a biopychosocial view of the connection between thoughts, emotions and the digestive system offer?

In this introductory chapter, Dr. Mayer discusses how the traditional biological model approached gastro intestinal problems/complaints with patients.

What was this model’s approach and what were the pitfalls? Give at least one example of a disorder or illness that wasn’t properly treated by the biomedical approach.

What were some of the reasons given in this chapter for updating our prevailing model of the human body? What benefits do a biopychosocial view of the connection between thoughts, emotions and the digestive system offer?

Why is the gut called our “second brain”?

What is one question you have about the reading? Or, what is something you found particularly interesting or surprising about the reading?

 Briefly summarize the author’s answer to the common question, “There are so many more vaccines  and now they combined some of them into one shot doesn’t that increase the risk of bad reactions? Can’t that overwhelm my baby’s system?  Isn’t this too much too soon?”

Post a response to the following questions:

The author explains several common concerns about vaccinations and gives some scientific explanations about how vaccines work in response to those concerns.

Briefly summarize the author’s answer to the common question, “There are so many more vaccines  and now they combined some of them into one shot doesn’t that increase the risk of bad reactions? Can’t that overwhelm my baby’s system?  Isn’t this too much too soon?”. At the minimum, you should explain what antigens and antibodies are and what they do.

Are there other concerns you think people might have about vaccines that are not addressed by this article? If so, what is the concern?

What do you think the Black Lives Matter movements, Immigrant Rights Movements and related protests will do to American politics or policy in the long term (5 years or more in the future)?

Social movements

How will social movements shape politics?

What do you think the Black Lives Matter movements, Immigrant Rights Movements and related protests will do to American politics or policy in the long term (5 years or more in the future)?

Will the movements accomplish their goals, or have unexpected side effects?

Explain who will react to the movements, what they will do, and why we should expect this outcome.

Feel free to talk about changes in things like the following: Political party membership, legislation around criminal justice and civil rights, public opinion on issues of race or policing, or other outcomes you think are likely to respond to the movements.