What is the ethical issue in the scenario? What would you, as the social worker do?
The paper should outline the following:
• What is the ethical issue in the scenario?
• What would you, as the social worker do?
• What ethical principles from the NASW Code of Ethics would you use?
• Are there any value or belief conflicts for you in the scenario?
Ethical Dilemma
As a clinician you have an 18 year old female client who is currently homeless. She has a history of depression and has a history of cutting and one suicide attempt when she was 15. At present, the client is non-compliant with medication due to costs. She has family that live in a nearby county that want to be a part of her life but she refuses to contact them, she states . As her clinician you are very worried about her safety, in fact, last week when you saw her she had bruises on her face, she stated that someone had robbed her while she was sleeping on the street.