What do you want to happen to your body when you die?

watch this video and discuss your thoughts…Caitlin discusses there is a question we all have to answer sooner or later:

What do you want to happen to your body when you die? Funeral director Caitlin Doughty explores new ways to prepare us for inevitable mortality. In this thoughtful talk, learn more about ideas for burial (like “recomposing” and “conservation burial”) that return our bodies back to the earth in an Eco-friendly, humble, and self-aware way.

link to the video below:

What is it about? Why did you choose this one? What situation will you be talking about? State the 3 terms/studies you will be using.

Written Exams: Exams will be submitted through blackboard on the day and time it is due.

Introduction (3-5 sentences): Introduce me to the chapter. What is it about? Why did you choose this one? What situation will you be talking about? State the 3 terms/studies you will be using.

Paragraph 1 (5-7 sentences): Define and describe term 1. You will then apply this term to the situation you will refer to. Do not copy and paste from the textbook or slides, use your own words!

Paragraph 2 (5-7 sentences): Define and describe term 2.. You will then apply this term to the situation you will refer to. Do not copy and paste from the textbook or slides, use your own words!

Paragraph 1 (5-7 sentences): Define and describe term 3. You will then apply this term to the situation you will refer to. Do not copy and paste from the textbook or slides, use your own words!

Conclusion (3-5 sentences). Where would you like this topic to go (e..g, what studies or research should be done on this?) Would you like to dive deeper into this area of research? Did you like this chapter? Why or why not? What would you improve?

How does the concept of being active in your own development apply to any of the  following programmatic themes?

 Answer the following questions:

What is one direct way in which children impact their own acculturation?

How does the example you chose show the child’s impact?

What is one indirect way in which children impact their own acculturation?

How does the example you chose show the child’s impact?

How does the concept of being active in your own development apply to any of the  following programmatic themes?

You may want to review the Programmatic Themes document.Self-care Social justice Emotional intelligence Career connections Ethics

What challenges exist around having discussions on the history of psychology in Africa? Why?

Answer the following questions based on the provided reading materials.

1. What challenges exist around having discussions on the history of psychology in Africa? Why?

2.Discuss something you learned about the history of psychology in Ghana before the 1700s. What stood out to you the most? Why?

3. What are the key differences between the history of psychology in Ghana before the 1700s and how the field developed through the 1700s and 1800s?

4. What impact did colonialism have on the advancement of psychology in Ghana?

Knowing the intricacies of persuasion, are there any strategies marketers and advertisers are currently using that may be less effective and should be changed?

1. Watch the following Front line episode that explores the different methods marketers and advertisers employ to discover what we want and how to sell it to us in the consumer and political realms (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/persuaders/).

After reading the chapter, discuss at length what strategies you see present in the video and how effective those strategies are at persuading consumers to change their behavior? Knowing the intricacies of persuasion, are there any strategies marketers and advertisers are currently using that may be less effective and should be changed? Next time you are in the community, document the strategies you see present and discuss those. If you still decided to grab that bag of chips with the reflective surface inside the packaging while checking out at the grocery store, was your choice mindless or mindful?

What is the difference between Mindless versus Mindful Persuasion? Provide examples of each and talk about how this form or persuasion is achieved. What are the lasting effects of each type of persuasion?

Here are the questions for Week Four:
1. What is the difference between Mindless versus Mindful Persuasion? Provide examples of each and talk about how this form or persuasion is achieved. What are the lasting effects of each type of persuasion?

2. Cults are strong persuasive groups that indoctrinate people via various methods. . Discuss the common elements of cults as detailed by the video. In researching this topic, are there any other characteristics that are effective in cults, which were not discussed in the video?

3. Pick a form of propaganda (there are several examples in the chapter) and discuss the context of the time it was implemented. What did the propaganda entail? Was the propaganda effective or not? Finally, discuss the elements of persuasion that were considered when developing and implementing the propaganda.

4. How do the concepts of group polarization and group think play into the capital insurrection that occurred in early January 2021? Are there other group influencing concepts that may play into people’s decision to storm the capital of the United States?

5. This is a very broad questions so try to keep your response contained, but how are we affected by the presence of others? Incorporate various topics from the chapter and other research into your response.

6. Define the group behavioral terms of social-loafers and extra-milers. How do these behavioral tendencies develop? What does the research say about these two types of people? Are there certain personality characteristics discussed in the research about individual people or even within the group dynamics that foster people acting in such a fashion?

Identify potential challenges that may present barriers to your success (academically, personally, or professionally) and name at least two strategies for how you will manage those barriers.

Write a reaction paper on the articles/materials.
Your paper must be in current APA 7th ed format (including running heads, a title page, abstract, and reference page). The abstract must provide a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the articles and podcast in 150 words.

Divide your paper into the following sections and headings:

• Summary – Synthesize and integrate the main points of the textbook readings, article, and podcast in 2 1/2 pages, using these subheadings:

o The importance of professional identity

o The necessary components for professional identity

o The challenges to professional identity

• Professional Identity Development Plan– In 1/2 page, discuss the following:

o What are your motivators to become a professional counselor?

o What will you do to establish your identity as a counselor?

o Identify potential challenges that may present barriers to your success (academically, personally, or professionally) and name at least two strategies for how you will manage those barriers.

Describe the violence risk assessment instruments a clinician might use to meet the requirements provided for in Tarasoff.

Violence Risk Assessment Essay

Answer the following:

Discuss why the case is important to mental health clinicians.

Describe the violence risk assessment instruments a clinician might use to meet the requirements provided for in Taras off.

Discuss if a clinician should be held civilly liable for violent behavior of an inmate the clinician assessed.

Identify and describe key elements that contribute to gender role development and, having examined your own schemas about gender identity (stereotypes, expectations), respond effectively to children’s gender-associated needs and problems.

Gender sexuality and sexual orientation

Identify and describe key elements that contribute to gender role development and, having examined your own schemas about gender identity (stereotypes, expectations), respond effectively to children’s gender-associated needs and problems.

Recognize the role, influence, and relevance of peer relationships in childhood and adolescence, and analyze children’s functioning within their peer groups and structure interventions that meet needs for acceptance and belonging. It’s recess time for the third graders at Columbus

Describe biological processes in sex determination, differentiation in male and female prenatal development, sex-related vulnerabilities to hereditary diseases, and mortality rates.


Why is speed-reading a better strategy for redundant or repetitive material compared to material that is difficult to understand? How about materials in a science course?

Essay Questions
Instructions: Complete and then submit the answers to the questions below in 100-150 words.
Why is speed-reading a better strategy for redundant or repetitive material compared to material that is difficult to understand? How about materials in a science course?
Would a speed-reading strategy be helpful to someone with dyslexia? Why or why not?
Discuss how you could you relate what you’ve learned here to writing – your term paper for example.