Critically evaluate the translation of psychological theory and empirical evaluation into clinical practice and treatment development.

  1. Critically evaluate the translation of psychological theory and empirical evaluation into clinical practice and treatment development.
  2. Critically evaluate the utility of psychologically-based interventions or therapies to address clinically relevant issues.

Describe Debra’s history of symptoms of SZ and history of treatment:

Describe Debra’s history of symptoms of SZ and history of treatment:

What does Debra do professionally? How would you describe her level of functioning?

Describe Elyn’s history of symptoms of SZ and history of treatment:

What does Debra do professionally? How would you describe her level of functioning?

Describe Paris‘s history of symptoms of SZ and history of treatment:

What does Paris do professionally? How would you describe his level of functioning?

How do the three individuals view SZ as an illness? (perhaps contrast when first diagnosed vs. current perspectives)

What do the individuals think is the best treatment, or “key ingredients” for treatment and recovery for SZ (perhaps for themselves individually and for others)?

How do the individuals’ stories relate to ideas about stigma (i.e., stereotypes) about SZ?

Relatedly, how do their stories help combat some of the stereotypes about SZ?

Write a two page reflection paper double-spaced reflecting on these issues.

Describe what that person did and the approximate time that this person lived.

After reading, or listening to, the History of Psychology, select one individual mentioned in the article that captured your attention. Conduct research on that individual and write an essay. In your essay clearly –

a. reflect upon that person’s life and contributions to the field of psychology.

b. describe what that person did and the approximate time that this person lived.

c. evaluate what makes their contribution(s) important.

d. explore criticism of their work or theoretical position.

e. use in-text citations to acknowledge resources used and include the appropriate references at the end of your essay post.

Describe all the necessary steps that are involved in developing a budget for a department or unit?

Describe all the necessary steps that are involved in developing a budget for a department or unit?

What is counseling? How does it differ from other helping professions?

What is counseling?
How does it differ from other helping professions?
Summarize the philosophical underpinnings of the counseling profession.

Explain the importance of predator-prey interactions in the National Park System for the health of the ecosystem.

Explain the importance of predator-prey interactions in the National Park System for the health of the ecosystem.

Explain the effects of stress on reaction time

Explain the effects of stress on reaction time

When there are significant differences between intelligence and achievement, what does this suggest?

Discuss, in no less than 250 words, the rationale behind administering both intelligence and achievement testing to assess for learning disabilities. When there are significant differences between intelligence and achievement, what does this suggest? What does the research suggest regarding the utility of discrepancy-based testing? What are the strengths and limitations to this approach when thinking about how this impacts children within the education system?

Discuss the treatments or interventions that have been shown to be the most effective for Double Depression and why are they effective?

Select one of the mood disorders >>Double Depression<<

Use the Research Analysis document as a reference to complete this assignment.

Prepare a 1,050+word paper that discusses research-based interventions to treat psychopathology.

Review and differentiate the characteristics of Double Depression as well as discuss the research about intervention strategies for Double Depression by completing the following:

>>Evaluate three peer-reviewed research studies using the Research Analysis document (as a reference).

>>Conceptualize the disorder using one of the psychological perspectives >>Behavioral Perspectives<<.

>>Discuss the treatments or interventions that have been shown to be the most effective for Double Depression and why are they effective?

Cite at least five peer-reviewed sources.

Identify the stage of change the student is in with supporting evidence

You will watch the MTV Series – 16 and Recovering (Full episodes can be found at
After viewing the four-episode series, you will select one student from the show and write a paper that answers the following:
Student background
Cultural considerations of the student
Strengths of the student
Assessment of the student
Drug(s) of choice
DSM 5 diagnosis
Identify the stage of change the student is in with supporting evidence
Treatment plan – 2 goals with objectives and interventions. Each intervention should match the stage of change the person is in
How you may include spirituality or religion when working with this student
Provide 2 different referrals for additional treatment and explain why you would make those referrals
Overall thoughts about Northshore Recovery High School.