Analyze influences of mindfulness on stress response. Analyze strategies to overcome barriers to the use of mindfulness. Analyze influences of hope on health issues.


  • Analyze influences of mindfulness on stress response.
  • Analyze strategies to overcome barriers to the use of mindfulness.
  • Analyze influences of hope on health issues.
  • Analyze abilities to generate or sustain hope in dealing with health issues.
  • Analyze the relationships between hope and the stress response and immune response system.


Describe the daily activity you selected and explain your experience with applying the concept of mindfulness to the performance of this activity. Explain whether applying mindfulness to your daily activity did or did not have an effect on your response to stress.

Application Assignment

When was the last time you took a bath or a shower without feeling pressured to get your day started? The next time you take a shower (or bath) practice being mindful. Stop for a moment and smell the shampoo. Feel the water on your skin and the changes in temperature. Taste the humidity rising from the water. Listen to the sound of the water. When thoughts about the day wander into your mind, gently set them aside and go back to focusing on each of the senses. With practice you can experience the mundane in more vivid and exciting ways.

Unfortunately, as people get busy living, the mundane passes away without acknowledgement and they fail to remember each day in its entirety. Instead, they remember moments of a day. Memories are built from moments when you were paying attention to what your senses were bringing into consciousness. To tune in and be mindful, stop and pay attention to what the five senses are bringing in and processing. What do you hear at this moment? The hum of your monitor, perhaps some soft music creating a peaceful environment? What do you see, smell, taste, and feel?

Maybe you know people who are aware of every aspect in their environment. They notice the broken pattern in an improperly installed tile floor. Maybe they notice every crack in the sidewalk or pick up on the melody that birds sing. While this tendency toward mindfulness may seem like a characteristic of their personality, mindfulness is not a personality trait. It is, rather, a set of skills and processes individuals may use to enhance coping. Mindfulness begins as daily meditation, but the practice is intended to become a way of life with awareness encouraged in every moment. Mindfulness allows moments of self-awareness and personal growth. Herbert Benson (1976) described mindfulness meditation as mental control to induce the relaxation response and reduce cognitive vulnerability to stress and emotional distress. Stress management techniques frequently employ mindfulness approaches.

For this Application Assignment, review this week’s Learning Resources. Then select a daily activity and apply the concept of mindfulness to the performance of the activity. Note any differences in stress level while performing the activity with mindfulness and how you felt while performing it in comparison to past instances of completing the activity.

The Assignment (3–5 page APA-formatted essay)

  • Describe the daily activity you selected and explain your experience with applying the concept of mindfulness to the performance of this activity.
  • Explain whether applying mindfulness to your daily activity did or did not have an effect on your response to stress.
  • Explain how you felt in terms of stress response while performing this activity with mindfulness compared to past instances of completing the activity without the influence of mindfulness.
  • Describe any barriers to mindfulness you may have experienced and explain one way you might overcome one of the barriers.
  • Explain how performing the activity with mindfulness might influence how you will perform the activity in the future.


Discuss how nature and nurture interact to shape at least TWO of your own behaviours or abilities based on the information you learned about from the Cognitive Pillar, the Development Pillar, and the Social and Personality Pillar.


One of the core themes of this course is the importance of both nature (biological bases and genetic inheritance) and nurture (environment, learning, experiences) for many psychological processes.

Discuss how nature and nurture interact to shape at least TWO of your own behaviours or abilities (or an example from someone in the media) based on the information you learned about from the Cognitive Pillar (Module 1 Intelligence), the Development Pillar (Module 2 Human Development), and the Social and Personality Pillar (Module 3 Motivation and Emotion).

You must provide one example of your behaviours or abilities from two of the three pillars (i.e., 2 examples in total, each from a different pillar) and you must provide specific evidence from the modules to support your answer (including the lectures, text readings, and prep guides…. and cite your sources!). Your post should be approximately 800 words double spaced.

this part will come after you provide me with the first part


After reading through other posts carry on the discussion by replying to at least TWO other post. Posts to peers should be a minimum of 150 words.


Compare and contrast material you present and use critical thinking and analysis rather than presenting facts that you find in the text or online.

The Big Five Factors in Personality

When writing your paper, try to think outside of the box. Although this is a research paper, you should try to compare and contrast material you present and use critical thinking and analysis rather than presenting facts that you find in the text or online.

Explain the roles of sexism, racism, cultural factors, mental health issues, and social class inequality as it relates to society’s perception of women offenders and female involvement in crime.

Runaway Girl Assignment

This assignment is related to the book Runaway Girl: Escaping Life on the Streets One Helping Hand at a Time by Carissa Phelps.


The purpose of this assignment is for students to gain an understanding of the etiology of female juvenile delinquency and evaluate the effectiveness of the juvenile justice system. Through analyzing the responses by individuals, agencies, the juvenile justice system, and other key stakeholders in the community, students will be able to articulate the positive and negative impact various types of responses can have on a young woman.


By completing this assignment, you will practice skills which are consistent with the course learning outcomes and psychology program outcomes that are relevant to working in the field.

  1. Examine the etiology of female juvenile delinquency and evaluate the effectiveness of the juvenile justice system.
  1. Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes.
  2. Engage in innovative and integrative thinking and problem-solving.



  1. Gain an understanding of systems issues related to juvenile female offenders.
  2. Explain the roles of sexism, racism, cultural factors, mental health issues, and social class inequality as it relates to society’s perception of women offenders and female involvement in crime.



Read the book Runaway Girl: Escaping Life on the Streets One Helping Hand at a Time by Carissa Phelps. For each chapter, you are going to identify the following:


  1. Identify one action (or inaction), words spoken, decision, or treatment by another person that had a negative effect on Carissa, led her to avoid something positive (such as going to school or attending a program), feel  negatively about herself, lose hope, or prevented her from accessing resources.


Identify one action (or inaction), words spoken, decision, or treatment by another person that had a positive effect on Carissa, led her to avoid something negative, helped her feel positive aboutherself, gain hope, or access resources.


Once you have identified the impact of a positive or negative encounter, briefly describe the action taken (or not taken) and discuss how this might have led her to commit a specific crime.

Criteria for Success

When completing this assignment, please make sure you reference a specific crime which might have contributed to or prevented Carissa from committing a crime. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the actions and responses of those around her and how she responded to them. Think critically about the factors, people, and systems that affected her. A sample response is provided in the assignment.

The grading rubric below provides the specific criteria for how each response will be graded. Make sure you proof-read or seek assistance from the academic success center, as one point will be deducted for each error in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. In keeping with the syllabus, the assignment is due prior to the start of the class period on the date indicated in the syllabus. A partial point reduction system is applied.

Runaway Girl Assignment




Chapter Identify one action (or inaction), words spoken, decision, or treatment by another person that had a negative effect on Carissa, led her to avoid something positive, feel negatively about herself, lose hope, or prevented her from accessing resources.


Identify one action (or inaction), words spoken, decision, or treatment by another person that had a positive effect on Carissa, led her to avoid something negative, feel positive about herself, gain hope, or access resources.


Once you have identified an action, briefly discuss how this might have led her to commit a specific crime. (Each response is worth 8 points)

Sample Response One action that had a negative effect on Carissa was when she broke a glass and got cut. She looked to her mother for comfort and did not get any. Instead, her mother said they didn’t have money for stitches and told Carissa to go wash up.  She felt guilty and worthless, and felt like a burden. She blamed herself for not being a good girl and causing problems.


If Carissa believes this, she may become depressed, anxious, or experience a decrease in self-worth and self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. Underage drinking and possession of drugs can lead to criminal charges.

Chapter 1  
Chapter 2  
Chapter 3  
Chapter 4  
Chapter 5  
Chapter 6  
Chapter 7  
Chapter 8  
Chapter 9  
Chapter 10  
Chapter 11  
Chapter 12  
Chapter 13  



Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the authoritative, permissive and the authoritarian parenting styles. Which did your parents use? Do you think they used the best approach for you?

DB 3

Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the authoritative, permissive and the authoritarian parenting styles. Which did your parents use? Do you think they used the best approach for you?
Which of these approaches do you think is best and why?

Thoroughly read chapter nine in your text on this topic and pay special attention to page 261. You might also want to do research in Parent Effectiveness Training by Tom Gordon, Systemic Training for Effective Parenting by Don Dinkmeyer and Children: The Challenge by Rudolf Dreikurs.
Do you think that parents do the best they know to do in parenting their children?

Book if available: Seccombe, K. (2018). Exploring marriages & families (3rd ed). Boston, MA: Pearson
ISBN: 978-0135828298

What steps would you take to decide if a multiple relationship is avoidable or unavoidable? Give an example of one situation that is avoidable and one that is unavoidable.

Multiple relationship

What steps would you take to decide if a multiple relationship is avoidable or unavoidable? Give an example of one situation that is avoidable and one that is unavoidable


How are human factors affected when reducing the number of pilots on long-haul flights (more than 9h30) from 4 or 3 to only 2? What are the Risks?

Risk of reducing pilot number on long haul flight (human factor)

1/ How are human factors affected when reducing the number of pilots on long-haul flights (more than 9h30) from 4 or 3 to only 2? What are the Risks? (example and reference from books)
Definition of human factors to be used for this work: lack of communication, lack of teamwork, lack of assertiveness, complacency, fatigue, stress, lack of knowledge, lack of resources, lack of awareness, distraction, pressure and norms.

  • One website to help understand the subject in the aviation industry:

2/ Can we make a parallel with other industries such as train or other? and how did it affect them?

3/ What solution can we find to maintain a similar or higher level of safety on long-haul flights operated with only 2 pilots in the future? (Creative solutions are welcomed as well as solutions from other industries)

What is this article specifically addressing? How does this article related to your selected topic? Did the article contain research? Provide a summary of the research that was discussed, as applicable.

Therapeutic Jurisprudence

This article review is going to be written on Therapeutic Jurisprudence

Provide a synopsis of the article. Make sure to address these questions:

Ø What is this article specifically addressing?

Ø How does this article related to your selected topic?

Ø Did the article contain research? Provide a summary of the research that was discussed, as applicable.

Ø If applicable: What data was used? What instruments, if any, were used to collect data?

Ø If applicable: What were some of the conclusions, if any, to the research in this article?

  • Your synopsis should end with a review and critique of your article. Make sure to address these questions:

Ø What references did the author use in this article?

Ø Was the article reliable and valid? Explain.

Ø Was this article well-written? Thoughtful and reflective?

Ø What were the limitations in this article? Any variables?

Ø What other thoughts or comments do you have related to this article

Your finalized article review should be at least 5 pages in length. Must have at minimum 2 peer / scholarly reviews


Discuss what you know about how to help someone find a military recruiter or apply for a state or federal job. How can you help a midlife client transitioning to a new job learn more about the technological requirements of the job and the possibility of working from home (remotely)?

Topic 6 Career Counseling Resources Short Answer Worksheet

Review and answer each of the questions below. Include in-text citations when appropriate. For each question, your response should be between 75-125 words. Please be specific and provide details in your explanation.

  1. Find three resources (other than Indeed) that you would give to clients who need to update their resume, fill out an application that stands out, and compose a cover letter. List the resources.
  2. Look for and review different online job-search platforms. What services do they offer? What services stand out to you and why?
  3. Name at least two places in your city, or one nearest you, that can help people in their job searches. These can be government agencies, disability outreaches, churches, counseling agencies, etc. Briefly describe how they can help.
  4. Briefly explain how paid professional career coaches, recruiters, and headhunters can help people get hired.
  5. Read “How to Ask for an Awesome Letter of Recommendation (and Actually Get One)” and discuss the importance of clients obtaining reference letters.
  6. Read “How to Develop Your Skill Set to Advance Your Career” and discuss ways you could help a client explore options to gain skills in finding a better job.
  7. Discuss what you know about how to help someone find a military recruiter or apply for a state or federal job.
  8. How can you help a midlife client transitioning to a new job learn more about the technological requirements of the job and the possibility of working from home (remotely)?
  9. How might a retired individual need assistance in looking for an avocation, volunteer work, or part-time job?