What do you think of Celebrity vis-a-vis Vlogger’s YouTube Channel in terms of content, prominence, and responsibility? Name one of the channels and describe your opinion on the matter.

Public Relations Trends in the Philippines

What do you think of Celebrity vis-a-vis Vlogger’s YouTube Channel in terms of content, prominence, and responsibility? Name one of the channels and describe your opinion on the matter.

Discuss the importance of studying constitutional law to Ghana’s development.

The importance of studying constitutional law to Ghana’s development

Discuss the importance of studying constitutional law to Ghana’s development.

If you won a contract with the Federal Government to construct a campaign to lessen the frequency of random shootings across the United States, what would you do first and second?

Jou 145 final exam – multiple choice

Part III T/F, MC SELECT THE BEST OPTION FOR All. Worth two points each

1. (T/F) Radio serves small, highly targeted audiences, which makes it an excellent advertising medium for many kinds of public relations, specialized products and services
2. A prepared handout provided to reporters in electronic form, video or on paper by an organization to summarize the “official” version of an event or situations is __________.
a. Spot news b. Continuing news c. News Release d. Developing News

3. (T/F) Professional public relations practitioners are often people whose education and perhaps prior employment has been in a field in which writing and producing other forms of messages have been major focuses.
4. (T/F) A public relations campaign is an organized way of communicating carefully designed messages with specific meanings to target audiences that are important to the client.
5. The relationship between public relations and media is_______________: that is, depends on the other.a.) symbiotic b) problematic c) entertaining e.) nonexistent
6. The practice of influencing legislators to introduce or vote for measures favorable to the interests represented is called: a. editorializing b. lobbying c. marketing d. strategizing

7.. The use of messages designed to limit the negative consequences of some kind of crisis for a client is called: a. damage control b. spin c. massage d. conceptualization

8. (T/F) The political environment of the American media has two fundamental elements; 1) A guarantee of freedom of the press is clearly embodied in the US Constitution, and 2) that freedom is not absolute.

9. (T/F) The term applied to publicly made, false, and defamatory oral statements about an individual is “libel.”

10. (T/F) The First Amendment to the US Constitution requires the press to be fair and responsible.

11. (T/F) News organizations that pay sources to give interviews are engaging in:
a. misuse of identity b. sensationalism c. exploitation d. checkbook journalism

12. . Why does slander differ from libel?
​b. Slander is a type of defamation that is spoken
​c. Libel is a type of defamation that is printed
​e. each of the above
f. none of the above

13. (T/F) Radio, television, cinema and the Internet enjoy just as much legal protection as print media.

14. (T/F) Intellectual property refers to ideas that have commercial value, such as patents and software programs.

15. The public relations practitioner serves as an ______ between the organization that he or she represents and between all of that organization’s publics.
a) antagonist b) intermediary c) obstacle d) investigator

16 (T/F) Much of modern PR relies on digital communications, but PR still uses rhetoric, symbols and slogans as its tactics.

17 The most famous and successful of the 19th century press agents who created, promoted and exploited the careers of many celebrities was: John Filson b) Harriet Beecher Stowe c) Wild Bill Hickock d) P.T. Barnum
18 The terms “Integrated Communications” or “Integrated Marketing Communications” are used to describe a) business integration b) marketing agency integration c) advertising public relations and marketing integration d) consumer agency integration.

19 Which of the following can be attributed directly to technological transparency?
a) The worldwide increase in computer networks.
b) The expectations that what an organization does will not be viable to all interested parties
c) Increasing the level of literacy
d) The link between culture and economic structure
20 Although PR practitioners are expected to solve problems, _______ problems to avoid conflict or crisis has taken precedence. a ) anticipating b) concealing c) communicating d) integrating

21 When PR practitioners work with lawyers, it is often for the purpose of: a ) increasingly being handled by accountants rather than PR practitioners b) a PR activity that focuses exclusively on internal publics c) primarily concerned with government communications d) a growing PR specialization that now deals in managing both reputation and risk.

22 Investor Relations for publicly owned companies is: a) increasingly being handled by accountants rather than PR practitioners. b) a PR activity that focuses exclusively on external publics c) primarily concerned with government communications d) a growing PR specialization that now deals in managing both reputation and risk

23 (T/F) Dr. Bird argued in class that there were three distinct reasons why Corporate Annual Reports were not Public Relations.

24. When PR practitioners work with lawyers, it is often for the purpose of _______________. a) covering up a negative curt case or legal settlement b) presenting an organization’s position on a legal issue to publics c) initialing a libel suit d) filing a claim against the Securities and Exchange Commission.

25. Which of the following about minority practitioners is true? a) they are hired only by not-for-profit organizations b) they often work for companies or firms that specialize in communicating with minority publics c) their compensation is often equal or higher than that of white practitioners d) they are more likely to report directly to the CEO than white practitioners.

26. The concept that an organization’s advertising, promotions, media relations , employee communications, investor communications, and Internet presence will all be coordinated and focused on the organization’s positioning and mission statements is called a) integrated communications b) marketing c) cross-platform communication d) economic consolidation

27 To developing nations, globalization suggests synergy. To underdeveloped or developing nations “globalization” implies __________. a) loss of indigenous culture b) paternalism c) second colonization d) all of the above

28. The first step for formal research is to : a) obtain the data b) develop the hypothesis c) design the experiment d) define the problem.

29. The final step in formal research is to ____________. a) analyze the data b) communicate the results c) determine whether the hypothesis was supported d) interpret the data

30. If you won a contract with the Federal Government to construct a campaign to lessen the frequency of random shootings across the United States, what would you do first and second?


E.C. -1 During the semester we had three guest speakers. Alexandra Gratereaux, Norma Stanley and Colin DeVries. One worked for various media and non-profit companies, the other created her own company, EEE Communications, and the last works for a large, non-profit health institution. From which did you learn the most and why?

E.C. -2 List what you believe to be Seth Finn’s three most salient points in his chapter on Assessment for Media Writing.

E.C. -2 Who is the author of the trade journal and reference books Dr. Bird cited as “The bible of NYC’s public relations”?

What is the name of the first female Presidential Press Secretary and what kind of public relations did Dr. Bird argue that she was attempting to do on The Late Show with David Letterman?

Jou 145 final exam – short answers

Part II Short Answer/ Identification. Select any ten. Worth three points each.

1. The differences between Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising
2. Public Opinion.
3. Audience and Spectators as they differ from Publics
4. Who was Edward Bernays’ Uncle and why is this important?
5. What is the Thesis of Christopher Lasch’s article titled “Journalism, Publicity and the lost Art of Argument”?
6. Name four publics who might be targeted in an internal employee communications program.
7. Name four community publics who might be targeted in an external communications program.
8. Define “Media Relations” and record the goal of Media Relations.
9. List four criteria of professionalism.
10. What is the relationship between lobbying and public relations? Also, in which venerated document is lobbying sanctioned?
11. What is the name of the first female Presidential Press Secretary and what kind of public relations did Dr. Bird argue that she was attempting to do on The Late Show with David Letterman?
12. What type of news approach, Dr. Bird argued, was present in the post 9/11 Fox news video clip, “Rudy the Rock”?
13. List two kinds of public relations demonstrated in the FEDEX name change video clip. Name at least two targeted audiences.
14. According to your text, what is the relationship of ancient pyramids and statues to public relations?
15. What was the relationship between the consumer movement and Ralph Nadar to public relations?
16. According to Dr. Bird, what did the press spokesman for Swissair do so well in regards to the ensuing news coverage of the airline crash?
17. (Directly from your reading) A news release should contain only _________ information. It should not be a thinly disguised advertisement for your organization. A good news release has a ______ _____ ; that is, journalsts and bloggers read it and quickly see that the information it contains is relevant to their readers, listeners or viewers.

What is the name of the first female Presidential Press Secretary and what kind of public relations did Dr. Bird argue that she was attempting to do on The Late Show with David Letterman?




Worth a Potential of Thirty Points

Early in the Semester, you were given James Grunig’s below Four Models of Public Relations and they are posted on Blackboard.  They are:  Press Agentry/Publicity; Public Information; Two-Way Asymmetrical; and, Two-Way Symmetrical.  Their characteristics are listed in the below chart.   Under which structure would you rather work and why?

Secondly, you heard three guest speakers–Alexandra Gratereaux,  Norma Stanley and Colin DeVries.   One works for various media and non-profit communications companies, the other later in her career created her own company, EEE Communications, and the last works for a large, non-profit health institution.  Under which model does each of them work?    Write a sentence or two for each speaker about why you think so.

Finally, in terms of persuasion models, on Blackboard I posted a vile Nazi rally of 20,000 Americans held in Madison Square Garden in 1939 led by Fritz Julius Kuhn

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq9yst4W-6c .  Which of these four models of communication was Kuhn using?  In so doing, you may also delineate the difference between Propaganda and Public Relations.

Model Name Type of Communication Model Characteristics
Press agentry/publicity One-way communication Uses persuasion and manipulation to influence audiences to behave as the organization desires
Public information model One-way communication Uses press releases and other one-way communication techniques to distribute organizational information. The public relations practitioner is often referred to as the in-house journalist
Two-way asymmetrical model Two-way communication (imbalanced) Uses persuasion and manipulation to influence audiences to behave as the organization desires. Differs from the press agentry model through the use of research to find out how best to persuade stakeholders
Two-way symmetrical model Two-way communication Uses communication to negotiate with the public, resolve conflict and promote mutual understanding and respect between the organization and its stakeholders


PART I   Essay Option B

Worth a Potential of Thirty Points

While Elon Musk’s disastrous takeover of Twitter has dominated the headlines in recent weeks, we’re keeping a close eye on Meta.

Why? Because in an interview earlier this year, Meta President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg signaled that the company could lift Donald Trump’s ban on Facebook and Instagram as early as January 2023.1 (Yep. THAT’S NEXT MONTH.)

It’s critical that we raise our voices now to make sure Meta holds the line. Will you add your name to our petition demanding that Meta keep Trump off Facebook and Instagram for good?



In the last month alone, Trump dined with white supremacists at Mar-a-Lago and took to his social-media platform Truth Social to call for the termination of the U.S. Constitution to overturn the 2020 election results.

It’s clear: If Meta allows Trump back on its platforms, it would immediately open the door for more disinformation and extreme rhetoric targeting a much wider audience. We can’t let that happen.

Before the end of the year, add your name to our petition demanding that Meta keep Trump off Facebook and Instagram.



Thanks for taking urgent action on this,

Candace and the rest of the Free Press team


  1. “Nick Clegg to Decide on Trump’s 2023 Return to Instagram and Facebook,” The Guardian, Sept. 23, 2022

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INSTRUCTIONS:  The above passage calling for users to sign a petition has enjoyed wide circulation on the Internet.  A larger, more comprehensive approach would be to construct a long-term PR plan to achieve the goal of banning  Trump from some social media forms.    Write TWO or THREE PARAGRAPHS describing  your PR plan to achieve these goals far beyond the petition approach described above.  ALSO, write ANOTHER TWO OR THREE paragraphs describing what you would do for a client for the OPPOSITE  SIDE that wants Trump reinstated so he can  regain his First Amendment privileges.

In an additional last paragraph following your paragraphs that reveal your plans on BOTH SIDES, will be a reflective one (not necessary pro or con) addressing the limits of Trump’s First Amendment Rights.

Part II   Short Answer/ Identification. Select any ten. Worth three points each.

  1. The differences between Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising
  2. Public Opinion.
  3. Audience and Spectators as they differ from Publics
  4. Who was Edward Bernays’ Uncle and why is this important?
  5. What is the Thesis of Christopher Lasch’s article titled “Journalism, Publicity and the lost Art of Argument”?
  6. Name four publics who might be targeted in an internal employee communications program.
  7. Name four community publics who might be targeted in an external communications program.
  8. Define “Media Relations” and record the goal of Media Relations.
  9. List four criteria of professionalism.
  10. What is the relationship between lobbying and public relations? Also, in which venerated document is lobbying sanctioned?
  11. What is the name of the first female Presidential Press Secretary and what kind of public relations did Dr. Bird argue that she was attempting to do on The Late Show with David Letterman?
  12. What type of news approach, Dr. Bird argued, was present in the post 9/11 Fox news video clip, “Rudy the Rock”?
  13. List two kinds of public relations demonstrated in the FEDEX name change video clip. Name at least two targeted audiences.
  14. According to your text, what is the relationship of ancient pyramids and statues to public relations?
  15. What was the relationship between the consumer movement and Ralph Nadar to public relations?
  16. According to Dr. Bird, what did the press spokesman for Swissair do so well in regards to the   ensuing news coverage of the airline crash?
  17. (Directly from your reading)  A news release should contain only _________ information.  It should not be a thinly disguised advertisement for your organization.  A good news release has a ______   _____ ;  that is, journalsts and bloggers read it and quickly see that the information it contains is relevant to their readers, listeners or viewers.


Part III  T/F, MC   SELECT THE BEST OPTION FOR All. Worth two points each

  1. (T/F) Radio serves small, highly targeted audiences, which makes it an excellent advertising medium for many kinds of public relations, specialized products and services
  2. A prepared handout provided to reporters in electronic form, video or on paper by an organization to summarize the “official” version of an event or situations is
  3. Spot news Continuing news   c. News Release   d. Developing News


  1.  (T/F) Professional public relations practitioners are often people whose education and perhaps prior employment has been in a field in which writing and producing other forms of messages have been major focuses.
  2. (T/F) A public relations campaign is an organized way of communicating carefully designed messages with specific meanings to target audiences that are important to the client.
  3. The relationship between public relations and media is_______________: that is, depends on the other.a.)  symbiotic   b) problematic  c) entertaining  ) nonexistent
  4. The practice of influencing legislators to introduce or vote for measures favorable to the interests represented is called: a.  editorializing   b. lobbying    c. marketing   d. strategizing


7..  The use of messages designed to limit the negative consequences of some kind of crisis for a client is called:  a.  damage control    b. spin     c. massage   d. conceptualization


  1. (T/F) The political environment of the American media has two fundamental elements; 1) A guarantee of freedom of the press is clearly embodied in the US Constitution, and 2) that freedom is not absolute.


  1. (T/F) The term applied to publicly made, false, and defamatory oral statements about an individual is “libel.”


  1. (T/F) The First Amendment to the US Constitution requires the press to be fair and responsible.


  1. (T/F) News organizations that pay sources to give interviews are engaging in:
  2. misuse of identity b. sensationalism  c. exploitation  d. checkbook journalism


  1. . Why does slander differ from libel?
  2. Slander is a type of defamation that is spoken
  3. Libel is a type of defamation that is printed
  4. each of the above
  5. none of the above


  1. (T/F) Radio, television, cinema and the Internet enjoy just as much legal protection as print media.
  2. (T/F) Intellectual property refers to ideas that have commercial value, such as patents and software programs.
  3. The public relations practitioner serves as an ______ between the organization that he or she represents and between all of that organization’s publics.
  4. a) antagonist b) intermediary c) obstacle d) investigator


16  (T/F) Much of modern PR relies on digital communications, but PR still uses rhetoric, symbols and slogans as its tactics.

17 The most famous and successful of the 19th century press agents who created, promoted and exploited the careers of many celebrities was: John Filson  b) Harriet Beecher Stowe  c) Wild Bill Hickock  d) P.T. Barnum

18 The terms “Integrated Communications” or “Integrated Marketing Communications” are used to describe a) business integration   b) marketing agency integration  c) advertising public relations and marketing integration  d) consumer agency integration.

19  Which of the following can be attributed directly to technological transparency?

  1. The worldwide increase in computer networks.
  2. The expectations that what an organization does will not be viable to all interested parties
  3. Increasing the level of literacy
  4. The link between culture and economic structure

20  Although PR practitioners are expected to solve problems, _______ problems to avoid conflict or crisis has taken precedence.   a ) anticipating  b) concealing c)  communicating          d) integrating

21  When PR practitioners work with lawyers, it is often for the purpose of:  a ) increasingly being handled by accountants rather than PR practitioners  b) a PR activity that focuses exclusively on internal publics  c) primarily concerned with government communications  d)  a growing PR specialization that now deals in managing both reputation and risk.

22  Investor Relations for publicly owned companies is:  a) increasingly being handled by accountants rather than PR practitioners.   b) a PR activity that focuses exclusively on external publics c) primarily concerned with government communications   d) a growing PR specialization that now deals in managing both reputation and risk

23  (T/F) Dr. Bird argued in class that there were three distinct  reasons why Corporate Annual Reports were not Public Relations.

  1. When PR practitioners work with lawyers, it is often for the purpose of _______________. a)  covering up a negative curt case or legal settlement   b) presenting an organization’s position on a legal issue to publics   c) initialing a libel suit  d)  filing a claim against the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  2. Which of the following about minority practitioners is true? a) they are hired only by not-for-profit organizations   b) they often work for companies or firms that specialize in communicating with minority publics   c) their compensation is often equal or higher than that of white practitioners  d) they are more likely to report directly to the CEO than white practitioners.
  3. The concept that an organization’s advertising, promotions, media relations , employee communications, investor communications, and Internet presence will all be coordinated and focused on the organization’s positioning and mission statements is called a) integrated communications b) marketing c) cross-platform communication d) economic consolidation

27  To developing nations, globalization suggests synergy.  To underdeveloped or developing nations “globalization” implies   __________.  a) loss of indigenous  culture  b) paternalism  c) second colonization  d) all of the above

  1. The first step for formal research is to : a) obtain the data  b) develop the hypothesis  c) design the experiment d) define the problem.
  2. The final step in formal research is to ____________. a)  analyze the data  b) communicate the results  c) determine whether the hypothesis was supported  d) interpret the data
  3. If you won a contract with the Federal Government to construct a campaign to lessen the frequency of random shootings across the United States, what would you do first and second?


E.C. -1 During the semester we had three guest speakers.     Alexandra Gratereaux,  Norma Stanley and Colin DeVries.   One worked for various media and non-profit companies, the other created her own company, EEE Communications, and the last works for a large, non-profit health institution.  From which did you learn the most and why?

E.C. -2  List what you believe to be Seth Finn’s three most salient points in his chapter on Assessment for Media Writing.

E.C. -2   Who is the author of the  trade journal and reference books Dr. Bird cited as “The bible of NYC’s public relations”?


According to class lecture, what is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine? According to class lecture, what is the difference between advertising and public relations?

JOU 120 FINAL EXAM- multiple choice


Short Answer.  Instructions Briefly identify or define any twenty from the below forty  questions. Worth a potential of three points each. Telegraphic style is acceptable here.

  1. Mass Communications
  2. Digital Media
  3. According to class lecture, what is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?
  4. According to class lecture, what is the difference between advertising and public relations.
  5. Muckraking
  6. Libertarian Theory of the Press
  7. Helen Jewett and Rosina Townsen
  8. Philo T Farnsworth
  9. Jazz Journalism
  10. Defamation
  11. Social Responsibiity
  12. Objective Reporting
  13. The Importance of the First Amendment to this course.
  14. List four criteria of Newspaper Excellence in a Western nation.
  15. Marshall McLuhan
  16. Mathew Brady
  17.  Areopagitica
  18. James Gordon Bennett Sr.
  19. Al Jolson and his relevance to this class
  20. Cyberbullying
  21. Stereotype
  22. 1833
  23. Gemeinshaft and Gesellshaft
  24. Hypothesis
  25. Theory of Cognitive Dissonance
  26. Qualitative and Quantitative
  27. Joseph McCarthy and Eugene McCarthy
  28. Yellow Journalism
  29. Technological Determinism
  30. Edward R. Murrow
  31. Two separate dates that can be argued to be the start of mass communication
  32. The effects of broad media reporting of assassination and mall shootings, according to Bird
  33. John Hinckley and his relevance to this course
  34. James Gordon Bennett Sr.
  35. Prior Restraint
  36. Al Jolson
  37. George Gershwin and to which period does he belong?
  38. Louis Armstrong and to which period does he belong?
  39. Holography
  40. The Harlem Renaissance


Instructions:  Answer all the following multiple choice, true-false questions. You must indicate the numbers from which you choose.  And remember, “When you get there, there isn’t any there there.”  — G. Stein   Worth one point each.

  • Name the communication scholar who claimed that reading printed words has changed the way we think.
  1. Steve Jobs
  2. Michael Schudson
  3. George Gerbner
  4. Marshall Mcluhan
  • Unsolicited e-mail advertising us known as _________.
  1. Newsgroup
  2. Spam
  3. Junk ads
  4. None of the above
  • Which is a key feature of the open-source movement?
  1. Certain criteria must be met before users can access the information.
  2. Information is freely available to anyone so everyone can share in the benefits
  3. Information is freely available but users are required to contribute either monetarily or technologically.
  4. None of the above


  • Books are significant because they:
  1. Are easily thrown away
  2. Have little to do with society at large
  3. Transmit cultural heritage from one generation to the next.
  4. Enforce the status quo in a society
  5. Yellow journalism is a style of sensationalistic reporting that grew out of a late nineteenth century newspaper war fought between Pulitzer and Hearst.
  6. Four main characteristics of newspapers as a mass media form are:
  7. Portable, predictable, accessible, cost effective
  8. Unpredictable, inaccessible, cost effective, portable.
  9. Portable, predictable, inaccessible, expensive.
  10. Expensive, inaccessible, stationary, unpredictable.
  11. Newspapers are significant because they:
  12. Have been the gold standard for news and information, offering comprehensive, detailed coverage about almost everything
  13. Maintain links to the cultural heritage of past generations
  14. Enforce a society’s beliefs, values, and ideological structures in a comprehensive way
  15. All the above
  16. The significance of the John Peter Zenger trial was that it established an important principle. What is it?
  17. The press should be allowed to print lies
  18. The press should be allowed to criticize government
  19. The press should not be allowed freedom of expression
  20. The press should be used for monetary gain, not for the greater good
  21. Yellow journalism, or the practice of sensationalist reporting, grew out of a publishing war between which two publishers?
  22. Ochs and Hearst
  23. Greeley and Pulitzer
  24. Day and Greeley
  25. Hearst and Pulitzer
  26. Newspapers’ dual identity stems from a central conflict between news media’s traditional watchdog role and what?
  27. The interest of the community in maintaining the status quo
  28. The business interests of the corporation that owns the newspaper, which want newspapers to turn a profit
  29. The interests of big business and government in controlling news media messages
  30. Its need to keep pace with current development in politics.

11  Nineteenth century magazines delved into a variety of topics open for public debate, such as the Civil War and Women’s issues.

12  The term “newsmagazines” was coined in 1923 by the founders of ________Henry Luce and Britton Hadden.

  1. Newsweek
  2. Time
  3. McClures
  4. The Nation

13   A production code developed in the 1960s implemented a system to warm moviegoers about the content of films they were about to see. This system is called a ________system.

  1. Classification
  2. Restrictive
  3. Blockbuster
  4. Ratings

14   (T/F) Radio serves small, highly targeted audiences, which makes it an excellent advertising medium for many kinds of specialized products and services.


15  The man credited as inventing the broadcasting network system was _______.

  1. David Sarnoff
  2. Guglielmo Marconi
  3. William S. Paley
  4. Edward R. Murrow

16  What do experts predict about the future of radio in a digital revolution?

  1. Radio will decline until it is only being heard on the Web.
  2. Radio will never use the digital technologists, and therefore, will be gone from the airwaves by the mid-twenty-first century.
  3. Radio is a viable, flexible medium that will continue to readjust itself to suit the needs of its audience.
  4. The proliferation of shock jocks and other distasteful programming will 37 The first patented electronic television was developed by:

17   (T/F) The basic idea behind inverted pyramid style is that the most important information in a story should appear first.

18   (T/F)  The reporters who broke the Watergate story were Woodwork and Silverstein.

19   (T/F)  The agenda-setting theory of media can be summed up as the press’ ability to highlight issues of importance to the public and the press in such a way as to influence the policy-making agendas of leaders and legislators is called agenda-setting theory.


20   A prepared handout provided to reporters in electronic form, video or on paper by an organization to summarize the “official” version of an event or situations is a __________.

  1. Spot news Continuing News  c. News Release   d. Developing News

21    ____________media are probably the best expressions of popular culture:

  1. Social News Public Affais   c. News   d. Entertainment

22   (T/F) A public relations campaign is an organized way of communicating carefully designed messages with specific meanings to target audiences that are important to the client.


23  The relationship between public relations and media is_______________:  that is, each depends on the other.   a. Symbolic  b. problematic  c. entertaining  d. nonexistent


24   The practice of influencing legislators to introduce or vote for measures favorable to the interests represented is called:

  1. editorializing b. lobbying  c. marketing  d. strategizing


25   (T/F) The political environment of the American media has two fundamental elements;  1) A guarantee of freedon of the press is clearly embodied in the US Constitution, and 2) that freedom is not absolute.


26   (T/F) The First Amendment to the US Constitution requires the press to be fair and responsible.


27   Why does slander differ from libel?

  1. Slander is a type of defamination that is spoken*
  2. Slander is an attack on a person’s character
  3. Libel damages property
  4. none of the above


  1. What was one great achievement of the Radio Act of 1927?
  2. The Federal Radio Commission was created
  3. Radio was established as a key mass communication medium
  4. It organized radio stations around the country
  5. none of the above


  1. What are the principal duties of the FCC?
  2. Allocating new broadcast radio and television stations and renewing licenses of existing stations
  3. Raising funds for small broadcasters
  4. maintaining good relations with broadcasters worldwide
  5. none of the above


  1. (T/F) Radio, television, cinema and the Internet enjoy just as much protection as print media.




EC – 1 Cite the four musical forms that uniquely are an American contribution according to lecture.

EC –  2 What is the name of the author of your text and where does that author teach?

EC-    3 When the New York Herald moved uptown, (midtown now) where did it go?

EC –  4  Michael Parenti says that “Audiences usually do some perceptual editing when watching a movie or TV program, projecting their own viewpoint upon the performance.”  What communication theory does this support?

EC — 5   Who was Ruth Snyder and how and why did she die?

EC – 6  Dr. Bird spoke concerning the relationships/commonality among American assassins.  What was that relationship?  And, which communications theory would Bird’s argument support?

EC –  7  You were given the link to the journalism history major events produced at the University of Kansas.  This link was sent to you to study.   It was organized by decades.  Which decades?

EC –  8  When apprehended by an Oklahoma deputy sheriff,  Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh was wearing a T-shirt with writing on it to commemorate  another assassin.  Who was the victim and what did the shirt say?

EC – 9  According to Dr. Bird the name of Marshall McLuhen’s book that nearly all college undergraduates where reading in the mid 1960s was Understanding Media. However, Bird quoted from a 1951 book of McLuhan that mentions prisoners looking at the news about their pending deaths. The First word in the book title was “Mechanical.” What was the second?____

EC  – 10   Who are Leslie Gore and Helen Reddy and how are they relevant to this course?

EC  – 11   Ten years ago, what kind of media were Adam Lanza, a victim of obsessinve/compulsive disorder and Asperger syndrome,watching the week before he shot and killed 26 people at Sandy Hook School in Newtown, CN?

EC – 12  Just before his execution, what kind of media was Ted Bundy watching that  he    blamed for the reason of slaughtering dozens of women?

EC –  13   Lyrics from ShowBoat and South Pacific were played in class to Illustrate what about Art and Social Change?

EC – 14  Stephen Sondheim’s musical The Assassins concludes with “Another National  Antheum.” Here are the lyrics.  Identify the narrator, define what the prize is, and also explain how the instructor linked this into the course materials


Well, there’s another national anthem,
And I think it just began
In the ball park.
Listen hard…
Like the other national anthem
Say to each and every fan:
If you can’t do what you want to,
Then you do the things you can.
You’ve got to try again!
Like they say,
You’ve go to keep on trying
Every day
Until you get a prize..

Discuss how data creates information in the EHR so that it can be shared. Discuss how patient health information is protected in the cloud.

Health Information Exchange

Create a PowerPoint presentation that reviews four articles written in the last five (5) years on sharing patient information in a cloud-based Health Information Exchange (HIE) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Your presentation should cover the following concepts:

  • Discuss how data creates information in the EHR so that it can be shared.
  • Discuss how patient health information is protected in the cloud.
  • Evaluate how health information systems help healthcare organizations to provide increased access to healthcare.
  • Discuss how informatics support the use of information systems and technology to improve the way work is done in the healthcare setting.
  • Discuss how leaders engage their staff so that the information systems meet their daily work needs.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the cloud-based HIE.
  • Provide recommendations to improve workflows and processes in an information system.
  • Provide your conclusions.

Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Be 12-13 slides in length, not including the title or reference slides.
  • Be formatted according to Saudi Electronic University and APA writing guidelines.
  • Provide support for your statements with citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles. These citations should be listed in the Notes section of the slide in which they appear. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but four must be external.
  • Each slide must provide detailed speaker’s notes to support the slide content. These should be a minimum of 100 words long (per slide) and must be a part of the presentation. The presentation cannot be submitted in PDF format, which does not make notes visible to the instructor. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials.
  • add graphics
  • Utilize the following headings to organize the content in your presentation:
  • -introduction then
    • Data Creates Information in the EHR
    • Protecting Health Information in the Cloud
    • Increasing Access to Health Care
    • Informatics to Improve Processes
    • Leadership Support
    • Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud-Based HIE
    • Recommendations
    • Conclusion


What was the thesis of Marshall McLuhan’s The Mechanical Bride published in 1952 and which pages did Dr. Bird discuss in class? List three examples of press control and First Amendment limitations.

Multiple Choice Quiz

 Part II.   Instructions:  Succinctly define any thirty of the following thirty-four   terms/queries.  Telegraphic style is acceptable and do not write mini-essays! Everything must be recorded in your blue book! (Worth a maximum of two  points each for a maximum of 60 points.) 

  1. (T/F)The art of mass communication is much more difficult than that of face-to-face communication.
  2. (T/F) In research language, the communicator is known as the decoder.
  3. (T/F) Direct mail circulars can be considered to be part of the mass media.
  4. (T/F) Feedback is a term used to describe reactions between audience members exclusively.
  5. (T/F) The “typical” person is likely to be affected more strongly by the mass media than by social pressures, group associations, and the attitude of opinion leaders.
  6. (T/F) The Constitution of United States guarantees the freedom of the press but does not define responsibility of the press.
  7. (T/F) John Gutenberg introduced the editorial to the Western world.
  8. (T/F) Prior restraint means licensing or censorship before a message can be transmitted through mass media.
  9. (T/F) The Chinese invented the printing press, the kite, gunpowder and the compass before the West did.
  10. Your professor said that if he were limited to one word to describe New  Media, what one word would he use?    ______________
  11. According to lecture, what is Daniel Boorstin’s human pseudo-event?
  12. Fourth Amendment
  13. Fourth Estate
  14. The Difference Between Communications and Mass Communications
  15. List Four Theories of the Press; Which Category Are We In Now?
  16. What was the overarching thesis of the Megan’s Law lecture? (Hint – It has something to do with process.)
  17.  What was the single world that Thomas Kuhn was named for.
  18.  Who was Fritz Kuhn? (Hint, 1930 at MSG)
  19. Audience Noise  — provide two examples
  20. “Gemeinshaft” and “Gesellshaft.” 1833
  21. Magna Carta and its meaning
  22. Martin Luther
  23.  Martin Luther King, Jr.
  24. Penny Press
  25. To which theoretical school does Marshall Mcluhan belong?
  26. Hypothesis
  27. Gemeinshaft and Gesellshaft
  28. Specifically identify what the new form of American government was called directly following the American  Revolution.
  29.  List one of the Four Tentative Propositions of the Freedom of the Press.
  30. To what school or theory does George Gerbner belong?
  31. List the top five inventions in “The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel, according to Atlantic Magazine.
  32. Regarding N.R. Kleinfeld’s October 4, 1995 New York Times  article titled “The Country Stopped.”   Why did it stop?
  33. For what reason was Steven Salita denied the faculty position at  University of Illinois that had been promised to him when he left Virginia   Tech?


Part III  Instructions.      Briefly any twenty of the following twenty-two questions.  Be succinct.  Clearly indicate which options you select, but do not rewrite the questions. Telegraphic style (condensed sentences without verbs) is acceptable here.  (Worth a potential of two points each, for a possible combined total of 40 points.)

Which of the following is most true? Television is a (an):

  • a) Medium
  • b) media
  • c) interpersonal means of exchange

Which started in New York City in 1833?

  • a) Magna Carta
  • b) Martin Luther
  • c) Martin Luther King
  • d) Penny Press
  • e) First Amendment

What was the thesis of Marshall McLuhan’s The Mechanical Bride published in 1952 and which pages did Dr. Bird discuss in class?

List three examples of press control and First Amendment limitations.

( T/F)  Feedback is a sender’s communication directly to the audience that indicates whether the message is getting through.

(T/F) The Industrial Revolution followed the Information Age which began  in the late 1880s.

(T/F)  In the first stage of mass communications intended meanings are decoded by production specialists, such as a news team, a film company, magazine staff, or a digital media team.

(Multiple Choice)  Which of the following developed an early model concerning the Accuracy Principal?

  • A.) Bird and Dennis
  • B.) Carey and Goldstein
  • C.) Weaver and Shannon
  • D.) McLuhan and Lacey         
  • E.) Ferrari and Iacullo 


  1. Which below is not true?  Most professional communicators tend to assume  that the majority in their audiences:

A) Has a limited attention span

B)  Prefers to be entertained rather than enlightened

C) Quickly loses interest in any subject that makes intellectual  demands

D) Is not multi-tasking at the same time.

E) All the above


  1. (T/F) For the most part, our society has defined mass communications as part of the private enterprise system and organizations that has the goal of making money for the owners.


  1.  (T/F)  The institutions of today’s communication media, sometimes called the “mass media” or “mass communication” are more economically stable than ever before.


  1. (T/F) The Digital Revolution is regarded by your readings and instructors as a transformation as important in human history as the invention of the printing press and moveable type.


  1. (T/F)  The content of social networking sites, like YouTube or  Facebook, as well as search engines like Google, Yahoo and Ask.com, are relatively stable and slow to change.


  1.    (MC) Which one of the following is not a contribution of media function by media  scholar Harold D. Lasswell in the 1940s

A.) Implementation of Marshall McLuhan’s Global Village

B.) Surveillance of the environment

C.) Correlation of the parts of society responding to the environment

D.) Transmission of the social heritage from one generation to another


  1. (T/F) Correlation of the parts of society, environmental surveillance, and social heritage transmission from one generation to another were media functions first proposed in the 1940s by which scholar?

A.) Melvin DeFleur

B.) Sherm Robbins

C.) David Sarnoff

D.) Harold Lasswell

E.) Al Wieboldt


  1. (T/F)  The Robbins and Reis Multi-Step Flow Theory states that the mass media, along  with other industries in Western societies, follow a deliberate policy designed by powerful economic and political interests to transform and dominate the cultures of other people.


  1. (T/F)  Dr. Bird argued that, ironically, Harvard’s Sherman Robbins, who holds the DeWitt Clinton Chair of International Studies, coined the term “global village” and also ghost wrote Hillary Clinton’s book It Takes A Village To Raise A Child. 



  1. (MC)  In Lasswell’s outline for organizing research, answering the “who?” question would focus on

A.) the various media.

B.) message content.

C.) professional communicators.

D.) the audience.


  1. (MC)  The magic bullet theory implied that the media had

A.)  indirect but powerful effects on those who attend to them.

B.)  direct but not very powerful effects on those who attend to them.

C.)  direct, non-uniform and powerful effects on those who attend them.

D.) direct, immediate and powerful effects of a uniform nature on those who attend to them.



  1. (MC)  Which of the following are considered demographic characteristics?

A.) Age

B.) Race

C.) Gender

D.) All the Above



  1. (MC) The “gentrification” of a neighborhood means the

A.) upgrading of homes.

B.) de facto segregation of neighborhoods.

C.) use of land covenants to prevent minorities from owning certain properties.

D.) movement of older citizens into neighborhood formerly populated by younger people


  1. Complete the Obituary Headline: “Earl L. Butz, Secretary of Agriculture felled by a __________remark, is dead at 98.”


Extra Credit:

EC- 1  Complete the following:    “ ….establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to ______ ________  ______  ________.

EC – 2  What is now directly across the street where Megan Kanka lived in Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey?

EC –  3  Fill in the two blanks.  From a CNN news story (and Bird), “Wisdom is found in our  heritage, not in our ____ _____ .

EC – 4  (T/F)  Suicide victim and Rutgers student  Tyler Clementi  jumped off the Bayonne Bridge.

EC – 5  Carl Jung; archetype

EC – 6   What type of crime did the Kefauver hearings investigate from 1950-1951? Dr. Bird used his as an example of what?  (Hint: an estimated 32 million people watched these hearings in March 1951 and 72 per cent of  the American public was familiar with them.)

What are the major ideas addressed in the article/purpose of the article? What are the gaps in knowledge or understanding of this topic/phenomenon? How does the research being reported fill gaps in our knowledge/ or understanding of this topic/phenomenon? What niche does this work fill?

Mental Health and Exercise

Read the following article after reading the assignment Critically Analyze Journal Articles, and write a short paper responding to the below questions. The paper is informal, meaning type the question and then the response. It is for me to see that you are able to analyze articles correctly for a later assignment.

Each group will answer the following questions:

  • What are the major ideas addressed in the article/purpose of the article?
  • What are the gaps in knowledge or understanding of this topic/phenomenon?
  • How does the research being reported fill gaps in our knowledge/ or understanding of this topic/phenomenon? What niche does this work fill?
  • How do the results relate to the predictions/hypotheses set out in the introduction (i.e., are they supported or not)?
  • What are the implications of the findings (what do they tell us about theory, research, or real-life concerns)?


Describe why support materials are important in creating a speech. Detail the reasons for using support materials. Explain the types of support materials.

Supporting your ideas

Write a paper based on the Readings and Resources. Using references and citations from the readings, address the following:

1. Describe why support materials are important in creating a speech.
2. Detail the reasons for using support materials.
3. Explain the types of support materials.
4. Can any source of information be used? What makes a source authoritative or expert?
5. What must speakers use to make vivid images successful?

Written in APA style, your paper should use a 12-point font, be double spaced, and be at least five pages long.

  • https://study.com/academy/lesson/types-of-supporting-materials.html
  • https://libguides.lamar.edu/c.php?g=369207&p=2495265