Analyze the relationships among culture, diversity, and self by investigating their influence on one’s discipline of study or chosen profession. Explain how issues of diversity affect modern societies in both personal and professional contexts.

Critical Analysis Portfolio

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Analyze the relationships among culture, diversity, and self by investigating their influence on one’s discipline of study or chosen profession

 Integrate interdisciplinary approaches for determining how issues of diversity affect modern societies in both personal and professional contexts

 Recommend strategies for overcoming obstacles in diversity to meet personal and professional goals

 Assess the challenges of overcoming issues in diversity through the incorporation of diverse perspectives and viewpoints informed by relevant literature and peer experiences.

Write a short essay containing four or five paragraphs, about the Five Good Emperors. Who they were, when they came to power, what they did for (or to) Rome, and what influences they had on the development, growth, economics, military, and society of the Roman Empire.

Five Good Emperors

Write a short essay containing four or five paragraphs, about the Five Good Emperors. Who they were, when they came to power, what they did for (or to) Rome, and what influences they had on the development, growth, economics, military, and society of the Roman Empire.

Believe it or not, this can be done in one page, and you’ll wonder how you’re going to fill out the last part of the paper! It’s a lot easier than it seems, based on what I’m asking above. Remember, the hard part isn’t in the writing, it is in the editing. There’s so much information about these guys that you’re going to have to focus on getting the most important parts into the paper, and leaving the unimportant parts out. You should already have your copy of the Assignment Specifications handy, so you’ve got half the battle won.

What’s the “rule of law” vis “rule by law”? What legal changes have taken place in post-Mao China? To what extent such changes have affected the nature of the legal system? Has post-Mao China established “rule of law”? Why?

Chinese History

1. Discuss how these factors, such as Confucian culture, a century of foreign invasions and historical trauma, influence of the Russian communist revolution, Marxist-Leninist ideological totalism, and the May 4th Movement, contribute to the rise of communism in modern China?

2. Chinese political development has demonstrated a pattern dominated by power, ideology, and organization. What are the nature and characteristics of power, ideology, and organization in traditional China (under imperial rule) and contemporary China (under the CCP rule)? In this essay, you are asked to compare and contrast similarities and differences in power, ideology, and organization between traditional China and contemporary China, i.e., imperial power vs. totalitarian power, Confucianism vs. Communism, bureaucratic state vs. Leninist party state.

3. Since the late 1970s, some considerable changes have taken place in post-Mao China. Has the post-Mao regime moved away from communist state or continued to retain the hard core of ideas and institutions of communist state. In other words, is it change of regime or change within the regime? Your work must first briefly define the Leninist party-state, and change of regime vs. change within the regime, which is used as the basic criteria for evaluation, and show careful development of your logical arguments, using clearly defined theoretical criteria of communist party state as the reference points for the evaluation and drawing upon empirical evidence from the textbook chapters to support your arguments. Your analysis must be conducted along two major empirical dimensions of China’s political development: ideological and political (do not talk about economy, society, culture, etc. but only on the ideology and political institutions)

4. What’s the “rule of law” vis “rule by law”? What legal changes have taken place in post-Mao China? To what extent such changes have affected the nature of the legal system? Has post-Mao China established “rule of law”? Why?

Please answer each of the sub-questions

Please only use the source provided

Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioral expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

E-portfolio and SWOT analysis

Understand the importance of a reflective approach to learning within Business and Management discipline;

Demonstrate an ability to use feedback and feed forward as an integral to inform and improve future formative and summative assessed work;

Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioral expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.

This assignment requires you to demonstrate what you have learnt from the module, how your learning will impact further studies and future careers and create SMART objectives to action the learning that has taken place with regards to reflective learning, use of formative feedback, future implications, action plans and SWOT analysis relating to student and produce E-Portfolio.

Compare and contrast two psychological theories relating to Human Growth and Development.

Human Growth and Development

How human beings grow and change over their lives – emotionally, psychologically and intellectually; and

How social behaviour and experience can be understood through psychological and psychosocial theories, to the benefit of the practice of social and community practitioners, relational practitioners, and youth workers.

2500 words with citiations with the references.

The title of the essay is:

“Compare and contrast two psychological theories relating to Human Growth and Development”

assignment written in 3rd person.

What were the issues that might be raised about personal and professional values that were relevant to you or the social worker in the scenario?

You are asked to write an essay about the case study below. In your writing you need to show your ideas about the following:

• Reflection on your own experience and practice, and how this would inform your work with the family in the case study.

• The integration of any knowledge or theory that was, or could have been, used to inform practice.

• Your understanding of the skills that social workers need to develop and use to meet the needs of the family and work with them in an effective way.

• Your understanding of the social worker’s role in relation to this family, applying what you have learned from the module in an analytical way.

• What were the issues that might be raised about personal and professional values that were relevant to you or the social worker in the scenario?

• Include one screenshot showing something that you think has helped you consider the issues in the case study, for example, a website or web page.

Demonstrate an understanding of the main argument of the specific reading under review and put forth a coherent argument that engages with some of the key theoretical strengths

Critical Reflection: Indigenous Rights and Sovereignty

The reflection essay must provide an analysis/assessment of Shaw, Karena. 2004. “Creating/Negotiating Interstices: Indigenous Sovereignties.” In Sovereign

Lives: Power in Global Politics, edited by Jenny Edkins, Véronique Pin-Fat and Michael J. Shapiro, 165-87: New York: Routledge.*** no other external sources***

Demonstrate an understanding of the main argument of the specific reading under review and put forth a coherent argument that engages with some of the key theoretical strengths, weaknesses and the significance of the arguments presented in the reading for the specific week’s topic and theme of globalization, human rights and Indigenous Rights and Sovereignty .

Refer to specific parts of the reading in the analysis and should include proper in-text citations when doing so (Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date).

Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioral expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

E-portfolio and SWOT analysis

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
Understand the importance of a reflective approach to learning within Business and Management discipline;

Demonstrate an ability to use feedback and feed forward as an integral to inform and improve future formative and summative assessed work;

Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioral expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.

What innovations are possible using contemporary technologies to make democratic governments work better? Explain.

What innovations are possible using contemporary technologies to make democratic governments work better? Explain.

Discuss the design you have chosen, talking about the benefits and challenges/drawbacks.

Essay/report describing the key survey features

Describe and justify your sampling design.
o What are your options, considering your target population?

o Which sampling frames are available to you, and how will you access these?

o If there is no existing sampling frame, how will you draw and recruit your sample?

– Discuss the design you have chosen, talking about the benefits and challenges/drawbacks. Make it clear why you have chosen this instead of any alternatives.

Remember, you do not need to give a textbook definition of any sampling designs.

The marker will be able to see how well you understand them, from your discussion of why you have chosen your sampling design.